984 resultados para Colegio Santo Tomas de Villanueva (Valencia)-Reglamentos-S.XVIII
O processamento de linguagem natural e as ontologias são ferramentas cuja interação permite uma melhor compreensão dos dados armazenados. Este trabalho, ao associar estas duas áreas aos elementos disponíveis numa base de dados prosopográfica, tornou possível identificar e classificar relacionamentos entre setores de ocupação na forma como eram designados na época, setores de atividade num formato mais próximo do de hoje e o estatuto social que essas incumbências tinham na sociedade coeva. Os dados utilizados são sobretudo de membros do Santo Ofício – do século XVI ao século XVIII. Para atingir este objetivo utilizaram-se algumas descrições textuais de ocorrências da época e outras pouco estruturadas, disponíveis no repositório SPARES. A aplicação de processamento de linguagem natural (remoção de stopwords e aplicação de stemming), conjugada com a construção de duas ontologias, tornou possível classificar esses dados, permitindo consultas mais eficazes. Ao contribuir para a classificação automática de dados históricos, propõem-se metodologias que podem ser aplicadas em dados de qualquer outra área do conhecimento, especialmente as que lidam com as variáveis de tempo e espaço de forma mais intensa; Abstract: OntoSPARES: from natural language to ontologies Contributions to the automatic classification of historical data (16th-18th centuries) The interaction between the natural language processing and ontologies are tools allowing a better understanding of the data stored. This work, by combining these two areas to the elements available in a prosopographic database, has made possible to identify and classify relationships between occupations of many individuals (in general Holy Office members of the 16th-18th centuries). To achieve this goal the data used was gathered in SPARES repository, including some textual descriptions of the time occurrences. They are all few structured. The application of natural language processing (stopwords removal and stemming application), combined with the construction of two ontologies, made possible to classify those data, allowing a more effective search. By contributing to the automatic classification of historical data, this thesis proposes methodologies that can be applied to data from any other field of knowledge, specially data dealing with time and space variables.
Vida, y milagros del ilustrmo... Tomas de Villanueua arçobispo de Valencia, del Orden de San Agustin
Front. calc.: " J. F. Jansen F." con fecha de pie de imp. 1651
La cabecera del tít. del Real Despacho de Sevilla de 18 de mayo de 1731 de Madrid de 7 de febrero de 1765 cambia: "Colegio de Escrivanos" que dice en port. por "Colegio de Notarios"
Sign.: [A]-D4, E2
La comunidad del Colegio y la Universidad de Santo Tomás pide al rector del Colegio Mayor del Rosario copias de los actos conclusiones de la mañana y la tarde, que sirvan para la celebración y protocolos de sus actos literarios que solían presentar con la concurrencia de la Compañía de Jesús.
Nombramiento de beca en el Colegio Mayor del Rosario a favor de José Villanueva, natural de la ciudad de Ibagué. Beca otorgada por el virrey de la Nueva Granada y Arzobispo de Santafé Antonio Caballero y Góngora.
Describir la situaci??n geogr??fica social y pol??tica de Matar??, sede del Colegio y la estructura del edificio con sus aleda??os. Ofrecer la biograf??a de sus fundadores para conocer el esp??ritu con que nace el colegio. Y revivir la vida colegial o estructura interna a trav??s de sus reglementos. Estudiar las relaciones del Colegio de los Escolapios y Maristas y la entrega a ??stos del Colegio de Valldemia. El Colegio de Valldemia fue el primero en muchos aspectos, lo cual le hace ??nico en Espa??a y Europa. El Colegio de Valldemia fue una realidad educativa nacida del esp??ritu de hombres cuya vida estuvo impregnada de una gran preocupaci??n por la docencia. Su fin primario fue la educaci??n de nobles. El edificio situado a las afueras de la ciudad con toda clase de comodidades resultaba perfectamente adaptado a las necesidades de los educandos. Se distingui?? por la competencia del profesorado y el buen funcionamiento de los reglamentos. Fue el primero en Espa??a que puso en contacto familia-colegio a trav??s de un ??rgano de comunicaci??n como fue el Bolet??n del Colegio.
Crónica de la inauguración, en el día de Santo Tomás de Aquino Patrono de los Estudiantes, del Colegio Mayor Hispanoamericano 'Hernán Cortés' que tendrá una capacidad para ochenta alumnos además de los diez profesores que vivirán en régimen de internado. Se transcribe parte del discurso pronunciado por Ministro de Educación Nacional, señor Ibáñez Martín. Se ofrece una descripción de las instalaciones y estancias que componen el nuevo Colegio.
One of the more aspects that have shaped the landscape is the human impact. The human impact has the clearest indicator of the density of settlements in a particular geographic region. In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Kingdom of Valencia, Spain Geographic Atlas (AGE) of Tomas Lopez (1788), and their correspondence with the current ones. To meet this goal we have developed a specific methodology, the systematic study of all existing settlements in historical cartography. This will determine which have disappeared and which have been renamed. The material used has been the historical cartography of Tomas Lopez, part of the AGE (1789), the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), sheets numbers (78, 79, 80 and 81); Current mapping of the provinces of Alicante, Valencia, Castellon, Teruel, Tattagona and Cuenca; As main software ArcGis V.9.3. The steps followed in the methodology are as follows: 1. Check the scale of the maps. Analyze the possible use of a spherical earth model. 2. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 3 Digitize of all population settlements or cities. 4 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 5. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 6. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps, i.e. the linear distance between the points of both maps. 7 draw in the GIS, the settlements without correspondence, in the current coordinates, and with a circle of mean error of the sheet, in order to locate their current location. If there are actual settlements exist within this circle, they are candidates to be the searched settlements. We analyzed more than 2000 settlements represented in the Atlas of Tomas Lopez of the Kingdom of Valencia (1789), of which almost 14.5% have no correspondence with the existing settlements. The rural landscape evolution of the Valencia, oldest kingdom of Valencia, one can say that can be severely affected by the anthropization suffered in the period from 1789 to the present, since 70% of existing settlements actually have appeared after Tomas Lopez¿s cartography, dated on 1789
Según Serrano Morales, en la imprenta del Molino de Rovella en 1713 trabajaba el impresor Juan González
T.I: [6], 536, [4] p. -- t. II: 241, 607, [4] p., [5] h. pleg. de map. y plan