922 resultados para Cold-formed steel shapes


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The intermittently rivet fastened Rectangular Hollow Flange Channel Beam (RHFCB) is a new cold-formed hollow section proposed as an alternative to welded hollow flange beams. Many experimental and numerical studies have been carried out in the past to investigate the shear behaviour of lipped channel beams. However, no research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour of rivet fastened RHFCBs. Therefore experimental and numerical studies were undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of rivet fastened RHFCBs. In this research finite element models of rivet fastened RHFCBs were developed to investigate their nonlinear shear behaviour including their buckling characteristics and ultimate shear strength. This paper presents the details of the finite element models of rivet fastened RHFCBs and the results. Both finite element analysis and experimental results showed that the current design rules are very conservative for the shear design of rivet fastened RHFCBs. Appropriate improvements have been proposed for the design rules of shear strength of rivet fastened RHFCBs within the Direct Strength Method format.


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O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de DIPRE, Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio, do 2.º ano de Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, do ramo de estruturas, tendo como principal foco, a análise e dimensionamento de madres de aço enformado a frio e sua utilização com painéis do tipo sandwich em coberturas. Seções enformadas a frio são cada vez mais utilizadas em construções modernas, especificamente como estrutura secundária em coberturas, onde geralmente são fixas a painéis através de ligações aparafusadas. A presença de painéis e fixações através de parafusos permitem a estabilização lateral e torsional de madres aumentando desta forma a capacidade resistente, mas por serem elementos estruturais de espessura reduzida, os enformados a frio são suscetíveis a fenómenos de instabilidade associados. Desta forma, a norma EN 1993-1-3 [4] permite a análise e dimensionamento deste tipo de elementos através das disposições regulamentares preconizadas nas partes 1-1 [3] e 1-5 [5] da mesma norma. Num primeiro estudo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo o dimensionamento e verificação de segurança de elementos enformados a frio com base na seção efetiva determinada com o auxílio das normas EN 1993-1-1 (regras gerais) e EN 1993-1-5 (regras para elementos estruturais constituídos por placas). Numa segunda fase, este trabalho pretende apresentar um estudo do comportamento de interação entre os sistemas madres-painéis. Para tal, são quantificadas as rigidezes das conexões dos sistemas e dos painéis para se realizarem a análise relativamente à restrição lateral e restrição torsional de madres. Neste contexto, concluiu-se que os painéis, quando fixos de forma adequada às madres, contribuem para a estabilidade.


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Cold-formed steel members are subject to failure caused by buckling, normally under loads smaller than those corresponding to partial or total yielding of the cross section. The buckling of members in bending can be classified as local or global, and the occurrence of one or the other type is expected by the members' geometric characteristics and by the constraints and load conditions. One of the local instability modes that can characterize a member's failure is distortional buckling of the cross section occurring on its own plane and involving lateral displacements and rotations. This paper presents and discusses the procedures and results obtained from experimental tests of cold-formed steel members under bending. Forty-eight beams were carried out on members in simple lipped channel, in pairs, with 6-meter spans and loads applied by concentrated forces at every 1/3 of the span. The thickness, width and dimensions, of the stiffeners were chosen so that the instability by distortion buckling of the cross section was the principal failure mode expected. The experimental results are compared with the obtained results by using the direct strength method.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato una riformulazione teorica, una modellazione numerica e una serie di applicazioni della Generalized Beam Theory per lo studio dei profili in parete sottile con particolare riguardo ai profili in acciaio formati a freddo. In particolare, in questo lavoro è proposta una riscrittura della cinematica GBT che introduce in una forma originale la deformabilità a taglio della sezione. Tale formulazione consente di conservare il formato della GBT classica e introducendo uno spostamento di warping variabile lungo lo spessore della generica parete della sezione trasversale, garantisce perfetta coerenza tra la componente flessionale e tagliante della trave. E' mostrato, come tale riscrittura consente in maniera agevole di ricondursi alle teorie classiche di trave, anche deformabili a taglio. Inoltre, in tale contesto, è stata messa a punto una procedura di ricostruzione dello sforzo tridimensionale in grado ricostruire la parte reattiva delle componenti di tensioni dovuta al vincolamento interno proprio di un modello a cinematica ridotta. Sulla base di tali strumenti, è stato quindi proposto un approccio progettuale dedicato ai profili in classe 4, definito ESA (Embedded Stability Analysis), in grado di svolgere le verifiche coerentemente con quanto prescritto dalle normative vigenti. Viene infine presentata una procedura numerica per la progettazione di sistemi di copertura formati a freddo. Tale procedura permette di effettuare in pochi semplici passi il progetto dell'arcareccio e dei dettagli costruttivi relativi alla copertura.


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Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo teórico-experimental sobre a instabilidade de perfis formados a frio submetidos à flexão. A instabilidade distorcional se faz comum na presença de tensões de compressão atuando sobre perfis enrijecidos e fabricados com aços de elevada resistência mecânica. A parte teórica abrange os métodos de cálculo analíticos e numéricos para a análise de instabilidade distorcional de perfis de seção aberta formados a frio. Na parte experimental inclui-se o estudo de perfis formados a frio com seções do tipo U enrijecidos submetidos aos ensaios à flexão. Nestes ensaios variou-se a altura de alma e espessura de chapa procurando-se abranger maior número de condições geométricas para análise da estabilidade distorcional. Inclui-se também a análise de instabilidade numérica dos perfis do programa experimental através do método de resistência direta via método das faixas finitas. Com base nos resultados experimentais, numéricos e na análise teórica do problema, verificou-se o procedimento adotado pela NBR14762/2001 e efetuou-se comparação entre curvas de resistência propostas para o dimensionamento de perfis formados a frio à flexão. Foi verificado que o fenômeno de instabilidade distorcional pode ser o estado limite último crítico para o dimensionamento dos perfis formados a frio.


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Para o projeto de estruturas com perfis de aço formados a frio, é fundamental a compreensão dos fenômenos da instabilidade local e global, uma vez que estes apresentam alta esbeltez e baixa rigidez à torção. A determinação do carregamento crítico e a identificação do modo de instabilidade contribuem para o entendimento do comportamento dessas estruturas. Este trabalho avalia três metodologias para a análise linear de estabilidade de perfis de aço formados a frio isolados, com o objetivo de determinar os carregamentos críticos elásticos de bifurcação e os modos de instabilidade associados. Estritamente, analisa-se perfis de seção U enrijecido e Z enrijecido isolados, de diversos comprimentos e diferentes condições de vinculação e carregamento. Determinam-se os carregamentos críticos elásticos de bifurcação e os modos de instabilidade globais e locais por meio de: (i) análise com o Método das Faixas Finitas (MFF), através do uso do programa computacional CUFSM; (ii) análise com elementos finitos de barra baseados na Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (MEF-GBT), via uso do programa GBTUL; e (iii) análise com elementos finitos de casca (MEF-cascas) por meio do uso do programa ABAQUS. Algumas restrições e ressalvas com relação ao uso do MFF são apresentadas, assim como limitações da Teoria Generalizada de Viga e precauções a serem tomadas nos modelos de cascas. Analisa-se também a influência do grau de discretização da seção transversal. No entanto, não é feita avaliação em relação aos procedimentos normativos e tampouco análises não lineares, considerando as imperfeições geométricas iniciais, tensões residuais e o comportamento elastoplástico do material.


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Detailed procedure for second-order analysis has been coded in the newest Eurocode 3 and the Hong Kong steel code (2005). The effective length method has been noted to be inapplicable to analysis of shallow domes of imperfect members exhibiting snap-through buckling, to portals with leaning columns and others. On the other hand, the advanced analysis is not limited to buckling design of these structures. This paper demonstrates its application to the design of a simple plane sway portal and a three diminsional non-sway steel building. The results by the advanced analysis and the first-order linear analysis are compared and the technique for practical second-order analysis steel structures is described. It is observed that the use of a straight element by itself cannot model the buckling resistance of columns governed by different buckling curves for hot-rolled and cold-formed sections of various shapes like I, H, hollow etc. Also the curvature of the conventional cubic Hermite element is not varied by the external axial force and thus it cannot simulate the response of a buckling column. Thus its use for second-order analysis is basically unacceptable. A technique for additional checking of beams undergoing lateral-torsional buckling is also suggested making the advanced analysis a complete design tool for conventional steel frames.


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The buckling strength of a new cold-formed hollow flange channel section known as LiteSteel beam (LSB) is governed by lateral distortional buckling characterised by simultaneous lateral deflection, twist and web distortion for its intermediate spans. Recent research has developed a modified elastic lateral buckling moment equation to allow for lateral distortional buckling effects. However, it is limited to a uniform moment distribution condition that rarely exists in practice. Transverse loading introduces a non-uniform bending moment distribution, which is also often applied above or below the shear centre (load height). These loading conditions are known to have significant effects on the lateral buckling strength of beams. Many steel design codes have adopted equivalent uniform moment distribution and load height factors to allow for these effects. But they were derived mostly based on data for conventional hot-rolled, doubly symmetric I-beams subject to lateral torsional buckling. The moment distribution and load height effects of transverse loading for LSBs, and the suitability of the current design modification factors to accommodate these effects for LSBs is not known. This paper presents the details of a research study based on finite element analyses on the elastic lateral buckling strength of simply supported LSBs subject to transverse loading. It discusses the suitability of the current steel design code modification factors, and provides suitable recommendations for simply supported LSBs subject to transverse loading.


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The flexural capacity of of a new cold-formed hollow flange channel section known as LiteSteel beam (LSB) is limited by lateral distortional buckling for intermediate spans, which is characterised by simultaneous lateral deflection, twist and web distortion. Recent research has developed suitable design rules for the member capacity of LSBs. However, they are limited to a uniform moment distribution that rarely exists in practice. Many steel design codes have adopted equivalent uniform moment distribution factors to accommodate the effect of non-uniform moment distributions in design. But they were derived mostly based on the data for conventional hot-rolled, doubly symmetric I-beams subject to lateral torsional buckling. The effect of moment distribution for LSBs, and the suitability of the current steel design code rules to include this effect for LSBs are not yet known. This paper presents the details of a research study based on finite element analyses of the lateral buckling strength of simply supported LSBs subject to moment gradient effects. It also presents the details of a number of LSB lateral buckling experiments undertaken to validate the results of finite element analyses. Finally, it discusses the suitability of the current design methods, and provides design recommendations for simply supported LSBs subject to moment gradient effects.


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In recent times, light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems are increasingly used in the building industry. They are usually made of cold-formed and thin-walled steel studs that are fire-protected by two layers of plasterboard on both sides. A composite LSF wall panel system was developed recently, where an insulation layer was used externally between the two plasterboards to improve the fire performance of LSF wall panels. In this research, finite element thermal models of the new composite panels were developed using a finite element program, SAFIR, to simulate their thermal performance under both standard and Eurocode design fire curves. Suitable apparent thermal properties of both the gypsum plasterboard and insulation materials were proposed and used in the numerical models. The developed models were then validated by comparing their results with available standard fire test results of composite panels. This paper presents the details of the finite element models of composite panels, the thermal analysis results in the form of time-temperature profiles under standard and Eurocode design fire curves and their comparisons with fire test results. Effects of using rockwool, glass fibre and cellulose fibre insulations with varying thickness and density were also investigated, and the results are presented in this paper. The results show that the use of composite panels in LSF wall systems will improve their fire rating, and that Eurocode design fires are likely to cause severe damage to LSF walls than standard fires.


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Fire safety of light gauge steel frame (LSF) stud walls is important in the design of buildings. Currently LSF walls are increasingly used in the building industry, and are usually made of cold-formed and thin-walled steel studs that are fire-protected by two layers of plasterboard on both sides. Many experimental and numerical studies have been undertaken to investigate the fire performance of load bearing LSF walls under standard fire conditions. However, the standard time-temperature curve does not represent the fire load present in typical residential and commercial buildings that include considerable amount of thermoplastic materials. Real building fires are unlikely to follow a standard time-temperature curve. However, only limited research has been undertaken to investigate the fire performance of load bearing LSF walls under realistic design fire conditions. Therefore in this research, finite element thermal models of the traditional LSF wall panels without cavity insulation and the new LSF composite wall panels were developed to simulate their fire performance under recently developed realistic design fire curves. Suitable thermal properties were proposed for plasterboards and insulations based on laboratory tests and literature review. The developed models were then validated by comparing their thermal performance results with available results from realistic design fire tests, and were later used in parametric studies. This paper presents the details of the developed finite element thermal models of load bearing LSF wall panels under realistic design fire time-temperature curves and the re-sults. It shows that finite element thermal models can be used to predict the fire performance of load bearing LSF walls with varying configurations of insulations and plasterboards under realistic design fires. Failure times of load bearing LSF walls were also predicted based on the results from finite element thermal analyses.


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Fire resistance of load bearing Light Gauge Steel Frame (LSF) wall systems is important to protect lives and properties in fire accidents. Recent fire tests of LSF walls made of the new cold-formed and welded hollow flange channel (HFC) section studs and the commonly used lipped channel section (LCS) studs have shown the influence of stud sections on the fire resistance rating (FRR) of LSF walls. To advance the use of HFC section studs and to verify the outcomes from the fire tests, finite element models were developed to predict the structural fire performance of LSF walls made of welded HFC section studs. The developed models incorporated the measured non-uniform temperature distributions in LSF wall studs due to the exposure of standard fire on one side, and accurate elevated temperature mechanical properties of steel used in the stud sections. These models simulated the various complexities involved such as thermal bowing and neutral axis shift caused by the non-uniform temperature distribution in the studs. The finite element analysis (FEA) results agreed well with the full scale fire test results including the FRR, outer hot and cold flange temperatures at failure and axial deformation and lateral displacement profiles. They also confirmed the superior fire performance of LSF walls made of HFC section studs. The applicability of both transient and steady state FEA of LSF walls under fire conditions was verified in this study, which also investigated the effects of using various temperature distribution patterns across the cross-section of HFC section studs on the FRR of LSF walls. This paper presents the details of this numerical study and the results.


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Fire resistance of cold-formed light gauge steel frame (LSF) wall systems is enhanced by lining them with single or multiple layers of wall boards with varying thermal properties. These wall boards are gypsum plasterboards or Magnesium Oxide (MgO) boards produced by different manufacturers. Thermal properties of these boards appear to show considerable variations and this can lead to varying fire resistance levels (FRL) for their wall systems. Currently FRLs of wall systems are determined using full scale fire tests, but they are time consuming and expensive. Recent research studies on the fire performance of LSF wall systems have used finite element studies to overcome this problem, but they were developed based on 1-D and 2-D finite element platform capable of performing either heat transfer or structural analysis separately. Hence in this research a 3-D finite element model was developed first for LSF walls lined with gypsum plasterboard and cavity insulation materials. Accurate thermal properties of these boards are essential for finite element modelling, and thus they were measured at both ambient and elevated temperatures. This experimental study included specific heat, relative density and thermal conductivity of boards. The developed 3-D finite element model was then validated using the available fire tests results of LSF walls lined with gypsum plasterboard, and is being used to investigate the fire performance of different LSF wall configurations. The tested MgO board exhibited significant variations in their thermal properties in comparison to gypsum plasterboards with about 50% loss of its initial mass at about 500 ºC compared to 16% for gypsum plasterboards. Hence the FRL of MgO board lined LSF wall systems is likely to be significantly reduced. This paper presents the details of this research study on the fire performance of LSF wall systems lined with gypsum plasterboard and MgO board including the developed 3-D finite element models, thermal property tests and the results.