855 resultados para Cognitive-behavioral Therapy
In therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), prolonged exposure (PE) to stimuli associated with an original trauma experience is considered a state-of-the-art treatment method. The present case report outlines the use of Foa and Rothbaum's (1998) manual for this type of treatment in the year-long, 40-session treatment of Caroline, an adult female victim of child sexual abuse. The manual was supplemented by Caspar's (1995, 2007) Plan Analysis technique for individualized case formulation and treatment planning, along with Caspar's concept of the Motive-Oriented Therapeutic Relationship (MOTR). As indicated by standardized, quantitative measures, by changes in the client's behavior patterns, and by the client's subjective report, the treatment was very effective. An analysis of the therapy process illustrates the importance of a combination of manual-based procedures with individualized case formulations and interventions. The case is discussed in the context of enhancing the cognitive-behavioral treatment of PTSD.
Fragile X syndrome is an inherited disease with cognitive, behavioral, and neurologic manifestations, resulting from a single genetic mutation. A variety of treatments that target individual symptoms of fragile X syndrome are currently utilized with limited efficacy. Research in animal models has resulted in the development of potential novel pharmacologic treatments that target the underlying molecular defect in fragile X syndrome, rather than the resultant symptoms. This review describes recent advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of fragile X syndrome and summarizes the ongoing clinical research programs.
This paper reviews recent theoretical, conceptual and practice developments in cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders. The empirical status of CBT for anxiety disorders is reviewed and recent advances in the field are outlined. Challenges for the future development of CBT for the anxiety disorders are examined in relation to the efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the approach. It is concluded that the major challenge currently facing CBT for anxiety disorders in the UK is how to meet the increased demand for provision whilst maintaining high levels of efficacy and effectiveness. It is suggested that the creation of an evidence base for the dissemination of CBT needs to become a priority for empirical investigation in order effectively to expand the provision of CBT for anxiety disorders.
Abstract. In two linked studies we examined children’s performance on tasks required for participation in cognitive therapy. In Study 1 we piloted some new tasks with children aged 5 to 11 years. In study 2 the effects of IQ, age and educational experience were examined in children aged 5 to 7 years. In study 1, 14 children aged 5 to 11 completed three tasks related to cognitive therapy; generating post-event attributions, naming emotions, and linking thoughts and feelings. Study 2 used a between-subjects design in which 72 children aged 5, 6, or 7 years from two primary schools completed the three tasks and the Block Design and Vocabulary sub-tests from the WISC III or WPPSI-R. Children were tested individually during the school day. All measures were administered on the same occasion. In study 2 administration order of the cognitive therapy task and the WISC III/WPPSI-R were randomized. The majority of children demonstrated some ability on each of the three tasks. In study 2, performance was associated with school and with IQ but not with age. There were no gender differences. Children attending a school with an integrated thinking skills programme and those with a higher 1Q were more successful on the cognitive therapy tasks. These results suggest that many young children could engage in cognitive therapy given age-appropriate materials. The effects of training in relevant meta-cognitive skills on children’s ability to use concepts in CBT may warrant further research. Keywords: Cognitive behaviour therapy, young children, cognitive development
OBJECT: Cell therapy has shown preclinical promise in the treatment of many diseases, and its application is being translated to the clinical arena. Intravenous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been shown to improve functional recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Herein, the authors report on their attempts to reproduce such observations, including detailed characterizations of the MSC population, non-bromodeoxyuridine-based cell labeling, macroscopic and microscopic cell tracking, quantification of cells traversing the pulmonary microvasculature, and well-validated measurement of motor and cognitive function recovery. METHODS: Rat MSCs were isolated, expanded in vitro, immunophenotyped, and labeled. Four million MSCs were intravenously infused into Sprague-Dawley rats 24 hours after receiving a moderate, unilateral controlled cortical impact TBI. Infrared macroscopic cell tracking was used to identify cell distribution. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain and lung tissues 48 hours and 2 weeks postinfusion revealed transplanted cells in these locations, and these cells were quantified. Intraarterial blood sampling and flow cytometry were used to quantify the number of transplanted cells reaching the arterial circulation. Motor and cognitive behavioral testing was performed to evaluate functional recovery. RESULTS: At 48 hours post-MSC infusion, the majority of cells were localized to the lungs. Between 1.5 and 3.7% of the infused cells were estimated to traverse the lungs and reach the arterial circulation, 0.295% reached the carotid artery, and a very small percentage reached the cerebral parenchyma (0.0005%) and remained there. Almost no cells were identified in the brain tissue at 2 weeks postinfusion. No motor or cognitive functional improvements in recovery were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous infusion of MSCs appeared neither to result in significant acute or prolonged cerebral engraftment of cells nor to modify the recovery of motor or cognitive function. Less than 4% of the infused cells were likely to traverse the pulmonary microvasculature and reach the arterial circulation, a phenomenon termed the "pulmonary first-pass effect," which may limit the efficacy of this therapeutic approach. The data in this study contradict the findings of previous reports and highlight the potential shortcomings of acute, single-dose, intravenous MSC therapy for TBI.
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of psychotherapeutic interventions assume that specific techniques are used in treatments, which are responsible for changes in the client's symptoms. This assumption also holds true for meta-analyses, where evidence for specific interventions and techniques is compiled. However, it has also been argued that different treatments share important techniques and that an upcoming consensus about useful treatment strategies is leading to a greater integration of treatments. This makes assumptions about the effectiveness of specific interventions ingredients questionable if the shared (common) techniques are more often used in interventions than are the unique techniques. This study investigated the unique or shared techniques in RCTs of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP). Psychotherapeutic techniques were coded from 42 masked treatment descriptions of RCTs in the field of depression (1979-2010). CBT techniques were often used in studies identified as either CBT or STPP. However, STPP techniques were only used in STPP-identified studies. Empirical clustering of treatment descriptions did not confirm the original distinction of CBT versus STPP, but instead showed substantial heterogeneity within both approaches. Extraction of psychotherapeutic techniques from the treatment descriptions is feasible and could be used as a content-based approach to classify treatments in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Purpose: Social anxiety disorder is one of the most researched conditions in the field of Internet-based self-help. Various studies have shown that cognitive-behavioral treatments can be efficacious to reduce social phobic symptoms. Most of the interventions tested include some form of support, whereas the efficacy of a web-based group format has yet to be investigated. The present study aims at investigating the possible added value of therapist-guided group support in an Internet-based guided self-help treatment for SAD. Methods: A total of 150 adults with a diagnosis of SAD are randomly assigned to either a wait-list control group or one of two active treatment conditions. Participants in the two active conditions use the same Internet-based self-help program, either with individual guidance by a therapist or with the support of a therapist-guided group of 6 individuals. In the group condition, participants communicate with each other via an integrated, protected discussion forum. The primary outcome variables are symptoms of SAD and diagnostic status immediately after the intervention (12 weeks) and at 6-month follow-up. Secondary endpoints are general symptomatology, depression, quality of life and adherence to treatment. Furthermore, process variables such as group processes and the working alliance are studied. Results: Results are currently being analyzed. Results at post-treatment will be presented and discussed. Potential moderating and mediating variables of treatment success will be addressed. Conclusion: The results of this study should indicate whether therapist-guided group support could enhance the efficacy of an internet based self-help treatment for SAD. This novel treatment format, if shown efficacious, could represent a cost-effective option and could be further modified to treat other conditions.
The relative popularity of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has grown in recent years, and inspired the development of contemporary acceptance-based treatment approaches. Acceptance-based therapies differ from traditional cognitive- behavior therapy (CBT) on pragmatic grounds, the import of which implicates the purpose of therapy. CBT utilizes exposure and cognitive change techniques primarily in service of symptom change outcomes; whereas, ACT utilizes exposure and acceptance for purposes of promoting psychological flexibility in the pursuit of personal values. The purpose of this meta-analytic study was to determine the relative efficacy of acceptance- based versus symptom-change behavioral approaches with anxiety disorders and to quantify this impact. A comprehensive literature search turned up 18 studies that met inclusion criteria for this analysis. An effect size was calculated using the standardized mean gain procedure for both the acceptance-based and symptom-change approaches, along with the waitlist control groups. The results demonstrate a large effect size for the acceptance-based approach (Weighted mean ES = .83) and a medium effect size for symptom-change approach (Weighted mean ES = .60). The waitlist control groups demonstrated a small effect size (Weighted mean ES = .24). Based on this review, it is suggested that graduate and internship programs in Clinical Psychology should promote evidence-based training in the use of acceptance-inspired behavioral therapies.
In the first wave, behaviorists questioned the conventional wisdom that inner experience was relevant to understanding human behavior. In the 1970s, cognitive-behavioral theories emphasized the importance of the cognitive element, not just the environment, in explaining and modifying behavior. The third wave is drawn from advances in basic and applied behavior analysis of language, Eastern mystical traditions, and less empirically oriented therapeutic approaches. Examples include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (IBCT). This study reports a survey of clinicians and non-clinicians who self-identify with second or third wave approaches, and a group of undergraduate psychology students intended to represent a layperson or folk psychological approach. Their preferences, in the context of 10 clinical vignettes, among 5 different therapeutic responses or interventions that included "ACT-like," "cognitive," and commonsense or "neutral" options were measured. Third wave-oriented respondents exhibited more consistency than others in their preference for interventions that match their self-identified theoretical orientation, however the author suggests that construction of the vignettes may have influenced this result.
One reason for the neglect of the role of positive factors in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) may relate to a failure to develop cognitive models that integrate positive and negative cognitions. Bandura [Psychol. Rev. 84 (1977) 191; Anxiety Res. 1 (1988) 77] proposed that self-efficacy beliefs mediate a range of emotional and behavioural outcomes. However, in panic disorder, cognitively based research to date has largely focused on catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations. Although a number of studies support each of the predictions associated with the account of panic disorder that is based on the role of negative cognitions, a review of the literature indicated that a cognitively based explanation of the disorder may be considerably strengthened by inclusion of positive cognitions that emphasize control or coping. Evidence to support an Integrated Cognitive Model (ICM) of panic disorder was examined and the theoretical implications of this model were discussed in terms of both schema change and compensatory skills accounts of change processes in CBT. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Our aim was to determine if insomnia severity, dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, and depression predicted sleep-related safety behaviors. Method: Standard sleep-related measures (such as the Insomnia Severity Index; the Dysfunctional Beliefs About Sleep scale; the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; and the Sleep-Related Behaviors Questionnaire) were administered. Additionally, 14 days of sleep diary (Pittsburg Sleep Diary) data and actual use of sleep-related behaviors were collected. Results: Regression analysis revealed that dysfunctional beliefs about sleep predicted sleep-related safety behaviors. Insomnia severity did not predict sleep-related safety behaviors. Depression accounted for the greatest amount of unique variance in the prediction of safety behaviors, followed by dysfunctional beliefs. Exploratory analysis revealed that participants with higher levels of depression used more sleep-related behaviors and reported greater dysfunctional beliefs about their sleep. Conclusion: The findings underlie the significant influence that dysfunctional beliefs have on individuals' behaviors. Moreover, the results suggest that depression may need to be considered as an explicit component of cognitive-behavioral models of insomnia. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose of review To identify and discuss recent research studies that propose innovative psychosocial interventions in old age psychiatry. Recent findings Studies have shown that cognitive training research for healthy elderly has advanced in several ways, particularly in the refinement of study design and methodology. Studies have included larger samples and longer training protocols. Interestingly, new research has shown changes in biological markers associated with learning and memory after cognitive training. Among mild cognitive impairment patients, results have demonstrated that they benefit from interventions displaying cognitive plasticity. Rehabilitation studies involving dementia patients have suggested the efficacy of combined treatment approaches, and light and music therapies have shown promising effects. For psychiatric disorders, innovations have included improvements in well known techniques such as cognitive behavior therapy, studies in subpopulations with comorbidities, as well as the use of new computer-aided resources. Summary Research evidence on innovative interventions in old age psychiatry suggests that this exciting field is moving forward by means of methodological refinements and testing of creative new ideas.
Foram investigados efeitos da intervenção cognitivo-comportamental sobre a adesão inadequada à terapia antirretroviral. Participaram dois homens (P1 e P2) acometidos pela Aids. Uma mulher soropositiva (P3) funcionou como controle. Foram comparadas avaliações de comportamento de adesão, estratégias de enfrentamento, expectativa de autoeficácia para aderir à terapia e variáveis biológicas de três momentos - linha de base (LB), imediatamente após (M2) e três meses depois (M3) da intervenção. Os participantes P1 e P2 relataram aumentos nos níveis de adesão à terapia, nos escores de autoeficácia e no enfrentamento focalizado no problema. A participante P3 manteve adesão insuficiente e baixos escores de autoeficácia. Conclui-se que a intervenção cognitivo-comportamental teve efeitos positivos sobre a adesão à terapia antirretroviral. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorders observed currently. It is a normal adaptive response to stress that allows coping with adverse situations. Nevertheless, when anxiety becomes excessive or disproportional in relation to the situation that evokes it or when there is not any special object directed at it, such as an irrational dread of routine stimuli, it becomes a disabling disorder and is considered to be pathological. The traditional treatment used is medication and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, however, last years the practice of physical exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, has been investigated as a new non-pharmacological therapy for anxiety disorders. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat anxiety, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. The sample analyzed, 66.8% was composed of women and 80% with severity of symptoms anxiety as moderate to severe. The data analyzed in this review allows us to claim that alternative therapies like exercise are effective in controlling and reducing symptoms, as 91% of anxiety disorders surveys have shown effective results in treating. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressant symptoms and cognitive function in anxiety, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild.
BACKGROUND: Nowadays, cognitive remediation is widely accepted as an effective treatment for patients with schizophrenia. In French-speaking countries, techniques used in cognitive remediation for patients with schizophrenia have been applied from those used for patients with cerebral injury. As cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia, the Département de psychiatrie du CHUV in Lausanne (DP-CHUV) intended to develop a cognitive remediation program for patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disease (Recos-Vianin, 2007). Numerous studies show that the specific cognitive deficits greatly differ from one patient to another. Consequently, Recos aims at providing individualized cognitive remediation therapy. In this feasibility trial, we measured the benefits of this individualized therapy for patients with schizophrenia. Before treatment, the patients were evaluated with a large battery of cognitive tests in order to determine which of the five specific training modules - Verbal memory, visuospatial memory and attention, working memory, selective attention, reasoning - could provide the best benefit depending on their deficit. OBJECTIVES: The study was designed to evaluate the benefits of the Recos program by comparing cognitive functioning before and after treatment. METHOD: Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (schizophrenia [n=18], schizoaffective disorder [n=5], schizotypal disorder [n=4], schizophreniform disorder [n=1], DSM-IV-TR) participated in between one and three of the cognitive modules. The choice of the training module was based on the results of the cognitive tests obtained during the first evaluation. The patients participated in 20 training sessions per module (one session per week). At the end of the training period, the cognitive functioning of each patient was reevaluated by using the same neuropsychological battery. RESULTS: The results showed a greater improvement in the cognitive functions, which were specifically trained, compared to the cognitive functions, which were not trained. However, an improvement was also observed in both types of cognitive functions, suggesting an indirect cognitive gain. CONCLUSION: In our view, the great heterogeneity of the observed cognitive deficits in schizophrenia necessitates a detailed neuropsychological investigation as well as an individualized cognitive remediation therapy. These preliminary results need to be confirmed with a more extended sample of patients.