833 resultados para Cogalois Group of Cocycles


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In filamentous fungi, het loci (for heterokaryon incompatibility) are believed to regulate self/nonself-recognition during vegetative growth. As filamentous fungi grow, hyphal fusion occurs within an individual colony to form a network. Hyphal fusion can occur also between different individuals to form a heterokaryon, in which genetically distinct nuclei occupy a common cytoplasm. However, heterokaryotic cells are viable only if the individuals involved have identical alleles at all het loci. One het locus, het-c, has been characterized at the molecular level in Neurospora crassa and encodes a glycine-rich protein. In an effort to understand the role of this locus in filamentous fungi, we chose to study its evolution by analyzing het-c sequence variability in species within Neurospora and related genera. We determined that the het-c locus was polymorphic in a field population of N. crassa with close to equal frequency of each of the three allelic types. Different species and even genera within the Sordariaceae shared het-c polymorphisms, indicating that these polymorphisms originated in an ancestral species. Finally, an analysis of the het-c specificity region shows a high occurrence of nonsynonymous substitution. The persistence of allelic lineages, the nearly equal allelic distribution within populations, and the high frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions in the het-c specificity region suggest that balancing selection has operated to maintain allelic diversity at het-c. Het-c shares this particular evolutionary characteristic of departing from neutrality with other self/nonself-recognition systems such as major histocompatibility complex loci in mammals and the S (self-incompatibility) locus in angiosperms.


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DNA topoisomerase I (top1) is the target of potent anticancer agents, including camptothecins and DNA intercalators, which reversibly stabilize (trap) top1 catalytic intermediates (cleavage complexes). The aim of the present study was to define the structural relationship between the site(s) of covalently bound intercalating agents, whose solution conformations in DNA are known, and the site(s) of top1 cleavage. Two diastereomeric pairs of oligonucleotide 22-mers, derived from a sequence used to determine the crystal structure of top1–DNA complexes, were synthesized. One pair contained either a trans-opened 10R- or 10S-benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide adduct at the N6-amino group of a central 2′-deoxyadenosine residue in the scissile strand, and the other pair contained the same two adducts in the nonscissile strand. These adducts were derived from the (+)-(7R,8S,9S,10R)- and (−)-(7S,8R,9R,10S)-7,8-diol 9,10-epoxides in which the benzylic 7-hydroxyl group and the epoxide oxygen are trans. On the basis of analogy with known solution conformations of duplex oligonucleotides containing these adducts, we conclude that top1 cleavage complexes are trapped when the hydrocarbon adduct is intercalated between the base pairs flanking a preexisting top1 cleavage site, or between the base pairs immediately downstream (3′ relative to the scissile strand) from this site. We propose a model with the +1 base rotated out of the duplex, and in which the intercalated adduct prevents religation of the corresponding nucleotide at the 5′ end of the cleaved DNA. These results suggest mechanisms whereby intercalating agents interfere with the normal function of human top1.


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The visual pigment rhodopsin is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor. These receptors have seven transmembrane helices and are activated by specific receptor–ligand interactions. Rhodopsin is unusual in that its retinal prosthetic group serves as an antagonist in the dark in the 11-cis conformation but is rapidly converted to an agonist on photochemical cis to trans isomerization. Receptor–ligand interactions in rhodopsin were studied in the light and dark by regenerating site-directed opsin mutants with synthetic retinal analogues. A progressive decrease in light-dependent transducin activity was observed when a mutant opsin with a replacement of Gly121 was regenerated with 11-cis-retinal analogues bearing progressively larger R groups (methyl, ethyl, propyl) at the C9 position of the polyene chain. A progressive decrease in light activity was also observed as a function of increasing size of the residue at position 121 for both the 11-cis-9-ethyl- and the 11-cis-9-propylretinal pigments. In contrast, a striking increase of receptor activity in the dark—i.e., without chromophore isomerization—was observed when the molecular volume at either position 121 of opsin or C9 of retinal was increased. The ability of bulky replacements at either position to hinder ligand incorporation and to activate rhodopsin in the dark suggests a direct interaction between these two sites. A molecular model of the retinal-binding site of rhodopsin is proposed that illustrates the specific interaction between Gly121 and the C9 methyl group of 11-cis-retinal. Steric interactions in this region of rhodopsin are consistent with the proposal that movement of transmembrane helices 3 and 6 is concomitant with receptor activation.


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Objective: To determine whether the excess mortality observed in patients who received both levodopa and selegiline in a randomised trial could be explained by revised diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, autonomic or cardiovascular effects, more rapid disease progression, or drug interactions.


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Although the interaction of proton-conducting ionophores (protonophores) with photosynthetic electron transport has been extensively studied during the past decade, the mode of action of protonophores remained uncertain. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of the action of protonophores, the introduction of chemically new types of molecules will be required. In this work, we demonstrate that acridones (9-azaanthracene-10-ones) completely fulfill this requirement. At low concentrations of acridones, the thermoluminescence bands at +20 degrees C and +10 degrees C were strongly inhibited, while normal electron transport activity was retained. This indicates that the concentrations of S2 and S3 states involved in the generation of these bands are reduced. At higher concentrations, an increased activity of electron transport was observed, which is attributed to the typical uncoupler effect of protonophores. Indeed, acridones accelerate the decay of the electrochromic absorbance change at 515 nm and also inhibit the generation of the transmembrane proton gradient, measured as an absorbance transient of neutral red. Variable fluorescence induction was quenched even at low concentrations of acridones but was restored by either a long-term illumination or high light intensity. Acridones, similarly to other protonophores, promoted the autooxidation of the high-potential form of cytochrome b559 and partially converted it to lower potential forms. These results suggest that acridones, acting as typical protonophores, uncouple electron transport, accelerate the deactivation of the S2 and S3 states on the donor side, and facilitate the oxidation of cytochrome b559 on the acceptor side of photosystem II.


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We are undertaking a search for high-redshift low-luminosity Lyman Alpha sources in the SHARDS (Survey for High-z Absorption Red and Dead Sources) survey. Among the pre-selected Lyman Alpha sources two candidates were spotted, located 3.19 arcsec apart, and tentatively at the same redshift. Here, we report on the spectroscopic confirmation with Gran Telescopio Canarias of the Lyman Alpha emission from this pair of galaxies at a confirmed spectroscopic redshifts of z=5.07. Furthermore, one of the sources is interacting/merging with another close companion that looks distorted. Based on the analysis of the spectroscopy and additional photometric data, we infer that most of the stellar mass of these objects was assembled in a burst of star formation 100 Myr ago. A more recent burst (2 Myr old) is necessary to account for the measured Lyman Alpha flux. We claim that these two galaxies are good examples of Lyman Alpha sources undergoing episodic star formation. Besides, these sources very likely constitute a group of interacting Lyman Alpha emitters (LAEs).


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A study of women leaders in the Colorado Mountain Club (CMC) demonstrated that this group perceived pace as an impediment to leadership growth. This study is an exploratory-quantitative inquiry that assessed the views of 20 of the active women hike leaders in the Denver group. The author designed a survey of factors women hike leaders would rate according to their CMC experiences. Although there are more women members of the Denver group, women leaders comprise only 30% of the leadership group The results from this first ever survey of CMC's women leaders provides a knowledge base for CMC and other interested parties. This study clearly demonstrated the need for more research into its topic of women in leadership positions.


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Tetradiids are a group of colonial, tubular fossils that occur globally in Middle to Upper Ordovician strata. Tetradiids were first described as a type of tabulate coral; however, based on their four-fold symmetry, division, and presence of a central-sparry canal, they were recently reinterpreted as a florideophyte rhodophyte algae, a reinterpretation that is tested in this thesis. This study focused on understanding the affinity and taphonomy of this order of fossil. Research was conducted by stratigraphic and petrographic analyses of the Black River Group in the Kingston, Ontario region. Tetradiid occurrences were divided into fragment or colonial, with three morphologies of tetradiids described (Tetradium, Phytopsis and Paratetradium). Morphology is specific to depositional environment, with compact Tetradium consistently within ooid grainstones and open branching Phytopsis and chained Paratetradium consistently within mudstones. Two types of patch reefs were recognized: a Paratetradium bioherm, and a Paratetradium, Phytopsis, stromatolite bioherm. The presence of bioherms implies that tetradiids were capable of hypercalcifying. Preservation styles of tetradiids were investigated, and were compared to brachiopods, echinoderms, mollusks, and ooids. Tetradiids were preferentially preserved as molds and demonstrated complete dissolution of skeletal material. Rare specimens, however, demonstrated preserved horizontal partitions, central plates, and a double wall. Skeletal molds were filled with either calcite spar, mud or encrusted by a cryptomicrobial colony. Both calcitic and aragonitic ooids were discovered. The co-occurrence of aragonitic ooids, aragonitic crytodontids, and the evolution of aragonitic, hypercalcifying tetradiids is interpreted as representing the geochemical favoring of aragonite and HMC in a time of global calcite seas. The geochemical favoring of aragonite is interpreted to be independent to global Mg: Ca ratios, but was the result of increased saturation levels and temperature driven by high atmospheric pCO2. Based on the presence of epitheca, tabulae, septa, and the commonality of growth forms, tetradiids are interpreted as an order of Cnidaria. The evolution of an aragonitic skeleton in tetradiids is interpreted to be the result of de novo acquisition of a skeleton from an unmineralized clade.