979 resultados para Co-regulated chromosomal domains


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To minimize the side effects and the multidrug resistance (MDR) arising from daunorubicin (DNR) treatment of malignant lymphoma, a chemotherapy formulation of cysteamine-modified cadmium tellurium (Cys-CdTe) quantum dots coloaded with DNR and gambogic acid (GA) nanoparticles (DNR-GA-Cys-CdTe NPs) was developed. The physical property, drug-loading efficiency and drug release behavior of these DNR-GA-Cys-CdTe NPs were evaluated, and their cytotoxicity was explored by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-y1]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. These DNR-GA-Cys-CdTe NPs possessed a pH-responsive behavior, and displayed a dose-dependent antiproliferative activity on multidrug-resistant lymphoma Raji/DNR cells. The accumulation of DNR inside the cells, revealed by flow cytometry assay, and the down-regulated expression of P-glycoprotein inside the Raji/DNR cells measured by Western blotting assay indicated that these DNR-GA-Cys-CdTe NPs could minimize the MDR of Raji/DNR cells. This multidrug delivery system would be a promising strategy for minimizing MDR against the lymphoma.


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The folding and targeting of membrane proteins poses a major challenge to the cell, as they must remain insertion competent while their highly hydrophobic transmembrane (TM) domains are transferred from the ribosome, through the aqueous cytosol and into the lipid bilayer. The biogenesis of a mature membrane protein takes place through the insertion and integration into the lipid bilayer. A number of TM proteins have been shown to gain some degree of secondary structure within the ribosome tunnel and to retain this conformation throughout maturation. Although studies into the folding and targeting of a number of membrane proteins have been carried out to date, there is little information on one of the largest class of eukaryotic membrane proteins; the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This project studies the early folding events of the human ortholog of GPR35. To analyse the structure of the 1st TM domain, intermediates were generated and assessed by the biochemical method of pegylation (PEG-MAL). A structurally-similar microbial opsin (Bacterioopsin) was also used to investigate the differences in the early protein folding within eukaryotic and prokaryotic translation systems. Results showed that neither the 1st TM domain of GPR35 nor Bacterioopsin were capable of compacting in the ribosome tunnel before their N-terminus reached the ribosome exit point. The results for this assay remained consistent whether the proteins were translated in a eukaryotic or prokaryotic translation system. To examine the communication mechanism between the ribosome, the nascent chain and the protein targeting pathway, crosslinking experiments were carried out using the homobifunctional lysine cross-linker BS3. Specifically, the data generated here show that the nascent chain of GPR35 reaches the ribosomal protein uL23 in an extended conformation and interacts with the SRP protein as it exits the ribosome tunnel. This confirms the role of SRP in the co-translational targeting of GPR35. Using these methods insights into the early folding of GPCRs has been obtained. Further experiments using site-directed mutagenesis to reduce hydrophobicity in the 1st TM domain of GPR35, highlighted the mechanisms by which GPCRs are targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum. Confirming that hydrophobicity within the signal anchor sequence is essential of SRP-dependent targeting. Following the successful interaction of the nascent GPR35 and SRP, GPR35 is successfully targeted to ER membranes, shown here as dog pancreas microsomes (DPMs). Glycosylation of the GPR35 N-terminus was used to determine nascent chain structure as it is inserted into the ER membrane. These glycosylation experiments confirm that TM1 has obtained its compacted state whilst residing in the translocon. Finally, a site-specific cross-linking approach using the homobifunctional cysteine cross-linker, BMH, was used to study the lateral integration of GPR35 into the ER. Cross-linking of GPR35 TM1 and TM2 could be detected adjacent to a protein of ~45kDa, believed to be Sec61α. The loss of this adduct, as the nascent chain extends, showed the lateral movement of GPR35 TM1 from the translocon was dependent on the subsequent synthesis of TM2.


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BACKGROUND: More than 80 % of all terrestrial plant species establish an arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis with Glomeromycota fungi. This plant-microbe interaction primarily improves phosphate uptake, but also supports nitrogen, mineral, and water aquisition. During the pre-contact stage, the AM symbiosis is controled by an exchange of diffusible factors from either partner. Amongst others, fungal signals were identified as a mix of sulfated and non-sulfated lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs), being structurally related to rhizobial nodulation (Nod)-factor LCOs that in legumes induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules. LCO signals are transduced via a common symbiotic signaling pathway (CSSP) that activates a group of GRAS transcription factors (TFs). Using complex gene expression fingerprints as molecular phenotypes, this study primarily intended to shed light on the importance of the GRAS TFs NSP1 and RAM1 for LCO-activated gene expression during pre-symbiotic signaling. RESULTS: We investigated the genome-wide transcriptional responses in 5 days old primary roots of the Medicago truncatula wild type and four symbiotic mutants to a 6 h challenge with LCO signals supplied at 10(-7/-8) M. We were able to show that during the pre-symbiotic stage, sulfated Myc-, non-sulfated Myc-, and Nod-LCO-activated gene expression almost exclusively depends on the LysM receptor kinase NFP and is largely controled by the CSSP, although responses independent of this pathway exist. Our results show that downstream of the CSSP, gene expression activation by Myc-LCOs supplied at 10(-7/-8) M strictly required both the GRAS transcription factors RAM1 and NSP1, whereas those genes either co- or specifically activated by Nod-LCOs displayed a preferential NSP1-dependency. RAM1, a central regulator of root colonization by AM fungi, controled genes activated by non-sulfated Myc-LCOs during the pre-symbiotic stage that are also up-regulated in areas with early physical contact, e.g. hyphopodia and infecting hyphae; linking responses to externally applied LCOs with early root colonization. CONCLUSIONS: Since both RAM1 and NSP1 were essential for the pre-symbiotic transcriptional reprogramming by Myc-LCOs, we propose that downstream of the CSSP, these GRAS transcription factors act synergistically in the transduction of those diffusible signals that pre-announce the presence of symbiotic fungi.


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Memory storage in the brain involves adjustment of the strength of existing synapses and formation of new neural networks. A key process underlying memory formation is synaptic plasticity, the ability of excitatory synapses to strengthen or weaken their connections in response to patterns of activity between their connected neurons. Synaptic plasticity is governed by the precise pattern of Ca²⁺ influx through postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs), which can lead to the activation of the small GTPases Ras and Rap. Differential activation of Ras and Rap acts to modulate synaptic strength by promoting the insertion or removal of 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid receptors (AMPARs) from the synapse. Synaptic GTPase activating protein (synGAP) regulates AMPAR levels by catalyzing the inactivation of GTP-bound (active) Ras or Rap. synGAP is positioned in close proximity to the cytoplasmic tail regions of the NMDAR through its association with the PDZ domains of PSD-95. SynGAP’s activity is regulated by the prominent postsynaptic protein kinase, Ca²⁺/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), a known binding partner of CaMKII. Modulation of synGAP’s activity by phosphorylation may alter the ratio of active Ras to Rap in spines, thus pushing the spine towards the insertion or removal of AMPARs, subsequently strengthening or weakening the synapse. To date, all biochemical studies of the regulation of synGAP activity by protein kinases have utilized impure preparations of membrane bound synGAP. Here we have clarified the effects of phosphorylation of synGAP on its Ras and Rap GAP activities by preparing and utilizing purified, soluble recombinant synGAP, Ras, Rap, CaMKII, CDK5, PLK2, and CaM. Using mass spectrometry, we have confirmed the presence of previously identified CaMKII and CDK5 sites in synGAP, and have identified novel sites of phosphorylation by CaMKII, CDK5, and PLK2. We have shown that the net effect of phosphorylation of synGAP by CaMKII, CDK5, and PLK2 is an increase in its GAP activity toward HRas and Rap1. In contrast, there is no effect on its GAP activity toward Rap2. Additionally, by assaying the GAP activity of phosphomimetic synGAP mutants, we have been able to hypothesize the effects of CDK5 phosphorylation at specific sites in synGAP. In the course of this work, we also found, unexpectedly, that synGAP is itself a Ca²⁺/CaM binding protein. While Ca²⁺/CaM binding does not directly affect synGAP activity, it causes a conformational change in synGAP that increases the rate of its phosphorylation and exposes additional phosphorylation sites that are inaccessible in the absence of Ca²⁺/CaM.

The postsynaptic density (PSD) is an electron-dense region in excitatory postsynaptic neurons that contains a high concentration of glutamate receptors, cytoskeletal proteins, and associated signaling enzymes. Within the PSD, three major classes of scaffolding molecules function to organize signaling enzymes and glutamate receptors. PDZ domains present in the Shank and PSD-95 scaffolds families serve to physically link AMPARs and NMDARs to signaling molecules in the PSD. Because of the specificity and high affinity of PDZ domains for their ligands, I reasoned that these interacting pairs could provide the core components of an affinity chromatography system, including affinity resins, affinity tags, and elution agents. I show that affinity columns containing the PDZ domains of PSD-95 can be used to purify active PDZ domain-binding proteins to very high purity in a single step. Five heterologously expressed neuronal proteins containing endogenous PDZ domain ligands (NMDAR GluN2B subunit Tail, synGAP, neuronal nitric oxide synthase PDZ domain, cysteine rich interactor of PDZ three and cypin) were purified using PDZ domain resin, with synthetic peptides having the sequences of cognate PDZ domain ligands used as elution agents. I also show that conjugation of PDZ domain-related affinity tags to Proteins Of Interest (POIs) that do not contain endogenous PDZ domains or ligands does not alter protein activity and enables purification of the POIs on PDZ domain-related affinity resins.


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Coprime and nested sampling are well known deterministic sampling techniques that operate at rates significantly lower than the Nyquist rate, and yet allow perfect reconstruction of the spectra of wide sense stationary signals. However, theoretical guarantees for these samplers assume ideal conditions such as synchronous sampling, and ability to perfectly compute statistical expectations. This thesis studies the performance of coprime and nested samplers in spatial and temporal domains, when these assumptions are violated. In spatial domain, the robustness of these samplers is studied by considering arrays with perturbed sensor locations (with unknown perturbations). Simplified expressions for the Fisher Information matrix for perturbed coprime and nested arrays are derived, which explicitly highlight the role of co-array. It is shown that even in presence of perturbations, it is possible to resolve $O(M^2)$ under appropriate conditions on the size of the grid. The assumption of small perturbations leads to a novel ``bi-affine" model in terms of source powers and perturbations. The redundancies in the co-array are then exploited to eliminate the nuisance perturbation variable, and reduce the bi-affine problem to a linear underdetermined (sparse) problem in source powers. This thesis also studies the robustness of coprime sampling to finite number of samples and sampling jitter, by analyzing their effects on the quality of the estimated autocorrelation sequence. A variety of bounds on the error introduced by such non ideal sampling schemes are computed by considering a statistical model for the perturbation. They indicate that coprime sampling leads to stable estimation of the autocorrelation sequence, in presence of small perturbations. Under appropriate assumptions on the distribution of WSS signals, sharp bounds on the estimation error are established which indicate that the error decays exponentially with the number of samples. The theoretical claims are supported by extensive numerical experiments.


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PURPOSE: To correlate the differentially expressed miRNAs with clinico-pathological features in uveal melanoma (UM) tumors harbouring chromosomal 3 aberrations among South Asian Indian cohort.

METHODS: Based on chromosomal 3 aberration, UM (n = 86) were grouped into monosomy 3 (M3; n = 51) and disomy 3 (D3; n = 35) by chromogenic in-situ hybridisation (CISH). The clinico-pathological features were recorded. miRNA profiling was performed in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) UM samples (n = 6) using Agilent, Human miRNA microarray, 8x15KV3 arrays. The association between miRNAs and clinico-pathological features were studied using univariate and multivariate analysis. miRNA-gene targets were predicted using Target-scan and MiRanda database. Significantly dys-regulated miRNAs were validated in FFPE UM (n = 86) and mRNAs were validated in frozen UM (n = 10) by qRT-PCR. Metastasis free-survival and miRNA expressions were analysed by Kaplen-Meier analysis in UM tissues (n = 52).

RESULTS: Unsupervised analysis revealed 585 differentially expressed miRNAs while supervised analysis demonstrated 82 miRNAs (FDR; Q = 0.0). Differential expression of 8 miRNAs: miR-214, miR-149*, miR-143, miR-146b, miR-199a, let7b, miR-1238 and miR-134 were studied. Gene target prediction revealed SMAD4, WISP1, HIPK1, HDAC8 and C-KIT as the post-transcriptional regulators of miR-146b, miR-199a, miR-1238 and miR-134. Five miRNAs (miR-214, miR146b, miR-143, miR-199a and miR-134) were found to be differentially expressed in M3/ D3 UM tumors. In UM patients with liver metastasis, miR-149* and miR-134 expressions were strongly correlated.

CONCLUSION: UM can be stratified using miRNAs from FFPE sections. miRNAs predicting liver metastasis and survival have been identified. Mechanistic linkage of de-regulated miRNA/mRNA expressions provide new insights on their role in UM progression and aggressiveness.


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BACKGROUND Integrons are found in hundreds of environmental bacterial species, but are mainly known as the agents responsible for the capture and spread of antibiotic-resistance determinants between Gram-negative pathogens. The SOS response is a regulatory network under control of the repressor protein LexA targeted at addressing DNA damage, thus promoting genetic variation in times of stress. We recently reported a direct link between the SOS response and the expression of integron integrases in Vibrio cholerae and a plasmid-borne class 1 mobile integron. SOS regulation enhances cassette swapping and capture in stressful conditions, while freezing the integron in steady environments. We conducted a systematic study of available integron integrase promoter sequences to analyze the extent of this relationship across the Bacteria domain. RESULTS Our results showed that LexA controls the expression of a large fraction of integron integrases by binding to Escherichia coli-like LexA binding sites. In addition, the results provide experimental validation of LexA control of the integrase gene for another Vibrio chromosomal integron and for a multiresistance plasmid harboring two integrons. There was a significant correlation between lack of LexA control and predicted inactivation of integrase genes, even though experimental evidence also indicates that LexA regulation may be lost to enhance expression of integron cassettes. CONCLUSIONS Ancestral-state reconstruction on an integron integrase phylogeny led us to conclude that the ancestral integron was already regulated by LexA. The data also indicated that SOS regulation has been actively preserved in mobile integrons and large chromosomal integrons, suggesting that unregulated integrase activity is selected against. Nonetheless, additional adaptations have probably arisen to cope with unregulated integrase activity. Identifying them may be fundamental in deciphering the uneven distribution of integrons in the Bacteria domain.


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Language is a unique aspect of human communication because it can be used to discuss itself in its own terms. For this reason, human societies potentially have superior capacities of co-ordination, reflexive self-correction, and innovation than other animal, physical or cybernetic systems. However, this analysis also reveals that language is interconnected with the economically and technologically mediated social sphere and hence is vulnerable to abstraction, objectification, reification, and therefore ideology – all of which are antithetical to its reflexive function, whilst paradoxically being a fundamental part of it. In particular, in capitalism, language is increasingly commodified within the social domains created and affected by ubiquitous communication technologies. The advent of the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ implicates exchangeable forms of thought (language) as the fundamental commodities of this emerging system. The historical point at which a ‘knowledge economy’ emerges, then, is the critical point at which thought itself becomes a commodified ‘thing’, and language becomes its “objective” means of exchange. However, the processes by which such commodification and objectification occurs obscures the unique social relations within which these language commodities are produced. The latest economic phase of capitalism – the knowledge economy – and the obfuscating trajectory which accompanies it, we argue, is destroying the reflexive capacity of language particularly through the process of commodification. This can be seen in that the language practices that have emerged in conjunction with digital technologies are increasingly non-reflexive and therefore less capable of self-critical, conscious change.


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