310 resultados para Clauses abusives
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aimed to identify how the graduate programs in nursing stricto sensu evaluated by the Nursing field at Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in the triennium 2007-2009, achieved excellence - grade 6. Descriptive exploratory study of nature documentary, which examined the data of Reports Indicators of these Programs at the site of the Coordination cited, in 2010. We analyzed 99 chips of 33 programs for the triennium 2007 to 2009, grouped in sub-clauses of Social and item categories for grades 6/7. Presents the indicators of excellence of Americans and Brazilians Programs, the results of the triennial assessment relating to sub-items of item 5 and the description of program performance specified for the grade 6. It follows that the excellence of Programs has been gradually achieved, with performance in certain categories as those required by international standards, overcoming the obstacles to the achievement of excellence in all its fullness.
This thesis is aimed at analysing EU external relations from the perspective of the promotion of the rule of law in order to evaluate the effectiveness and consistency of its action within the international community. The research starts with an examination of the notion of the rule of law from a theoretical point of view. The first chapter initially describes the historical-political evolution of the establishment of the notion of the rule of law. Some of the most significant national experiences (France, the UK, Germany and Austria) are discussed. Then, the focus is put on the need to propose interpretations which explain the grounds of the rule of law, by highlighting the different formal and substantive interpretations. This philosophical-historical analysis is complemented by a reconstruction of how the notion of the rule of law was developed by the international community, with a view to searching a common notion at the international level by comparing theory and practice within the main international organisations such as the UN, OECD and the Council of Europe. Specific mention is made of the EU experience, whose configuration as a Community based on the rule of law is often debated, starting from the case law of the European Court of Justice. The second chapter deals with the conditionality policy and focuses on the development and scope of democratic conditionality according to the dominant approach of the doctrine. First, the birth of conditionality is analysed from an economic point of view, especially within international financial organisations and the different types of conditionality recreated in the scientific sector. Then an analysis is provided about the birth of democratic conditionality in the EC – in relation to its external relations – firstly as a mere political exercise to be then turned into a standardised system of clauses. Specific reference is made to the main scope of conditionality, that is to say enlargement policy and the development of the Copenhagen criteria. The third chapter provides further details about the legal questions connected to the use of democratic clauses: on the one hand, the power of the EC to include human rights clauses in international agreements, on the other, the variety and overlapping in the use of the legal basis. The chapter ends with an analysis of the measures of suspension of agreements with third countries in those rare but significant cases in which the suspension clause, included in the Lomè Convention first and in the Cotonou Agreement then, is applied. The last chapter is devoted to the analysis of democratic clauses in unilateral acts adopted by the European Union which affect third countries. The examination of this practice and the comparison with the approach analysed in the previous chapter entails a major theoretical question. It is the clear-cut distinction between conditionality and international sanction. This distinction is to be taken into account when considering the premises and consequences, in terms of legal relations, which are generated when democratic clauses are not complied with. The chapter ends with a brief analysis of what, according to the reconstruction suggested, can be rightly labelled as real democratic conditionality, that is to say the system of incentives, positive measures developed within the community GSP. The dissertation ends with a few general considerations about the difficulties experienced by the EU in promoting the rule of law. The contradictory aspects of the EU external actions are manifold, as well as its difficulties in choosing the most appropriate measures to be taken which, however, reflect all the repercussions and tension resulting from the balance of power within the international community. The thesis argues that it is difficult to grant full credibility to an entity like the EU which, although it proclaims itself as the guardian and promoter of the rule of law, in practice, is too often biased in managing its relations with third countries. However, she adds, we must acknowledge that the EU is committed and constantly strives towards identifying new spaces and strategies of action.
[ES]En este trabajo me he propuesto mostrar la evolución que en la clasificación de las oraciones subordinadas ha experimentado la Real Academia Española en las ediciones del Esbozo de una nueva gramática de la lengua española y de la Nueva Gramática de la lengua española.
Generic programming is likely to become a new challenge for a critical mass of developers. Therefore, it is crucial to refine the support for generic programming in mainstream Object-Oriented languages — both at the design and at the implementation level — as well as to suggest novel ways to exploit the additional degree of expressiveness made available by genericity. This study is meant to provide a contribution towards bringing Java genericity to a more mature stage with respect to mainstream programming practice, by increasing the effectiveness of its implementation, and by revealing its full expressive power in real world scenario. With respect to the current research setting, the main contribution of the thesis is twofold. First, we propose a revised implementation for Java generics that greatly increases the expressiveness of the Java platform by adding reification support for generic types. Secondly, we show how Java genericity can be leveraged in a real world case-study in the context of the multi-paradigm language integration. Several approaches have been proposed in order to overcome the lack of reification of generic types in the Java programming language. Existing approaches tackle the problem of reification of generic types by defining new translation techniques which would allow for a runtime representation of generics and wildcards. Unfortunately most approaches suffer from several problems: heterogeneous translations are known to be problematic when considering reification of generic methods and wildcards. On the other hand, more sophisticated techniques requiring changes in the Java runtime, supports reified generics through a true language extension (where clauses) so that backward compatibility is compromised. In this thesis we develop a sophisticated type-passing technique for addressing the problem of reification of generic types in the Java programming language; this approach — first pioneered by the so called EGO translator — is here turned into a full-blown solution which reifies generic types inside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) itself, thus overcoming both performance penalties and compatibility issues of the original EGO translator. Java-Prolog integration Integrating Object-Oriented and declarative programming has been the subject of several researches and corresponding technologies. Such proposals come in two flavours, either attempting at joining the two paradigms, or simply providing an interface library for accessing Prolog declarative features from a mainstream Object-Oriented languages such as Java. Both solutions have however drawbacks: in the case of hybrid languages featuring both Object-Oriented and logic traits, such resulting language is typically too complex, thus making mainstream application development an harder task; in the case of library-based integration approaches there is no true language integration, and some “boilerplate code” has to be implemented to fix the paradigm mismatch. In this thesis we develop a framework called PatJ which promotes seamless exploitation of Prolog programming in Java. A sophisticated usage of generics/wildcards allows to define a precise mapping between Object-Oriented and declarative features. PatJ defines a hierarchy of classes where the bidirectional semantics of Prolog terms is modelled directly at the level of the Java generic type-system.
La ricerca ha ad oggetto l’analisi di clausole, contenute nei contratti del commercio internazionale, che sembrano finalizzate a fornire in anticipo una metodologia dell’interpretazione del contratto. L’elaborato pertanto analizza i profili di validità ed efficacia di singole e specifiche clausole, come le “clausole d’intero accordo”, le “clausole di non modificazione orale”, le clausole contenenti definizioni, e simili, alla luce delle regole giudiriche di derivazione eteronoma applicabili al contratto, siano esse rappresentate da una legge nazionale, da una convenzione internazionale di diritto materiale uniforme, o da fonti ulteriori c.d. di soft law, come i Principi Unidroit sui contratti del commercio internazionale. La ricerca ha pertanto rivelato che, diversamente da quanto possa apparire a prima vista, svariate tipologie di clausole analizzate non coinvolgono profili legati all'’nterpretazione del contratto, quanto piuttosto di documentazione e forma dello stesso. L’elaborato contiene infine alcune considerazioni di teoria generale del diritto.
La ricerca ha ad oggetto l’analisi della disciplina della responsabilità del vettore terrestre di merci per conto terzi ed i riflessi che detta disciplina ha avuto modo di svilupparsi nel mercato assicurativo. L’attenzione è stata rivolta al contratto di trasporto di cose in generale, seguendone la disciplina codicistica e le evoluzioni legislative intervenute. Particolare rilievo assume la novella apportata all’art. 1696 c.c., introdotta dall’art. 10 del Dlgs. 286/2005, grazie alla quale l’ordinamento italiano ha potuto codificare il limite di indennizzo dovuto dal vettore nell’ipotesi di colpa lieve, L’introduzione del limite legale di indennizzo per le ipotesi di responsabilità per perdita o avaria della merce trasportata ha generato nel mondo assicurativo interessanti reazioni. L’elaborato esamina anche l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale formatisi in tema di responsabilità vettoriale, evidenziando il crescente rigore imposto dalla giurisprudenza fondato sul principio del receptum. Tale fenomeno ha visto immediata reazione nel mercato assicurativo il quale, sulla base di testi contrattuali non dissimili tra le diverse compagnie di assicurazioni operanti sul mercato domestico e che traevano origine dai formulari approvati dall’ANIA, ha seguito l’evoluzione giurisprudenziale apportando significative restrizioni al rischio tipico previsto dalle coperture della responsabilità civile vettoriale. La ricerca si è poi focalizzata sull’esame delle più comuni clausole contemplate dalle polizze di assicurazioni di responsabilità civile e sul loro significato alla luce delle disposizioni di legge in materia. Tale analisi riveste preminente interesse poiché consente di verificare in concreto come l’assicurazione possa effettivamente costituire per l’impresa di trasporto non tanto un costo bensì una opportunità di risparmio da un lato ed un modello comportamentale, sebbene indotto, dall’altro lato per il raggiungimento di quei canoni di diligenza che qualsiasi operatore del settore dovrebbe tenere durante l’esecuzione del trasporto ed il cui venir meno determina, come detto, sensibili effetti pregiudizievoli di carattere economico.
La presente tesis analiza el problema de la validez de las disposiciones de transposición de las Directivas Europeas en los ordenamientos nacionales desde la perspectiva del principio constitucional de reserva de ley. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla un análisis del estado de la cuestión en las jurisprudencias española e italiana. En el segundo se afronta el estudio de los requisitos impuestos por la jurisprudencia del TJUE en relación con las normas por las que se procede a la incorporación en los ordenamientos internos del contenido de las Directivas; teniendo en cuenta que ha de partirse del principio de autonomía institucional y procedimental de los Estados Miembros y que las Directivas, en tanto carentes por razón de su forma de directa aplicabilidad, no pueden sustituir a la ley nacional, el principio de reserva de ley ha de aplicarse en este tipo de operaciones siempre que así lo exija la Constitución nacional. En el tercer capítulo se estudian los efectos que han producido en los ordenamientos italiano, francés y alemán las cláusulas constitucionales "europeas", alcanzándose la fundamental conclusión de que las mismas no han supuesto quiebra alguna de la disciplina general de producción normativa en lo que se refiere a las operaciones de ejecución interna del Derecho Europeo. En el cuarto y último capítulo, en fin, se analiza el sistema italiano de ejecución de las políticas europeas mediante normas reglamentarias y la posible toma en consideración del mismo para la formulación de propuestas de lege ferenda en relación con el Derecho Español.
The use of linear programming in various areas has increased with the significant improvement of specialized solvers. Linear programs are used as such to model practical problems, or as subroutines in algorithms such as formal proofs or branch-and-cut frameworks. In many situations a certified answer is needed, for example the guarantee that the linear program is feasible or infeasible, or a provably safe bound on its objective value. Most of the available solvers work with floating-point arithmetic and are thus subject to its shortcomings such as rounding errors or underflow, therefore they can deliver incorrect answers. While adequate for some applications, this is unacceptable for critical applications like flight controlling or nuclear plant management due to the potential catastrophic consequences. We propose a method that gives a certified answer whether a linear program is feasible or infeasible, or returns unknown'. The advantage of our method is that it is reasonably fast and rarely answers unknown'. It works by computing a safe solution that is in some way the best possible in the relative interior of the feasible set. To certify the relative interior, we employ exact arithmetic, whose use is nevertheless limited in general to critical places, allowing us to rnremain computationally efficient. Moreover, when certain conditions are fulfilled, our method is able to deliver a provable bound on the objective value of the linear program. We test our algorithm on typical benchmark sets and obtain higher rates of success compared to previous approaches for this problem, while keeping the running times acceptably small. The computed objective value bounds are in most of the cases very close to the known exact objective values. We prove the usability of the method we developed by additionally employing a variant of it in a different scenario, namely to improve the results of a Satisfiability Modulo Theories solver. Our method is used as a black box in the nodes of a branch-and-bound tree to implement conflict learning based on the certificate of infeasibility for linear programs consisting of subsets of linear constraints. The generated conflict clauses are in general small and give good rnprospects for reducing the search space. Compared to other methods we obtain significant improvements in the running time, especially on the large instances.
L'interrogativo da cui nasce la ricerca riguarda la possibilità di individuare, in controtendenza con la logica neoliberista, strategie per l'affermarsi di una cultura dello sviluppo che sia sostenibile per l'ambiente e rispettosa della dignità delle persone, in grado di valorizzarne le differenze e di farsi carico delle difficoltà che ognuno può incontrare nel corso della propria esistenza. Centrale è il tema del lavoro, aspetto decisivo delle condizioni di appartenenza sociale e di valorizzazione delle risorse umane. Vengono richiamati studi sulla realtà in cui siamo immersi, caratterizzata dal pensiero liberista diventato negli ultimi decenni dominante su scala globale e che ha comportato una concezione delle relazioni sociali basata su di una competitività esasperata e sull’esclusione di chi non sta al passo con le leggi di mercato: le conseguenze drammatiche dell'imbroglio liberista; la riduzione delle persone a consumatori; la fuga dalla comunità ed il rifugio in identità separate; il tempo del rischio, della paura e della separazione fra etica e affari. E gli studi che, in controtendenza, introducono a prospettive di ricerca di uno sviluppo inclusivo e umanizzante: le prospettive della decrescita, del business sociale, di una via cristiana verso un'economia giusta, della valorizzazione delle capacità delle risorse umane. Vengono poi indagati i collegamenti con le esperienze attive nel territorio della città di Bologna che promuovono, attraverso la collaborazione fra istituzioni, organizzazioni intermedie e cittadini, occasioni di un welfare comunitario che sviluppa competenze e diritti insieme a responsabilità: l'introduzione delle clausole sociali negli appalti pubblici per la realizzazione professionale delle persone svantaggiate; la promozione della responsabilità sociale d'impresa per l'inclusione socio-lavorativa; la valorizzazione delle risorse delle persone che vivono un’esperienza carceraria. Si tratta di esperienze ancora limitate, ma possono costituire un riferimento culturale e operativo di un modello di sviluppo possibile, che convenga a tutti, compatibile con i limiti ambientali e umanizzante.