452 resultados para Circunstâncias


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Foi desenvolvido um modelo bioeconômico para o cálculo do desempenho, dos custos e das receitas para obtenção de valores econômicos de características de interesse econômico em sistemas de produção de gado de corte no Brasil. As informações de desempenho e de parâmetros biológicos e econômicos foram obtidas em uma propriedade de gado Nelore que realiza ciclo completo com venda de reprodutores. O modelo é determinístico e estático e foram usadas planilhas Excel para a realização dos cálculos. Com base nas informações originais, foram simulados dois sistemas de produção, um fazendo o ciclo completo com venda de reprodutores (CcoR) e o outro, de cria (Cc). Foram calculados os custos e as receitas para esses dois sistemas e, a partir disto, foram obtidos seus lucros anuais. Para o cálculo dos valores econômicos foram escolhidas as características peso à desmama (PD), peso adulto da vaca (PAV), taxa de prenhez (TP) e taxa de desmama (TD), que são de interesse nos dois sistemas de produção. Para avaliar o impacto das mudanças no desempenho das características sobre o lucro anual do sistema de produção, os valores iniciais das características foram aumentados em 1%. Esse aumento resultou em mudanças positivas no lucro, observando-se que a TD foi a característica que apresentou maior impacto nos dois sistemas. Para o CcoR, os valores econômicos para PD, PAV, TP e TD foram, respectivamente, R$ 0,40/kg, R$ 0,09/kg, R$ 3,20/1% e R$ 10,15/1%. Para Cc, estes valores foram, respectivamente, de R$ 1,31/kg, R$ 0,09/kg, R$ 2,41/1% e R$ 3,36/1%. O modelo foi capaz de reproduzir satisfatoriamente o sistema de produção de gado de corte estudado e pode ser adaptado para outras circunstâncias de produção.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A exploração de petróleo está a cada dia em circunstâncias mais adversas, no que diz respeito à profundidade dos poços como também, em relação à fluidez do óleo. Os reservatórios de descobertas recentes não possuem energia própria para produzir ou os métodos convencionais não são eficientes para fazer com que esses reservatórios tenham uma vida útil elevada, devido a alterações das propriedades físico-químicas, como por exemplo a viscosidade, que torna o deslocamento do óleo pelos poros do reservatório até a superfície cada vez mais complexo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a preparação, caracterização e a utilização de nanoemulsões obtidas a partir de sistemas microemulsionados, com e sem a presença de polímero. Esses sistemas foram aplicados como método químico de recuperação de petróleo, com o intuito de obter maior eficiência de volume de óleo deslocado. O interesse por esse tipo de sistema existe devido a sua baixa tensão superficial, o pequeno tamanho de gotícula e, principalmente, pelo baixo percentual de matéria ativa presente em sua composição. Os ensaios realizados para caracterizar esses sistemas foram: aspecto físico, medidas de tamanho de gotícula, índice de polidispersão, tensão superficial, pH e condutividade. Ensaios de reologia e de adsorção dos sistemas foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar sua influencia na recuperação de petróleo. Os ensaios de recuperação foram realizados em um equipamento que simula as condições de um reservatório de petróleo, utilizando plugs de rocha arenito Botucatu. Esses plugs foram saturados com salmoura (KCl 2%) e com petróleo proveniente da Bacia Potiguar do campo de Ubarana. Após essas etapas foi realizada a recuperação convencional utilizando a salmoura e, por último, foi injetada, a nanoemulsão, como método de recuperação avançada. Os sistemas obtidos variaram de 0% à 0,4% de polímero. Os ensaios de tamanhos de partícula obtiveram como resultado uma variação de 9,22 a 14,8 nm, caracterizando que as nanoemulsões estão dentro da faixa de tamanho inerente a esse tipo de sistema. Para ensaios de tensão superficial os valores foram na faixa de 33,6 a 39,7 dynas/cm, valores semelhantes à microemulsões e bem abaixo da tensão superficial da água. Os resultados obtidos para os valores de pH e condutividade se mantiveram estáveis ao longo do tempo de armazenamento, essa avaliação indica estabilidade das nanoemulsões estudadas. O teste de recuperação avançada utilizando nanoemulsão com baixo percentual de matéria ativa obteve como resultado de eficiência de deslocamento 39,4%. Porém esse valor foi crescente, de acordo com o aumento do percentual de polímero na nanomeulsão. Os resultados de eficiência de deslocamento de petróleo estão diretamente relacionados com o aumento da viscosidade das nanoemulsões. A nanoemulsão V (0,4% polímero) é o sistema mais viscoso dentre os analisados, e obteve o maior percentual de óleo deslocado (76,7%), resultando na maior eficiência de deslocamento total (90%). Esse estudo mostrou o potencial de sistemas nanoemulsionados, com e sem polímeros, na recuperação avançada de petróleo. Eles apresentam algumas vantagens com relação a outros métodos de recuperação avançada, como: o baixo percentual de matéria ativa, baixo índice de adsorção do polímero, dissolvido em nanoemulsão, na rocha e alta eficiência de recuperação


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This dissertation aims at investigating the book Ariel (1965), written by Sylvia Plath, as a kind of performative and ritual poetry that fragments and reconstructs the personal experience, manipulating the memory of the autobiographical body as a way to rehearse and restore subjectivity. We propose that, in Ariel, the hyperbolic, transcendent and parodic transfiguration of real episodes, used as literary substance, corrupts and subverts the specular idea of a confessional truth usually related to the writer s work. Our objective is to examine signs of confluence between Sylvia Plath s poetry and performance art, departing from de idea that the spectacularization of the self, the exhibition of private rituals, the theatricalization of autobiographical circumstances and the undressing of one s craziness and vulnerability are mutual procedures to the poet and the perfomer. Simultaneously unfolding between the inside and the outside of the poem, Sylvia Plath s real suicide and the death and rebirth rituals performed in the literary text appear as symbolic elements that might reveal the performer s liminal space, where reality and representation coexist, and where the performative testimony does not frame only the real subject s body but also his/her infinite possibilities of being restored through art.


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This paper investigates the cognitive processes that operate in understanding narratives in this case, the novel Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade. Our work belongs to the field of Embodied-based Cognitive Linguistics and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, it dialogues with theoretical and methodological frameworks of Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences. Therefore, we adopt an exploratory research design, recall and cloze tests, adapted, with postgraduation students, all native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The choice of Macunaíma as the novel and initial motivation for this proposal is due to the fact it is a fantastic narrative, which consists of events, circumstances and characters that are clearly distant types from what is experienced in everyday life. Thus, the novel provides adequate data to investigate the configuration of meaning, within an understanding-based model. We, therefore, seek, to answer questions that are still, generally, scarcely explored in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, such as to what extent is the activation of mental models (schemas and frames) related to the process of understanding narratives? How are we able to build sense even when words or phrases are not part of our linguistic repertoire? Why do we get emotionally involved when reading a text, even though it is fiction? To answer them, we assume the theoretical stance that meaning is not in the text, it is constructed through language, conceived as a result of the integration between the biological (which results in creating abstract imagery schemes) and the sociocultural (resulting in creating frames) apparatus. In this sense, perception, cognitive processing, reception and transmission of the information described are directly related to how language comprehension occurs. We believe that the results found in our study may contribute to the cognitive studies of language and to the development of language learning and teaching methodologies


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This doctoral thesis investigate the way vestibulandos and pré-vestibulandos construct their discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar in their textual production. At the same time, aims to discuss its implications for the ATD and for the teaching and learning of textual production in the context of Portuguese Language classes. Its theoretical framework is inspired mainly by three sources: textual linguistics, the textual analysis of discourses (ADAM, 2008), as well as by frames semantics (FILLMORE, 2006; FELTES, 2007). The methodology is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches (VIANNA et al., 2008). The data is composed of 168 empirical texts written by the vestibulandos of PSV/2005 da UFRN, Natal, RN, and by secondary school students who attended Escola Estadual Juscelino Kubitschek (EEJK), Assú, in the 2008 school year. The results indicate different categories of discursive representations of Ficar and Namorar , such as designation of referents, prediction, aspectualization, spatial-temporal circunstances , and metaphor, which reveal the influence of factors such as: the encyclopedic knowledge, the culture, as well as the cognitive components related to textual production. These results point out to the necessity of a teaching practice which enables the interaction among students, the discussion of current themes, as well as the student involvement with different textual genres, mainly the work with textual production in the classroom, so that it enables the students do acquire the textual production strategies. Thus, the overall goal is the (re)construction of their discursive representations, so that they can cope with new contexts of communicative interaction.


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In itinerant film projects made in Brazil, the unique experience of watching movies on the big screen is held in open spaces, through the establishment of a contemporary ritual, under which the presence of spectators is primordial. Considering this dynamic of the performance of itinerant cinema, the main objective of this research is to analyze the process of reception of the spectators of the sessions of Cine Sesi Cultural, conducted by the Social Service Industry - Sesi, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The body of research was composed by the audience of the movie sessions of the edition developed in 2010. Analyses were made from the look on the specific audience of open sessions of this cinema project throughout a case study. Theoretical authors of Latin American as Jesus Martin-Barbero, Guillermo Orozco, Eliseo Veron and Nestor Garcia Canclini, which have important theoretical basis for the analysis of research on the cinematographic reception of the spectators, were taken as a basis. In this discussion are associated with contributions from Brazilian authors as Roseli Paulino, Fernando Mascarello, Mauro Wilton Souza, Nilda Jacks and Carolina Escostesguy. Besides the reception study, the research focuses on aspects that relate to and explain the circumstances in which itinerant cinema emerges as an alternative exhibition, for example, the context of the exhibition of films in the country, lack of public policies in the audiovisual sector, and mainly the closing of movie theaters in the inner cities of the country and the consequent migration of these rooms to the malls. Seeking to reduce the existing gap in the studies of the reception of spectators to the cinema in the country, this research presents a deeper analysis of the reception of the public of the itinerant cinema as a contribution to an important database for the diagnosis of projects such as the Cine Sesi Cultural


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Through a careful examination of the relationship between Zoroastrianism and the Western tradition, and a detailed and critical reading of the writings of Nietzsche, this work aims at showing to what extent the character Zarathustra , his discourses and poetical-philosophical thoughts, and related passages from many distinct Nietzschean works, directly or undirectly reflect a philosophy that harvests contributions from the Zoroastrian tradition or its headways (in the Judeo-Greco-Christian tradition, and furthermore in the whole Western philosophical tradition). Supplied with this provisions, and with the interpretation cast upon them, Nietzschean philosophy questions the entire Western tradition of thought, and proposes its replacement by a new attitude towards life. This work also intends to show the way the Nietzschean Zarathustra was built up, in the writings of the German philosopher, together with the idea of making, out of the namesake character of the ancient Iranian prophet (Zarathushtra or Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism), the herald of that important text that intended to bring the German language to its highest perfection , clumping together, and leading to a prophetic-poetic climax consonant with the meaning of the Earth , Nietzsche s key ideas about the rectification of the most fatal of errors and about the death of God . An elaborate investigation has been pursued after the reasons and manners of the building up of Nietzsche s Zarathustra mirroring its Iranian namesake (sections 1.1 to 1.6), and a survey of the works of Nietzsche has suggested unquestionable relations with the Zoroastrian tradition, mostly through the Jewish, Greek or Christian repercussions of this tradition. These relations have been put in context, in many framings (sections 2.1 to 2.3.2), in the ambit of the most fatal of errors - the - creation of morals in the very occasion of its transposition to metaphysics (Ecce Homo, Why I am a destiny , 3). Through an evaluation of the possible circumstances and repercussions of the death of God , the relations between Nietzsche s writings and Zoroastrian tradition have been investigated (sections 3.1 to 3.7), allowing the understanding of this event as an essential component, and tragic outcome, of the rectification of the most fatal of errors


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research has resulted of investigations appeared from our work experience as psychologist in a prison of the state Rio Grande do Norte. It deals with the meeting with prisoner in the search for the rescue of the human being dignity, discovering the being that finds annulled by backwards of the prison. The current debate on the prisoners in Brazil has as focus the creation of efficient strategies in the combat to the criminal acts, not being worried in understanding the historical and social conditions in the context in which such acts develop. Our objective was to reach an understanding of the experience of the prisoner in the situation of freedom deprivation in Natal (RN) city. Its significant social relevance meets in emphasized thematic which intends to be revealing of the not-said one of these citizens. The epistemological space and the vision of adopted human being support in the humanist ideas of the Centered Approach in the Person and construct self, central nucleus of the personality theory proposal by Carl Rogers. We opt to the phenomenological method as way of access to the singularity of the experience of each one of the participants, supporting us in the strategy of the narrative as expression of the lived world. The results had pointed that the investigated experience is through suffering, that is, the way to be in the world of prisoner in the situation of freedom deprivation is felt by him/her as difficult to support. This reality is had by him/her as difficult to control, having a negative emotional repercussion for the self, leading the citizen to the alienation of his/her existential flow in these circumstances. The reflections produced in this work take us to consider that the punishment practices on behalf of a normalization of the behavior, linked to the recovery idea, do not meet to the intention of the arrests, that come demonstrating to the inefficacy of the objectives shown in the law as well as the loss of the human being dignity


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The problematic that gives shape to this research is the question of the historical process of demobilization of the movement of the working classes in your accented contemporary moment. Their object of study, however, and that it particularizes, it relates to a portion this problematic; it relates to set of determinations that comprise a broader set of determinations of this historical process: it is a set of determinations forged and mediated by bourgeois strategies of management for the conformation of the circumstances necessary for the domination and for the conduct of labor force on operations in work processes for the production of surplus value. What we investigated are, because, the strategies of disarticulation that the bourgeoisie utilizes, under the mantle of subsidies conceptual and interventive of its management of work processes and the sieve of class struggles, to obstruct the union of workers; hamper the movements proletarians. Managerial strategies that intentionally or unintentionally, instill in the social relations of production means to produce and reproduce, activate and reactivate conditions of incitement of individualism and competition between the workers themselves. We shall see, thus, by analyzing means, centrally, from some of the fundamentals of disarticulation in the managerial strategies bourgeois and some of the fundamental strategies of management bourgeois hegemonized with the restructuring productive of 1970, that the disarticulation, and also the demobilization, is a concrete condition, is an objective condition, that is beyond a question that can be "solved" only by enlightenment cognitive, only by formation criticism intellectual. In everyday of the work spaces permeated by managerial strategies bourgeois there elements, then, operating as a material force putting difficulties important for the articulation of the workers, the solidarity of the proletariat; elements that constitute obstacle significant to an awareness of class and belonging; elements act in favor of the atomization of the worker - even if engenders, in the same process, as a contradiction, potentiality of resistance and fight the forces of labor


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This study has an object the understanding of the alcohol phenomenon consumption that occurs among teenagers. It is adopted as research locus catholic private schools of Natal - RN, which receive pupils proceeding from the social groups pertaining to the classes taken from Natal private schools. The researched public corresponds to 87 teenagers, who had answered to a mixing questionnaire, with open and closed questions. The research uses as a procedure the intentional election, which for the access easinesses privileges subjects who, at the moment of the research accomplishment, reveal to be in condition to participate of it. The study presents quantitative and qualitative character. It presents the following objectives: 1-Identify in which circumstances the teenagers make alcoholic beverage use; 2 -To identify the knowledge that the teenagers have on the alcohol effects; 3 -To identify the performance role of the school institution on the prevention of alcohol use by teenagers. The analysis method used corresponds to the one called answers interpretation method. Regards to the theoretical-methodological support, the Social Control Theory and the Symbolic Interactionism Theory are adopted as referential. Its contained chapters are organized in the following way: The first chapter approaches the situation of drugs adolescent consumption in general and the social confrontation of this situation. The second chapter presents sociocultural aspects of the alcohol consumption and the description of some of the researched public characteristics. The third chapter emphasizes the school and its performance next to the teenagers and the society in general, towards the prevention and combat of the alcohol use, as well as of other drugs


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Esse artigo analisa a perícia e o laudo antropológico realizados entre os índios Tapeba do município de Caucaia, área metropolitana de Fortaleza (Ceará). Discuto as diversas circunstâncias e as condições sociais de possibilidade que levaram a esse trabalho. Enfoco as várias questões sociais e culturais, além de políticas, que trataram dos usos e efeitos da história, da performatividade das tradições e das lutas da identidade, envolvendo diretamente esse grupo étnico numa ação judicial recente


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This work an algorithm for fault location is proposed. It contains the following functions: fault detection, fault classification and fault location. Mathematical Morphology is used to process currents obtained in the monitored terminals. Unlike Fourier and Wavelet transforms that are usually applied to fault location, the Mathematical Morphology is a non-linear operation that uses only basic operation (sum, subtraction, maximum and minimum). Thus, Mathematical Morphology is computationally very efficient. For detection and classification functions, the Morphological Wavelet was used. On fault location module the Multiresolution Morphological Gradient was used to detect the traveling waves and their polarities. Hence, recorded the arrival in the two first traveling waves incident at the measured terminal and knowing the velocity of propagation, pinpoint the fault location can be estimated. The algorithm was applied in a 440 kV power transmission system, simulated on ATP. Several fault conditions where studied and the following parameters were evaluated: fault location, fault type, fault resistance, fault inception angle, noise level and sampling rate. The results show that the application of Mathematical Morphology in faults location is very promising