983 resultados para Cimento Portland
A presente dissertação possui como objetivo avaliar o impacto e a viabilidade do coprocessamento de Combustíveis Derivados de Resíduos (CDR) no processo de produção de cimento, mais especificamente no Centro de Produção de Alhandra (CPA) da CIMPOR, quer a nível processual, quer a nível das emissões atmosféricas e da qualidade do produto final. O CDR é um dos combustíveis alternativos utilizados na indústria cimenteira, de modo a diminuir a dependência relativamente aos combustíveis fósseis, que tanto económica como ambientalmente, apresentam potenciais problemas para a indústria. Posto isto, o CPA encontra-se de momento a implementar a tecnologia que permitirá o coprocessamento deste combustível nos queimadores principais das suas linhas de produção, em adição ao coprocessamento no pré-calcinador, aumentando assim a capacidade de substituição térmica utilizando CDR. Para otimizar esta implementação, é necessário um estudo extensivo do CDR, uma vez que, devido à sua origem, nomeadamente nos resíduos urbanos e nos resíduos industriais banais, este possui características heterógenas, como a humidade, o poder calorífico e o teor em cloro. A presente dissertação careceu, antes de mais, de uma profunda revisão da literatura, uma vez que o coprocessamento de CDR ainda se encontra pouco documentado. Posteriormente, foram realizados Ensaios Industriais no CPA, onde se realizou o coprocessamento de CDR de origens destintas, bem como de outros combustíveis alternativos, nomeadamente Pneus Usados, Farinhas Animais e Resíduos de Veículos em Fim de Vida, de modo a realizar uma comparação eficiente que permitisse retirar conclusões válidas e onde foram monitorizadas as emissões atmosféricas, a qualidade do produto final e as alterações no processo. Nestes ensaios industriais, os resultados relativos ao CDR Urbano indicam que os principais obstáculos ao seu coprocessamento têm origem nas suas características de elevada humidade, teor em matérias orgânicas e teor em cloretos, e consistem nas emissões atmosféricas de COT e CO, na potencialização de agarramentos e no aumento da cal livre no clínquer. Quanto ao CDR Industrial, as problemáticas, originadas pelas suas frações mais ricas em cloretos, humidade e baixa densidade, consistem nas emissões de CO, COT e HF, ainda que as primeiras a menor escala que o CDR Urbano, na potencialização de agarramentos e no aumento da cal livre no clínquer. As conclusões retiradas são amplas e exigem trabalhos subsequentes, mas permitem validar a viabilidade do coprocessamento de CDR nos queimadores principais do CPA. Ainda assim, será necessário implementar medidas a curto prazo, como otimizar o controlo de qualidade e modelar a mistura dos diferentes combustíveis, e a longo prazo, como a consideração da implementação de um bypass para remover o cloro em excesso ou a ponderação da viabilidade de um sistema integrado de gasificação.
O cimento é o material de construção mais utilizado na edificação de estruturas. A sua produção compreende um consumo material e energético muito significativo que se traduz numa contribuição igualmente relevante para a deterioração do ambiente. A presente dissertação consistiu na aplicação da abordagem de ciclo de vida ao processo de produção de dois tipos de cimento – CEM I 42,5 e CEM II 32,5 – com a finalidade de calcular o impacte ambiental de cada um e comprovar o desempenho ambiental superior do segundo. A análise do ciclo de vida foi desenvolvida de acordo com uma abordagem cradle-to-gate, segundo os requisitos das normas ISO 14040 e 14044 e da Norma Europeia 15804/2012. Os dados utilizados são específicos do processo de produção de cimento na fábrica de cimento Secil-Outão. Os resultados dos inventários do ciclo de vida demonstraram que, decorrente da utilização de uma maior quantidade de clínquer no seu fabrico, o CEM I 42,5 exige um maior consumo de matérias-primas naturais e de energia, tanto elétrica como térmica. O CEM II 32,5 apresenta consumos materiais e energéticos inferiores ao cimento do tipo I, devido a uma taxa de incorporação de clínquer mais baixa, mas compreende um consumo de matérias-primas secundárias mais alto. Em relação aos fluxos de saída, o CEM I 42,5 é responsável por níveis de emissão de CO2, PM10 e outros poluentes superiores aos do CEM II 32,5, em consequência do consumo elevado de combustíveis. A produção do cimento do tipo I é responsável por uma maior contribuição para a ecotoxicidade de sistemas marinhos e terrestres e para a deterioração da saúde pública, através da emissão de metais pesados, e para o agravamento das alterações climáticas, devido às emissões de CO2. A produção do cimento do tipo II apresenta um menor impacte ambiental e, por isso, um desempenho ambiental superior.
Premature degradation of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete infrastructures is a current and serious problem with overwhelming costs amounting to several trillion dollars. The use of concrete surface treatments with waterproofing materials to prevent the access of aggressive substances is an important way of enhancing concrete durability. The most common surface treatments use polymeric resins based on epoxy, silicone (siloxane), acrylics, polyurethanes or polymethacrylate. However, epoxy resins have low resistance to ultraviolet radiation while polyurethanes are sensitive to high alkalinity environments. Geopolymers constitute a group of materials with high resistance to chemical attack that could also be used for coating of concrete infrastructures exposed to harsh chemical environments. This article presents results of an experimental investigation on the resistance to chemical attack (by sulfuric and nitric acid) of several materials: OPC concrete, high performance concrete (HPC), epoxy resin, acrylic painting and a fly ash based geopolymeric mortar. Three types of acids, each with high concentrations of 10%, 20% and 30%, were used to simulate long term degradation by chemical attack. The results show that the epoxy resin had the best resistance to chemical attack, irrespective of the acid type and acid concentration.
The eco-efficient, self-compacting concrete (SCC) production, containing low levels of cement in its formulation, shall contribute for the constructions' sustainability due to the decrease in Portland cement use, to the use of industrial residue, for beyond the minimization of the energy needed for its placement and compaction. In this context, the present paper intends to assess the viability of SCC production with low cement levels by determining the fresh and hardened properties of concrete containing high levels of fly ash (FA) and also metakaolin (MK). Hence, 6 different concrete formulations were produced and tested: two reference concretes made with 300 and 500 kg/m3 of cement; the others were produced in order to evaluate the effects of high replacement levels of cement. Cement replacement by FA of 60% and by 50% of FA plus 20% of MK were tested and the addition of hydrated lime in these two types of concrete were also studied. To evaluate the self-compacting ability slump flow test, T500, J-ring, V-funnel and L-box were performed. In the hardened state the compressive strength at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 90 days of age was determined. The results showed that it is possible to produce low cement content SCC by replacing high levels of cement by mineral additions, meeting the rheological requirements for self-compacting, with moderate resistances from 25 to 30 MPa after 28 days.
Os concretos com reduzidos teores de cimento têm sido foco de crescentes estudos em virtude do seu potencial quanto a sustentabilidade das construções. Mais recentemente o estudo ascendeu aos concretos autoadensáveis com reduzidos teores de cimento. Entretanto, há uma preocupação quanto ao ganho de resistência nas primeiras idades desses concretos devido ao baixo teor de cimento e o elevado teor de adições minerais que conhecidamente proporcionam melhorias nas resistências a longas idades, notadamente acima de 90 dias. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar o ganho de resistência e a hidratação de concretos autoadensáveis com reduzidos teores de cimento e elevados teores de cinza volante e metacaulim, com e sem adição de hidróxido de cálcio. Para tanto, os concretos foram submetidos a cura por imersão em água a temperatura de 20±2ºC durante 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 91 e 360 dias e também cura em água aquecida a 40ºC por 3 dias acrescidos de mais 3 dias a 60ºC e um dia de resfriamento dentro do banho térmico até a temperatura ambiente. Foram realizados ensaios de slump flow, L-box, V-test e J-ring para caracterização do CAA no estado fresco. No estado endurecido foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão a idades de 3, 7, 14, 28, 90 e 360 dias, absorção por capilaridade, difração de raios X e MEV. Os resultados demonstram a aptidão em desenvolver CAA com reduzidos teores de cimento devido a excelente capacidade das cinzas volantes e metacaulim em trabalharem como agentes viscosificadores dos concretos autoadensáveis. Verifica-se que é possível produzir CAA com consumos de cimento entre 150 e 200 kg/m3 que atinjam resistências aos 28 dias entre 25 e 40 MPa e entre 45 e 70 MPa, para cura úmida e térmica respectivamente. A partir do ensaios de MEV e DRX é possível inferir que o ganho de resistência obtido pelos CAA com cura térmica é devido a aceleração das reações pozolânicas e da estrutura interna mais densa dos concretos submetidos a cura térmica.
Se pretende contribuir al esclarecimiento de la causa o causas de la importante disminución de la resistencia de las pastas de cemento portland sometidas a altas temperaturas. Para ello el primer paso y el que desarrolla este trabajo final de carrera es la determinación de los diferentes componentes de las pastas de cemento portland y más concretamente las fases en las que se encuentran los C-S-H a diferentes edades ya que son los responsables de las principales resistencias mecánicas de los materiales realizados con cemento portland, como los morteros y los hormigones.
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A detailed investigation has been conducted on core samples taken from 17 portland cement concrete pavements located in Iowa. The goal of the investigation was to help to clarify the root cause of the premature deterioration problem that has become evident since the early 1990s. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to evaluate how cement composition, mixing time, and admixtures could have influenced the occurrence of premature deterioration. The cements used in this study were selected in an attempt to cover the main compositional parameters pertinent to the construction industry in Iowa. The hardened air content determinations conducted during this study indicated that the pavements that exhibited premature deterioration often contained poor to marginal entrained-air void systems. In addition, petrographic studies indicated that sometimes the entrained-air void system had been marginal after mixing and placement of the pavement slab, while in other instances a marginal to adequate entrained-air void system had been filled with ettringite. The filling was most probably accelerated because of shrinkage cracking at the surface of the concrete pavements. The results of this study suggest that the durability—more sciecifically, the frost resistance—of the concrete pavements should be less than anticipated during the design stage of the pavements. Construction practices played a significant role in the premature deterioration problem. The pavements that exhibited premature distress also exhibited features that suggested poor mixing and poor control of aggregate grading. Segregation was very common in the cores extracted from the pavements that exhibited premature distress. This suggests that the vibrators on the paver were used to overcome a workability problem. Entrained-air voids formed in concrete mixtures experiencing these types of problems normally tend to be extremely coarse, and hence they can easily be lost during the paving process. This tends to leave the pavement with a low air content and a poor distribution of air voids. All of these features were consistent with a premature stiffening problem that drastically influenced the ability of the contractor to place the concrete mixture. Laboratory studies conducted during this project indicated that most premature stiffening problems can be directly attributed to the portland cement used on the project. The admixtures (class C fly ash and water reducer) tended to have only a minor influence on the premature stiffening problem when they were used at the dosage rates described in this study.
Much of the current research in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements deals with the analysis of early pavement life failures and seeks to find ways to prevent those from reoccurring. The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) portion of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) has identified some of the key factors in designing and building new PCC pavements. This statement will build on the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-463, Field Performance Study of Past Iowa Pavement Research: A Look Back. In Iowa and across the nation, there are multiple pavements that were built more than 20 years ago that have been and are continuing to provide very good service to the public. They are found on both state and local routes and in both low and high traffic volume areas. There is a need to learn what went into those pavements, from the subgrade through the surface, that makes them perform so well. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research to study the attributes of well-performing concrete pavements. The concept of zero-maintenance jointed plain concrete pavements” was iterated in this study for long-lasting, well-performing portland cement concrete pavement sections. The scope of the study was limited to a brief literature survey, pavement performance data collection from many counties, cities, and primary and interstate roads in Iowa, field visits to many selected pavement sites, and analysis of the collected data. No laboratory orfield testing was conducted for this phase of the project. A problem statement with a research plan was created that could be used to guide the second phase of the project.
This report describes results from a study evaluating the use of stringless paving using a combination of global positioning and laser technologies. CMI and Geologic Computer Systems developed this technology and successfully implemented it on construction earthmoving and grading projects. Concrete paving is a new area for considering this technology. Fred Carlson Co. agreed to test the stringless paving technology on two challenging concrete paving projects located in Washington County, Iowa. The evaluation was conducted on two paving projects in Washington County, Iowa, during the summer of 2003. The research team from Iowa State University monitored the guidance and elevation conformance to the original design. They employed a combination of physical depth checks, surface location and elevation surveys, concrete yield checks, and physical survey of the control stakes and string line elevations. A final check on profile of the pavement surface was accomplished by the use of the Iowa Department of Transportation Light Weight Surface Analyzer (LISA). Due to the speed of paving and the rapid changes in terrain, the laser technology was abandoned for this project. Total control of the guidance and elevation controls on the slip-form paver were moved from string line to global positioning systems (GPS). The evaluation was a success, and the results indicate that GPS control is feasible and approaching the desired goals of guidance and profile control with the use of three dimensional design models. Further enhancements are needed in the physical features of the slipform paver oil system controls and in the computer program for controlling elevation.
Premature deterioration of slip formed portland cement concrete (PCC) barriers is an ongoing problem in the Iowa Primary and Interstate highway system. The requirement to have a concrete mix which can be sufficiently pliable to be readily molded into the barrier shape and yet be sufficiently stiff to maintain a true shape and height immediately after molding is difficult to meet. A concrete mix which is stiff enough to maintain its shape immediately after molding is usually difficult to work with. It often contains open or hidden tears and large voids. One way to minimize the molding resistance is by additional vibration. If intensive vibration is applied, the entrapped air voids and tears in the concrete can usually be eliminated, however, in that process, the essential entrained air content can also be lost. In the evaluation of slip formed PCC barriers, it is common to find large voids, tears and a low entrained air content, all contributing to premature deterioration. A study was initiated to evaluate core samples taken from good and from bad appearing areas of various median barriers. Evaluations were done covering visual appearance, construction information, air content and chloride content.
Standards for the construction of full-depth patching in portland cement concrete pavement usually require replacement of all deteriorated based materials with crushed stone, up to the bottom of the existing pavement layer. In an effort to reduce the time of patch construction and costs, the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University studied the use of extra concrete depth as an option for base construction. This report compares the impact of additional concrete patching material depth on rate of strength gain, potential for early opening to traffic, patching costs, and long-term patch performance. This report also compares those characteristics in terms of early setting and standard concrete mixes. The results have the potential to change the method of Portland cement concrete pavement patch construction in Iowa.
The report reviews the past work in the United States and internationally in the development of two-lift pavements. It points out the strengths and limitations in the construction of such portland cement concrete pavements. Certain cost, mix design, and construction problems are inhibiting the growth of this product. Changes in the availability of aggregates, knowledge of materials and new construction equipment, and the desire for specific surfaces to meet noise, durability, and safety are prompting the need to reconsider this type of construction.
The concrete paving industry has spent large amounts of time working to provide safe, quiet, and smooth pavements for the traveling public as their needs and driving habits have changed since the advent of the automobile. During that time, the efforts of research, design, and construction were directed at one of the problems at a time. Current public surveys indicate that the traveling public wishes to have safe, quiet, and smooth pavements. This report identifies the problems remaining in the areas of developing smooth, quiet, and safe portland cement concrete pavement in each pavement we build. It develops the research framework that can be used to bring the existing information together with additional research in each area. The resulting answers can be used in each pavement design for a quiet, safe, and smooth pavement that is also long lasting.
The report reviews the past work in the United States and internationally in the development of two-lift pavements. It points out the strengths and limitations in the construction of such portland cement concrete pavements. Certain cost, mix design, and construction problems are inhibiting the growth of this product. Changes in the availability of aggregates, knowledge of materials and new construction equipment, and the desire for specific surfaces to meet noise, durability, and safety are prompting the need to reconsider this type of construction.