998 resultados para Cenozoic


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Molecular phylogeny of three genera containing nine species and subspecies of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are investigated based on the complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Meantime relationships between the main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes and the stepwise uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau are also conducted using the molecular clock, which is calibrated by geological isolated events between the upper reaches of the Yellow River and the Qinghai Lake. Results indicated that the specialized schizothoracine fishes are not a monophyly. Five species and subspecies of Ptychobarbus form a monophyly. But three species of Gymnodiptychus do not form a monophyly. Gd. integrigymnatus is a sister taxon of the highly specialized schizothoracine fishes while Gd. pachycheilus has a close relation with Gd. dybowskii, and both of them are as a sister group of Diptychus maculatus. The specialized schizothoracines fishes might have originated during the Miocene (about 10 MaBP), and then the divergence of three genera happened during late Miocene (about 8 MaBP). Their main specialization occurred during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (3.54-0.42 MaBP). The main cladogenetic events of the specialized schizothoracine fishes are mostly correlated with the geological tectonic events and intensive climate shift happened at 8, 3.6, 2.5 and 1.7 MaBP of the late Cenozoic. Molecular clock data do not support the hypothesis that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplifted to near present or even higher elevations during the Oligocene or Miocene, and neither in agreement with the view that the plateau uplifting reached only to an altitude of 2000 in during the late Pliocene (about 2.6 MaBP).


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Unequivocal Eocene suckers from China are for the first time reported here. This discovery demonstrates that catostomids of the Eocene Epoch (some 55-35 Ma ago) are scattered widely on mainland Asia as well as western North America. The present day disjunct distribution pattern of catostomids, with 68 extant species widespread in North America and the northern part of Middle America and only two in the restricted areas of Asia, is the result of their post-Eocene decline in Asia due to the competitive pressure from cyprinids, their Late Cenozoic radiation in North America, and the vicariant and dispersal events triggered by the changed biogeographic landscape. All of these prove to be a historical product of the geological, biological, and climatic changes throughout the Cenozoic.


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Quantitative studies on the evolution and dynamics of the deepwater area of Pearl River Mouth basin (PRMB) were carried out based on the latest geological and seismic data. The study area is generally in an extensional state during the Cenozoic. The major extension happened in the earlier syn-rift stages before 23 Ma and the extension after 23 Ma is negligible. Two rapid subsidence periods, 32-23 Ma and 5.3-2.6 Ma, are identified, which are related to the abrupt heat decay during margin breakup and the collision between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, respectively. The strongest crustal thinning in the Baiyun (sic) sag may trigger the syn-rift volcanism along the weak faulted belt around the sag. The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the study area could be divided into five stages: rifting (similar to 50-40 Ma), rift-drift transition (similar to 40-32 Ma), early post-breakup (similar to 32-23 Ma), thermal subsidence (similar to 23-5.3 Ma) and neotectonic movement (similar to 5.3-0 Ma).


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Investigating the interplay between continental weathering and erosion, climate, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations is significant in understanding the mechanisms that force the Cenozoic global cooling and predicting the future climatic and environmental response to increasing temperature and CO2 levels. The Miocene represents an ideal test case as it encompasses two distinct extreme climate periods, the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO) with the warmest time since 35 Ma in Earth's history and the transition to the Late Cenozoic icehouse mode with the establishment of the east Antarctic ice sheet. However the precise role of continental weathering during this period of major climate change is poorly understood. Here we show changes in the rates of Miocene continental chemical weathering and physical erosion, which we tracked using the chemical index of alteration ( CIA) and mass accumulation rate ( MAR) respectively from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 and 1148 in the South China Sea. We found significantly increased CIA values and terrigenous MARs during the MCO (ca. 17-15 Ma) compared to earlier and later periods suggests extreme continental weathering and erosion at that time. Similar high rates were revealed in the early-middle Miocene of Asia, the European Alps, and offshore Angola. This suggests that rapid sedimentation during the MCO was a global erosion event triggered by climate rather than regional tectonic activity. The close coherence of our records with high temperature, strong precipitation, increased burial of organic carbon and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration during the MCO argues for long-term, close coupling between continental silicate weathering, erosion, climate and atmospheric CO2 during the Miocene. Citation: Wan, S., W. M. Kurschner, P. D. Clift, A. Li, and T. Li (2009), Extreme weathering/ erosion during the Miocene Climatic Optimum: Evidence from sediment record in the South China Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L19706, doi: 10.1029/2009GL040279.


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The Lhasa terrane, located between the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone and the Indus-Yalung Tsangpo suture zone in the southern Tibetan Plateau, was considered previously as a Precambrian continental block. Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Lhasa terrane is closely related to the subduction of the Tethys ocean and the collision between the Indian and European continents; so it is one of the keys to reveal the formation and evolution of the Tibetan plateau. The garnet two-pyroxene granulite which was found at the Nyingtri rock group of the southeastern Lhasa terrene consists of garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, labradorite, Ti-rich amphibolite and biotite, with a chemical composition of mafic rock. The metamorphic conditions were estimated to be at T = 747 similar to 834 degrees C and P = 0.90 similar to 1.35GPa, suggesting a formation depth of 45km. The zircon U-Pb dating for the garnet amphibolite and marble associated with the granulite give a metamorphic age of 85 similar to 90Ma. This granulite-facies metamorphic event together with a contemporaneous magmatism demonstrated that the southern Lhasa terrane has undergone an Andean-type orogeny at Late Mesozoic time.


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The northern South China Sea margin has experienced a rifting stage and a post-rifting stage during the Cenozoic. In the rifting stage, the margin received lacustrine and shallow marine facies sediments. In the post-rifting thermal subsidence, the margin accumulated shallow marine facies and hemipelagic deposits, and the deepwater basins formed. Petroleum systems of deepwater setting have been imaged from seismic data and drill wells. Two kinds of source rocks including Paleogene lacustrine black shale and Oligocene-Early Miocene mudstone were developed in the deepwater basin of the South China Sea. The deepwater reservoirs are characterized by the deep sea channel rill, mass flow complexes and drowned reef carbonate platform. Profitable capping rocks on the top are mudstones with huge thickness in the post-rifting stage. Meanwhile, the faults developed during the rifting stage provide a migration path favourable for the formation of reservoirs. The analysis of seismic and drilling data suggests that the joint structural and stratigraphic traps could form giant hydrocarbon fields and hydrocarbon reservoirs including syn-rifting graben subaqueous delta, deepwater submarine fan sandstone and reef carbonate reservoirs.


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3DMove software, based on the three-dimension structural model of geologic interpretation, can forecast reservoir cracks from the point of view of formation of the structural geology, and analyze the characteristics of the cracks. 3DMove software dominates in forecasting cracks. We forecast the developments and directions of the cracks in Chengbei buried hill with the application of forecasting technique in 3DMove software, and obtain the chart about strain distributing on top in buried hill and the chart about relative density and orientation and the chart about the analysis of crack unsealing. In Chengbei 30 buried hill zone, north-west and north-east and approximately east-west cracks in Cenozoic are very rich and the main directions in every fault block are different. Forecasting results that are also verified by those of drilling approximately accord with the data from well logging, the case of which shows that the technique has the better ability in forecasting cracks, and takes more effects on exploration and exploitation of crack reservoir beds in ancient buried hill reservoirs.


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High-resolution multi-channel seismic data and geological samples were collected during two research cruises of the R/V FENDOU 4 in 1999 and 2000. Studies on these data and samples together with results from sites 1143-1145 and 1148 of ODP Leg 184 suggest that the geological structure on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea is favorable for the formation of gas hydrates. Bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) and geochemical anomalies which indicate the existence of gas hydrates have been recognized in sediments of the Xisha Trough, the Dongsha Rise and the accretionary wedge of the Manila subduction zone. These gas hydrates are generated by two different mechanisms depending on the tectonic regime and the seismic and geochemical characteristics. The first applies to the passive continental margin of the nor-them South China Sea on the Dongsha Rise and in the Xisha Trough. The gas hydrates are associated with diapiric structures, active faults, slumps and gravity flows as well as high Late Cenozoic sedimentation rates. Their seismic expression includes BSRs, seismic blanking zones and velocity anomalies. The second mechanism is operative on the active continental margin along the Manila subduction zone, especially in the accretionary wedge. Here, gas hydrate occurrence is marked by widespread BSRs and acoustic 'pull-down' possibly related to the existence of free gas in the sediments beneath the BSR. The thickness of the seismic blanking zones averages 250 m, suggesting that the stable gas hydrate zone has about the same thickness. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A mass of geological, geophysical and geochemical data and information from the Okinawa Trough area are collected for comprehensive research in the study area from East China to Okinawa Trough and then to Ryukyu Island Are region. According to the seismic tomography result (P and S wave) and the processing result of free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly and magnetic anomaly data in the study area, the comprehensive interpretation is carried out. The Moho depth distribution of the study area is obtained by the inversion calculation based on gravity data using the Harmonious Series method. The crust properties are analyzed. Meantime, some Cenozoic basalt data from Kuandian (NE China), Hannuoba (North China), Minxi (South China), Penghu Islands (Taiwan Strait), Okinawa Trough and Japan Island Arc regions are chosen to make the comparison research on element- isotopes. The result indicates that the lithosphere thickness in the Okinawa Trough area has obviously decreased, where a Low -velocity layer of upper-mantle has reached the Moho interface and the metasometized asthenosphere has formed. The research result on element- isotopes shows that the characteristic of the crust in the Okinawa Trough area is different from that in East China area and the Ryukyu Island Arc area. It is considered that the crust in the Okinawa Trough area belongs to the transition type, which is quite similar to the feature of the oceanic crust.


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Eolian flux in the Chinese Loess Plateau was reconstructed by measuring the dry bulk density and CaCO3 content of the late Cenozoic loess-paleosol-red clay sequences in the Lingtai profile. Comparison of eolian flux variation between the Lingtai profile and the ODP sites 885/886 in the North Pacific shows a significant wet-dry variability in addition to a gradual drying trend in the dust source regions in interior Asia. Especially, the increase of eolian fluxes from both continental and pelagic eolian sediments indicates a sharp drying of the dust source regions between 3.6 and 2.6 MaBP, which might be attributed to the tectonic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, which cut down the moisture input to the interior Asia. The average value and variability of eolian flux are higher after 2.6 MaBP than before, which may be related to the Quaternary climatic fluctuations on the glacial-interglacial timescale after the commencement of major Northern Hemisphere Glaciations. The eolian fluxes of the Lingtai profile and Core V21-146 in northwest Pacific show a synchronous variation on the 10(4)-10(5) a timescale, indicating that the flux variations from both continental and marine records are closely correlated to the Quaternary climatic fluctuation forced by the ice volume changes on a global scale.


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The stratigraphic architecture, structure and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone in Laizhou Bay, eastern China, are analyzed based on interpretations of 31 new 2D seismic lines across Laizhou Bay. Cenozoic strata in the study area are divided into two layers separated by a prominent and widespread unconformity. The upper sedimentary layer is made up of Neogene and Quaternary fluvial and marine sediments, while the lower layer consists of Paleogene lacustrine and fluvial facies. In terms of tectonics, the sediments beneath the unconformity can be divided into four main structural units: the west depression, central uplift, east depression and Ludong uplift. The two branches of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone differ in their geometry and offset: the east branch fault is a steeply dipping S-shaped strike-slip fault that cuts acoustic basement at depths greater than 8 km, whereas the west branch fault is a relatively shallow normal fault. The Tan-Lu fault zone is the key fault in the study area, having controlled its Cenozoic evolution. Based on balanced cross-sections constructed along transverse seismic line 99.8 and longitudinal seismic line 699.0, the Cenozoic evolution of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone is divided into three stages: Paleocene-Eocene transtension, Oligocene-Early Miocene transpression and Middle Miocene to present-day stable subsidence. The reasons for the contrasting tectonic features of the two branch faults and the timing of the change from transtension to transpression are discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Volcanic rocks both from the northern East China Sea (NECS) shelf margin and the northern Okinawa Trough are subalkaline less aluminous, and lower in High Field Strength Elements (HFSE). These rocks are higher in Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE), thorium and uranium contents, positive lead anomalies, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, and enrichment in Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE). Basalts from the NECS shelf margin are akin to Indian Ocean Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), and rhyolites from the northern Okinawa Trough have the highest Pb-207/Pb-208 and Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios. The NECS shelf margin basalts have lower Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios, epsilon(Nd) and sigma O-18 than the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks. According to K-40-Ar-40 isotopic ages of basalts from the NECS shelf margin, rifting of the Okinawa Trough may have been active since at least 3.65-3.86 Ma. The origin of the NECS shelf margin basalt can be explained by the interaction of melt derived from Indian Ocean MORB-like mantle with enriched subcontinental lithosphere. The basalts from both sides of the Okinawa Trough may have a similar origin during the initial rifting of the Okinawa Trough, and the formation of basaltic magmas closely relates to the thinning of continental crust. The source of the formation of the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks was different from that of the middle Okinawa Trough, which could have been generated by the interaction of basaltic melt with an enriched crustal component. From the Ryukyu island arc to East China, the Cenozoic basalts have apparently increasing trends of MgO contents and ratios of LREE to Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE), suggesting that the trace element variabilities of basalts may have been influenced by the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, and that the effects of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate on the chemical composition of basaltic melts have had a decreasing effect from the Ryukyu island arc to East China.


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南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,位于欧亚板块、印-澳板块以及太平洋板块之间。南海海底扩张停止(15.5Ma, Briais et al., 1993) 后的板内火山作用,影响着中国南部、中南半岛、大洋基底和分裂的微大陆片段的广大地区。对南海新生代玄武岩进行地球化学研究,不仅对于理解南海板内火山作用的深部地幔过程有着重要意义,而且对南海形成演化及含油气盆地形成的深部动力学机制有着深远意义。 南海新生代玄武岩K-Ar/Ar-Ar年龄为3.8-7.9Ma, 表明为晚中新世以来的岩浆活动产物,与周边地区的碱性火山岩在年龄上的一致性。岩石学特征表明,南海新生代玄武岩的矿物组合为橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜长石,与特征的碱性玄武岩的矿物组合一致。由橄榄石所计算的南海底潜在地幔温度(Tp)平均值为1661℃, 暗示南海地区下的地幔可能存在热量异常,为海南地区存在地幔柱的观点提供了证据。单斜辉石富钙、钛,由单斜辉石-熔体平衡温压计计算的岩浆房深度分别为:碱玄岩岩浆房深度约49km(对应压力为1.46~1.48 GPa);粗面玄武岩岩浆房约25km(对应压力为0.76 GPa);玄武岩岩浆房约15km(对应压力为0.44GPa)。由碱玄岩→粗面玄武岩→玄武岩,平衡温度(K)依次降低:从1535~1498→1429→1369。由斜长石微晶所计算的岩浆喷出地表的温度为989℃。 主量元素特征表明,岩石类型主要为碱玄岩,有少量的粗面玄武岩和玄武岩,属于碱性系列。微量元素方面,大离子亲石元素(LILE)以及高场强元素(HFSE)特别是Nb、Ta、Ti、Y等元素均呈现富集现象,Yb、Sc、Sr以及K、U、Th等生热元素相对亏损,微量元素及稀土元素分布岩石类似板内OIB微量元素的全球平均值。同位素地球化学研究表明,源区存在两个混合端员并具Dupal Pb异常:一个为DMM,位于软流圈或岩石圈地幔中;另一个为EM2源区,可能来自位于核-幔边界处的海南地幔柱而非大陆底岩石圈地幔。研究表明,南半球Dupal异常不存在全球范围内的地区专属性,本区存在的Dupal异常与南半球Dupal异常可能不存在联系。在南海新生代玄武岩的成因过程中,海南地幔柱在为岩石圈地幔的部分熔融作用提供所需的热量同时,也在物质上作出了贡献。南海盆新生代碱性玄武岩由不同程度的部分熔融作用,以及岩浆在上升期间或者在高位岩浆房中的橄榄石等矿物分离结晶作用所形成,同时还可能发生了堆晶作用。构造环境判别表明,玄武岩浆在上升到地表过程中几乎未受到地壳混染。 南海新生代玄武岩的地球化学研究表明,在玄武质岩浆的深部地幔演化过程中,海南地幔柱可能起着重要的作用。通过引入海南岛地幔柱这个概念,本文建立了一个新的有关南海形成演化的初步的概念性模型:(1)50-32Ma,印度洋板块-欧亚板块碰撞及其所导致的太平洋板块后退的综合效应为南海地区提供了一个伸展环境,此伸展环境为地幔柱物质的上升提供了通道;(2)32-21Ma,当地幔柱柱头到达软流圈时, 通过侧向物质流开始同扩张中心发生相互作用,促进了南海的扩张,并在26-24Ma期间发生了洋脊重新就位事件,使扩张中心从原来的18°N附近(即现今西北海盆的中心)调整到15.5°N附近(即现今的东部亚盆);(3)21-15.5Ma, 随着地幔柱效应的逐渐增强,热点-洋脊相互作用越来越强烈,在大约21Ma发生了洋脊的再次重新就位事件,诱发了西南海盆的扩张;(4)15.5-现在,由于印澳板块前缘与巽他大陆碰撞,使得南海大约在15.5Ma停止扩张,并沿着南沙海槽及吕宋海沟向菲律宾岛弧及巴拉望地块之下俯冲,而南海热点继续活动,在地表处直到第四纪还有碱性玄武岩喷出。


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研究区位于郯庐断裂中段与济阳坳陷的构造结合部,区内走滑构造广泛发育,主要的走滑断裂有7条,分别是郯庐断裂带的东西两支、垦东断层、孤东断层、长堤断层、埕东断层和发育于垦东凸起中部的浅层走滑构造带。走滑构造带与油气富集带有着明显的对应关系。 通过对研究区内二维、三维地震测线和平面构造图的精细解释和分析,分别揭示了各走滑断裂在平面、剖面和三维空间上的构造形态。根据走滑断裂及其伴生构造的平面和剖面上的几何学特征,将研究区内的走滑断裂划分为三种类型:成熟型走滑断裂、隐伏型走滑断裂、不连续型的走滑断裂。 从理论模式研究入手,推导了拉分盆地中盆地的走滑速率与沉降速率之间的关系,证实了走滑速率同盆地的几何形状参数、最大沉降深度和盆地的沉降速率存在着稳定的数值关系。通过对莱州湾地区潍北凹陷基底沉降历史的分析,建立了潍北凹陷沉降速率与郯庐断裂中段走滑速率之间的经验关系式,进而求出郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移量的大小为40km。 运用2DMove软件,对研究区内四条典型剖面进行构造复原,计算出了各条剖面每个时期的伸展参数,对研究区构造活动强度进行了定量分析,揭示了研究区的构造演化规律。通过运用Ansys软件进行有限元模拟,恢复了晚白垩世晚期-古近纪早期研究区内的构造应力场和应变场,揭示了扭张作用是研究区内走滑断层开始走滑的主要原因。 通过上述分析,结合对究区内近几年勘探开发成功和失败的实例分析,全面探讨了走滑活动对于油气成藏“生”、“储”、“盖”、“圈”、“运”、“保”各因素的影响。