967 resultados para Captive portal


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Memòria del projecte final de carrera en l'àrea de J2EE que explica la creació d'un portal d'automatització d'empreses de hosting.


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L’objectiu del treball és desenvolupar un portal web pel club Atlètic Alpicat i la Unió Esportiva Alpicat. A més aquest Portal que ha d’estar adaptat als requeriments de clubs i usuaris del Portal, ha de ser fàcil d’usar i de mantenir. Un cop finalitzat el Portal es guiarà els clubs per tal de que puguin gestionar-lo de forma autònoma.A la present memòria trobarem explicades les accions dutes a terme abans, durant i després del desenvolupament del Portal web dels Clubs de Futbol Alpicat.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera té com a finalitat analitzar els problemes d’usabilitat d’una botiga online. Aplicant aquesta avaluació podrem obtenir les mancances i els punts forts i/o febles que pot tenir aquesta botiga. L’avaluació es realitzarà amb una aplicació anomenada MORAE. Aquesta aplicació ens proporcionarà les dades necessàries i ens permetrà establir paràmetres indicatius de possibles problemes d’usabilitat de la citada botiga. L’anàlisi estadística ens permet extreure un conjunt de dades que, en analitzar-les, ens permetran establir un conjunt divers d’informació que ens facilitarà, alhora, diferents formes d’anàlisi, tant comparativa com inductiva. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és avaluar l’eficàcia de la botiga i establir si els usuaris tenen dificultats per treballar amb ella o no. A més a més, es proposaran idees de millora per facilitar el bon ús per als usuaris per tal de fer més gratificant la seva experiència.


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Construcció d'una intranet per a l'ajuntament de Vinaròs utilitzant el gestor de continguts Liferay, usant la tecnologia J2EE per desenvolupar els portlets.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Liver stiffness is increasingly used in the non-invasive evaluation of chronic liver diseases. Liver stiffness correlates with hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) in patients with cirrhosis and holds prognostic value in this population. Hence, accuracy in its measurement is needed. Several factors independent of fibrosis influence liver stiffness, but there is insufficient information on whether meal ingestion modifies liver stiffness in cirrhosis. We investigated the changes in liver stiffness occurring after the ingestion of a liquid standard test meal in this population. METHODS: In 19 patients with cirrhosis and esophageal varices (9 alcoholic, 9 HCV-related, 1 NASH; Child score 6.9±1.8), liver stiffness (transient elastography), portal blood flow (PBF) and hepatic artery blood flow (HABF) (Doppler-Ultrasound) were measured before and 30 minutes after receiving a standard mixed liquid meal. In 10 the HVPG changes were also measured. RESULTS: Post-prandial hyperemia was accompanied by a marked increase in liver stiffness (+27±33%; p<0.0001). Changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with PBF changes, but directly correlated with HABF changes (r = 0.658; p = 0.002). After the meal, those patients showing a decrease in HABF (n = 13) had a less marked increase of liver stiffness as compared to patients in whom HABF increased (n = 6; +12±21% vs. +62±29%,p<0.0001). As expected, post-prandial hyperemia was associated with an increase in HVPG (n = 10; +26±13%, p = 0.003), but changes in liver stiffness did not correlate with HVPG changes. CONCLUSIONS: Liver stiffness increases markedly after a liquid test meal in patients with cirrhosis, suggesting that its measurement should be performed in standardized fasting conditions. The hepatic artery buffer response appears an important factor modulating postprandial changes of liver stiffness. The post-prandial increase in HVPG cannot be predicted by changes in liver stiffness.


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El portal web FastJob tiene como objetivo principal la gestión de ofertas de trabajo tanto a nivel de empresa como de la persona que busca un nuevo empleo. Este proyecto también recogerá la funcionalidad necesaria para el mantenimiento de los usuarios y las ofertas de trabajo, facilitando así el cumplimiento del objetivo principal.


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Soitinnus: Lauluääni (sopraano), ork.


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The Catalan Research Portal (Portal de la Recerca de Catalunya or PRC) is an initiative carried out by the Consortium for University Services in Catalonia (CSUC) in coordination with nearly all universities in Catalonia. The Portal will provide an online CERIF-compliant collection of all research outputs produced by Catalan HEIs together with an appropriate contextual information describing the specific environment where the output was generated (such as researchers, research group, research project, etc). The initial emphasis of the Catalan Research Portal approach to research outputs will be made on publications, but other outputs such as patents and eventually research data will eventually be addressed as well. These guidelines provide information for PRC data providers to expose and exchange their research information metadata in CERIFXML compatible structure, thus allowing them not just to exchange validated CERIF XML data with the PRC platform, but to improve their general interoperability by being able to deliver CERIFcompatible outputs.


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En aquest món on ens ha tocat viure i patir canvis tan durs amb la crisi econòmica que patim, que ens ha fet passar de lligar els gossos amb llonganisses a vigilar en les despeses del dia a dia per poder arribar just a final de mes, és el moment de reinventar-se. És per aquest motiu que presento aquesta idea, on el seu objectiu és desenvolupar una pàgina web que esdevingui un punt de trobada entre usuaris que volen transmetre o ampliar el seu coneixement i oferir-los la possibilitat que entre ells puguin compartir les seves habilitats i destreses. El web consistirà en un panell d’activitats on els usuaris un cop s’hagin registrat puguin crear les activitats que vulguin aprendre o bé ensenyar, tot demanant, si ho desitgen, quelcom a canvi. Aleshores la resta d’usuaris si els interessa l’activitat, poden acceptar la demanda o bé fer una proposta pròpia. A partir d’aquí els usuaris s’han de posar d’acord a l’hora de dur a terme l’activitat. El web disposarà d’una part pels usuaris amb permisos d’administrador perquè puguin gestionar el portal. Aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat amb el framework de PHP Codeigniter, el qual utilitza la programació per capes MVC, la qual separa la programació en tres parts: el Model, la Vista i el Controlador. També s’han utilitzat els llenguatges HTML5 i CSS3, i jQuery, que és una llibreria de JavaScript. Com a sistema gestor de base de dades s’ha utilitzat el MySQL.


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The Química Nova Interativa (QNInt) portal was launched in 2009 by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) to offer free quality content for broad audiences. QNInt provides peer-reviewed articles from SBQ journals on science & society, chemical concepts, classroom activities and educational research. With 3,000,000 visits, QNInt also offers a unique library of interactive molecules. In the International Year of Chemistry QNInt served for distributing pH kits and registering data from IUPAC's Global Water Experiment, yielding Brazil the largest share of the global pH data set. The portal performance makes QNInt a valuable resource for connecting science to education.


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This master’s thesis was done for Andritz Inc. Atlanta Georgia. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a new trolley for a small portal log yard crane. In the beginning of the thesis the basic principles of the systematic design processes have been described, along which the design work of the trolley has proceeded. The second literature part consists of the design and dimensioning of the welded steel structures under fatigue loading. The design work of the trolley consists of the engineering and the selection of the mechanical components and the design of the load carrying structure for the trolley. The realization of the steel structure of the trolley is based on the fatigue and static dimensioning. The fatigue dimensioning is grounded in the life expectations estimated for the trolley and the static dimensioning is based on the CMAA guidelines. The computer aided element method was utilized in the design of the steel structure. The effective notch method and the hot spot method were used in the fatigue calculations. The trolley structure was carried out by using the sheet metal parts in order to manufacture the structure as effective and low cost way as possible. The corner stone of the dimensioning of the trolley structure was the utilization of the open profiles made of welded or cold formed sheet metals, which provide better weldability, weld inspection, access for repairs and corrosion protection. As a last part of the thesis a new trolley traveling system was developed. The distribution of the wheel loads of the trolley bogies on the main girder was also studied, which led to an innovative suspension arrangement between the trolley leg and the bogie. The new bogie solution increases the service life of the main girder of the crane and improves the stability of the bogies. The outcome of the thesis is an excellent trolley structure from the weight and the service life point of view.


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Descreve-se o uso do Portal de Periódicos da Capes pelos 258 alunos matriculados na pós-graduação stricto sensu da Faculdade de Medicina da UFMG, aos quais foi enviado um e-mail/formulário. Responderam a pesquisa 62 (27%) pós-graduandos. Sobre a utilização do Portal da Capes, verificou-se que 57 (91,9%) usam para fazer pesquisas, 29 (46,8%) destes com frequência semanal. Conhecem o novo Portal 71%. Em relação às bases de dados, 50 alunos (80,7%) conhecem de três a seis bases, dentre as quais a Pubmed aparece em 100% das respostas. Em relação a treinamentos oferecidos pela Capes, 71% nunca participaram, e destes 88,7% gostariam de participar. Estes resultados mostram o uso frequente do Portal de Periódicos da Capes pelos pós-graduandose a necessidade de constantes treinamentos.


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Modalidades de aprendizagem virtual combinadas com métodos convencionais de ensino podem contribuir na educação médica. Este estudo investigou o perfil de acesso e uso de portal universitário no ensino da Dermatologia. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa com questionário para avaliar emprego do portal universitário, perfil tecnológico dos estudantes, necessidades informacionais e uso de base de dados. A amostra foi composta por 122 acadêmicos na faixa etária de 23,7 ± 3,1 anos, com domínio da língua inglesa (93,4%) e acesso ao portal via internet domiciliar (77,9%) e dispositivos móveis (43,4%). As vantagens foram obtenção do conteúdo das aulas, recursos didáticos oferecidos e disponibilidade permanente. As dificuldades residiram em disponibilidade de rede no hospital-escola, aspectos técnicos e operacionais. Os acessos preferidos foram: aulas ilustradas, cronograma de provas e trabalhos, avisos editados, leituras obrigatórias, artigos, textos anexados e consultas a bibliotecas virtuais e revistas médicas. As bases de dados mais utilizadas foram: UpToDate (84,4%), Pubmed (77,9%) e Scielo 94 (77%). O portal atendeu as demandas informacionais dos graduandos,porém a utilidade percebida e a facilidade de uso deste recurso didático podem ser potencializadas para aplicação mais ampla na medicina.