985 resultados para Candida quercitrusa
The antifungal agent fluconazole (FLC) is widely used in clinical practice. Monitoring FLC levels is useful in complicated clinical settings and in experimental infection models. A bioassay using Candida pseudotropicalis, a simple and cost-effective method, is validated only for FLC levels ranging from 5 to 40 mg/liter. An extension of the analytical range is needed to cover most yeast MICs. A new bioassay in RPMI agar containing methylene blue was developed using C. albicans DSY1024, a mutant rendered hypersusceptible to FLC constructed by the deletion of the multidrug efflux transporter genes CDR1, CDR2, CaMDR1, and FLU1. Reproducible standard curves were obtained with FLC concentrations in plasma ranging from 1 to 100 mg/liter (quadratic regression coefficient > 0.997). The absolute sensitivity was 0.026 microg of FLC. The method was internally validated according to current guidelines for analytical method validation. Both accuracy and precision lied in the required +/-15% range. FLC levels measured by bioassay and by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) performed with 62 plasma samples from humans and rats showed a strong correlation (coefficients, 0.979 and 0.995, respectively; percent deviations of bioassay from HPLC values, 0.44% +/- 15.31% and 2.66% +/- 7.54%, respectively). In summary, this newly developed bioassay is sensitive, simple, rapid, and inexpensive. It allows nonspecialized laboratories to determine FLC levels in plasma to within the clinically relevant concentration range and represents a useful tool for experimental treatment models.
Current increases in antifungal drug resistance in Candida spp. and clinical treatment failures are of concern, as invasive candidiasis is a significant cause of mortality in intensive care units (ICUs). This trend reflects the large and expanding use of newer broad-spectrum antifungal agents, such as triazoles and echinocandins. In this review, we firstly present an overview of the mechanisms of action of the drugs and of resistance in pathogenic yeasts, subsequently focusing on recent changes in the epidemiology of antifungal resistance in ICU. Then, we emphasize the clinical impacts of these current trends. The emergence of clinical treatment failures due to resistant isolates is described. We also consider the clinical usefulness of recent advances in the interpretation of antifungal susceptibility testing and in molecular detection of the mutations underlying acquired resistance. We pay particular attention to practical issues relating to ICU patient management, taking into account the growing threat of antifungal drug resistance.
An efficient screening strategy for the identification of potentially interesting low-abundance antifungal natural products in crude extracts that combines both a sensitive bioautography assay and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) microfractionation was developed. This method relies on high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) bioautography with a hypersusceptible engineered strain of Candida albicans (DSY2621) for bioactivity detection, followed by the evaluation of wild type strains in standard microdilution antifungal assays. Active extracts were microfractionated by HPLC in 96-well plates, and the fractions were subsequently submitted to the bioassay. This procedure enabled precise localisation of the antifungal compounds directly in the HPLC chromatograms of the crude extracts. HPLC-PDA-mass spectrometry (MS) data obtained in parallel to the HPLC antifungal profiles provided a first chemical screening about the bioactive constituents. Transposition of the HPLC analytical conditions to medium-pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) allowed the efficient isolation of the active constituents in mg amounts for structure confirmation and more extensive characterisation of their biological activities. The antifungal properties of the isolated natural products were evaluated by their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in a dilution assay against both wild type and engineered strains of C. albicans. The biological activity of the most promising agents was further evaluated in vitro by electron microscopy and in vivo in a Galleria mellonella model of C. albicans infection. The overall procedure represents a rational and comprehensive means of evaluating antifungal activity from various perspectives for the selection of initial hits that can be explored in more in-depth mode-of-action studies. This strategy is illustrated by the identification and bioactivity evaluation of a series of antifungal compounds from the methanolic extract of a Rubiaceae plant, Morinda tomentosa, which was used as a model in these studies.
The inactivation of ERG3, a gene encoding sterol Δ⁵,⁶-desaturase (essential for ergosterol biosynthesis), is a known mechanism of in vitro resistance to azole antifungal drugs in the human pathogen Candida albicans. ERG3 inactivation typically results in loss of filamentation and attenuated virulence in animal models of disseminated candidiasis. In this work, we identified a C. albicans clinical isolate (VSY2) with high-level resistance to azole drugs in vitro and an absence of ergosterol but normal filamentation. Sequencing of ERG3 in VSY2 revealed a double base deletion leading to a premature stop codon and thus a nonfunctional enzyme. The reversion of the double base deletion in the mutant allele (erg3-1) restored ergosterol biosynthesis and full fluconazole susceptibility in VSY2, confirming that ERG3 inactivation was the mechanism of azole resistance. Additionally, the replacement of both ERG3 alleles by erg3-1 in the wild-type strain SC5314 led to the absence of ergosterol and to fluconazole resistance without affecting filamentation. In a mouse model of disseminated candidiasis, the clinical ERG3 mutant VSY2 produced kidney fungal burdens and mouse survival comparable to those obtained with the wild-type control. Interestingly, while VSY2 was resistant to fluconazole both in vitro and in vivo, the ERG3-derived mutant of SC5314 was resistant only in vitro and was less virulent than the wild type. This suggests that VSY2 compensated for the in vivo fitness defect of ERG3 inactivation by a still unknown mechanism(s). Taken together, our results provide evidence that contrary to previous reports inactivation of ERG3 does not necessarily affect filamentation and virulence.
Grevées d'une mortalité comparable à celle du choc septique (40%-60%), les candidoses invasives sont une complication nosocomiale rare, mais particulièrement redoutée. Elles sont cependant difficiles à diagnostiquer, car si près de 50% des patients sont colonisés par des levures du genre Candida au cours d'un séjour prolongé en réanimation, seule une minorité d'entre eux développent une candidose sévère. En dehors des cas de candidémie, aucun test diagnostique ne permet de distinguer les patients colonisés de ceux qui sont infectés. Chez les patients présentant des facteurs de risque, la pratique de cultures de surveillance systématiques permet de déceler précocement une colonisation et d'en quantifier le degré. Un traitement préemptif peut être envisagé lorsque le degré de colonisation dépasse un seuil critique prédictif d'infection. De nouvelles classes d'antifongiques sont sur le point de révolutionner les schémas thérapeutiques actuels.
Objectives: To compare the clinical characteristics, species distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida bloodstream isolates (BSI) in breakthrough (BTC) vs. non-breakthrough candidemia (NBTC) and to study the effect of prolonged vs. short fluconazole (F) exposure in BTC.Methods: Candida BSI were prospectively collected during 2004- 2006 from 27 hospitals (seven university, 20 affiliated) of the FUNGINOS network. Susceptibility to F, voriconazole (V) and caspofungin (C) was tested in the FUNGINOS mycology reference laboratory by microtitre broth dilution method with the Sensititre YeastOneTM test panel. Clinical data were collected using standardized CRFs. BTC was defined as occurring during antifungal treatment/prophylaxis of at least three days duration prior to the candidemia. Susceptibility of BSI was defined according to 2010/2011 CLSI clinical breakpoints.Results: Out of 567 candidemia episodes, 550 Candida BSI were available. Of these, 43 (7.6%) were from BTC (37/43, 86% were isolated after F exposure). 38 BTC (88.4%) and 315 NBTC (55.6%) occurred in university hospitals (P < 0.001). The majority of patients developing BTC were immunocompromised: higher proportions of haematological malignancies (62.8% in BTC vs. 47.1% in NBTC, P < 0.001), neutropenia (37.2% vs. 11.8%, P < 0.001), acute GvHD (14% vs. 0.2%, P < 0.001), immunosuppressive drugs (74.4% vs. 7.8%, P < 0.001), and mucositis (32.6% vs. 2.3%, P < 0.001) were observed. Other differences between BTC and NBTC were higher proportions of patients with central venous catheters in the 2 weeks preceding candidemia (95.3% vs. 83.4%, P = 0.047) and receiving total parenteral nutrition (62.8% vs. 35.9%, P < 0.001), but a lower proportion of patients treated with gastric proton pump inhibitors (23.3% vs. 72.1%, P < 0.001). Overall mortality of BTC and NBTC was not different (34.9% vs. 31.7%, P = 0.73), while a trend to higher attributable mortality in BTC was found (13.9% vs. 6.9%, P = 0.12). Species identification showed a majority of C. albicans in both groups (51.2% in BTC vs. 62.9% in NBTC, P = 0.26), followed by C. glabrata (18.6% vs. 18.5%), C. tropicalis (2.3% vs. 6.3%) and C. parapsilosis (7.0% vs. 4.7%). Significantly more C. krusei were detected in BTC versus NBTC (11.6% vs. 1.6%, P = 0.002). The geometric mean MIC for F, V and C between BTC and NBTC isolates was not significantly different. However, in BTC there was a significant association between duration of F exposure and the Candida spp.: >10 days of F was associated with a significant shift from susceptible Candida spp. (C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. famata) to non-susceptible species (C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. norvegensis). Among 21 BTC episodes occurring after £10 days of F, 19% of the isolates were non-susceptible, in contrast to 68.7% in 16 BTC episodes occurring after >10 days of F (P = 0.003).Conclusions: Breakthrough candidemia occurred more often in immunocompromised hosts. Fluconazole administered for >10 days was associated with a shift to non-susceptible Candida spp.. Length of fluconazole exposure should be taken into consideration for the choice of empirical antifungal treatment.
Expression of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene ADH1, which converts ethanol into carcinogenic acetaldehyde, significantly inversely correlated with the expression of CDR1 and CDR2, genes linked to azole resistance in Candida albicans isolated from chronic oral candidosis in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidosis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS-I) patients. This is a novel link between candidal two-carbon metabolism genes and azole resistance.
Candida albicans is one of the most important opportunistic fungal pathogens. It can cause serious fungal diseases in immunocompromised patients, including those with cancer. Treatment failures due to the emergence of drug-resistant C. albicans strains have become a serious clinical problem. Resistance incidents were often mediated by fungal efflux pumps which are closely related to the human ABC transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp). P-gp is often overexpressed in cancer cells and confers resistance to many cytotoxic drugs. We examined whether cytotoxic drugs commonly used for cancer treatment (doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide) could alter the expression of genes responsible for the development of fluconazole resistance in Candida cells in the way they can influence homologous genes in cancer cell lines. ABC transporters (CDR1 and CDR2) and other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11) were tested by real-time PCR for their expression in C. albicans cells at the mRNA level after induction by antineoplastic drugs. The results were confirmed by a lacZ gene reporter system and verified at the protein level using GFP and immunoblotting. We showed that doxorubicin is a potent inducer of CDR1/CDR2 expression in C. albicans at both the mRNA and protein level and thus causes an increase in fluconazole MIC values. However, cyclophosphamide, which is not a substrate of human P-gp, did not induce ABC transporter expression in C. albicans. Neither doxorubicin nor cyclophosphamide could influence the expression of the other resistance genes (MDR1 and ERG11). The induction of CDR1/CDR2 by doxorubicin in C. albicans and the resulting alteration of antifungal susceptibility might be of clinical relevance for the antifungal treatment of Candida infections occurring after anticancer chemotherapy with doxorubicin.
Azole resistance in Candida albicans can be mediated by the upregulation of the ATP binding cassette transporter genes CDR1 and CDR2. Both genes are regulated by a cis-acting element called the drug-responsive element (DRE), with the consensus sequence 5'-CGGAWATCGGATATTTTTTT-3', and the transcription factor Tac1p. In order to analyze in detail the DRE sequence necessary for the regulation of CDR1 and CDR2 and properties of TAC1 alleles, a one-hybrid system was designed. This system is based on a P((CDR2))-HIS3 reporter system in which complementation of histidine auxotrophy can be monitored by activation of the reporter system by CDR2-inducing drugs such as estradiol. Our results show that most of the modifications within the DRE, but especially at the level of CGG triplets, strongly reduce CDR2 expression. The CDR2 DRE was replaced by putative DREs deduced from promoters of coregulated genes (CDR1, RTA3, and IFU5). Surprisingly, even if Tac1p was able to bind these putative DREs, as shown by chromatin immunoprecipitation, those from RTA3 and IFU5 did not functionally replace the CDR2 DRE. The one-hybrid system was also used for the identification of gain-of-function (GOF) mutations either in TAC1 alleles from clinical C. albicans isolates or inserted in TAC1 wild-type alleles by random mutagenesis. In all, 17 different GOF mutations were identified at 13 distinct positions. Five of them (G980E, N972D, A736V, T225A, and N977D) have already been described in clinical isolates, and four others (G980W, A736T, N972S, and N972I) occurred at already-described positions, thus suggesting that GOF mutations can occur in a limited number of positions in Tac1p. In conclusion, the one-hybrid system developed here is rapid and powerful and can be used for characterization of cis- and trans-acting elements in C. albicans.
Invasive candidiasis is the most commonly reported invasive fungal infection worldwide. Although Candida albicans remains the main cause, the incidence of emerging Candida species, such as C. parapsilosis is increasing. It has been postulated that C. parapsilosis clinical isolates result from a recent global expansion of a virulent clone. However, the availability of a single genome for this species has so far prevented testing this hypothesis at genomic scales. We present here the sequence of three additional strains from clinical and environmental samples. Our analyses reveal unexpected patterns of genomic variation, shared among distant strains, that argue against the clonal expansion hypothesis. All strains carry independent expansions involving an arsenite transporter homolog, pointing to the existence of directional selection in the environment, and independent origins of the two clinical isolates. Furthermore, we report the first evidence for the existence of recombination in this species. Altogether, our results shed new light onto the dynamics of genome evolution in C. parapsilosis.
BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.
Objectives: Patients with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS-I) suffer from chronic candidosis caused mainly by Candida albicans, and repeated courses of azole antifungals have led to the development of resistance in the APECED patient population in Finland. The aim of our study was to address whether the patients are persistently colonized with the same or genetically closely related strains, whether epidemic strains are present and which molecular mechanisms account for azole resistance. Methods: Sets of C. albicans (n?=?19) isolates from nine APECED patients reported with decreased susceptibility to fluconazole isolated up to 9 years apart were included. The strains were typed by multilocus sequence typing. CDR1/2, MDR1 and ERG11 mRNA expression was analysed by northern blotting and Cdr1, Cdr2 and Mdr1 protein expression by western blotting, and TAC1 and ERG11 genes were sequenced. Results: All seven patients with multiple C. albicans isolates analysed were persistently colonized with the same or a genetically closely related strain for a mean of 5 years. All patients were colonized with different strains and no epidemic strains were found. The major molecular mechanisms behind the azole resistance were mutations in TAC1 contributing to overexpression of CDR1 and CDR2. Six new TAC1 mutations were found, one of which (N740S) is likely to be a gain-of-function mutation. Most isolates were found to have gained multiple TAC1 and ERG11 point mutations. Conclusions: Despite clinically successful treatment leading to relief of symptoms, colonization by C. albicans strains is persistent within APECED patients. Microevolution and point mutations occur within strains, leading to the development of azole-resistant isolates.
Invasive candidiasis is associated with high mortality rates, ranging from 35% to 60%, in the range reported for septic shock. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis differ according to the patient's immune status; the majority of cases in immunocompromised hosts are candidaemia, whereas non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis accounts for the majority of cases in critically ill patients. In contrast to candidaemia, non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis is difficult to prove, especially in critically ill patients. Up to 80% of these patients are colonized, but only 5-30% develop invasive infection. The differentiation of colonization and proven infection is challenging, and evolution from the former to the latter requires seven to 10 days. This continuum from colonization of mucosal surfaces to local invasion and then invasive infection makes it difficult to identify those critically ill patients likely to benefit most from antifungal prophylaxis or early empirical antifungal treatment. Early empirical treatment of non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis currently relies on the positive predictive value of risk assessment strategies, such as the colonization index, candida score, and predictive rules based on combinations of risk factors such as candida colonization, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and abdominal surgery. Although guidelines recently scored these strategies as being supported by limited evidence, they are widely used at bedside and have substantially decreased the incidence of invasive candidiasis.