1000 resultados para Campo rupestre vegetation
A palynological analysis of an organic paleosol found at 150-125 cm depth in a Mauritia swamp from the Eastern Orinoco Llanos is presented. The 25 cm pollen record summarizes the vegetation history during the Early Holocene, from 10,225 to 7,800 calendar yr BP. The vegetation was characterized by a Poaceae marsh, where Asteraceae, Melastomataceae, Schefflera-type and Phyllanthus were the most abundant shrubs and trees. Pollen-types richness was lower than that recorded today in similar environments, and Mauritia pollen was absent. Results suggest that climate was as humid as present during the beginning of the Holocene, with a decreasing trend in humidity from around 8,000-7,000 yr BP, in coincidence with the beginning of the "Early-Mid-Holocene Dryness" that affected deeply the Amazon Basin and neighboring areas. Dry climatic conditions could have existed in the study site until the Mid-Late Holocene when a Mauritia swamp developed, and humid conditions similar to present established. Main climate phases inferred in our study site fit well with regional trends recorded in other places located north Amazon Basin. However, conclusions are still limited by the lack of additional Quaternary records in the Orinoco Llanos area, avoiding regional correlations.
Jardins de formigas são um tipo especial de associação entre formigas e epífitas, em que duas ou mais espécies de formigas podem compartilhar o mesmo ninho por parabiose. Essa associação que ocorre em florestas tropicais ainda foi pouco estudada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar jardins de formigas na Amazônia Central determinando se as formigas identificam e removem potenciais herbívoros que estejam visitando as árvores hospedeiras de jardins de formigas ocupados pelas espécies Camponotus femoratus e Crematogaster levior. No estudo foram observadas 42 árvores contendo jardins de formigas. Em cada árvore foi colocado um cupim, como isca, a diferentes distâncias do ninho, contabilizado o tempo para sua remoção e observado se havia recrutamento de outras formigas para realizar a remoção da isca. Os resultados evidenciaram que ambas as espécies examinam as árvores hospedeiras para forragear. Durante a captura da isca, C. levior foi mais eficiente para detectar o cupim, não tendo sido observado recrutamento para carregá-lo ao ninho. Em alguns casos, indivíduos de C. femoratus identificaram a isca e indivíduos de C. levior a carregaram ao ninho. A relação entre árvore hospedeira e formigas beneficiam ambas, pois a árvore recebe proteção indireta contra cupins e fornece apoio para o ninho das formigas.
Nutrient recycling in the forest is linked to the production and decomposition of litter, which are essential processes for forest maintenance, especially in regions of nutritionally poor soils. Human interventions in forest such as selecttive logging may have strong impacts on these processes. The objectives of this study were to estimate litterfall production and evaluate the influence of environmental factors (basal area of vegetation, plant density, canopy cover, and soil physicochemical properties) and anthropogenic factors (post-management age and exploited basal area) on this production, in areas of intact and exploited forest in southern Amazonia, located in the northern parts of Mato Grosso state. This study was conducted at five locations and the average annual production of litterfall was 10.6 Mg ha-1 year-1, higher than the values for the Amazon rainforest. There were differences in litterfall productions between study locations. Effects of historical logging intensity on litterfall production were not significant. Effects of basal area of vegetation and tree density on litterfall production were observed, highlighting the importance of local vegetation characteristics in litterfall production. This study demonstrated areas of transition between the Amazonia-Cerrado tend to have a higher litterfall production than Cerrado and Amazonia regions, and this information is important for a better understanding of the dynamics of nutrient and carbon cycling in these transition regions.
Species distribution modeling has relevant implications for the studies of biodiversity, decision making about conservation and knowledge about ecological requirements of the species. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the use of forest inventories can improve the estimation of occurrence probability, identify the limits of the potential distribution and habitat preference of a group of timber tree species. The environmental predictor variables were: elevation, slope, aspect, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and height above the nearest drainage (HAND). To estimate the distribution of species we used the maximum entropy method (Maxent). In comparison with a random distribution, using topographic variables and vegetation index as features, the Maxent method predicted with an average accuracy of 86% the geographical distribution of studied species. The altitude and NDVI were the most important variables. There were limitations to the interpolation of the models for non-sampled locations and that are outside of the elevation gradient associated with the occurrence data in approximately 7% of the basin area. Ceiba pentandra (samaúma), Castilla ulei (caucho) and Hura crepitans (assacu) is more likely to occur in nearby water course areas. Clarisia racemosa (guariúba), Amburana acreana (cerejeira), Aspidosperma macrocarpon (pereiro), Apuleia leiocarpa (cumaru cetim), Aspidosperma parvifolium (amarelão) and Astronium lecointei (aroeira) can also occur in upland forest and well drained soils. This modeling approach has potential for application on other tropical species still less studied, especially those that are under pressure from logging.
Dissertação de mestrado Ordenamento e Valorização de Recursos Geológicos
Quadros clínicos caracterizados por sintomas somáticos inexplicados devido a condições médicas gerais são muito freqüentes na prática médica e representam, em geral, um quarto a metade dos atendimentos em ambos os cuidados - primários e secundários. Atualmente são classificados na psiquiatria como transtornos somatoformes (TSs) e na clínica médica, como síndromes somáticas funcionais (SSFs). A categoria diagnóstica dos TSs tem sido questionada, suscitando proposta para sua extinção nas futuras classificações internacionais. As SSFs caracterizam-se mais por sintomas, sofrimento e incapacidade do que por patologias específicas, e incluem fibromialgia, síndrome do intestino irritável (SII), síndrome da fadiga crônica, várias síndromes dolorosas, entre outras. A sobreposição dos quadros clínicos leva ao questionamento da existência de um ou vários diagnósticos, tanto entre diferentes SSFs como entre elas e os TSs, apontando também para a questão da co-morbidade. Um mesmo paciente, ao ser atendido por um psiquiatra, pode receber um diagnóstico de TS, mas, se encaminhado para um clínico, poderia receber o diagnóstico de SSF. Apresenta-se um campo impreciso, sugerindo, portanto, que deverão ocorrer modificações em termos de conceitualização, classificação diagnóstica e abordagem terapêutica. O estudo dos sintomas somáticos inexplicados clinicamente demonstra a necessidade de abordagens integradas. São mencionadas algumas experiências nesse campo do Programa de Atendimento e Estudos de Somatização da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP).
Devido à elevada dimensão espacial e temporal da maior parte dos fenómenos geológicos, não é possível reproduzir no laboratório os fenómenos a estudar, pelo que, se o professor de Geologia pretender colocar os alunos em contato com esses fenómenos, terá que organizar uma saída de campo para que as necessárias e adequadas atividades sejam realizadas no lugar onde esses fenómenos ocorrem. Contudo, e apesar de professores e alunos reconhecerem diversas potencialidades didáticas das saídas de campo, os professores raramente as organizam e justificam isso com base em diversos impedimentos. Neste artigo relatam-se os resultados de um estudo em que 233 professores portugueses de Biologia e Geologia foram inquiridos acerca de formas ideais de integrar as atividades de campo na componente de Geologia, no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico (n=102) e no Ensino Secundário (n=131). Os resultados sugerem que as práticas que os professores gostariam de implementar, caso não houvesse constrangimentos à realização de atividades de campo, não seriam, na maior parte dos casos, muito diferentes das práticas implementadas que são relatadas na literatura. Esta falta de exigência e de ousadia por parte dos professores, no que concerne ao modo como as atividades de campo deveriam ser utilizadas, sugere a necessidade de a formação inicial e contínua de professores contemplar uma abordagem adequada das saídas de campo e de as escolas se reorganizarem para facilitarem a organização, fundamentada, das mesmas.
OBJETIVOS: Detectar a real prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica em Campo Grande, MS, e fatores freqüentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra randomizada da população adulta da cidade de Campo Grande, MS, num total de 892 pessoas. Foi aplicado questionário sobre idade, sexo, escolaridade, tabagismo, etilismo, aspectos sobre o tratamento. Foram colhidos dados antropométricos (peso e altura). Segundo a OMS, foi considerado peso normal: IMC<25 kg/m²; sobrepeso: 25>IMC<30; obeso: IMC> 30. Os critérios para hipertensão foram baseados no VII Joint, com valores de corte de Pressão Arterial de 140 x 90 mmHg. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de hipertensão foi de 41,4%, variando conforme idade (até 29 anos: 11,8%; 30-39: 24,8%; 40-49: 43,3%; 50-59: 42,4%; 60-69: 48,6% e > 70: 62,3%). Houve maior prevalência nos homens (51,8%), enquanto nas mulheres foi de 33,1%. As pessoas com formação escolar de 1º grau primário tendem a apresentar maiores índices pressóricos. Nos indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade, observou-se maior prevalência de pressão elevada: IMC normal (27,9%), sobrepeso (45,6%) e obesidade (58,6%). A partir dos 60 anos existe um maior porcentual de hipertensão sistólica isolada, representado por 16,4% (60-69 anos) e de 24,6% (>70 anos). Etilismo diário ou semanal também está relacionado a maior incidência, respectivamente, de 63,2% e 47,2%. Apenas 59,7% eram sabidamente hipertensos. Das pessoas que apresentaram hipertensão, 57,3% fazem algum tratamento. Dos que fazem tratamento regularmente, 60,5% apresentaram hipertensão. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de hipertensão foi de 41,4%, ultrapassando a média detectada em alguns trabalhos, alertando para piora epidemiológica e repercussões cardiovasculares, o que evidencia necessidade de maior investimento público no que tange ao esclarecimento e instrução desses grupos populacionais quanto à prevenção.
El arte rupestre de la Provincia de Córdoba conforma un conjunto de especial interés arqueológico y estético pero no totalmente conocido en terreno. Este Proyecto intenta profundizar los hallazgos en la sierra de Comechingones, con la finalidad de establecer sus correlaciones con los ambientes litológicos de estas montañas, entre las latitudes comprendidas entre Alpa Corral y Chaján bajo la hipótesis de que la misma es significativa especialmente en lo que concierne a las distribuciones de pinturas y petroglifos. De acuerdo con esta hipótesis los objetivos de investigación se refieren a obtener registros nuevos organizando la prospección de acuerdo con la extensión de los Distritos Geológicos Cerro Áspero e Intihuasi, establecer sus características estilísticas y efectuar estudios de sitio detallados de acuerdo con protocolos de investigación ya sometidos a prueba por el equipo de investigadores, los cuales abarcan las propiedades litológicas, los signos, sus combinaciones y ubicación en la arquitectura de cada sitio rupestre. Se procurará alcanzar un corpus de sitios y de arte amplio y representativo del arte rupestre de la Provincia. Los esfuerzos de síntesis realizados hasta ahora no han contemplado el arte del sur de Córdoba más que en los casos conocidos desde fines del siglo XIX, por lo tanto, es particularmente importante abordar su localización y estudio con premura antes que se destruyan y, asimismo, prever las medidas precautorias como para que esto no suceda.
This thesis details the findings of a study relating the transfer of 238U, 228Ra (232Th), 226Ra, and 137Cs from soil to vegetation in an Atlantic blanket bog, upland blanket bog and semi-natural grassland situated along the north-west coast of Ireland. The results of this study provide information on the uptake of these radionuclides by the indigenous vegetation found present in these ecosystems. The ecosystems chosen are internationally recognizable ecosystems and provide a wide variety of vegetation species and contrasting soil physiochemical properties which allow the influence of these parameters on radionuclide uptake to be assessed. The levels of radionuclides in the soil and vegetation were measured using gamma spectrometry, alpha spectrometry and ICP-MS. The nutrient status of the vegetation and soil physiochemical properties were measured using atomic absorption, flame photometry and other analytical techniques. The results of the study indicate that the uptake of 238U and 228Ra (232Th) by vegetation from all three ecosystems was negligible as the levels in all vegetation was below the limits of detection for the methods used in this study. These results appear to indicate that the vegetation studied do not possess the ability to accumulate significant levels of these radionuclides however this assumption cannot be upheld in the case of the Atlantic blanket bog as the levels in the soil of this ecosystem were too low for detection. Similar results were obtained for 226Ra uptake in both the Atlantic blanket bog and grassland for all vegetation with the exception of H. lanatus from the grassland ecosystem. Radium-226 uptake in upland blanket bog was higher and was detectable in the majority of vegetation indigenous to this ecosystem. Transfer factor values ranged from 0.07 to 2.35 and the TF values for E. tetralix were significantly higher than all other vegetation studied. This species of heather demonstrated the ability to accumulate 226Ra to a greater extent than all other vegetation. The uptake of 226Ra by upland blanket bog vegetation appears to be significantly influenced by a range of soil physiochemical properties. The nutrient status of the vegetation, in particular the calcium content in the vegetation appears to have a negative impact on the uptake of this radionuclide. Potassium-40 was detectable in all vegetation present in the three ecosystems and the levels in the grassland soil were significantly higher than the levels in both bogland soils. Transfer factor values for Atlantic blanket bog vegetation ranged from 0.9 to 13 .8 and were significantly higher in E. vaginatum in comparison to C. vulgaris. Potassium-40 TF values for upland blanket bog vegetation on average ranged from 1.4 for C. vulgaris (stems) to 5.2 for E. vaginatum and were statistically similar for all species of vegetation. Transfer factor values for grassland vegetation ranged from 0.7 to 3.8 and were also statistically similar for all species of vegetation indicating that the transfer of 40K to vegetation within the upland bog and grassland ecosystem is not dependent on plant species. Comparisons of 40K TF values for all three ecosystems indicate that the uptake in E. vaginatum from the Atlantic blanket bog was statistically higher than all other vegetation studied. This appears to indicate that E. vaginatum has the ability to accumulate 40K, however, this species of vegetation was also present in the upland blanket and did not demonstrate the same behaviour. The uptake of 40K by vegetation from all three ecosystems was significantly affected by a range of soil physiochemical properties and in some cases the results were contradictory in nature possibly indicating that the affect of these parameters on 40K uptake is species dependent. The most obvious trend in the data was the influence of soil CEC and magnesium levels in vegetation on 40K TF values. A positive correlation was apparent between the CEC of the soil and 40K uptake in vegetation from both the Atlantic blanket bog and grassland ecosystem. A similar trend was apparent between magnesium levels in vegetation and 40K TF values for the upland blanket bog and grassland vegetation. Caesium-13 7 levels were found to be significantly higher in the two bogland soils in comparison to the grassland soil and levels of 137Cs decreased with increasing soil depth. Transfer factor values for Atlantic blanket bog vegetation ranged from 1.9 to 9.6 and TF values were significantly higher in the leaves o f C. vulgaris in comparison to all other vegetation from this ecosystem. Caesium-13 7 TF values for the upland blanket bog vegetation on average ranged from 0.29 for E. tetralix to 1.6 for C. vulgaris. Uptake by the leaves of C. vulgaris was significantly higher than all other vegetation present thereby supporting the trend found within the Atlantic blanket bog vegetation. These results appear to indicate that the leaves of C. vulgaris have the ability to accumulate significant quantities of 137Cs and also that the uptake of 137Cs by this vegetation is dependent on plant compartment as the stems of this vegetation contained significantly lower levels than the leaves in both ecosystems. The uptake of 137Cs by grassland vegetation was very low and was only detectable in a fraction of the vegetation sampled. Caesium-137 TF values for grassland vegetation were in general lower than 0.02. The impact of soil physiochemical properties and nutrient status of vegetation on 137Cs uptake by vegetation appears to be complex and in some cases contradictory. The most apparent trend in the data was the positive influence of vegetation nutrients on 137Cs uptake in particular the magnesium levels present in the vegetation and to a lesser extent the calcium levels present. The results in general indicate that the uptake of 226Ra, 40K and 137Cs by the chosen vegetation is varied and complex and is significantly dependent on the species of vegetation, soil radionuclide concentration, soil physiochemical properties and the nutrient status of the vegetation.
In order to find out the best way to supply phosphorus to coffee plants when growing in "terra roxa misturada", a red soil with a high fixing capacity, tagged superphosphate was applied by the following procedures: (1) topdressed in a circular strip around the trees; (2) placed in the bottom of a circular furrow 15 cm deep; (3) placed in a semicircular furrow also 15 cm deep; (4) sprayed directly to the leaves. In each case 150 gms. of ordinary superphosphate tagged with H3 P32 O4 to give 5 X 10(9) c.p.m. were given to the two and half year old coffee plants. It was found that for the several treatments of the total phosphorus in the leaves the following values, on a per cent basis, came from the applied superphosphates: (1) topdressed 10.2 per cent, (2) circular furrow 2.4 per cent, (3) semicircular furrow 1.7 per cent, (4) sprayed 38.0 per cent; one can see, then, that methods (2) and (3) commonly used by the coffee planters are a very inefficient way to supply phosphorus in this type of soil. The remarkable foliar absorption was checked twice: a water culture experiment was carried out, the radiophosphorus being supplied by brushing it in the upper and lower surfaces of a given leaf; radioactivity was detected all over the plant as a result both of absorption and translocation; on the other hand, leaves collected from the sprayed trees were radioautographed; the radioautographs showed the pattern of distribution of the P32 which indicates true absorption rather than a surface contamination. In another locality, an experiment was caried out with 8 year old plants growing in "arenito de Bauru" which is a sandy soil with much less phosphorus fixing capacity. In this experiment the aim was to compare absorption of tagged superphosphate by trees growin under mulch against plants not receiving this treatment, The uptake of phosphorus was the same for both sets of plants. In both field experiments soil samples down to 15 cm in the profile were collected and its 0.2NHC1 soluble phosphorus was counted; rather significant values were observed mainly in the upper 5 cm layers.