971 resultados para Calmodulin-binding Domain


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Activation of cyclin B-Cdc2 is an absolute requirement for entry into mitosis, but other protein kinase pathways that also have mitotic functions are activated during G(2)/M progression. The MAPK cascade has well established roles in entry and exit from mitosis in Xenopus, but relatively little is known about the regulation and function of this pathway in mammalian mitosis. Here we report a detailed analysis of the activity of all components of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway in HeLa cells during normal G(2)/M. The focus of this pathway is the dramatic activation of an endomembrane-associated MEK1 without the corresponding activation of the MEK substrate ERK. This is because of the uncoupling of MEK1 activation from ERK activation. The mechanism of this uncoupling involves the cyclin B-Cdc2-dependent proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal ERK-binding domain of MEK1 and the phosphorylation of Thr(286). These results demonstrate that cyclin B-Cdc2 activity regulates signaling through the MAPK pathway in mitosis.


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E2F regulation is essential for normal cell cycle progression. Therefore, it is not surprising that squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (SCC) overexpress E2F1 and exhibit deregulated E2F activity when compared with normal keratinocytes. Indeed, deliberate E2F1 deregulation has been shown to induce hyperplasia and skin tumor formation. In this study, we report on a dual role for E2F as a mediator of keratinocyte proliferation and modulator of squamous differentiation. Overexpression of E2F isoforms in confluent primary keratinocyte cultures resulted in suppression of differentiation-associated markers. Moreover, we found that the DNA binding domain and the trans-activation domain of E2F1 are important in mediating suppression of differentiation. Use of a dominant/negative form of E2F1 ( E2F d/n) found that E2F inhibition alone is sufficient to suppress the activity of proliferation-associated markers but is not capable of inducing differentiation markers. However, if the E2F d/n is expressed in differentiated keratinocytes, differentiation marker activity is further induced, suggesting that E2F may act as a modulator of squamous differentiation. We therefore examined the effects of E2F d/n in a differentiation- insensitive SCC cell line. We found that treatment with the differentiating agent, 12-O-tetradecanoyl- phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), or expression of E2F d/n alone had no effect on differentiation markers. However, a combination of E2F d/n + TPA induced the expression of differentiation markers. Combined, these data indicate that E2F may play a key role in keratinocyte differentiation. These data also illustrate the unique potential of anti-E2F therapies in arresting proliferation and inducing differentiation of SCCs.


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A regulatory protein, PpaA, involved in photosystem formation in the anoxygenic phototrophic proteobacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides has been identified and characterized in vivo. Based on the phenotypes of cells expressing the ppaA gene in extra copy and on the phenotype of the ppaA null mutant, it was concluded that PpaA activates photopigment production and puc operon expression under aerobic conditions. This is in contrast to the function of the PpaA homologue from Rhodobacter capsulatus, AerR, which acts as a repressor under aerobic conditions [Dong, C., Elsen, S., Swem, L. R. & Bauer, C. E. (2002). J Bacteriol 184, 2805-2814]. The expression of the ppaA gene increases several-fold in response to a decrease in oxygen tension, suggesting that the PpaA protein is active under conditions of low or no oxygen. However, no discernible phenotype of a ppaA null mutant was observed under anaerobic conditions tested thus far. The photosystem gene repressor PpsR mediates repression of ppaA gene expression under aerobic conditions. Sequence analysis of PpaA homologues from several anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria revealed a putative corrinoid-binding domain. It is suggested that PpaA binds a corrinoid cofactor and the availability or structure of this cofactor affects PpaA activity.


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Nucleic Acid Research (2007) Vol.37 N. 14 4755-4766


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia, na especialidade de Genética Molecular, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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RESUMO: O vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA, com invólucro, da família Togaviridae, transmitido por mosquitos Aedes spp. Distribuído por largas regiões de África e Ásia, causa grandes epidemias de artrite grave. A semelhança de sintomas com outras doenças como a dengue e a malária e a persistência de IgM específicas, dificultam o diagnóstico da infeção por CHIKV. A deteção no sangue de E3, uma glicoproteína viral secretada, a incluir num ensaio imunoenzimático poderá melhorar o diagnóstico nos países onde as técnicas de biologia molecular são de difícil acesso. Para testar a utilidade de E3 num ensaio de diagnóstico, esta deverá ser expressa em quantidade, purificada e usada para produção de anticorpos específicos. Para expressar E3 numa forma solúvel, suscetível de ser purificada num único passo cromatográfico sem proteases, recorreu-se à estratégia da fusão com o domínio de ligação à quitina (CBD)-inteína (IMPACT™ System, NEB). A sequência codificadora de E3 foi amplificada a partir de RNA viral, clonada em pTYB21 e expressa em E. coli como uma proteína de fusão insolúvel de 64 kDa. A expressão a 12ºC induzida por IPTG 0,1 mM aumentou a solubilidade de CBD-inteína-E3. A aplicação de lisados celulares em colunas de quitina originou a retenção de CBD-inteína-E3 na matriz. Porém, a autoclivagem da inteína na coluna, induzida com reagentes tiol, foi pouco eficiente e mesmo a proteína E3 separada não eluiu da coluna. E3 foi ainda expressa em E. coli com uma cauda de seis histidinas (E3[His]6) por clonagem no vetor pET28b(+). Lisados celulares aplicados em colunas de níquel permitiram a eluição de uma proteína de 9 kDa, compatível com a massa molecular estimada para E3[His]6, ainda que com outros contaminantes proteicos. A identidade da proteína de 9 kDa será confirmada pela indução de anticorpos com esta preparação e reatividade daqueles com células infetadas com CHIKV.----------------ABSTRACT: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an enveloped, positive strand RNA virus belonging to the family Togaviridae. Transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes, CHIKV causes large epidemics of severe arthritogenic disease in Africa and Asia and represents a serious threat in countries where vectors are present. Symptoms similarity with other diseases, e.g. dengue and malaria, along with CHIKV IgM persistence turns accurate CHIKV diagnosis a difficult task in low-income countries. Detection of E3, a small secreted viral glycoprotein, to be included in an immunoenzymatic test was envisaged as a possible improvement in CHIKV diagnosis. To test the diagnostic value of E3, recombinant E3 should be expressed and purified to generate antibodies. In order to express CHIKV E3 in a soluble form amenable to purification by a single step affinity chromatography, the chitin binding domain (CBD)-intein fusion strategy without proteases (IMPACT™ System, NEB) was employed. The E3 coding sequence was amplified from viral RNA, cloned in pTYB21 and expressed in E. coli ER2566 as an insoluble 64 kDa CBD-intein-E3 fusion protein. Solubility was partially achieved by lowering the expression temperature to 12ºC and the inducer (IPTG) concentration to 0.1 mM. Clarified cell lysate loaded onto a chitin column allowed ligation of the fusion protein but the intein-mediated cleavage efficiency was low and E3 failed to elute from the column as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE. E3 was further expressed with a six histidine tag, E3[His]6, employing the pET System (Novagen). E3[His]6 was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (30ºC, 0.4 mM IPTG) as a 9 kDa protein. Soluble cell extracts in 20-40 mM imidazole, applied onto a nickel column and eluted with 500 mM imidazole yielded a protein preparation enriched in the 9kDa protein. The 9 kDa will be used as antigen to generate antibodies that upon reaction with CHIKV infected cells will confirm its identity.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) compose a family of nuclear receptors that mediate the effects of lipidic ligands at the transcriptional level. In this review, we highlight advances in the understanding of the PPAR ligand binding domain (LBD) structure at the atomic level. The overall structure of PPARs LBD is described, and important protein ligand interactions are presented. Structure-activity relationships between isotypes structures and ligand specificity are addressed. It is shown that the numerous experimental three-dimensional structures available, together with in silico simulations, help understanding the role played by the activating function-2 (AF-2) in PPARs activation and its underlying molecular mechanism. The relation between the PPARs constitutive activity and the intrinsic stability of the active conformation is discussed. Finally, the interactions of PPARs LBD with co-activators or co-repressors, as well as with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) are described and considered in relation to PPARs activation.


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The present study investigated promoter hypermethylation of TP53 regulatory pathways providing a potential link between epigenetic changes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations in breast cancer patients lacking a TP53 mutation. The possibility of using the cancer-specific alterations in serum samples as a blood-based test was also explored. Triple-matched samples (cancerous tissues, matched adjacent normal tissues and serum samples) from breast cancer patients were screened for TP53 mutations, and the promoter methylation profile of P14(ARF), MDM2, TP53 and PTEN genes was analyzed as well as mtDNA alterations, including D-loop mutations and mtDNA content. In the studied cohort, no mutation was found in TP53 (DNA-binding domain). Comparison of P14(ARF) and PTEN methylation patterns showed significant hypermethylation levels in tumor tissues (P < 0.05 and <0.01, respectively) whereas the TP53 tumor suppressor gene was not hypermethylated (P < 0.511). The proportion of PTEN methylation was significantly higher in serum than in the normal tissues and it has a significant correlation to tumor tissues (P < 0.05). mtDNA analysis revealed 36.36% somatic and 90.91% germline mutations in the D-loop region and also significant mtDNA depletion in tumor tissues (P < 0.01). In addition, the mtDNA content in matched serum was significantly lower than in the normal tissues (P < 0.05). These data can provide an insight into the management of a therapeutic approach based on the reversal of epigenetic silencing of the crucial genes involved in regulatory pathways of the tumor suppressor TP53. Additionally, release of significant aberrant methylated PTEN in matched serum samples might represent a promising biomarker for breast cancer.


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As most metabolic studies are conducted in male animals, understanding the sex specificity of the underlying molecular pathways has been broadly neglected; for example, whether PPARs elicit sex-dependent responses has not been determined. Here we show that in mice, PPARalpha has broad female-dependent repressive actions on hepatic genes involved in steroid metabolism and immunity. In male mice, this effect was reproduced by the administration of a synthetic PPARalpha ligand. Using the steroid oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P4507b1 (Cyp7b1) gene as a model, we elucidated the molecular mechanism of this sex-specific PPARalpha-dependent repression. Initial sumoylation of the ligand-binding domain of PPARalpha triggered the interaction of PPARalpha with GA-binding protein alpha (GABPalpha) bound to the target Cyp7b1 promoter. Histone deacetylase and DNA and histone methylases were then recruited, and the adjacent Sp1-binding site and histones were methylated. These events resulted in loss of Sp1-stimulated expression and thus downregulation of Cyp7b1. Physiologically, this repression conferred on female mice protection against estrogen-induced intrahepatic cholestasis, the most common hepatic disease during pregnancy, suggesting a therapeutic target for prevention of this disease.


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Background. Streptococcus gallolyticus is a causative agent of infective endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Genome sequence of strain UCN34 revealed the existence of 3 pilus loci (pil1, pil2, and pil3). Pili are long filamentous structures playing a key role as adhesive organelles in many pathogens. The pil1 locus encodes 2 LPXTG proteins (Gallo2178 and Gallo2179) and 1 sortase C (Gallo2177). Gallo2179 displaying a functional collagen-binding domain was referred to as the adhesin, whereas Gallo2178 was designated as the major pilin. Methods. S. gallolyticus UCN34, Pil1(+) and Pil1(-), expressing various levels of pil1, and recombinant Lactococcus lactis strains, constitutively expressing pil1, were studied. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the putative pilin subunits Gallo2178 and Gallo2179 were used in immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. The role of pil1 was tested in a rat model of endocarditis. Results. We showed that the pil1 locus (gallo2179-78-77) forms an operon differentially expressed among S. gallolyticus strains. Short pilus appendages were identified both on the surface of S. gallolyticus UCN34 and recombinant L. lactis-expressing pil1. We demonstrated that Pil1 pilus is involved in binding to collagen, biofilm formation, and virulence in experimental endocarditis. Conclusions. This study identifies Pil1 as the first virulence factor characterized in S. gallolyticus.


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BACKGROUND: Regulation of genes transferred to eukaryotic organisms is often limited by the lack of consistent expression levels in all transduced cells, which may result in part from epigenetic gene silencing effects. This reduces the efficacy of ligand-controlled gene switches designed for somatic gene transfers such as gene therapy. METHODS: A doxycycline-controlled transgene was stably introduced in human cells, and clones were screened for epigenetic silencing of the transgene. Various regulatory proteins were targeted to the silent transgene, to identify those that would mediate regulation by doxycycline. RESULTS: A doxycycline-controlled minimal promoter was found to be prone to gene silencing, which prevents activation by a fusion of the bacterial TetR DNA-binding domain with the VP16 activator. DNA modification studies indicated that the silenced transgene adopts a poorly accessible chromatin structure. Several cellular transcriptional activators were found to restore an accessible DNA structure when targeted to the silent transgene, and they cooperated with Tet-VP16 to mediate regulation by doxycycline. CONCLUSIONS: Reversal of the silencing of a tetracycline-regulated minimal promoter requires a chromatin-remodeling activity for subsequent promoter activation by the Tet-VP16 fusion protein. Thus, distinct regulatory elements may be combined to obtain long-term regulation and persistent expression of exogenous genes in eukaryotic cells.


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The human estrogen receptor (hER) is a trans-acting regulatory protein composed of a series of discrete functional domains. We have microinjected an hER expression vector (HEO) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei and demonstrate, using Western blot assay, that the hER is synthesized. When nuclear extracts from oocytes were prepared and incubated in the presence of a 2.7 kb DNA fragment comprising the 5' end of the vitellogenin gene B2, formation of estrogen-dependent complexes could be visualized by electron microscopy over the estrogen responsive element (ERE). Of crucial importance is the observation that the complex formation is inhibited by the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen, is restored by the addition of the hormone and does not take place with extracts from control oocytes injected with the expression vector lacking the sequences encoding the receptor. The presence of the biologically active hER is confirmed in co-injection experiments, in which HEO is co-introduced with a CAT reporter gene under the control of a vitellogenin promoter containing or lacking the ERE. CAT assays and primer extensions analyses reveal that both the receptor and the ERE are essential for estrogen induced stimulation of transcription. The same approach was used to analyze selective hER mutants. We find that the DNA binding domain (region C) is essential for protein--DNA complex formation at the ERE but is not sufficient by itself to activate transcription from the reporter gene. In addition to region C, both the hormone binding (region E) and amino terminal (region A/B) domains are needed for an efficient transcription activation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Unlike other tumor necrosis factor family members, the cytotoxic ligand tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)/Apo-2L contains an unpaired cysteine residue (Cys(230)) in its receptor-binding domain. Here we show that the biological activity of both soluble recombinant TRAIL and cell-associated, full-length TRAIL is critically dependent on the presence of Cys(230). Mutation of Cys(230) to alanine or serine strongly affected its ability to kill target cells. Binding to its receptors was decreased by at least 200-fold, and the stability of its trimeric structure was reduced. In recombinant TRAIL, Cys(230) was found engaged either in interchain disulfide bridge formation, resulting in poorly active TRAIL, or in the chelation of one zinc atom per TRAIL trimer in the active, pro-apoptotic form of TRAIL.


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Summary : The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in the maintenance of self-renewing tissues, like the gut or the skin. In contrast, the role of this pathway in hematopoiesis remains poorly defined. Wnt ligands transmit signals through ß-catenin which activates gene transcription upon its association with Lymphoid Cell Enhancer/T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Currently, v-catenin is the only alternative factor known to transduce canonical Wnt signals. The ß-/γ-catenin bindiná domain in TCF-1 is required to partly rescue thymopoiesis and NK cell development in TCF-1-deficient mice. However, T cell development and hematopoiesis w-as normal in mice deficient of ß-catenin, or of γ-catenin. Surprisingly we found that hematopoiesis and thymopoiesis was also normal in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. Reporter assays showed that double-deficient lymphocytes were still able to transduce canonical wnt signals. These data provided evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of ß- and γ-catenin. There exist numerous TCF-1 isoforrns including those that harbor the N-terminal ß-/y-catenin binding domain or that contains a C-terminal CRARF domain whose role in vivo has not been previously tested. We found that the CRARF domain influences lymphocyte development in conjunction with the N-treminal ß-/γ-catenin binding. The presence of the two domains directs thymocytes to the CD8+ T cell lineage whereas NK cell development is abolished. Roles of the canonical Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte function have not been defined. We demonstrate that TCF-1 deficient CDBT T cells mount a normal primary response to viral infection but these T cells fail to expand upon restimulation. The failure of CD8+ T cells to respond to IL-2 during primary infection seems to account for this phenotype. Thus, TCF-1 is essential for programming functional CD8+ T cell memory. Collectively, these data provide significant new insights into the role of Wnt/TCF-1 pathway for lymphocyte development and function and suggest a novel mechanism of Wnt signal transuction in hematopoietic cells. Résumé : La voie de signalisation canonique Wnt joue un rôle prépondérant dans le renouvellement de tissus, comme l'intestin ou la peau. Son rôle dans l'hématopoïèse est quant à lui mal défini. Le ligand Wnt transmet le signal via la ß-catenin qui active la transcription de gènes cibles quand il est associé avec Lymphoid Cell Enhancer,~T Cell Factor (LEF/TCF). Actuellement, la γ-catenin est le seul autre facteur connu pouvant se substituer à la fonction de la ß-catenin. Un variant de TCF-1 contenant le domaine liant ß-/,~-catenin est capable de restaurer le développement des lymphocytes T et NK en l'absence de TCF-1. Cependant la thymopoïèse et l'hématopoïèse sont normales dans les souris déficientes pour la ß-catenin ou la γ-catenin. De façon surprenante, nous avons trouvé que l'hématopoïèse et le développement des lymphocytes sont normaux lors de l'absence combinée de ß-/γ-catenin. De plus, la transduction des signaux de la voie de signalisation Wnt est maintenue dans des lymphocytes déficients pour ß-/γ-catenin. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules hématopoïétiques peuvent transmettre les signaux de la voie canonique Wnt lors de l'absence combinée de la ß et la γ -catenin. Il existe de nombreuses isofonnes de TCF-1, y compris certaines qui comprennent un domaine qui lie ß-/γ-catenin du côté N-terminus ou qui contiennent un domaine CRARF du côté C-terminus. Nous montrons ici que le domaine CRARF influence le développement des lymphocytes en conjonction avec le domaine liant ß-/γ-catenin. La présence des deux domaines dirige les thymocytes vers la lignée de cellules T CD8, alors que le développement des cellules NK est aboli. Au-delà de sa fonction sur le développement des lymphocytes, le rôle de la soie de signalisation canonique Wnt/TCF-1 lors d'une infection n'a pas été défini. Nous avons montré que les cellules T CD8, déficientes pour TCF-1, développent une réponse primaire normale à une infection virale, mais qu'elles ne s'accumulent pas après restimulation. L'incapacité des cellules TCD8 à répondre à l'IL-2 durant la réponse primaire peut expliquer ce phénotype. Ainsi; TCF-1 est essentiel pour la programmation de cellules T CD8 mémoires fonctionnelles. L'ensemble de ces résultats fournit de nouveaux aperçus du rôle de la voie de signalisation Wnt/TCF-1 pour le développement et la fonction des lymphocytes et suggèrent un nouveau mécanisme de transduction du signal Wnt dans les cellules hématopoïétiques.


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The association of trans-acting T cell factors (TCFs) or lymphoid enhancer factor 1 (LEF-1) with their coactivator beta-catenin mediates transient transcriptional responses to extracellular Wnt signals. We show here that T cell maturation depends on the presence of the beta-catenin--binding domain in TCF-1. This domain is necessary to mediate the survival of immature CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) thymocytes. Accelerated spontaneous thymocyte death in the absence of TCF-1 correlates with aberrantly low expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-x(L). Increasing anti-apoptotic effectors in thymocytes by the use of a Bcl-2 transgene rescued TCF-1-deficient DP thymocytes from apoptosis. Thus, TCF-1, upon association with beta-catenin, transiently ensures the survival of immature T cells, which enables them to generate and edit T cell receptor (TCR) alpha chains and attempt TCR-mediated positive selection.