969 resultados para Calibrachoa elegans
The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and T-C transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, there are eight copies of CemaT1 that are predicted to encode a functional transposase, with five copies being >99% identical. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases and on PCR-based mobility assays, that the CemaT1 transposase is expressed in C. elegans and that the CemaT transposons are capable of excising in both somatic and germline tissues. We also show that the frequency of CemaT1 excisions within the genome of the N2 strain of C. elegans is comparable to that of the Tc1 transposon. However, unlike T-C transposons in mutator strains of C elegans, maT transposons do not exhibit increased frequencies of mobility, suggesting that maT is not regulated by the same factors that control T-C activity in these strains. Finally, we show that CemaT1 transposons are capable of precise transpositions as well as orientation inversions at some loci, and thereby become members of an increasing number of identified active transposons within the C. elegans genome. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Alix/Bro1p family proteins have recently been identified as important components of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) and are involved in the sorting of endocytosed integral membrane proteins, interacting with components of the ESCRT complex, the unconventional phospholipid LBPA, and other known endocytosis regulators. During infection, Alix can be co-opted by enveloped retroviruses, including HIV, providing an important function during virus budding from the plasma membrane. In addition, Alix is associated with the actin cytoskeleton and might regulate cytoskeletal dynamics. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate a novel physical interaction between the only apparent Alix/Bro1p family protein in C. elegans, ALX-1, and a key regulator of receptor recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane, called RME-1. The analysis of alx-1 mutants indicates that ALX-1 is required for the endocytic recycling of specific basolateral cargo in the C. elegans intestine, a pathway previously defined by the analysis of rme-1 mutants. The expression of truncated human Alix in HeLa cells disrupts the recycling of major histocompatibility complex class I, a known Ehd1/RME-1-dependent transport step, suggesting the phylogenetic conservation of this function. We show that the interaction of ALX-1 with RME-1 in C. elegans, mediated by RME-1/YPSL and ALX-1/NPF motifs, is required for this recycling process. In the C. elegans intestine, ALX-1 localizes to both recycling endosomes and MVEs, but the ALX-1/RME-1 interaction appears to be dispensable for ALX-1 function in MVEs and/or late endosomes. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides the first demonstration of a requirement for an Alix/Bro1p family member in the endocytic recycling pathway in association with the recycling regulator RME-1.
A powerful approach to gain understanding of molecular machinery responsible for membrane trafficking is through inactivation of gene function by RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi-mediated gene silencing occurs when a double-stranded RNA is introduced into cells and targets a complementary mRNA for degradation. The subsequent lack of mRNA prevents the synthesis of the corresponding protein and ultimately causes depletion of a particular gene product from the cell. The effects of such depletion can then by analyzed by functional, morphological, and biochemical assays. RNAi-mediated knockdowns of numerous gene products in cultured cells of mammalian and other species origins have provided significant new insight into traffic regulation and represent standard approaches in current cell biology. However, RNAi in the multicellular nematode Caenorhabditis elegans model allows RNAi studies within the context of a whole organism, and thus provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore effects of specific trafficking regulators within the context of distinct developmental stages and diverse cell types. In addition, various transgenic C. elegans strains have been developed that express marker proteins tagged with fluorescent proteins to facilitate the analysis of trafficking within the secretory and endocytic pathways. This chapter provides a detailed description of a basic RNAi approach that can be used to analyze the function of any gene of interest in secretory and endosomal trafficking in C. elegans. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Predation risk influences a variety of behavioral decisions of many organisms and results in animals having to trade-offs safety with other behaviors. The effects of predation, however, have been largely ignored in the study of vertebrates that forage underwater (divers). I tested the predictions of an on optimal diving model that incorporates the risk of predation, using red eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans). Specifically, I tested the hypothesis that divers will increase their surface time when instantaneous risk decreases with time at the surface. By using a model aerial predator and exposing turtles to both risk and no risk treatments, I tested how turtles perceive risk at the surface and whether they increase or decrease their surface time depending on how they assess risk. The model's predictions for situations in which risk at the surface is decreasing with time spent there-likely to be the case for aerial predation-were supported by the results. I found that surface time and time spent submerged per dive were significantly greater when turtles were at risk and that turtles also spent more time resting at the bottom when exposed to this treatment. Interestingly, turtles under risk engaged in vigilance behaviors while on the bottom just prior to surfacing. This behavior could have implications for model predictions and future experiments are needed to test whether subsurface vigilance may alter diving decisions made under risk.
Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia H.B.K. (McVaugh)) is a native Amazon fruit, recognized worldwide as one of the main natural sources of ascorbic acid. Due to its great acidity, this fruit is generally consumed after processing into juice or as ingredient in food preparations. As a co-product of the camu-camu processing, a significant amount of agroindustrial residue is generated. Despite the studies showing the bioactive value and biological potential of the fruit, few studies have approached the possible processing techniques, transformation and preservation of camu-camu fruits and its agroindustrial pomace. Therefore, the present work has the objective of evaluating two different drying processes applied to camu-camu pomace (peel and seeds with residual pulp), freeze drying and hot air drying, in order to obtain a functional fruit product. This thesis was divided into three stages: the first one shows the studies related to the freeze drying and hot air drying, where we demonstrated the impact of the selected drying techniques on the bioactive components of camu-camu, taking the fresh pomace as the control group. Among the investigated conditions, the groups obtained at 50ºC and 4 m/s (SC50) and 80ºC and 6 m/s (SC80) were selected as for further studies, based on their ascorbic acid final content and Folin-Ciocalteau reducing capacity. In addition to SC50 and SC80, the fresh pomace (RF) and freeze dried (RL) samples were also evaluated in these further stages of the research. Overall, the results show higher bioactive concentration in the RF samples, followed by RL, SC50 and SC80. On the second step of the research, the antioxidant, antimicrobial and antienzymatic activities were evaluated and the same tendency was observed. It was also reported, for the first time in the literature, the presence of syringic acid in dried camu-camu pomace. In the third and final stage of the research, it was investigated the effect of dried camu-camu on aging and neuroprotective disorders, using the in vivo model C.elegans. It was observed that camu-camu extracts were able to modulate important signaling genes relevant to thermal and oxidative stresses (p < 0.05). The polar acid, polar basic and polar neutral fractions obtained from the low molecular extracts of SC50 were able to extend the lifespan of wild type N2 C. elegans in 20% and 13% (p < 0.001). Results also showed that the paralysis induced by the β1-42 amyloid was significantly (p < 0.0001) retarded in CL4176 worms. Similarly, the camu-camu extracts attenuated the dopaminergic induction associated to Parkinson’s disease. Finally, a global analysis of the data presented here reveal that the camu-camu pomace, a co-product obtained from the industrial processing of a native Brazilian fruit, is a relevant natural source of health relevant compounds. This thesis, shows for the first time, the multifunctionality of camu-camu pomace, a natural resource still underexploited for scientific, commercial and technological purposes.
This work evaluated the fresh, spray dried (with 10 % of Arabic Gum) and freeze dried jambolan pulp (Eugenia jambolana Lam.) in regard to physicochemical (pH, moisture, water activity, average particle diameter, solubility and color), bioactive [total phenolic content (TPC), monomeric anthocyanin, pronathocyanidin (PA), total elagic acid (TEA), myricetin and cyanidin] and in vitro functionality (antioxidant, antienzymatic and antimicrobial activities]. In addition, the in vivo functionality of jambolan pulp was investigated using the Caenorhabditis elegans model for insulin signaling, longevity and induced neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease related symptoms). The dried jambolan pulp presented TPC retention (50% to 75%), PA (90% to 98%), TEA (31% to 83%), myricetin (40% to 84%), cyanidin (72% to 84%) and antioxidant activity (15%). The fresh jambolan pulp, the freeze dried pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp presented high enzymatic inhibitory activity against pancreatic lipase (4,4 to 5,8 mg/mL), alpha-glycosidase (10,3 to 13,8 mg/mL) and alpha-amylase (8,9 to 11,2 mg/mL). They also were active inhibitors against the pathogen S. aureus. The dried jambolan experimental samples were able to increase the expression of several genes linked to the insulin signaling pathways (SIR-2.1, PPTR-1, DAF-16, SOD-3, e CTL) and increased the lifespan in C. elegans (18,07 % - 24,34 %), besides decreasing the amyloid AB1-42 aggregation induced paralysis and MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium) induced neurodegeneration. Based on that, the jambolan pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp were further selected for the production of caprine frozen yogurt with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BI-07. The final product were evaluated in regard to their physicochemical (pH, acidity, total solids, protein, total reducing sugars, fat, ashes, overrun, melting test), bioactive (TPC and monomeric anthocyanin, antioxidant activity, probiotic viability and sensory analysis (sensory acceptance). The results showed that samples with probiotic had lowest pH and higher acidity, TPC, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity. It was also observed low overrun (14.2% to 22.6%). vi Samples with probiotic had lower flavor scores. Overall, this research presents the jambolan as a highly functional bioactive-rich fruit with the potential to modulate important biological pathways, extend lifespan and retard the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Jambolan is an underexploited exotic fruit with a high colorant potential and this thesis shows for the first time in the literature important technological, biological and scientific data about this fruit that could be used towards the development of health-oriented food products.
Inorganic phosphate is an essential mineral for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell metabolism and structure. Its uptake into the cell is mediated by membrane bound transporters and coupled to Na+ transport. Mammalian sodium-dependent Pi co-transporters have been grouped into three families NaPi-I, NaPi-II, and NaPi-III. Despite being discovered more than 2 decades ago, very little is known about requirements for NaPi-III transporters in vivo, in the context of intact animal models. Here we find that impaired function of the C. elegans NaPi-III transporter, pitr-1, results in decreased brood size and dramatically increased expression of vitellogenin by the worm intestine. Unexpectedly, we found that the effects of pitr-1 mutation on vitellogenin expression in the intestine could only be rescued by expression of pitr-1 in the germline, and not by expression of pitr-1 in the intestine itself. Our results indicate the existence of a signal from the germline that regulates gene expression in the intestine, perhaps linking nutrient export from the intestine to production of gametes by the germline.
Millions of people worldwide are chronically exposed to arsenic through contaminated drinking water. Despite decades of research studying the carcinogenic potential of arsenic, the mechanisms by which arsenic causes cancer and other diseases remain poorly understood. Mitochondria appear to be an important target of arsenic toxicity. The trivalent arsenical, arsenite, can induce mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, inhibit enzymes involved in energy metabolism, and induce aerobic glycolysis in vitro, suggesting that metabolic dysfunction may be important in arsenic-induced disease. Here, using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and a novel metabolic inhibition assay, we report an in vivo induction of aerobic glycolysis following arsenite exposure. Furthermore, arsenite exposure induced severe mitochondrial dysfunction, including altered pyruvate metabolism; reduced steady-state ATP levels, ATP-linked respiration and spare respiratory capacity; and increased proton leak. We also found evidence that induction of autophagy is an important protective response to arsenite exposure. Because these results demonstrate that mitochondria are an important in vivo target of arsenite toxicity, we hypothesized that deficiencies in mitochondrial electron transport chain genes, which cause mitochondrial disease in humans, would sensitize nematodes to arsenite. In agreement with this, nematodes deficient in electron transport chain complexes I, II, and III, but not ATP synthase, were sensitive to arsenite exposure, thus identifying a novel class of gene-environment interactions that warrant further investigation in the human populace.