958 resultados para CCCH type zinc finger
In Drosophila, stripe (sr) gene function is required for normal muscle development. Some mutations disrupt embryonic muscle development and are lethal. Other mutations cause total loss of only a single muscle in the adult. Molecular analysis shows that sr encodes a predicted protein containing a zinc finger motif. This motif is homologous to the DNA binding domains encoded by members of the early growth response (egr) gene family. In mammals, expression of egr genes is induced by intercellular signals, and there is evidence for their role in many developmental events. The identification of sr as an egr gene and its pattern of expression suggest that it functions in muscle development via intercellular communication.
We have isolated the NIL1 gene, whose product is an activator of the transcription of nitrogen-regulated genes, by virtue of the homology of its zinc-finger domain to that of the previously identified activator, the product of GLN3. Disruption of the chromosomal NIL1 gene enabled us to compare the effects of Gln3p and of Nil1p on the expression of the nitrogen-regulated genes GLN1, GDH2, and GAP1, coding respectively for glutamine synthetase, NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase, and general amino acid permease. Our results show that the nature of GATAAG sequence that serve as the upstream activation sequence elements for these genes determines their abilities to respond to Gln3p and Nil1p. The results further indicate that Gln3p is inactivated by an increase in the intracellular concentration of glutamine and that Nil1p is inactivated by an increase in intracellular glutamate.
We have identified and further characterized a Caenorhabditis elegans gene, CEZF, that encodes a protein with substantial homology to the zinc finger and leucine zipper motifs of the human gene products AF10, MLLT6, and BR140. The first part of the zinc finger region of CEZF has strong similarity to the corresponding regions of AF10 (66%) and MLLT6 (64%) at the cDNA level. As this region is structurally different from previously described zinc finger motifs, sequence homology searches were done. Twenty-five other proteins with a similar motif were identified. Because the functional domain of this motif is potentially disrupted in leukemia-associated chromosomal translocations, we propose the name of leukemia-associated protein (LAP) finger. On the basis of these comparisons, the LAP domain consensus sequence is Cys1-Xaa1-2-Cys2-Xaa9-21-Cys3-Xaa2-4 -Cys4-Xaa4-5-His5-Xaa2-Cys6-Xaa12-46 - Cys7-Xaa2-Cys8, where subscripted numbers represent the number of amino acid residues. We review the evidence that this motif binds zinc, is the important DNA-binding domain in this group of regulatory proteins, and may be involved in leukemogenesis.
NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.
WT1, the Wilms tumor-suppressor gene, maps to the human chromosomal region 11p13 and encodes a transcriptional repressor, WT1, implicated in controlling normal urogenital development. Microinjection of the WT1 cDNA into quiescent cells or cells in early to mid G1 phase blocked serum-induced cell cycle progression into S phase. The activity of WT1 varied significantly depending on the presence or absence of an alternatively spliced region located upstream of the zinc finger domain. The inhibitory activity of WT1 was abrogated by the overexpression of cyclin E/CDK2 as well as cyclin D1/CDK4. Furthermore, both CDK4- and CDK2-associated kinase activities were downregulated in cells overexpressing WT1, whereas the levels of CDK4, CDK2, and cyclin D1 expression were unchanged. These findings suggest that inhibition of the activity of cyclin/CDK complexes may be involved in mediating the WT1-induced cell cycle block.
The SSN6-TUP1 protein complex represses transcription of diversely regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present evidence that MIG1, a zinc-finger protein in the EGR1/Zif268 family, recruits SSN6-TUP1 to glucose-repressed promoters. DNA-bound LexA-MIG1 represses transcription of a target gene in glucose-grown cells, and repression requires SSN6 and TUP1. We also show that MIG1 and SSN6 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system. Unexpectedly, we found that LexA-MIG1 activates transcription strongly in an ssn6 mutant and weakly in a tup1 mutant. Finally, LexA-MIG1 does not repress transcription in glucose-deprived cells, and MIG1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose availability. We suggest a role for phosphorylation in regulating repression.
A maioria dos casos de puberdade precoce central (PPC) em meninas permanece idiopática. A hipótese de uma causa genética vem se fortalecendo após a descoberta de alguns genes associados a este fenótipo, sobretudo aqueles implicados com o sistema kisspeptina (KISS1 e KISS1R). Entretanto, apenas casos isolados de PPC foram relacionados à mutação na kisspeptina ou em seu receptor. Até recentemente, a maioria dos estudos genéticos em PPC buscava genes candidatos selecionados com base em modelos animais, análise genética de pacientes com hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico, ou ainda, nos estudos de associação ampla do genoma. Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o sequenciamento exômico global, uma metodologia mais moderna de sequenciamento, para identificar variantes associadas ao fenótipo de PPC. Trinta e seis indivíduos com a forma de PPC familial (19 famílias) e 213 casos aparentemente esporádicos foram inicialmente selecionados. A forma familial foi definida pela presença de mais de um membro afetado na família. DNA genômico foi extraído dos leucócitos do sangue periférico de todos os pacientes. O estudo de sequenciamento exômico global realizado pela técnica ILLUMINA, em 40 membros de 15 famílias com PPC, identificou mutações inativadoras em um único gene, MKRN3, em cinco dessas famílias. Pesquisa de mutação no MKRN3 realizada por sequenciamento direto em duas famílias adicionais (quatro pacientes) identificou duas novas variantes nesse gene. O MKRN3 é um gene de um único éxon, localizado no cromossomo 15 em uma região crítica para a síndrome de Prader Willi. O gene MKRN3 sofre imprinting materno, sendo expresso apenas pelo alelo paterno. A descoberta de mutações em pacientes com PPC familial despertou o interesse para a pesquisa de mutações nesse gene em 213 pacientes com PPC aparentemente esporádica por meio de reação em cadeia de polimerase seguida de purificação enzimática e sequenciamento automático direto (Sanger). Três novas mutações e duas já anteriormente identificadas, incluindo quatro frameshifts e uma variante missense, foram encontradas, em heterozigose, em seis meninas não relacionadas. Todas as novas variantes identificadas estavam ausentes nos bancos de dados (1000 Genomes e Exome Variant Server). O estudo de segregação familial em três dessas meninas com PPC aparentemente esporádica e mutação no MKRN3 confirmou o padrão de herança autossômica dominante com penetrância completa e transmissão exclusiva pelo alelo paterno, demonstrando que esses casos eram, na verdade, também familiares. A maioria das mutações encontradas no MKRN3 era do tipo frameshift ou nonsense, levando a stop códons prematuros e proteínas truncadas e, portanto, confirmando a associação com o fenótipo. As duas mutações missenses (p.Arg365Ser e p.Phe417Ile) identificadas estavam localizadas em regiões de dedo ou anel de zinco, importantes para a função da proteína. Além disso, os estudos in silico dessas duas variantes demonstraram patogenicidade. Todos os pacientes com mutação no MKRN3 apresentavam características clínicas e hormonais típicas de ativação prematura do eixo reprodutivo. A mediana de idade de início da puberdade foi de 6 anos nas meninas (variando de 3 a 6,5) e 8 anos nos meninos (variando de 5,9 a 8,5). Tendo em vista o fenômeno de imprinting, análise de metilação foi também realizada em um subgrupo de 52 pacientes com PPC pela técnica de MS-MLPA, mas não foram encontradas alterações no padrão de metilação. Em conclusão, este trabalho identificou um novo gene associado ao fenótipo de PPC. Atualmente, mutações inativadoras no MKRN3 representam a causa genética mais comum de PPC familial (33%). O MKRN3 é o primeiro gene imprintado associado a distúrbios puberais em humanos. O mecanismo preciso de ação desse gene na regulação da secreção de GnRH necessita de estudos adicionais
IDENTIFICACIÓN ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox) es un factor de transcripción funcionalmente asociado con la diferenciación de células como miocitos, neuronas, células de sostén y linfocitos T, además de estar involucrado en la Transición Epitelial-Mesenquimatosa (EMT) de los tumores sólidos epiteliales. Aún no se ha revelado en profundidad la participación de ZEB1 en los procesos de proliferación y diferenciación en los que participa. Estamos interesados en los mecanismos de regulación de ZEB1 y los factores que intervienen en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. HIPÓTESIS 1. Las vías de señalamiento regulan el estado de fosforilación y la función de ZEB1 en la célula normal, el cual se desregularía en la célula neoplásica llevando a cambios en la función normal de ZEB1 y consecuentemente a metástasis. 2. IGF-1 es la señal que, en asociación con el supresor de tumores CCN6, juega un rol causal en la regulación de ZEB1 y esto a su vez en la metástasis del cáncer de mama. OBJETIVO GENERAL: establecer el rol funcional de ZEB1, su interrelación con otros factores y su regulación en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS (incluye Materiales y Métodos) 1. Estudiar la participación de vías de señalización sobre la función biológica de ZEB1 en células normales y neoplásicas. Analizaremos la participación de señales intracelulares en la fosforilación de ZEB1 por experimentos de ganancia/pérdida de función de la vía (por uso de inhibidores farmacologicos, mutantes silenciadoras y siRNAs), lo cual sera evaluado en EMSAs, ChIP, transfecciones, inmunofluoresc, etc. 2. Estudiar el rol de IGF-1 y CCN6 sobre la expresión y el estado de fosforilación de ZEB1 en tumores mamarios benignos, no invasivos e invasivos y metastatizantes. A) Se estudiará la expresión y localización subcelular de ZEB1 en líneas celulares de cáncer mamario y en xenotransplantes de ratón con variada expresión de CCN6. B) Investigar la relevancia de la fosforilación de ZEB1 mediada por IGF-1 en el EMT por experimentos con ganancia/pérdida de función. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS Esperamos poder delinear la/s vía/s de señalización intracelular que fosforilan ZEB1 y así conocer sobre la regulación del mismo. Podremos establecer algunas bases para entender la biología básica del cáncer de mama e identificar blancos terapéuticos. IMPORTANCIA Un amplio conocimiento de los factores de transcripción y sus vías de señalamiento es necesario para el desarrollo tanto de pruebas diagnósticas como para la identificación de nuevos blancos terapéuticos para neoplasias. De modo que resulta de gran importancia clínica determinar el rol de ZEB1, sus proteínas y vías reguladoras en el proceso de oncogénesis. El desarrollo del proyecto prevé la formación de dos tesistas. Se continuaran colaboraciones con dos grupos extranjeros y se iniciara una tercera.
Materials of polygon exploration during Cruise 41 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev showed that diagenetic and sedimentary-diagenetic nodules close in morphology, texture, and composition vary greatly in size and productivity. Local variations in productivity of this nodule type in pelagic areas of the Pacific Ocean are closely connected with thickness of underlying clayey-radiolarian oozes.
The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc-finger protein that is mutated in Wilms' tumours and other malignancies. WT1 is one of the earliest genes expressed during kidney development. WT1 proteins can activate and repress putative target genes in vitro, although the in vivo relevance of such target genes often remains unverified. To better understand the role of WT1 in tumorigenesis and kidney development, we need to identify downstream target genes. In this study, we have expression pro. led human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected to allow inducible WT1 expression and mouse mesonephric M15 cells transfected with a WT1 antisense construct to abolish endogenous expression of all WT1 isoforms to identify WT1-responsive genes. The complementary overlap between the two cell lines revealed a pronounced repression of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis by WT1. This pathway is transcriptionally regulated by the sterol responsive element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal end of the WT1 protein can directly interact with SREBP, suggesting that WT1 may modify the transcriptional function of SREBPs via a direct protein-protein interaction. Therefore, the tumour suppressor activities of WT1 may be achieved by repressing the mevalonate pathway, thereby controlling cellular proliferation and promoting terminal differentiation.
The role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) in mediating cell death is now well charaterized, however, it is only recently that details of the death signaling pathway have become clearer. This review focuses on the importance of the juxtamembrane Chopper domain region of p75(NTR) in this process. Evidence supporting the involvement of K+ efflux, the apoptosome (caspase-9, apoptosis activating factor-1, APAF-1, and Bcl-(xL)), caspase-3, c-jun kinase, and p53 in the p75(NTR) cell death pathway is discussed and regulatory roles for the p75(NTR) ectodomain and death domain are proposed. The role of synaptic activity is also discussed, in particular the importance of neutrotransmitter-activated K+ channels acting as the gatekeepers of cell survival decisions during development and in neurodegenerative conditions.
The Sp/KLF transcription factors perform a variety of biological functions, but are related in that they bind GC-box and CACCC-box sequences in DNA via a highly conserved DNA-binding domain. A database homology search, using the zinc finger DNA-binding domain characteristic of the family, has identified human KLF17 as a new family member that is most closely related to KLFs 1-8 and 12. KLF17 appears to be the human orthologue of the previously reported mouse gene, zinc finger protein 393 (Zfp393), although it has diverged significantly. The DNA-binding domain is the most conserved region, suggesting that both the murine and the human forms recognize the same binding sites in DNA and may retain similar functions. We show that human KLF17 can bind G/C-rich sites via its zinc fingers and is able to activate transcription from CACCC-box elements. This is the first report of the DNA-binding characteristics and transactivation activity of human KLF17, which, together with the homology it displays to other KLF proteins, put it in the Sp/KLF family. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Cortical midline glia are critical to the formation of the corpus callosum during development. The glial wedge is a Population of midline glia that is located at the corticoseptal boundary and expresses repulsive/growth-inhibitory molecules that guide callosal axons as they cross the midline. The glial wedge are the first cells within the cortex to express GFAP and thus may express molecules specific for glial maturation. The corticoseptal boundary is a genetically defined boundary between the cingulate cortex (dorsal telencephalon) and the septum (ventral telencephalon). The correct dorso-ventral position of this boundary is vital to the formation of both the glial wedge and the corpus callosum. Our aim was to identify genes expressed specifically within the glial wedge that might be involved in either glial differentiation, formation of the corticoseptal boundary or development of the corpus callosum. To identify such genes we have performed a differential display PCR screen comparing RNA isolated from the glial wedge with RNA isolated from control tissues such as the neocortex and septum, of embryonic day 17 mouse brains. Using 200 different combinations of primers, we identified and cloned 67 distinct gene fragments. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the differential expression of many of the genes, and showed that clones G24F3, G39F8 and transcription factor LZIP have specific expression patterns in the telencephalon of embryonic and postnatal brains. An RNase Protection Assay (RPA) revealed that the expression of G39F8, G24173 and LZIP increase markedly in the telencephalon at E16 and continue to be expressed until at least PO, during the period when the corpus callosum is forming. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The adult mammalian brain maintains populations of neural stem cells within discrete proliferative zones. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating adult neural stem cell function is limited. Here, we show that MYST family histone acetyltransferase Querkopf (Qkf, Myst4, Morf)-deficient mice have cumulative defects in adult neurogenesis in vivo, resulting in declining numbers of olfactory bulb interneurons, a population of neurons produced in large numbers during adulthood. Qkf-deficient mice have fewer neural stem cells and fewer migrating neuroblasts in the rostral migratory stream. Qkf gene expression is strong in the neurogenic subventricular zone. A population enriched in multipotent cells can be isolated from this region on the basis of Qkf gene expression. Neural stem cells/progenitor cells isolated from Qkf mutant mice exhibited a reduced self-renewal capacity and a reduced ability to produce differentiated neurons. Together, our data show that Qkf is essential for normal adult neurogenesis.
A simple protein-DNA interaction analysis has been developed using a high-affinity/high-specificity zinc finger protein. In essence, purified protein samples are immobilized directly onto the surface of microplate wells, and fluorescently labeled DNA is added in solution. After incubation and washing, bound DNA is detected in a standard microplate reader. The minimum sensitivity of the assay is approximately 0.2 nM DNA. Since the detection of bound DNA is noninvasive and the protein-DNA interaction is not disrupted during detection, iterative readings may be taken from the same well, after successive alterations in interaction conditions, if required. In this respect, the assay may therefore be considered real time and permits appropriate interaction conditions to be determined quantitatively. The assay format is ideally suited to investigate the interactions of purified unlabeled DNA binding proteins in a high-throughput format.