944 resultados para C(K) Spaces


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A novel technique for backscattering reduction for both TE and TM polarisation, employing a metallo-dielectric structure based on Sierpinski carpet fractal geometry, is reported. A reduction in backscattered power of --30 dB is obtained for normal incidence in the X-band for the structure using the third iterated stage of the fractal geometry


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A theoretical analysis of a symmetric T-shaped rnicrostripfed rectangular microstrip antenna using the finite-difference titnedoniain (FDTD) method is presented in this paper. The resonant frequency, return loss, impedance bandwidth, and radiation patterns are predicted and are in good agreement with the measured results


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This paper presents the outcome of the experimental studies performed on L-strip fed compact rectangular microstrip antenna. The effect of the feed parameters upon the characteristics of the antenna is studied in detail. The antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of nearly 20% and is suitable for broadband applications


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In this paper, we introduce a novel feeding technique for bandwidth enhancement of a rectangular microstrip antenna This antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of 22% without degrading the effciencv. The effect of the feed parameters upon patch characteristics such as resonant frequency, impedance bandwidth, and radiation pattern are studied in detail. The experimental results are verified using the FDTD results


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An innovative phaseshifterless, wideband, micrustrip leaky-wave antenna with an electronically steerable dual-pencil-beam pattern in the H-plane is presented. The log-periodic geometry of the leaky slots of the antenna results in a wide bandwidth of 25.19%. The Jan beam can he steered up to 14° over the wide resonating band of the anteww. The beam is also steerable at a fixed frequency. by reactivelty loading the slots and a maximum steering angle of about 14° is ohserved. for different capacitor values with an improved bandwidth of 33 _i%. This concept is studied using passive components but it can be extended to varactors


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A novel reconfigurable, single feed, dual frequency, dualpolarized operation of a hexagonal slot-loaded square mwrostrip antenna is presented in this paper. A pin diode incorporated in the slot is used to switch the two operating frequencies considerably, without significantly affecting the radiation characteristics and gain. The proposed antenna provides a size reduction up to 61% and 26% Jor the two resonating frequencies, compared to standard rectangular patches. This design also gives considerable bandwidth up to 3.3% and 4.27%, for the two frequencies with a low operating frequency ratio


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Propagation of electromagnetic waves through a microstrip line with 2D electromagnetic baud gap (EBG) structures of different geometrical shapes in the ground plane is investigated in this paper. Using transmission-line theory, the design equations for EBG structures are calculated. The measured, numerical. and simulated results are in gone) agreement


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A new design for a compact electronically reconffgurable singlefeed dual frequency dual-polarized operation of a square-microstrip antenna capable of achieving tunable frequency ratios in the range 1.1 to 1.37 is proposed and experimentally studied. Varactor diodes inlegruted with the arms of the hexagonal slot and embedded in the square patch are used to tune the operating frequencies by applying reverse-bias voltage. The design has the advantage of size reduction up to 73.21% and 49.86% for the two resonant frequencies, respectively, as compared to standard rectangular patches. The antenna offers good bandwidth of 5.74% and 5.36% for the two operating frequencies. A highly simplified tuning circuitry without any transmission lines adds to the compactness of the design


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A forward - biased point contact germanium signal diode placed inside a waveguide section along the E -vector is found to introduce significant phase shift of microwave signals . The usefulness of the arrangement as a phase modulator for microwave carriers is demonstrated. While there is a less significant amplitude modulation accompanying phase modulation , the insertion losses are found to be negligible. The observations can be explained on the basis of the capacitance variation of the barrier layer with forward current in the diode


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A modified H-plane sectoral horn antenna with identical E- and'H- plane.patterns over the X-band frequency is discussed. This system has significantly reduced side lobes and hack lobes. Half=power beam width and gain of the antenna are also improved with enhanced matching , Experimental results for a number of horns with various flanges are presented . These find practical application for illuminating symmetric antennas like paraboloids and polarization measurements in radio astronomy, etc. Compared to the fixed pyramidal horns. the present system offers great convenience in trimming the antenna characteristics


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Design, development and experimental observations of a L: band printed dipole antenna is presented.Bandwidth enhancement is achieved by end-loading or the dipole arms. Using the present technique Impedance bandwidth van be enhanced up to 50% without degrading the efficiency of the antenna.


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Design and development of a circularly polarized and matched H-plane sectorial horn antenna have been reported By proper trimming of the flange parameters any desired polarization can be obtained from the horn


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A novel design of a computer electronically reconfigurable dual frequency dual polarized single feed hexagonal slot loaded microstrip antenna in L-band is introduced in this chapter. pin diodes are used to switch the operating frequencies considerably without much affecting the radiation characteristics and gain. the antenna can work with a frequency ratio varying in the wide range from 1.2 to 1.4. the proposed design has an added advantage of size reduction up to 72.21% and 46.84% for the two resonating frequencies compared to standard rectangular patches. the design also gives considerable bandwidth of up to 2.82% and 2.42 % for the operating frequencies.


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A simple technique to improve the impedance bandwidth of a circular microstrip patch antenna using two sectorial slots is proposed. Using this design more than 5% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The added advantage of this new antenna is that it can be fed by a 50 microstrip line.


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A new compact microstrip antenna element is analyzed. The analysis can accurately predict the resonant frequency, input impedance, and radiation patterns. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed . These antenna elements are more suitable in applications where limited antenna real estate is available