1000 resultados para Bronze age.
The archaeological excavations carried out in 2013 in the hut n. 16 of the protohistoric settlement of Brunku ’e s’Omu (central-western Sardinia) returned some metal products. The morpho-metric and functional study of these artifacts al-lowed the identification of two mending strips and other remains related to Bronze Age (late II millennium BC) ceramic vessels reparing. Some uncertainly dated slags and metal fragments were also identified. Visual examination and archaeometric investigation carried out by means of portable energy dispersive X-ray fluores-cence spectrometry (pXRF) were performed on these metals. The analyses were able to relate some remains to iron manufacturing and highlighted the lead composition of the other ones. The chosen approach further clarified some as-pects of nuragic metallurgists’ behaviour in selecting and processing metalliferous geo-materials.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the early ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the 4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC. The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya, Catacomb and Babyno cultures.
The paper presents the results of excavations and analytical studies regarding the taxonomic classification of a funeral site associated with the societies of ‘barrow cultures’ of the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The study discusses the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic, Yamnaya and Noua cultures.
The paper presents excavation results and analytical studies concerning the taxonomic classification of a funerary site identified with the communities of the ‘barrow cultures’ settling the north-western Black Sea Coast in the first half of the 3rd and the middle of the 2nd millennia BC . The study focuses on the ceremonial centres of the Eneolithic communities of the Babyno and Noua cultures .
Anthropological examinations were performed on skeletal material from four barrow necropolises located in the Yampil region (Ukraine) and dated to the Eneolithic, Bronze age and iron age . The purpose of the examinations was the determination of sex and age at death of individuals, reconstruction of their stature and assessment of their status of health . The examinations covered 61 individuals: 17 children and 44 adults . Their health status was assessed using four common indicators: linear enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis and dental caries.
The article presents the present state of research on the general issue of the dniester region of cultural contacts between communities settling the Baltic and Pontic drainage basins . Some five domains of research shall be brought to discussion in which it is possible to see fresh opportunities for archaeological study, on the basis of ‘Yampil studies’ on dniester-Podolia (forest-steppe) barrow-culture ceremonial centres from the latter half of the 4th millennium and first half of the 3rd millennium BC . This relates to the peoples of the Eneolithic and the Early Bronze age . in terms of topogenesis, embracing the Pontic-Tripolye, Yamnaya and Catacomb cultures, as well as Globular amphora and Corded ware in central prehistoric Europe .
La ricerca di dottorato affronta lo studio della cultura materiale dell’abitato dell’età del Bronzo di Mursia (isola di Pantelleria) attraverso l’analisi della produzione ceramica. In particolare, sono analizzati gli aspetti che permettono di ampliare l’inquadramento culturale del sito, sia nella sua articolazione interna che nei rapporti con le coeve comunità del Mediterraneo centrale nella prima metà del II millennio a.C. La ricerca inizia con l’illustrazione delle recenti prospettive di studio della Preistoria del Mediterraneo, un tema al centro di un intenso dibattito incentrato sul riconoscimento delle identità culturali e sul ruolo delle reciproche interazioni, con particolare attenzione all’età del Bronzo. Al complesso archeologico di Mursia viene riconosciuto un carattere di eccezionalità per la spettacolare conservazione dei resti archeologici dell’abitato e della necropoli monumentale, oggetto di indagine negli ultimi decenni da parte dell’Università di Bologna e dell’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli. Le ricerche hanno consentito di mettere in luce ampie porzioni dell’abitato e di poter esaminare con elevato dettaglio la cultura materiale in rapporto alle modalità insediative diversificate nello spazio e nel tempo. L’approfondimento della ricerca del dottorato verte sullo studio dei manufatti ceramici come strumento privilegiato per definire l’identità culturale della comunità di Mursia, attraverso gli aspetti della produzione artigianale, le abitudini di preparazione e consumo dei cibi e il significato funzionale o simbolico/estetico di alcune categorie vascolari. Rispetto a precedenti presentazioni del contesto di Mursia, la ricerca di dottorato ha enfatizzato, all’interno dell’abbondante produzione ceramica, la presenza di alcune classi con decorazioni incise e impresse che per quantità e caratteri di originalità divengono un elemento aggiuntivo nella definizione della facies di Mursia. Le stesse ceramiche incise e impresse presentano elementi di affinità con una serie di produzioni vascolari coeve nell’area del Mediterraneo centrale, consentendo di affrontare il tema delle interazioni tra diversi contesti insulari
Questo progetto di Dottorato si focalizza sulle dinamiche di formazione della città etrusca di Felsina. In un primo momento è stata effettuata una disamina dei punti più critici di questa tematica. Successivamente sono stati affrontati tre contesti in larga parte inediti. Si tratta degli abitati della Fiera e di Caserma Battistini, oltre all'area di Villa Cassarini. Grazie allo studio di questi siti, è stato possibile delineare come il processo poleogenetico di Felsina prende avvio già con la fase finale del Bronzo Finale, momento in cui l'area attorno Bologna viene ripopolata. Agli inizi dell'età del Ferro si svilupperanno numerosi abitati nell'area attorno al futuro centro, che avevano stretti rapporti fra loro in termini di cultura materiale e scelte insediative. Con il passaggio all'VIII sec. a.C. si osserva un rafforzamento dell'area centrale, che nell'arco di mezzo secolo porterà ad un ulteriore accentramento di popolazione nell'area che di lì a poco diventerà la sede della città etrusca di Felsina, esito ultimo di un lungo processo di poleogenesi.
The research originates in the necessity to bring a new systematic archaeological perspective to the prehistoric background of northern Apulia. Therefore, the aim of the R.P.C.M. Apulia project is to shed new light on a specific chronological arch, from the Neolithic to Early Bronze Age, of the northern part of the Apulia, because the related studies resulted updated to the 70-80’s with some sporadic exception. Moreover, addressing the investigation to the relationship between the communities and the landscape, so how they could exploit the lands and how they could move into this area keeping in touch. To reconstruct the Prehistorical dynamics, it has been necessary first of all to create a database containing all the information about the sites thus to validate them and classifying them according to a model specifically built. The storing operation has been conducted with the software ArcGIS v.10.1 and the sites have been georeferenced on the map as points. It provided the basis on which developing the analysis concerning the mobility (Least Cost Path) and landscape perception (Fuzzy Viewshed Analysis). The first one has been considered to evaluate the mobility into the study area. Therefore, to generate sample paths on the base of the time in reaching a specific point and the terrain trend. The gained information has been collected to hypothesize how they could keep in touch across the chronological changes for purposes related to trading/idea/people exchanges. The visibility analysis has been led to grasp how the groups perceived the landscape through the sight. This datum covered an important role, especially from the Copper Age, concerning the domain and control of the trading ways. The data coming from the mentioned analysis have been used to read into the settlement choices according to the development of the new socio-economic relationships and plan survey activity.
Given its strategic position at the center of the Mediterranean Basin, and its unique history of contacts and migrations, Calabria is an ideal region to decipher the genetic traces of at least some of the numerous demographic prehistoric events in Southern Italy. This thesis focuses on the genetic and social changes of ancient inhabitants of Calabria, covering a timeline of approximately 7000 to 3300 years ago, ranging from the Middle Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. We generated the first genome-wide data from Calabria, by focusing on the single inhumation of “Grotta di Pietra Sant’Angelo” (San Lorenzo Bellizzi, Cosenza) and on the vast community found buried in “Grotta della Monaca” (Sant’Agata di Esaro, Cosenza). Supported by archaeological evidence, the primary objective of this research was to employ paleogenomic evidence to decipher funerary customs, social organization, family ties, and demographic shifts in Southern Italy over a period extending beyond three millennia. The possibility of gender-related burial practices and kinship ties among the deceased was also explored. Subsequently, the biogeographical origin and ancestry of prehistoric people of Calabria was contextualized within the broad landscape of existing data on Mediterranean populations. By generating the first genomic evidence from prehistoric Calabria, unresolved questions were addressed, related to the appearance and persistence of distinct genomic components, such as the Iran-related and the Steppe-related ancestry, whose impact on ancient Southern Italian genomes remains uncharted.