925 resultados para Brazilian educational thought


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The Brazilian economy was severely hit by the 2008 crisis. In the beginning of the crisis, the vast majorities of the economic agents and authorities thought that Brazil could face some sort of decoupling since some macroeconomic fundamentals were very good. What we saw, however, was that the Brazilian economy was not decoupled, and expectations faced a huge deterioration soon after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 15th. Two aspects regarding the impact of crisis in Brazil, however, deserve a great deal of attention: (a) although deep, the impact did not last for a long time. Actually, the GDP growth experienced a good recovery in the second quarter of 2009, showing that the health of the Brazilian economy was good; (b) the Brazilian banking system performed very well during the crisis, although we cannot say the system was not in danger in the worst time of the crisis. In spite of the confidence crisis faced by the banking system 1, it showed a great deal of resilience. In this aspect, we argue that the restructure faced by the banking system in the aftermath of the Real Plan, as well as the development of a solid supervision regulation helped a lot the system to avoid the systemic crisis that was an open possibility to the Brazilian banking system in the end of 2008. These notes, thus, discusse why the Brazilian banking system performed pretty well in the 2008 financial crisis and how the Brazilian banking (and prudential) regulation can be taken as responsible for this good performance. More specifically, the paper back to the middle of the 1990s, when the Real Plan was implemented, in order to understand the role played by the restructuring of the Brazilian financial system in helping to pave the way to the great resilience experienced by the Brazilian banking system during the 2008 crisis. More specifically, the prudential regulation that was implemented in Brazil in the aftermath of the Real Plan seems to play a decisive role in the resilience of the system nowadays.


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The Nossa Senhora da Conceição Seminary, installed in 1894, by Dom Adauto Aurélio de Miranda Henriques, first Paraíba Bishop, and the Episcopal Seminary of the Sagrado Coração de Jesus, implanted in 1913, by Dom José Thomas Gomes da Silva, first Aracaju s Bishop diocese, were created as a result of lack of an official religious process proposed by the Brazilian Republic Proclamation, in 1889. With the appoint to enlarge the number of priests and change the image of the priest married and unrolled who used to identify the Catholic Church in the colonial and imperial Brazil. Such bishops developed into intellectuals in the government, dioceses and formation priest houses. I take as a study object, for this doctorate paper, the academic formation and priesthood developed in theses seminaries, from 1894 to 1933, once 1894 the year of João Pessoa Creation Seminar that was implied the Minor Course (preparation) and the Major one (built by Philosophy and God related studies) and the research limit year of 1933, is concerned about the Major Sergipe Seminary ending, which was created and has worked offering the Minor and Major courses, from 1913 to 1933. Showing the teaching models that guided and leaded the priest formation, referred as Seminaries, and the application result is the objective of this investigation. To comprehend the teaching models seminaries studied, my research line is the Catholic Church theme and priest formation in Brazil. In front of the object and the objective desired, I chose the historical comparative method and the scholars modals notions of Araujo de Barros (2004) and the Sirinelli intellectuals (1996). Such references allowed me to analyze the formation given in the seminary and seminarian participation and actions, included the sequence after the scholars formation. The thesis defended is that the teaching model developed in the Brazilian Seminaries, created after a non official religious process in the Brazilian government, deal with a model of one unique center (Seminary formation and aim pre arranged by Santa Sé), although adapted, presuming the local reality and formation structure (privileged not only spiritual and moral speaking, but intellectual also), was it responsible for intellectuals generations (teachers priests, educationalist priest, journalists priests and so on) that boost the education in Brazil. During the Republic first three decades, when, in thesis, the Government was becoming free religion, i.e., the government did not subsidize the Church anymore, and the Government, among others aspects, did not received any Church care to help the public teaching in the country. The investigation reveled accede, by bishops and their followers, such as by the Concílio de Trento pre concept, or by the others ideas, leading by the priests formation in Seminaries. By creating and stalling diocese Seminary, Bishop Dom Adauto and Dom José went further their functions, by the time they built inside themselves a teaching model thought from the main pedagogic logic, based on several religious exercises, moral and ethic, considered by themselves several knowledge connected to humanity, philosophy and God related studies). Following clearly rationalism principle (the way of teaching, which each subject has its own teacher and this class get together students with the same knowledge, regardless of age) and efficiency (trying to teach the whole content in each class), the Seminaries researched developed a whole education, allowed the structure of a spiritual education, moral and intellectual, for a quality developed by priests, including different levels that they used to performance. Their bottom line, actions and priest matter achievement allowed their broad fulfillment, in the way that priests matter were associated with cultural, educational, welfare assistance, at last, intellectuals


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This thesis aims to build a panoramic analysis with the intention of providing the theoretical initial a thought articulated educational of podcast, a technology orality distributed demand. This joint search considering the various spheres that educational technology in Brazilian use, both in school and non-school contexts, including scenarios and distance. This study unites questions addressed piecemeal in the area to new perspectives about the podcast, in order to characterize its nature, examining such technology from a perspective of educational technology itself, as well as unveiling its main potentials and implications. The survey was conducted from the combined use of quantitative and qualitative categories, with emphasis on the last one. The method of participant observation was followed by immersion of the researcher in the audience groups of Brazilians podcasts. Data collection with sources held in non-school contexts, from a look at targeted interactions given the blogs of Brazilian productions, as well as from open-ended interviews with producers - made online - besides giving themselves from the hearing itself about five hundred podcasts of Brazil. In the school context, the research focused on a literature review of the literature of the study area. Were added to the corpus described statistics derived mainly from "Podpesquisa 2009," Numerical major survey on the use of podcasts in Brazil. The articulation and analysis of the collected data, we used the concept of Education Paulo Freire (1971, 1987), so that, understanding it as synonymous to communication - understood this concept in Freire - were able to reveal the various ramifications educational podcast Brazilian atmosphere permeated by a dialogic between its participants. Moreover, the ideas of Célestin Freinet (1998) about the cooperation, while education practice, conducted the analyzes productive technology addressed in this work. The philosophical thought of Andrew Feenberg (2003) on the notion of "technologies" buoyed technological design elaborate. Such consideration provided the foundation for the reflections and proposals offered in this study, which, in the characterization of the oral nature of the podcast - especially their version for the deaf - appropriated the placements Luis Antonio Marcuschi (2001) about the relationship between orality and writing. In addition to these references, several other authors were considered, dealing with issues that pervade the theme here delimited, contemplating discussions on topics such as educational interest, online production, inclusive education, among other aspects. At the end, there was the podcast as a technology, while still reproducing social asymmetries Brazilian fairly directed at promoting mitigations hierarchical and open production in digital orality promotes. In view of its technical and educational implications in national use, the technology study has revealed potential relevant to the sophistication of teaching practices with orality, in various contexts, and proved adequate to serve as a motto to the revision of school practices, to even the very role of the school. This, by the prospects unveiled here, can, through the podcast, mitigate their questions reproductivist to constitute themselves as under privileged communication, boosted by critical rescue and sophistication of management through the most basic education component: speech


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On the beginnings of the XXI century the brazilian universities was claimed by the Government and by the society to rebuild your ways of selecting students. Many questions are behind this theme, that goes since the concernings of the higher education institutions about select and graduate students, and now also students from disadvantaged sectors of the society; but also about personal issues, like concerns of the everyday of millions of youngs that integrates the brazilian society and that need to decide about your professional future after the finish of the Basic Education. The present thesis has as objective analyse the processes of the transition between the Basic Education and Higher Education on the point of view of students that achieved a place on the public university. This study was accomplished on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN on the original language], that implemented an Access and Social Inclusion Policy (PAIS [on the original language]) on the year of 2003, and since than a series of social actions had been developed. Among the main, we highlight the Inclusion Score action, an adicional score [on the entrance selection exam] for graduated students from public schools, which considers social and economic criteria and the academic development of these candidates on your Basic Education. Through quizzes and interviews with the graduated university students from public network, we could know the social, economic and academic profile of the students that entered on the UFRN by the time of the development of your PAIS, your schools and university trajectories, revealing some of the dilemmas, strategies, difficulties and personal cost of those that try to remain on the educational system besides the adversity conditions of schooling. For the theory foundation, we use authors like Bourdieu (1992, 1996, 2003); Coulon (1993, 2008); Ramalho (2004, 2007, 2008, 2010); Ramalho, et al (2011); Charlot (2001, 2003, 2005); Zago (2011); Nogueira, Romanelli e Zago (2011), among others, that contributed for a better analysis and understanding of thought and actions of the students in your own formative trajectories. Although we know that the educational inequalities are many, we found that the UFRN policy brought and is bringing many significant results, on the perspective of contribute with the increase of access for graduated students from the public network, and with the inclusion of these on the university


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This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students


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Numerical cognition is based on two components - number processing and calculation. Its development is influenced by biological, cognitive, educational, and cultural factors. The objectives of the present study were to: i) assess number processing and calculation in Brazilian children aged 7-12 years from public schools using the Zareki-R (Battery of neuropsychological tests for number processing and calculation in children, Revised; von Aster & Dellatolas, 2006) in order to obtain normative data for Portuguese speakers; ii) identify how environment, age, and gender influences the development of these mathematical skills; iii) investigate the construct validity of the Zareki-R by the contrast with the Arithmetic subtest of WISC-III. The sample included 172 children, both genders, divided in two groups: urban (N= 119) and rural (N= 53) assessed by the Zareki-R. Rural children presented lower scores in one aspect of number processing; children aged 7-8 years demonstrated an inferior global score than older; boys presented a superior performance in both number processing and calculation. Construct validity of Zareki-R was demonstrated by high to moderate correlations with Arithmetic subtest of WISC-III. The Zareki-R therefore is a suitable instrument to assess the development of mathematical skills, which is influenced by factors such as environment, age, and gender.


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To investigate the nutrition-related habits (NRH) of Brazilian adolescents and evaluate the associations with risk factors.Cross-sectional school-based was carried out among high school adolescents aged 14-18 years (n = 1,759) from public and private schools from two cities. The NRH were investigated by the weekly consumption of vegetables, fruit, sweet food and fried food. Risk factors investigated were: city, sex, age, socioeconomic status and nutritional status. In statistics, Poisson regression was used with robust variance adjustment.Data indicated low consumption of fruits and vegetables, 70.0 and 71.0%, respectively, and high consumption of sweets and fried food, 66.7 and 63%, respectively. Boys showed risk of inadequate intake of vegetables [prevalence ratios (PR) 1.10, 95% CI 1.01-1.16] and fruit (PR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01-1.16). Furthermore, adolescents who live in Maringa had greater likelihood of consuming vegetables and fruit (20 and 25%, respectively). However, they presented risk of inadequate consumption of sweets (PR 1.19, 95% CI 1.11-1.28) for adolescents who live in Presidente Prudente.We concluded that inadequate NRH show high prevalence among adolescents and indicate the need to employ educational strategies that promote the adoption of more healthy habits and behaviors.


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Teaching and learning representations have been more and more investigated in the Brazilian applied linguistics field, as it allows the understanding of the teachers representations and how they conceive the learning process. This practice facilitates the planning of actions to improve the educational system. This study aims at identifying, interpreting and discussing some representations related to the identity and professional view of English as a foreign language teachers in different school contexts of Natal-RN. The theoretical and methodological foundation for this research is Halliday s Systemic- Functional Linguistics (1994; HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004; EGGINS, 1994, among others). Our goal was to reveal the teachers representations embedded in their language, mainly through the ideational metafunction, as language is the tool we use to express ourselves about the external world (events, qualities, things, etc) and the internal world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc). The research corpus is made of 21 teacher narratives, generated from a questionnaire sent to the teachers, who were divided in two groups: Group 1 (public schools teachers) and Group 2 (private schools and English course teachers). Most of the participants seemed to be satisfied with their professional choice. Many of them see the job as a challenge and an opportunity to transmit knowledge. All of them affirmed that the English teacher is a professional, for different reasons; however, the low professional appreciation was a recurrent aspect among the studied narratives. When asked about where they work, the private school teachers seemed to be more satisfied with the teaching-learning process than the ones from the public schools. We believe that the data analyzed in this study is important to show how some English teachers from Natal-RN see their profession. The results might be used in continuing education courses as food-for-thought in group discussions, as it is extremely important to emphasize and stimulate this practice


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate educational strategies applied to a tele-education leprosy course. The curriculum was for members of the Brazilian Family Health Team and was made available through the São Paulo Telehealth Portal. The course educational strategy was based on a constructivist learning model where interactivity was emphasized. Authors assessed motivational aspects of the course using the WebMAC Professional tool. Forty-eight healthcare professionals answered the evaluation questionnaire. Adequate internal consistency was achieved (Cronbach's alpha = 0.79). More than 95% of queried items received good evaluations. Multidimensional analysis according to motivational groups of questions (STIMULATING, MEANINGFUL, ORGANIZED, EASY-TO-USE) showed high agreement. According to WebMAC's criteria, it was considered an awesome course. The tele-educational strategies implemented for leprosy disclosed high motivational scores.


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Background: This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors among elderly hospital inpatients.Methods: A cross-sectional study evaluated 189 participants using the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Mini-mental State Examination and the Katz and Lawton Index, to assess dependence regarding activities of daily living (ADL).Results: Most of the participants were women, aged between 60 and 92 years, with low levels of educational attainment and personal income, and non-qualified occupations. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 56%, but only 3% had a psychiatric diagnosis registered in their medical records. Univariate analysis showed significant associations between depressive symptoms and low educational level and income, marital status, number of hospitalizations in the previous year, cognitive decline, dependence regarding basic and instrumental ADL, and death. After logistic regression, the only variables that remained significantly associated with depression were low educational level, dependence regarding basic ADL, and death.Conclusions: Depressive symptoms were independently associated with low educational level and dependence regarding basic ADL. Hospitalized elderly people with depressive symptoms were more likely to die. It is essential to diagnose and treat depression properly in this population to minimize its negative impacts.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente texto parte de uma caracterização em que o movimento escolanovista brasileiro é considerado como difusor da introdução de procedimentos científicos no campo pedagógico, como se a educação devesse subordinar-se às regras do pensamento e às descobertas obtidas pela ciência. em seguida, mostra que essa caracterização descreve apenas uma das tendências do ideário educacional renovador, sendo que outra, desenvolvida marcadamente sob a influência de John Dewey, filósofo e educador norte-americano, apresenta norteamentos bastante diversos. Assim, analisa alguns artigos publicados na Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos, órgão do Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos, INEP, nos anos de 1950. Tais artigos, de autoria de Anísio Teixeira, João Roberto Moreira e Luiz Alves de Mattos, entre outros, traduzem o ideário educacional renovador daquele período e expressam concepções fundamentadas nas idéias de John Dewey. Os temas debatidos por esses educadores brasileiros são agrupados, de maneira geral, em torno das seguintes categorias: democracia, liberdade, pesquisa sócio-educacional e planejamento educacional. Na análise desenvolvida, percebe-se que os autores expressam diferentes visões do mesmo pensador - John Dewey -, fato que é compreensível mediante o conceito de recontextualização, originário das teses de Basil Bernstein, segundo o qual as teorias ou concepções filosóficas sofrem alterações, muitas vezes fundamentais, quando são convertidas em discurso pedagógico. Ao mesmo tempo que espera contribuir para melhor compreensão da presença do pensamento deweyano no Brasil, o presente trabalho também sugere a necessidade de maior aprofundamento quanto ao estudo dos processos recontextualizadores no campo educacional.


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Five species of titi monkey (Callicebus brunneus, Callicebus caligatus, Callicebus cinerascens, Callicebus donacophilus, and Callicebus moloch) were recorded in surveys of primate populations at 26 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondonia. The distribution of the two species, C. cinerascens and C. donacophilus (recorded in the state for the first time), appeared to be related to that of non-forest ecosystems, the former in the cerrado woodlands, and the latter in gallery forests of the Guapore grasslands. The results of the surveys also indicate that C. brunneus has a more restricted distribution in southern Rondonia than was previously thought, whereas C. moloch is more widespread. However, the ecological factors that determine species distribution in the south of the state remain unclear on the basis of the available data. All species were observed in small social groups of no more than five individuals, which are typical of the genus, generally in the middle and lower forest strata.


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Until recently, the rhynchonelliform (articulated) brachiopod fauna from the Brazilian continental shelf (western South Atlantic) was represented only by the endemic species Bouchardia rosea (Mawe), reported from coastal waters of the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The present study, based on samples from coastal (<30 m), shelf, and continental slope waters (99-485 m), documents the South Atlantic brachiopod fauna and shows that this fauna is more widespread, diverse, and cosmopolitan than previously thought. Based on a total of 16,177 specimens, the following brachiopods have been identified: Bouchardia rosea (Family Bouchardiidae), Platidia anomioides (Family Platidiidae), Argyrotheca cf. cuneata (Family Megathyrididae), and Terebratulina sp. (Family Cancellothyrididae). In coastal settings, the fauna is overwhelmingly dominated by Bouchardia rosea. Rare juvenile (<2 mm) specimens of Argyrotheca cf. cuneata were also found at two shallow-water sites. In shelf settings (100-200 m), the fauna is more diverse and includes Bouchardia rosea, Terebratulina sp., Argyrotheca cf. cuneata, and Platidia anomioides. Notably, Bouchardia rosea was found in waters as deep as 485 m, extending the known bathymetric range of this genus. Also, the record of this brachiopod in waters of the state of Parana is the southernmost known occurrence of this species. The genera Platidia and Terebratulina are documented here for the first time for the western South Atlantic. The Brazilian brachiopod fauna shares similarities with those from the Atlantic and Indian shelves of southern Africa, and from the Antarctic, Caribbean and Mediterranean waters. The present-day brachiopods of the western South Atlantic are much more cosmopolitan than previously thought and their Cenozoic palaeobiogeographic history has to be reconsidered from that perspective.


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This report describes the consequences and some aspects of the origin and development of victim blaming in accident analysis, and some methods for investigating such events, with particular emphasis on the situation in Brazil. In Brazil, the spread of this practice seems to have been helped by several factors. (1) the idea that occupational accidents are simple phenomena with a limited number of causal factors linked to unsafe actions and/or conditions. In the past, the theory of accident proneness had less influence than in other countries. (2) Government regulations that stipulate the hiring of health and safety officers, production of educational material, and preventive campaigns that emphasize the role of the victim's faulty behavior in the origin of an accident. (3) Mandatory implementation of standardized models for accident investigation directed toward searching for a single cause. Usually one conclusion, expressed in terms of unsafe acts or conditions, is formulated so that whoever performs an unsafe act is responsible for the accident. (4) Lack of knowledge, as shown in Brazilian publications on occupational accidents and in the evolution of studies on the nature of accident phenomena and of strategies adopted for their prevention.