818 resultados para Brazil – Foreign relations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Arnold Shankman Papers consist mainly of photocopies of manuscript collections which Dr. Shankman used for his research and writing. Included are pamphlets, biographical sketches, correspondence and newspaper accounts. Most of the collection relates to the American Civil War, particularly in Illinois, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, but there is material relating to Jewish history, African-Americans and United States foreign relations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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La storiografia statunitense, a partire dagli anni Cinquanta, vide l’affermarsi di una nuova interpretazione della politica estera americana. Archiviata la storia diplomatica come storia dei trattati o storia delle interazioni delle élites dominanti, abbandonata una visione incentrata sull’equilibrio di potenza, il dibattito storiografico si arricchì della cosiddetta interpretazione «revisionista», antitetica rispetto a quella che, fino a quel momento, aveva predominato. Soggetto di analisi storica restava sempre lo Stato ma l’enfasi maggiore era posta sui fattori economici che ne influenzavano l’azione: si metteva in rilievo l’interazione tra l’interesse privato e il soggetto statale. Capofila di questa nuova scuola fu William Appleman Williams. Questa ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di delineare il contesto storiografico dal quale emersero gli studi di Williams e di cui egli ne roviesciò alcuni assunti fondamentali. Si intende tracciare il suo percorso intellettuale storiografico e pubblico al fine di restituire la complessità di un personaggio che divenne un vero e proprio «intellettuale pubblico». I quesiti, a cui questa ricerca vuole dar risposta riguardano l’evoluzione del percorso intellettuale di Williams tanto in ambito storiografico quanto, più in generale, in quello pubblico; il contributo alla ridefinizione dell’identità statunitense e del suo ruolo internazionale; il lascito della sua riflessione nella storiografia. Prendendo le mosse dall’idea di frontiera proposta da Turner, Williams sostenne che la fine dell’espansione territoriale «interna» aveva obbligato gli Stati Uniti a cercare nuovi mercati per il proprio surplus. Era stata tale necessità a catalizzare la Open Door Diplomacy, guidata da ragioni economiche, che presto identificarono l’interesse nazionale per trasformarsi in una vera e propria ideologia nel XX secolo.L’esito di tale politica estera fu la creazione di un impero non più territoriale ma frutto dell’espansione economica. E proprio questa riflessione sull’impero influenzò, negli anni Sessanta, la protesta studentesca che chiese un ripensamento del ruolo internazionale degli Stati Uniti.


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This article looks at the negotiations between Switzerland and Germany on air traffic regulation with the help of negotiation analysis tools. A number of factors pre-eminent in the literature on negotiation processes and outcomes are presented and critically assessed. In particular arguments of “power”, which are often insufficiently explored in analysing interstate cooperation, are brought back into the picture. The article argues that structural power best explains the negotiation results while domestic politics and information asymmetries both account for non-ratification of the treaty. Institutionalist arguments on the constraining effects of international norms and institutions as well as explanations focusing on negotiation skills are of minor importance. Moreover, the nature of the Swiss intra-governmental setting at the federal level did not encourage the Swiss negotiators to exploit all means during the different stages of the bargaining process. The article concludes by illuminating a number of policy observations in the broader context of Swiss foreign relations and indicating avenues for further research


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En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar un estado de la cuestión sobre los principales textos referidos a nuestras relaciones exteriores en los años setenta, ya que analizar los vínculos entre las teorías y la producción bibliográfica presenta un doble desafío. Por un lado, tenemos los problemas propios de la evolución disciplinar de la política exterior en donde conviven versiones contrastantes sobre las vinculaciones de la Argentina con el mundo, y muy especialmente del período de la guerra fría. Por otro, las particularidades del período analizado que por múltiples causas aparece fragmentado.


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En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar un estado de la cuestión sobre los principales textos referidos a nuestras relaciones exteriores en los años setenta, ya que analizar los vínculos entre las teorías y la producción bibliográfica presenta un doble desafío. Por un lado, tenemos los problemas propios de la evolución disciplinar de la política exterior en donde conviven versiones contrastantes sobre las vinculaciones de la Argentina con el mundo, y muy especialmente del período de la guerra fría. Por otro, las particularidades del período analizado que por múltiples causas aparece fragmentado.


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En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar un estado de la cuestión sobre los principales textos referidos a nuestras relaciones exteriores en los años setenta, ya que analizar los vínculos entre las teorías y la producción bibliográfica presenta un doble desafío. Por un lado, tenemos los problemas propios de la evolución disciplinar de la política exterior en donde conviven versiones contrastantes sobre las vinculaciones de la Argentina con el mundo, y muy especialmente del período de la guerra fría. Por otro, las particularidades del período analizado que por múltiples causas aparece fragmentado.


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This paper investigates how Taiwan's "one China" concept evolved during the democratization process that occurred under the leadership of former President Lee Teng-hui. The author argues that there was a crucial evolution of the "one China" concept and that the transformation of the concept resulted from changes in Taiwan's internal political circumstances. The evolution of the concept creates a real possibility that the "status quo" sought by the ROC in the Taiwan Strait both during and after the Cold War might be destroyed. In addition, any further evolution of the "one China" concept will surely make the "status quo" of Taiwan untenable, in that it would induce Taiwan to seek de jure instead of de facto independence, possibly initiating a conflict between the PRC and the ROC. To prevent such a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the international community must persuade the ROC not to go beyond the "status quo" and to stay within the framework of de facto independence. At the same time, both the PRC and the ROC should be urged to maintain an open conduit of communication for productive talks on the reunification of China.


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Independent Myanmar and Japan had long held the strongest ties among Asian countries, and they were often known as having "special relations" or a "historically friendly relationship." Such relations were guaranteed by the sentiments and experiences of the leaders of both countries. Among others, Ne Win, former strongman throughout the socialist period (1962-1988), was educated and trained by the Japanese army officers of the Minami Kikan, leading to the birth of the Burma Independence Army (BIA). Huge official development assistance provided by the Japanese government also cemented this special relationship. However, the birth of the present military government (SLORC/SPDC) in 1988 drastically changed this favorable relationship between the two countries. When the military seized power in a coup, Japan was believed to be the only country that possessed sufficient meaningful influence on Myanmar to encourage a move toward national reconciliation between the junta and the opposition party led by Aung San Suu Kyi. In reality, Japan failed to exert such an influence due to its sour relations with the military government and reduced influence in the new international and regional political landscape. What is worse, Japan seems to be losing its say on Myanmar issues in the international political arena, as it has been wavering in limbo between the sanctionist forces, such as the United States and the European Union, and engagement forces, such as China and ASEAN.