989 resultados para Brassica oleracea var. capitata L
A falta de sincronismo de florescimento entre as linhagens auto incompatíveis em um campo de produção de sementes híbridas de couve flor pode além de reduzir a produção de sementes comprometer a pureza genética das mesmas. Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da coincidência de florescimento entre linhagens de couve-flor na produtividade e qualidade de sementes híbridas, foi realizado o presente experimento. Os tratamentos consistiram em seis diferentes épocas de semeadura, espaçadas a cada quinze dias, de uma linhagem de verão auto-incompatível que foi polinizada por uma linhagem de inverno que não apresenta auto-incompatibilidade. Observou-se a coincidência do florescimento das diferentes épocas de semeadura com a linhagem polinizadora. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: área foliar média, número de flores por planta, número de síliqüas por planta, número de sementes por planta (peso e número), peso médio de 1000 sementes e foi determinado o número de sementes por síliqüa. Foi realizado ainda, o teste padrão de germinação e determinada a pureza genética das sementes para cada tratamento. A coincidência da época de florescimento entre as linhagens de couve-flor afetou diretamente a produtividade e a qualidade genética das sementes híbridas produzidas, sendo que, quanto maior foi o nível de coincidência, maior foi o número de sementes formadas por síliqüa e menor a percentagem de sementes contaminantes. Entretanto, não teve influência na qualidade fisiológica das mesmas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A trial was carried to verify the effect of increasing levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of canola meal in diets of broiler chickens on performance and mucous morphology, during the starting period (1 - 21 days). One thousand 1-d male chicks were assigned to a randomized experimental assay, with five treatments, four replicates and 50 birds per experimental unit. At the 1 st, 21 st and 41 st days, the birds and the rations were weighed. At the 21 st day, two birds of each experimental unit were sacrificed for collection of a duodenum segment to evaluate the intestinal morphometry. The results demonstrated that increasing levels of canola meal resulted in linear reduction on weight gain, weight and feed intake and worst feed conversion. During the growing period (21 to 41 days), when all birds received similar diet, average weight and weight gain decreased, as the canola meal levels increased, while feed conversion and feed intake were similar. Data regarding mucous morphology, submitted to the regression analysis, demonstrated that the crypt depth increased, as the canola meal levels increased. It is possible to include up to 20% of canola meal without damages on broiler performance and digestive tract.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the introduction of 8% grains and by-products (meal or cake) of canola in the diets of lambs. To evaluate quantitative carcass characteristics, 24 Santa Ines lambs were used in a completely randomized design. Diets with averages of 15.4% of CP in DM and 80.2% of TDN were composed for 40% Tifton hay and 60% concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, whole grain canola, canola meal, canola cake and mineral mixture. The use of whole grains and by-products of canola in the diet of lambs finished in feedlot did not influence (p > 0.05) quantitative carcass characteristics. For cut dressing in relation to the CCW, no effect was observed for the analyzed variables among treatments. It was concluded that the introduction of grains and by-products of canola allow for satisfactory results, and could be recommended in the formulations of lamb diets.
The objective of this work was to determine the ether extract content of peanut and canola seeds, with extraction in Soxhlet apparatus and with three types of processing: grinding in ball mill type; maceration in mortar and grind into micro mill after maceration in mortar. Data were analyzed in an entirely randomized design with 3 treatments and 12 replicates, submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using Tukey test (P<0.05) with routines of the SAS statistical package. The largest percentage of ether extract was obtained in the treatment which the peanuts were subjected to a greater number of extractions (56.43%), and all treatments presented different results(P <0.05). In canola grains, it was observed that the extraction with the method of grinding in ball mill and the method of sequential extraction (macerate + ground in micro mill) were statistically similar (43.52 and 42.35% respectively), and these methods were more efficient (P <0.05) to extract the ether extract than the treatment in which the grains were only macerated. For peanut grains it was concluded that the most efficient method was the sequential one and to the canola grain, it can be used only a grinding mill as samples processing witch will be submitted to ether extract extraction.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar a variação na fertilidade do solo e na fauna edáfica sob reflorestamento com paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Heber ex. Ducke) em monocultivo ou em sistema agroflorestal quando comparados com floresta secundária em área experimental considerando a sazonalidade da precipitação no período de 2009 e 2010. A área experimental pertence a Fazenda Tramontina Belém S/A, localizada no nordeste paraense, no município de Aurora do Pará. Foram analisados quatro tratamentos submetidos a reflorestamento com: Curauá (Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith), Paricá (Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke) sob a forma de monocultivos, Paricá + curauá (Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith; Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke); Paricá + Mogno + Freijó + Curauá (Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke; Switenia macrophylla, King; Cordia goeldiana Huber; Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith). As amostragens foram realizadas em dezembro de 2009, abril e julho de 2010, o que caracterizou o período sazonal de transição (estiagem para chuva intensa), chuva intensa e estiagem respectivamente, para avaliar a granulometria, densidade aparente, densidade da partícula, porosidade total e umidade atual, bases trocáveis, soma de bases, CTC, acidez, fósforo, teor de carbono orgânico, pH, em três profundidades diferentes (0 – 10 cm. 10 - 20 cm; 20 – 40 cm) e a ocorrência de macrofauna edáfica. Os resultados mostraram a ação dos períodos sazonais sobre a densidade aparente, densidade da partícula, porosidade total do solo. Fatores químicos como, por exemplo, carbono orgânico, cujos teores variaram entre 5,85 g/kg e 13,00 g/kg, com teores elevados no sistema de cultivo S2, sofreu alterações nos períodos sazonais chuva intensa e estiagem. Quanto a fauna edáfica, foram capturados 9.964 invertebrados pertencentes a 26 táxons diferentes. Os mais abundantes foram Hymenoptera- Formicidae (5.805), Coleoptera (1.454), Acari (862), Collembola (649), Diplopoda (307) e Isopoda (110). Dos 26 táxons identificados, aproximadamente 40% deles apresentaram apenas um representante nas três amostragens efetuadas ou em apenas uma delas. Os maiores valores para frequência relativa ocorreu no sistema de cultivo S2, S4 e S3, respectivamente. O maior valor para frequência absoluta ocorreu durante o período sazonal chuva intensa em S1. As áreas sob reflorestamento com monocultivo e sistema agroflorestal paricà + curauá mostraram melhores desempenhos na recuperação da fertilidade do solo e da fauna edáfica comprovando a eficácia do paricá em monocultivo ou em sistema agroflorestal na recuperação da fertilidade do solo e da fauna edáfica.
The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner 1911 var aizawai strain GC-91 (Bta) on the biological parameters and phytophagy of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas 1851) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) were evaluated using the follow treatments: a) provision of deionized water and prey Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus 1758) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae); b) provision of only a solution containing Bta; and c) provision of prey and the solution containing Bta. To evaluate the phytophagy of the predator, leaves of Brassica oleraceae var acephala Linnaeus cv Manteiga da Georgia were provided and replaced every two days, and subsequently stained by immersion in 1% acid fuchsin. Staining enabled the visualization of the feeding sheath, which allowed for the quantification of punctures inflicted by P nigrispinus. The phytophagy, reproductive capacity and biological cycle in P nigrispinus were negatively affected by the presence of Bta; however, its predatory capacity was not altered.
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) applied by immersion at temperatures of 20 and 40 degrees C on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of minimally processed cabbage, stored under refrigeration. Cabbages were processed in an industrial food processing equipment to be cut in slices with thickness of 3 mm. Slices were immersed in sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) during 5 minutes for sanitization. After, the following treatments were carried out T1= control (immersion in water during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C); T2= immersion in 1% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T3= immersion in 2% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T4= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T5= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C, T6= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; and T7= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; with four replications each one. After application of treatments, cabbage was centrifuged during one minute, wrapped with polyvinyl chloride, 20 mu m, in trays of expanded polystyrene and maintained in refrigerated environment, at 6 +/- 1 degrees C and 85-90% of relative humidity, during eight days. Little increasing was observed in pH and titratable acidity values and reduction in soluble solids during conservation period on all treatments. Treatment with AA did not differ from control for color and general appearance, while treatment with 2% CaCl2 at 20 degrees C maintained the best quality, with less intensity of browning, best general appearance and purchase intent and least strange odor at the end of evaluation period.
The purpose of treating seeds chemically is to eradicate their pathogens and/or protect them against soil pathogens, mainly by germination time. However, there is little research on vegetables investigating the effect of this treatment on seed quality. Therefore, this study evaluates the effects of Carboxin + Thiram doses on germination and vigor of three lots of broccoli seeds, as well as on the incidence of fungi in treated seed. The 15 treatments were evaluated in a factorial system (3x5), with the first factor consisting of three lots of 'Avenger' broccoli seeds (lots 82744, 82745 and 82749), and the second factor consisting of five doses (0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.12% of a.i.) of Carboxin + Thiram fungicide (commercial name Vitavax-Thiran). The germination and seed vigor were evaluated, in addition to the presence of pathogens in seeds after treatment (blotter test). All lots showed high levels of germination and vigor. The lot 82749, however, showed higher value in plug test in substrate emergence (99%) than lot 82745 (95%). Regarding the treatment with Carboxin + Thiram, no changes in germination average (98%) and vigor were noticed (average for the first germination count, length, and dry weight of seedling, plug test at 10 days after sowing of 97%, 4.9 cm, 4.0 mg and 96%, respectively), showing that this fungicide, in the evaluated doses, does not affect the quality of broccoli seeds. As to seeds health, the pathogens Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were detected, in addition to saprophytic species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. The higher incidence of Fusarium spp. was noticed in lot 82744, and the lowest in lot 82749. As to Penicillium spp., lot 82479 was the most contaminated. Regarding other fungi, the general incidence was very low and there was no difference between lots and doses used.
Brazil is one of the main centers of origin of pineapple species presenting the largest genetic variation of the Ananas genus. Embrapa Cassava and Fruits is a Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation and has an ex-situ collection of 678 accessions of the Ananas genus and some other Bromeliaceae. The use of ornamental pineapple has increased in the last years demanding new varieties, mainly for the external market, due to the originality and colors of its tiny fruits. The main aim of the present study was describing accessions from the pineapple gene bank in order to quantify their genetic variation and identify possible progenitors to be used in breeding programs of ornamental pineapples. Eighty-nine accessions of Ananas comosus var. comosus, A. comosus var. bracteatus (Lindl.) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. ananassoides (Baker) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. erectifolius (L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal, A. comosus var. parguasensis (Camargo et L. B. Smith) Coppens et Leal and A. macrodontes Morren were evaluated with 25 morphological descriptors. According to the results, the evaluated accessions were separated into the following categories: landscape plants, cut flower, potted plants, minifruits, foliage and hedge. The genetic distance among accessions was determined using the combined qualitative and quantitative data by the Gower algorithm. The pre-selected accessions presented genetic variation and ornamental potential for different uses. The multicategory analysis formed seven clusters through a classification method based on the average Euclidean distance between all accessions using the cut-point of genetic dissimilarity (D dg = 0.35). The genotypes A. comosus var. erectifolius were selected to be used as landscape plants, cut flower, minifruits and potted plants. Accessions of A. comosus var. bracteatus and A. macrodontes were selected as landscape plants and hedge. The highest variation was observed in A. comosus var. ananassoides genotypes, which presented high potential for use as cut flowers.
Five holes were drilled at two sites in the Sea of Japan during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 128. Site 798 is located on Oki Ridge at a depth of about 900 m. Sediment age at Site 798 ranges from Pliocene to Holocene. Site 799 is located in the Kita-Yamato Trough at depth of 2000 m and below the present calcite compensation depth (CCD); the sediment ranges from Miocene to Holocene in age. Samples from all holes contain benthic foraminifers. Faunal evidence of downslope displacement is frequent in Holes 799A and 799B. The vertical frequency distribution of some dominant species shows that significant faunal changes occur in Holes 798A-C on Oki Ridge. Based on the faunal change and the thickness of sediments, it appears that the Oki Ridge was uplifted more than 1,000 m during last 4 m.y. Benthic foraminifers also demonstrate that the water depth of Site 799 rapidly changed from upper bathyal to lower bathyal during middle Miocene time. The appearance of benthic foraminifer species common to anaerobic environments suggests that the dysaerobic to anaerobic bottom conditions existed during the evolution of the Sea of Japan. Faunal distributions also suggest that the 'Tertiary-type' species recognized in the Neogene strata of the Japan Sea coastal regions disappeared sequentially from the Sea of Japan during Pliocene to late Pleistocene.