999 resultados para Bordeu, 1722-1776
Address of the Trustees of a London Charity School to the Parent of a proposed scholar, 1776 June 24
This two-and-a-half-page handwritten document contains a copy of a set of rules for a parent of a school identified as "Saint Mary Rotherhith United Society."
Handwritten order to Penn Townsend to pay scholarship funds to student Josiah Cotton (Harvard AB 1722), signed by Benjamin Wadsworth, Thomas Foxcroft, Samuel Marshall, and Jonathan Williams.
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Joseph Belknap for use by student Samuel Sewall (Harvard AB 1776), signed by Charles Chauncey, Jonathan Williams, and Daniel Marsh. The student's name is spelled "Samuel Sewal" in the document.
The thin paper-covered notebook contains the Steward's accounts with Harvard College kept by Steward Andrew Bordman II from 1719-1722. Arranged by quarters, the entries list money collected by the Steward from students, and money paid for food supplies, household provisions, the Butler's salary, and for services provided to the College.
Three folded sheets containing quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1776-1779 for the quarters ending on March 1775, June 1775, and September 1775, with totals for all students in each category also provided.