637 resultados para Blunt, Alison


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Splenic artery pseudoaneurysm larger than 10 cm is a rare condition. The risk of rupture is probably high and surgical treatment is necessary. The objective of this article is to report a case of a patient with giant pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery submitted to surgical resection. A 26-year-old man complaining of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and abdominal pain The patient’s medical history revealed that one year before he had an abdominal blunt trauma. The angiography showed a giant pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery with compression of the stomach. The patient was operated on by abdominal access and the spleen and pseudoaneurysm were resected. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged 13 days after surgery without problems.


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The authors report a case of thrombosis of the right subclavian artery in its pre-vertebral segment causing subclavian steal syndrome as a result of a blunt thoracic trauma in a 43-year-old woman. Aspects of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of this rare injury are reported and discussed.


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Blunt rupture of the renal pelvis is a exceedingly rare injury. Hematuria is absent in one-third of cases. Such injuries are usually caused by desacceleration forces. Despite improved imaging techniques, diagnosis of this injuries is frequently delayed. Diagnosis is suggested by the presence of massive medial extravasation of contrast material at excretory urography or computed tomography. Surgical treatment consists in pyeloplasty or pyeloraphy with stent placement (double J) or nephrostomy.


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Isolated gallbladder injury following abdominal blunt trauma is rare and early diagnosis is difficult to make, particularly when no other organ is injured. However, ultrasonography is valuable for investigating gallbladder injuries. We report a case of isolated gallbladder blunt trauma presented as acute cholecystitis with hemobilia. In isolated blunt traumatic injury to the gallbladder, treatment options vary depending on the specific injury. The characteristics of blunt trauma injuries to the gallbladder and their appropriate management are discussed.


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Traumatic lung herniation is an unusual clinical problem. We present a case of a large left post-traumatic lung hernia on the left, anterior, second intercostal space following blunt chest trauma. An important factor in the etiology of these lesions is the relative lack of muscular support of the anterior part of the chest. This report describes the diagnosis and management of a post-traumatic lung hernia.


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Common bile duct disruption from blunt trauma is very rare. Management, diagnosis and therapy by a non-specialist surgeon can be difficult. We describe a bile duct injury after a motor vehicle crash in a young male, treated with cholecystojejunostomy at his third laparotomy. We also briefly review some diagnostic aspects and therapeutic options from the literature.


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Duodenal trauma is an infrequent injury, but linked to high morbidity and mortality. Surgical management of duodenal injuries is dictated by: patient's hemodynamic status, injury severity, time of diagnosis, and presence of concomitant injuries. Even though most cases can be treated with primary repair, some experts advocate adjuvant procedures. Pyloric exclusion (PE) has emerged as an ancillary method to protect suture repair in more complex injuries. However, the effectiveness of this procedure is debatable. The "Evidence Based Telemedicine - Trauma & Acute Care Surgery" (EBT-TACS) Journal Club performed a critical appraisal of the literature and selected three relevant publications on the indications for PE in duodenal trauma. The first study retrospectively compared 14 cases of duodenal injuries greater than grade II treated by PE, with 15 cases repaired primarily, all of which penetrating. Results showed that PE did not improve outcome. The second study, also retrospective, compared primary repair (34 cases) with PE (16 cases) in blunt and penetrating grade > II duodenal injuries. The authors concluded that PE was not necessary in all cases. The third was a literature review on the management of challenging duodenal traumas. The author of that study concluded that PE is indicated for anastomotic leak management after gastrojejunostomies. In conclusion, the choice of the surgical procedure to treat duodenal injuries should be individualized. Moreover, there is insufficient high quality scientific evidence to support the abandonment of PE in severe duodenal injuries with extensive tissue loss.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile of patients served by the air medical rescue system in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, evaluating: triage and mobilization criteria; response time; on-site care and transport time; invasive procedures performed in the Pre-Hospital Care (PHC); severity of patients; morbidity and mortality.METHODS: We conducted a prospective, descriptive study in which we analyzed medical records of patients rescued between July 2010 and December 2012. During this period, 242 victims were taken to the HC-Unicamp. Of the 242 patients, 22 were excluded from the study.RESULTS: of the 220 cases evaluated, 173 (78.6%) were male, with a mean age of 32 years. Blunt trauma was the most prevalent (207 cases - 94.1%), motorcycle accidents being the most common mechanisms of injury (66 cases - 30%), followed by motor vehicle collisions (51 cases - 23.2%). The average response time was 10 ± 4 minutes and the averaged total pre-hospital time was 42 ± 11 minutes. The mean values of the trauma indices were: RTS = 6.2 ± 2.2; ISS = 19.2 ± 12.6; and TRISS = 0.78 ± 0.3. Tracheal intubation in the pre-hospital environment was performed in 77 cases (35%); 43 patients (19.5%) had RTS of 7.84 and ISSd"9, being classified as over-triaged. Of all patients admitted, the mortality was 15.9% (35 cases).CONCLUSION: studies of air medical rescue in Brazil are required due to the investments made in the pre-hospital care in a country without an organized trauma system. The high rate of over-triage found highlights the need to improve the triage and mobilization criteria.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical analysis of thoracotomies performed in the emergency rooms.METHODS: We analyzed mortality rates and survival as outcome variables, mechanism of injury, site of injury and anatomic injury as clinical variables, and gender and age as demographic variables of patients undergoing thoracotomy in the emergency room after traumatic injury.RESULTS: Of the 105 patients, 89.5% were male. The average age was 29.2 years. Penetrating trauma accounted for 81% of cases. The most common mechanism of trauma was wound by a firearm projectile (gunshot), in 64.7% of cases. Patients with stab wounds (SW) accounted for 16.2% of cases. Overall survival was 4.7%. Survival by gunshot was 1.4%, and by SW, 23.5%. The ERT following blunt trauma showed a 100%mortality.CONCLUSION: The results obtained in the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre POA-HPS are similar to those reported in the world literature.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the lesions diagnosed in victims of falls, comparing them with those diagnosed in other mechanisms of blunt trauma.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of trauma protocol charts (prospectively collected) from 2008 to 2010, including victims of trauma over 13 years of age admitted to the emergency room. The severity of injuries was stratified by the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS). Variables were compared between the group of victims of falls from height (Group 1) and the other victims of blunt trauma (Group 2). We used the Student t, chi-square and Fisher tests for comparison between groups, considering the value of p <0.05 as significant.RESULTS: The series comprised 4,532 cases of blunt trauma, of which 555 (12.2%) were victims of falls from height. Severe lesions (AISe"3) were observed in the extremities (17.5%), in the cephalic segment (8.4%), chest (5.5%) and the abdomen (2.9%). Victims of Group 1 had significantly higher mean age, AIS in extremities / pelvis, AIS in the thoracic segment and ISS (p <0.05). The group 1 had significantly (p <0.05) higher incidence of tracheal intubation on admission, pneumothorax, hemothorax, rib fractures, chest drainage, spinal trauma, pelvic fractures, complex pelvic fractures and fractures to the upper limbs.CONCLUSION: Victims of fall from height had greater anatomic injury severity, greater frequency and severity of lesions in the thoracic segment and extremities.


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OBJECTIVE:to identify predictors of death in blunt trauma patients sustaining pelvic fractures and, posteriorly, compare them to a previously reported series from the same center.METHOD: Retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including blunt trauma patients older than 14 y.o. sustaining pelvic fractures admitted from 2008 to 2010. Patients were assigned into group 1 (dead) or 2 (survivors). We used Student's t, qui square and Fisher's tests for statistical analysis, considering p<0.05 as significant. Posteriorly, we compared predictors of death between both periods.RESULTS: Seventy-nine cases were included. Mean RTS, ISS and TRISS were, respectively, 6.44 + 2.22, 28.0 + 15.2 e 0.74 + 0.33. Nineteen patients died (24,0%). Main cause of death was hemorrhage (42,1%). Group 1 was characterized by (p<0.05) lower systolic blood pressure and Glasgow coma scale means on admission, higher heart rate, head AIS, extremity AIS and ISS means, as well as, higher frequency of severe head injuries and complex pelvic fractures. Comparing both periods, we notice that the anatomic and physiologic severity of injury increased (RTS and ISS means). Furthermore, there was a decrease in the impact of associated thoracic and abdominal injuries on the prognosis and an association of lethality with the presence of complex pelvic fractures.CONCLUSION: There were significant changes in the predictors of death between these two periods. The impact of thoracic and abdominal associated injures decreased while the importance of severe retroperitoneal hemorrhage increased. There was also an increase in trauma severity, which accounted for high lethality.


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ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the associated factors with empyema in patients with post-traumatic retained hemothorax.Methods:prospective observational study. Data were collected in patients undergoing PD during emergency duty. Variables analyzed were age, sex, mechanism of injury, side of the chest injury, intrathoracic complications of RH, laparotomy, specific injuries, rib fractures, trauma scores, days to diagnosis, diagnostic method of RH, primary indication of PD, initial volume drained, length of the first tube removal, surgical procedure. Cumulative incidence of empyema, pneumonia and pulmonary contusion and the proportion of patients with empyema or without empyema in each category of each variable analyzed were obtained.Results: the cumulative incidence of PD among trauma patients was 1.83% and the RH among those with PD was 10.63%. There were 20 cases of empyema (32.8%). Most were male in the age from 20 to 29, victims of injury by firearm on the left side of the thorax. The incidence of empyema in patients with injury by firearms was lower compared to those with stab wound or blunt trauma; higher among those with drained volume between 300 and 599 ml. The median hospital lenght of stay was higher among those with empyema.Conclusion:the incidence of PD was 1.83% and RH was 10.63%, these results are consistent with the low severity of the patients involved in this study and consistent with the literature. The incidence of empyema proved to be negatively associated with the occurrence of injury by firearms and positively associated with a drained volume between 300 and 599 ml, compared with lower or higher volumes.


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ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the implementation of a trauma registry in a university teaching hospital delivering care under the unified health system (SUS), and its ability to identify points for improvement in the quality of care provided.Methods:the data collection group comprised students from medicine and nursing courses who were holders of FAPESP scholarships (technical training 1) or otherwise, overseen by the coordinators of the project. The itreg (ECO Sistemas-RJ/SBAIT) software was used as the database tool. Several quality "filters" were proposed to select those cases for review in the quality control process.Results:data for 1344 trauma patients were input to the itreg database between March and November 2014. Around 87.0% of cases were blunt trauma patients, 59.6% had RTS>7.0 and 67% ISS<9. Full records were available for 292 cases, which were selected for review in the quality program. The auditing filters most frequently registered were laparotomy four hours after admission and drainage of acute subdural hematomas four hours after admission. Several points for improvement were flagged, such as control of overtriage of patients, the need to reduce the number of negative imaging exams, the development of protocols for achieving central venous access, and management of major TBI.Conclusion: the trauma registry provides a clear picture of the points to be improved in trauma patient care, however, there are specific peculiarities for implementing this tool in the Brazilian milieu.


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Objective: To evaluate patients with chest trauma submitted to videothoracoscopy during hospitalization. In 2007, the Trauma Surgery Group was created in the General Surgery Department of the Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge of Rio de Janeiro-RJ, and started following all trauma victims who were admitted to the Hospital. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients submitted to thoracoscopy from July 2007 to May 2015, based on a database started at the beginning of this period and on data collection from patients who underwent thoracoscopy. We evaluated the following parameters: procedure effectiveness, indication of the procedure, conversion rate, complications and mortality. We included patients who presented post-traumatic pleural collections, such as retained hemothorax and pleural empyema, and penetrating injury in the thoracoabdominal transition. All patients were hemodynamic stable and signed an informed consent. Results: In the analyzed period 53 patients were submitted to videothoracoscopy; 24 had penetrating trauma (45.3%) and 29, blunt (54.7%), with a predominance of males (75.5%). The procedure was performed in 26 cases of retained hemothorax (49%), 14 cases of empyema (26.5%) and in 13 patients for evaluation of injury in the thoracoabdominal transition (24.5%). The thoracoscopy was effective in resolution of 36 cases (80%), without need for further procedure. There was a conversion rate of 15.5% and 3 procedure complications related (6.6%). Mortality was nil. Conclusion: In this series, videothoracoscopy proved that this diagnostic and therapeutic procedure is safe and effective, if performed by a surgeon with appropriate training, especially when it is indicated in cases of retained hemothorax and evaluation of penetrating thoracoabdominal trauma.


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Objective : to evaluate the epidemiological variables and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities related to hepatic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy in a public referral hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória-ES. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study, reviewing charts of trauma patients with liver injuries, whether isolated or in association with other organs, who underwent exploratory laparotomy, from January 2011 to December 2013. Results : We studied 392 patients, 107 of these with liver injury. The male: female ratio was 6.6 : 1 and the mean age was 30.12 years. Penetrating liver trauma occurred in 78.5% of patients, mostly with firearms. Associated injuries occurred in 86% of cases and intra-abdominal injuries were more common in penetrating trauma (p <0.01). The most commonly used operative technique was hepatorrhaphy and damage control surgery was applied in 6.5% of patients. The average amounts of blood products used were 6.07 units of packed red blood cells and 3.01 units of fresh frozen plasma. The incidence of postoperative complications was 29.9%, the most frequent being infectious, including pneumonia, peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess. The survival rate of patients suffering from blunt trauma was 60%, and penetrating trauma, 87.5% (p <0.05). Conclusion : despite technological advances in diagnosis and treatment, mortality rates in liver trauma remain high, especially in patients suffering from blunt trauma in relation to penetrating one.