242 resultados para Bluetooth


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IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been recently developed for low power wireless personal area networks. It can find many applications for smart grid, such as data collection, monitoring and control functions. The performance of 802.15.4 networks has been widely studied in the literature. However the main focus has been on the modeling throughput performance with frame collisions. In this paper we propose an analytic model which can model the impact of frame collisions as well as frame corruptions due to channel bit errors. With this model the frame length can be carefully selected to improve system performance. The analytic model can also be used to study the 802.15.4 networks with interference from other co-located networks, such as IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth networks. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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We present a compact, portable and low cost generic interrogation strain sensor system using a fibre Bragg grating configured in transmission mode with a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) light source and a GaAs photodetector embedded in a polymer skin. The photocurrent value is read and stored by a microcontroller. In addition, the photocurrent data is sent via Bluetooth to a computer or tablet device that can present the live data in a real time graph. With a matched grating and VCSEL, the system is able to automatically scan and lock the VCSEL to the most sensitive edge of the grating. Commercially available VCSEL and photodetector chips are thinned down to 20 µm and integrated in an ultra-thin flexible optical foil using several thin film deposition steps. A dedicated micro mirror plug is fabricated to couple the driving optoelectronics to the fibre sensors. The resulting optoelectronic package can be embedded in a thin, planar sensing sheet and the host material for this sheet is a flexible and stretchable polymer. The result is a fully embedded fibre sensing system - a photonic skin. Further investigations are currently being carried out to determine the stability and robustness of the embedded optoelectronic components. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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We present a compact, portable and low cost generic interrogation strain sensor system using a fibre Bragg grating configured in transmission mode with a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) light source and a GaAs photodetector embedded in a polymer skin. The photocurrent value is read and stored by a microcontroller. In addition, the photocurrent data is sent via Bluetooth to a computer or tablet device that can present the live data in a real time graph. With a matched grating and VCSEL, the system is able to automatically scan and lock the VCSEL to the most sensitive edge of the grating. Commercially available VCSEL and photodetector chips are thinned down to 20 µm and integrated in an ultra-thin flexible optical foil using several thin film deposition steps. A dedicated micro mirror plug is fabricated to couple the driving optoelectronics to the fibre sensors. The resulting optoelectronic package can be embedded in a thin, planar sensing sheet and the host material for this sheet is a flexible and stretchable polymer. The result is a fully embedded fibre sensing system - a photonic skin. Further investigations are currently being carried out to determine the stability and robustness of the embedded optoelectronic components. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Within project Distributed eLearning Center (DeLC) we are developing a system for distance and eLearning, which offers fixed and mobile access to electronic content and services. Mobile access is based on InfoStation architecture, which provides Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. On InfoStation network we are developing multi-agent middleware that provides context-aware, adaptive and personalized access to the mobile services to the users. For more convenient testing and optimization of the middleware a simulation environment, called CA3 SiEnv, is being created.


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Long term recording of biomedical signals such as ECG, EMG, respiration and other information (e.g. body motion) can improve diagnosis and potentially monitor the evolution of many widespread diseases. However, long term monitoring requires specific solutions, portable and wearable equipment that should be particularly comfortable for patients. The key-issues of portable biomedical instrumentation are: power consumption, long-term sensor stability, comfortable wearing and wireless connectivity. In this scenario, it would be valuable to realize prototypes using available technologies to assess long-term personal monitoring and foster new ways to provide healthcare services. The aim of this work is to discuss the advantages and the drawbacks in long term monitoring of biopotentials and body movements using textile electrodes embedded in clothes. The textile electrodes were embedded into garments; tiny shirt and short were used to acquire electrocardiographic and electromyographic signals. The garment was equipped with low power electronics for signal acquisition and data wireless transmission via Bluetooth. A small, battery powered, biopotential amplifier and three-axes acceleration body monitor was realized. Patient monitor incorporates a microcontroller, analog-to-digital signal conversion at programmable sampling frequencies. The system was able to acquire and to transmit real-time signals, within 10 m range, to any Bluetooth device (including PDA or cellular phone). The electronics were embedded in the shirt resulting comfortable to wear for patients. Small size MEMS 3-axes accelerometers were also integrated. © 2011 IEEE.


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Questo elaborato di tesi ha lo scopo di illustrare un'applicazione realizzata per dispositivi Android in grado di localizzare l'utente all'interno di un ambiente indoor sfruttando l'utilizzo dei Beacon e dare una valutazione dei risultati ottenuti. L'utente potrà registrare i dispositivi Beacon in suo possesso all'interno dell'applicazione, caricare la planimetria di un ambiente e configurarlo indicando esattamente quale Beacon si trova in una determinata posizione. Infine potrà scegliere quale tra i tre algoritmi implementati (Prossimità, Triangolazione e Fingerprinting) utilizzare per visualizzare la propria posizione sulla mappa. I tre algoritmi sono stati sottoposti a vari test che hanno permesso di analizzare le differenze tra di essi in termini di accuratezza e le performance generali dell'applicativo.


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Nos últimos anos temos assistido ao aparecimento de novos dispositivos inteligentes e sistemas de automação residencial. Com o objetivo de conectar e controlar equi- pamentos eletrónicos, dentro de uma habitação, existe a necessidade de desenvolver soluções integradas de controlo remoto. Os smartphones, apresentam todas as carac- terísticas, poder computacional e portabilidade, ideais para controlo e monitorização deste tipo de dispositivos. Quando se considera o desenvolvimento de um produto novo e dependendo do problema, escolher a abordagem e tecnologias mais adequadas nem sempre é fácil. Este projeto apresenta um conjunto de tecnologias e soluções de controlo baseadas em arquiteturas móveis. Para prova de conceito, e baseado num sistema real (IVIT), é proposta uma solução inovadora usando um smartphone. O IVIT, desenvolve uma tecnologia para aplicar num reservatório de aquecimento de água de inércia variável, com funcionalidades de monitorização, controlo e operação colaborativa do sistema de aquecimento. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que o desempenho da aplicação ultrapassou as expectativas e que a solução proposta é uma alternativa viável para o controlo de dispositivos para automação residencial usando smartphones.


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ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on esitellä esineiden internetin kokonaisuutta ja tutkia siellä käytettäviä langattomia verkkostandardeja sekä niiden käyttöä älykodissa. Esineiden internetin soveltamisalueet jakautuvat älykodin, teollisuuden ja yhteiskunnan osa-alueisiin. Näistä älykotia käsitellään tutkielmassa tarkemmin. Työssä selvitetään, mitkä ovat esineiden internetin yleisimmät langattomat verkkostandardit ja niiden ominaisuudet. Lisäksi selvitetään, mistä osista älykoti koostuu, mitkä ovat soveltamisalueet ja miten älykoti toimii. Vertailukohteina käytetään kahden suuren elektroniikkavalmistajan, Samsungin ja LG:n, älykotiratkaisuja. Tutkielmassa esitellään esineiden internetin määritelmä, sen historiaa ja käyttökohteita, jotta saadaan yleiskuva esineiden internetin kokonaisuudesta. Tämän jälkeen syvennytään langattomiin verkkostandardeihin, jotka ovat keskeisesti käytössä esineiden internetissä. Kyseiset verkkostandardit ovat Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, NFC, Wi-Fi, Zigbee ja 6LoWPAN. Lopuksi käsitellään älykotia ja sen ominaisuuksia. Samalla tutkitaan Samsungin ja LG:n älykotilaitteita ja pohditaan niiden toimivuutta. Lisäksi pohditaan verkkostandardien käyttöä älykodeissa sekä esineiden internetin ja älylaitteiden vaikutuksia ihmisiin. Lopputuloksena todetaan, että Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ja Zigbee ovat yleisimmät älykodin verkkostandardit ja että ainoastaan yksi verkkostandardi ei tällä hetkellä riitä monipuolisen älykodin kaikkia toimintoja varten. Vertailussa huomataan Samsungin älykotiratkaisun olevan kehityksessä LG:tä edellä.


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A prevalência estimada da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) em Portugal é de 14,2% para indivíduos com idade superior a 45 anos (cerca de 800.000 indivíduos), sendo mais prevalente no sexo masculino (Observatório Nacional das Doenças Respiratórias, 2014). Com o aparecimento de soluções baseadas em novas modalidades de eHealth e mHealth surgiram novas formas de acompanhamento e monitorização das doenças crónicas, nomeadamente da DPOC. É neste contexto que foi desenvolvida a aplicação mobile Exercit@rt, em parceria com a Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro e em continuidade com outros estudos do MCMM anteriormente desenvolvidos. A aplicação permite monitorizar, em tempo real, através da utilização de um oxímetro Bluetooth, os níveis de batimento cardíaco e saturação de oxigénio dos pacientes com DPOC. Com esta aplicação os pacientes podem realizar diversos exercícios de fisioterapia respiratória assim como atividades físicas de vida diária que podem ser monitorizadas, georreferenciadas e avaliadas. Para além do desenvolvimento da aplicação mobile, a presente investigação integrou ainda uma etapa de validação que contou com a participação de dez pacientes com doenças do foro respiratório – cinco utilizadores que utilizam/têm smartphone (UTS) e cinco utilizadores não utilizam/não têm smartphone (NUNTS). A cada um destes foram propostas tarefas a realizar na aplicação mobile, estando previsto que a aplicação estivesse apta para qualquer participante. A totalidade dos participantes reconheceu a utilidade da aplicação no controlo da sua doença.


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Food safety has always been a social issue that draws great public attention. With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and intelligent devices, more and more Internet of Things (IoT) systems are applied in the food safety tracking field. However, connection between things and information system is usually established by pre-storing information of things into RFID Tag, which is inapplicable for on-field food safety detection. Therefore, considering pesticide residue is one of the severe threaten to food safety, a new portable, high-sensitivity, low-power, on-field organophosphorus (OP) compounds detection system is proposed in this thesis to realize the on-field food safety detection. The system is designed based on optical detection method by using a customized photo-detection sensor. A Micro Controller Unit (MCU) and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module are used to quantize and transmit detection result. An Android Application (APP) is also developed for the system to processing and display detection result as well as control the detection process. Besides, a quartzose sample container and black system box are also designed and made for the system demonstration. Several optimizations are made in wireless communication, circuit layout, Android APP and industrial design to realize the mobility, low power and intelligence.


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In modern society, the body health is a very important issue to everyone. With the development of the science and technology, the new and developed body health monitoring device and technology will play the key role in the daily medical activities. This paper focus on making progress in the design of the wearable vital sign system. A vital sign monitoring system has been proposed and designed. The whole detection system is composed of signal collecting subsystem, signal processing subsystem, short-range wireless communication subsystem and user interface subsystem. The signal collecting subsystem is composed of light source and photo diode, after emiting light of two different wavelength, the photo diode collects the light signal reflected by human body tissue. The signal processing subsystem is based on the analog front end AFE4490 and peripheral circuits, the collected analog signal would be filtered and converted into digital signal in this stage. After a series of processing, the signal would be transmitted to the short-range wireless communication subsystem through SPI, this subsystem is mainly based on Bluetooth 4.0 protocol and ultra-low power System on Chip(SoC) nRF51822. Finally, the signal would be transmitted to the user end. After proposing and building the system, this paper focus on the research of the key component in the system, that is, the photo detector. Based on the study of the perovskite materials, a low temperature processed photo detector has been proposed, designed and researched. The device is made up of light absorbing layer, electron transporting and hole blocking layer, hole transporting and electron blocking layer, conductive substrate layer and metal electrode layer. The light absorbing layer is the important part of whole device, and it is fabricated by perovskite materials. After accepting the light, the electron-hole pair would be produced in this layer, and due to the energy level difference, the electron and hole produced would be transmitted to metal electrode and conductive substrate electrode through electron transporting layer and hole transporting layer respectively. In this way the response current would be produced. Based on this structure, the specific fabrication procedure including substrate cleaning; PEDOT:PSS layer preparation; pervoskite layer preparation; PCBM layer preparation; C60, BCP, and Ag electrode layer preparation. After the device fabrication, a series of morphological characterization and performance testing has been done. The testing procedure including film-forming quality inspection, response current and light wavelength analysis, linearity and response time and other optical and electrical properties testing. The testing result shows that the membrane has been fabricated uniformly; the device can produce obvious response current to the incident light with the wavelength from 350nm to 800nm, and the response current could be changed along with the light wavelength. When the light wavelength keeps constant, there exists a good linear relationship between the intensity of the response current and the power of the incident light, based on which the device could be used as the photo detector to collect the light information. During the changing period of the light signal, the response time of the device is several microseconds, which is acceptable working as a photo detector in our system. The testing results show that the device has good electronic and optical properties, and the fabrication procedure is also repeatable, the properties of the devices has good uniformity, which illustrates the fabrication method and procedure could be used to build the photo detector in our wearable system. Based on a series of testing results, the paper has drawn the conclusion that the photo detector fabricated could be integrated on the flexible substrate and is also suitable for the monitoring system proposed, thus made some progress on the research of the wearable monitoring system and device. Finally, some future prospect in system design aspect and device design and fabrication aspect are proposed.


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ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:


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Contiene: Planificación de una red DVB-H en entorno urbano David Gómez Barquero, Ariana Salieto Alexis P. García, José F. Monserrat, Narcís Cardona Incorporación de la habilidad de coordinación y del módulo de personalización de sesiones al simulador de otorrinolaringología Wesst-OT Lina María Hurtado, Oscar Darío Ramírez Mauricio Castrillón S., Angélica María Ospina C. Francisco J. Herrera Botero Andrés A. Navarro Newball, Jorge A. Vélez Beltrán GenLeNa: Sistema para la construcción de Aplicaciones de Generación de Lenguaje Natural Gloria Johanna Chala T. Rafael Armando Jordán O. Diego Luis Linares Programación básica para adolescentes Guillermo Londoño Acosta Gustavo Adolfo Paz Loboguerrero Análisis de interferencia entre las tecnologías inalámbricas Bluetooth e IEEE 802.11g Fabio Guerrero Oliver Cardona Miguel Fuertes Teoría de Sistemas: Visión trascendental de Sistemas y Espiritualidad Ricardo Schnitzler


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Physical places are given contextual meaning by the objects and people that make up the space. Presence in physical places can be utilised to support mobile interaction by making access to media and notifications on a smartphone easier and more visible to other people. Smartphone interfaces can be extended into the physical world in a meaningful way by anchoring digital content to artefacts, and interactions situated around physical artefacts can provide contextual meaning to private manipulations with a mobile device. Additionally, places themselves are designed to support a set of tasks, and the logical structure of places can be used to organise content on the smartphone. Menus that adapt the functionality of a smartphone can support the user by presenting the tools most likely to be needed just-in-time, so that information needs can be satisfied quickly and with little cognitive effort. Furthermore, places are often shared with people whom the user knows, and the smartphone can facilitate social situations by providing access to content that stimulates conversation. However, the smartphone can disrupt a collaborative environment, by alerting the user with unimportant notifications, or sucking the user in to the digital world with attractive content that is only shown on a private screen. Sharing smartphone content on a situated display creates an inclusive and unobtrusive user experience, and can increase focus on a primary task by allowing content to be read at a glance. Mobile interaction situated around artefacts of personal places is investigated as a way to support users to access content from their smartphone while managing their physical presence. A menu that adapts to personal places is evaluated to reduce the time and effort of app navigation, and coordinating smartphone content on a situated display is found to support social engagement and the negotiation of notifications. Improving the sensing of smartphone users in places is a challenge that is out-with the scope of this thesis. Instead, interaction designers and developers should be provided with low-cost positioning tools that utilise presence in places, and enable quantitative and qualitative data to be collected in user evaluations. Two lightweight positioning tools are developed with the low-cost sensors that are currently available: The Microsoft Kinect depth sensor allows movements of a smartphone user to be tracked in a limited area of a place, and Bluetooth beacons enable the larger context of a place to be detected. Positioning experiments with each sensor are performed to highlight the capabilities and limitations of current sensing techniques for designing interactions with a smartphone. Both tools enable prototypes to be built with a rapid prototyping approach, and mobile interactions can be tested with more advanced sensing techniques as they become available. Sensing technologies are becoming pervasive, and it will soon be possible to perform reliable place detection in-the-wild. Novel interactions that utilise presence in places can support smartphone users by making access to useful functionality easy and more visible to the people who matter most in everyday life.