470 resultados para Biomphalaria tenagophila guaibensis


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Experiments reported in the current paper, carried out under semi-field conditions created in the laboratory, have shown that b. straminea has competitive superiority when compared with B. glabrata. The former species has shown higher capabilities of both dispersal and vagility. In addition, B. straminea was able to compete sucessfully with B. glabrata.


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Caramujos da espécie Biomphalaria glabrata, vetora da esquistossomose mansônica, podem ser marcados com atividades variáveis de Sr-85 e localizados através dos absorvedores ar, água e reia e de suas várias associações. A atividade a ser incorporada no caramujo será função da espessura, do(s) absorvedor(es), conforme diagramas apresentados, tornando o processo simples, rápido e ecônomico.


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É registrado o primeiro encontro do molusco planorbideo Biomphalaria glabrata, hospedeiro intermediário do Schistosoma mansoni, no Estado do Piauí, coletado em vários criadouros na cidade de Parnaíba. O exame de 694 exemplares revelou a presença de formas evolutivas de algumas espécies de trematodeos, mas não de Schistosomatidea. Nenhum caso autoctone de xistosomose foi até agora identificado na população humana da cidade. A presença da B. glabrata em Parnaíba amplia em 20 km para leste a área de sua distribuição na Região Litoral Norte da Grande Região Nordeste do Brasil onde era conhecida até em Avaioses no extremo leste da parte maranhense da referida Região. Outros moluscos também coletados nos mesmos criadouros foram Biomphalaria straminea, Drepanotrema lucidum. D. cimex, D. depressissimum, Physidae e Ampullarriidae.


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Descendentes do plonorbídeo Biomphalaria schrammi Crosse, 1864, coletados na localidade de Calciolândia, município de Arcos, Minas Gerais, Brasil foram expostos a miracídios de duas cepas de Schistosoma mansoni:"LE" de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais e "SJ" de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil. Dentre 172 exemplares expostos, nenhum se infectou com as duas cepas deste trematôdeo. Por outro lado, 100 exemplares de Biomphalaria glabrata, dos grupos controle, apresentaram taxas de infecção de 88 e 40% com as cepas "LE" e "SJ", respectivamente. A taxa de mortalidade de B. schrammi chegou a 44% enquanto a de B. glabara não atingiu 10%.


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The process of light orientation by the snail Biomphalaria glabrata was studied using the selection technique in a Y-shaped aquarium under vertical or horizontal lighting schemes. Snail behavior was measured on the basis of distance (cm) covered per hour, direction of locomotion, and localization of the animal in the aquarium. A comparison was made of the action of the light stimulus on young and adult animals of albino populations from Santa Luzia (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) and of a melanic population from Touros (State of Rio Grande do Norte) studied in groups and separately. All groups studied were attracted to light. Analysis of the data suggests the exitence of two orientation mechanisms with respect to light in these animals, i.e. high photo-orthokinesia and positive phototaxis, which influence their motion in the environment. This evidence permitted us to discuss features of the distribution dynamics of these mollusks in the environment and their relationship with the larval phases of Schistosoma mansoni, for which they act as intermediated hosts.


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Biomphalaria glabrata and B. straminea were submitted to an out-door laboratory experiment for testing their comparative ability to resist desiccation. Results have shown that B. straminea is significantly higher resistant than B. glabrata. After five months under such distressing condition the survival ratios were: B. glabrata 8.1 per cent and B. straminea 18.4 per cent.


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The occurrence of Biomphalaria intermedia (Paraense & Deslandes, 1962) is recorded at Três Lagoas and Dourados (state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), and Parque Nacional Iguazú (province of Misiones, Argentina), west and southwest, respectively, of its known western limit, in the state of São Paulo. The species was also found at Parapuã, a new locality to São Paulo state.


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An aqueous solution of the latex of Euphorbia tirucalli collected at sites receiving large amounts of sunlight showed molluscicide action on Biomphalaria glabrata, with LD50 obtained at the concentration of 28,0 ppm and LD90 at the concentration of 85,0 ppm. The toxicity of the product for fish was similar to that of Bayluscide and of copper sulfate used for comparison. However, the wide distribution of the plant, its easy propagation and the simple procedure for extraction of the active substance, which is biodegradable, favor "avelós" as a promising agent in the control of schistosomiasis.


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In addition to previous records of Biomphalaria glabrata in the Dominican Republic, the southern central communities of Haina Arriba and Boca Chica, in the National District, are reported as new localities for that species; other species collected were Biomphalaria obstructa, B. helophila, Drepanotrema lucidum and Lymnaea viatrix. Biomphalaria straminea, a potential vector of Schistosoma mansoni, was found for the first time in the country, in the River Iguamo, just outside of the community of San Pedro de Macorís.


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Foi avaliada, em laboratório, a ação moluscicida de extratos aquosos (macerado e fervido), hexânico e etanólico de Aristolochia brasiliensis, Caesalpinia peltophoroides, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Delonix regia, Spathodea campanulata e Tibouchina scrobiculata. As soluções dos extratos obtidos foram testadas sobre caramujos adultos e desovas de Biomphalaria glabrata, criados em laboratório, nas concentrações de 1, 10, 20, 200 e 1000ppm. Dos extratos testado o mais ativo foi o etanólico das flores da D. regia (flamboyant) que apresentou atividade moluscicida sobre caramujos adultos na concentração de 20ppm.


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Immature and mature Biomphalaria glabrata are kept out of water at relative humidities varying from 0 to 100%. When snails are submitted to a saturated atmosphere, they show a slow weight loss and survival may be long. If relative humidity (RH) decreases, weight loss becomes important and survival is short. A reduced RH (0 to 65%) produces similar effects. During desiccation, fasting has no noticeable effect; survival depends essentially on weight loss.


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An aqueous solution of the latex of "coroa de cristo" (Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii) showed molluscicide action (LD90) at a concentration lower than 0.5 ppm on Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila reared in laboratory and at a concentration lower than 4.0 ppm for field B. tenagophila.


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Using three columns of different depths (1.10m, 8.40m and 10.40m), we investigated the possibility of Biomphalaria glabrata moving towards deep regions. In the 1.10m column, we noted that locomotion can occur in two manners: 1) when the foot is in contact with the substrate: a) sliding descent; b) sliding ascent; c) creeping descent; d) creeping ascent, 2) when the foot is not in contact with the substrate: a) sudden descent without emission of air bules; b) sudden descent with emission of air bules; c) sudden ascent. In the 8.40m column containing food on the bottom (experimental group), the snails remained longer at this depth when compared to those of the group which received no food (control). The sliding behavior was characteristic of locomotion occurring at 0 to 1m both in upward and downward directions. Creeping behavior was typical for the ascent of the snails that reached deeper levels. When the snails were creeping, the shell remained hanging as if it were heavier, a fact that may have been due to water entering the pulmonary chamber. In the 10.40m column, the snails slid downward to a depth of 4m or descended suddenly all the way to the bottom. Ascent occurred by creeping from the bottom to the surface. In the 8.40m and 10.40m columns, copulation, feeding and oviposition occurred at the deepest levels.


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O extrato butílico da Phytolacca dodecandra (tipo 44) obtido de frutos procedentes da Etiópia, foi testado como moluscicida em nosso laboratório e no campo. As concentrações letais, CL90, com 24 horas de exposição, para Biomphalaria glabrata adulta, recém-eclodidas e desovadas foram de 4,5, 23,0 e 102,0 ppm, respectivamente. Para peixes, Lebistes reticulatus, a CL90 foi de 2,0 ppm. Esses resultados foram semelhantes aos obtidos por Lemma em 1984, na Etiópia. Em dois criadouros com água parada, tratados com 10ppm de estrato butílico e 3ppm de niclosamida, ocorreu 84,0 e 100,0% de mortalidade B. glabrata, respectivamente. Os dois produtos foram tóxicos para peixes (L. reticulatus) no campo. É discutida a possibilidade do uso de moluscidas de origem vegetal, como alternativa para o combate a focos de esquistossomose no Brasil.


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When one pigmented Biomphalaria glabrata is mated with 1 to 20 albino snails, the percentage of albino parent producing pigmented offspring decreases while the percentage of parent laying albino offspring increases. If the number of snaisl/group increases, the mean duration of the use of allosperm decreases.