1000 resultados para Bininj Kun-wok language.
Desarrollo de un sistema capaz de procesar consultas en lenguaje natural introducidas por el usuario mediante el teclado. El sistema es capaz de responder a consultas en castellano, relacionadas con un dominio de aplicación representado mediante una base de datos relacional.
La masse considérable de travaux publiés dans le domaine de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle concernant les fonctions ou modalités du langage (compréhension et expression de la parole, lecture) ou les différents processus linguistiques qui les sous-tendent (sémantique, phonologie, syntaxe) permet de dégager de grandes tendances en termes de substrats anatomiques. Si les « fondamentaux » issus des origines aphasiologiques du domaine n'ont pas été bouleversés, certaines spécificités non explorées par l'approche lésionnelle sont identifiables. Les méta-analyses, en regroupant les résultats de la littérature, nous procurent aujourd'hui une vision globale des substrats cérébraux du langage. Cependant la variabilité inter-individuelle reste importante en raison de multiples facteurs dont certains sont mal identifiés ; cartographier exhaustivement les fonctions du langage à l'échelle individuelle reste une gageure. La quête des images du langage est sans doute aussi inachevable que celle de l'étude du langage lui-même.
From technicians to classics: on the rationalization of the Russian language in the USSR (1917-1953)
El objetivo de PANACEA es engranar diferentes herramientas avanzadas para construir una fábrica de Recursos Lingüísticos (RL), una línea de producción que automatice los pasos implicados en la adquisición, producción, actualización y mantenimiento de los RL que la Traducción Automática y otras tecnologías lingüísticas, necesitan.
The objective of PANACEA is to build a factory of LRs that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of LRs required by MT systems and by other applications based on language technologies, and simplifies eventual issues regarding intellectual property rights. This automation will cut down the cost, time and human effort significantly. These reductions of costs and time are the only way to guarantee the continuous supply of LRs that MT and other language technologies will be demanding in the multilingual Europe.
Language Resources are a critical component for Natural Language Processing applications. Throughout the years many resources were manually created for the same task, but with different granularity and coverage information. To create richer resources for a broad range of potential reuses, nformation from all resources has to be joined into one. The hight cost of comparing and merging different resources by hand has been a bottleneck for merging existing resources. With the objective of reducing human intervention, we present a new method for automating merging resources. We have addressed the merging of two verbs subcategorization frame (SCF) lexica for Spanish. The results achieved, a new lexicon with enriched information and conflicting information signalled, reinforce our idea that this approach can be applied for other task of NLP.
This paper presents the platform developed in the PANACEA project, a distributed factory that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of Language Resources required by Machine Translation and other Language Technologies. We adopt a set of tools that have been successfully used in the Bioinformatics field, they are adapted to the needs of our field and used to deploy web services, which can be combined to build more complex processing chains (workflows). This paper describes the platform and its different components (web services, registry, workflows, social network and interoperability). We demonstrate the scalability of the platform by carrying out a set of massive data experiments. Finally, a validation of the platform across a set of required criteria proves its usability for different types of users (non-technical users and providers).
Collaborative activities, in which students actively interact with each other, have proved to provide significant learning benefits. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), these collaborative activities are assisted by technologies. However, the use of computers does not guarantee collaboration, as free collaboration does not necessary lead to fruitful learning. Therefore, practitioners need to design CSCL scripts that structure the collaborative settings so that they promote learning. However, not all teachers have the technical and pedagogical background needed to design such scripts. With the aim of assisting teachers in designing effective CSCL scripts, we propose a model to support the selection of reusable good practices (formulated as patterns) so that they can be used as a starting point for their own designs. This model is based on a pattern ontology that computationally represents the knowledge captured on a pattern language for the design of CSCL scripts. A preliminary evaluation of the proposed approach is provided with two examples based on a set of meaningful interrelated patters computationally represented with the pattern ontology, and a paper prototyping experience carried out with two teaches. The results offer interesting insights towards the implementation of the pattern ontology in software tools.
The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners’ opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.
In lateralized Lexical Decision Tasks (LDT), accuracy is commonly higher and reaction times are commonly faster for right visual field (RVF) than left visual field (LVF) presentations. This visual field differences are thought to demonstrate the left hemisphere's dominance for language. Unfortunately, different tasks and words are used between studies and languages making direct comparisons difficult. For example, high frequency words show a performance advantage over low frequency words. Moreover, demographic variables impact on lateralized behavior such as language knowledge (one versus several, early acquired versus late acquired). We here aim to alleviate some of these obstacles by presenting results from a lateralized LDT for which we selected words between 4 and 6 letters used in five different languages, i.e. English, French, German, Dutch and Italian. In this first study using these words, we compared performance of right- and left-handed students being either early or late bilinguals (acquired before or after the age of 6 years) from a French-speaking University in Switzerland. Results showed a left hemispheric advantage (accuracy, reaction times) for all groups, with a trend for early as compared to late bilinguals to be less accurate and taking longer in lexical decisions. These results show that the current words result in solid visual field differences, and do so irrespective of how many languages are spoken. While early bilinguals might experience a slight performance disadvantage, it was not affecting visual field differences.
This thesis focuses on stage fright; what it is and how to find the ideal solution in connection with stage fright. To find the way toward free expression; to find the way from lack of control to con-trol. It also describes how to learn to live with stage fright. Different experiences of stage fright have been used as source material, along with relevant theoretical information. The thesis highlights the importance of handling stage fright and studies stage fright in-depth, with examples. It presents studies and collected theories according to Päivi Arjas. It discusses presence and contact in the work of an actor with reference to the Gestalt method. It also presents methods of reducing stage fright. Ideal presence on stage is addressed, and how to turn stage fright into a positive thing. Finally, it considers the good aspects of stage fright in more deepth and goes through learning to live with stage fright. The thesis concludes that it is possible to heal stage fright. Gestalt methodology was of assistance with the healing process, with becoming conscious of symptoms, and thus in finding one's own way of turning anxious suspense into a positive way forward.
Under the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism multilinguals are especially vulnerable to language attrition. It was the aim of the present study to verify if this was the case and to observe whether the different linguistic skills (receptive vs. descriptive) and the different linguistic levels (syntactic, lexical, morphological, etc.) would be affected equally.Data were gathered longitudinally by means of a language test for the subject’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Although the overall accuracy remained intact and no proof for attrition in the receptive skills was found, the productive skills - mainly fluency - were shown to have suffered from language attrition. This was demonstrated by an increase in the number of pauses, hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections among others and decrease in the percentage of error-free clauses and decrease in the clause length, in oral and written fluency respectively.
This case study presents corpus data gathered from a Spanish-English bilingual child with expressive language delay. Longitudinal data on the child’s linguistic development was collected from the onset of productive speech at age 1;1 until age 4 over the course of 28 video-taped sessions with the child’s principal caregivers. A literature review focused on the relationship between language delay and persisting disorders—including a discussion of the frequent difficulty in distinguishing between the two at early stages of bilingual development—is followed by an analysis of the child’s productive development in 2 distinct phases. An attempt is made to assess the child’s speech at age 4 for preliminary signs of SLI and to consider techniques for identifying ‘at risk’ bilingual children (that is, those with productive language delay, poor oral fluency, and family history of language problems) based on samples of recorded and transcribed speech.
This study investigates the development of fluency in 30 advanced L2 learners of English over a period of 15 months. In order to measure fluency, several temporal variables and hesitation phenomena are analyzed and compared. Oral competence is assessed by means of an oral interview carried out by the learners. Data collection takes place at three different times: before (T1) and after (T2) a six-month period of FI (80 hours) in the home university, and after a three-month SA term (T3). The data is analyzed quantitatively. Developmental gains in fluency are measured for the whole period, adopting a view of complementarity between the two learning contexts. From these results, a group of high fluency speakers is identified. Correlations between fluency gains and individual and contextual variables are executed and a more qualitative analysis is performed for high fluency speakers' performance and behavior. Results show an overall development of students' oral fluency during a period of 15 months favored by the combination of a period of FI at home followed by a 3-months SA.
Televisiolla on medioista merkittävin rooli urheilun välittäjänä. Sen myötä urheilusta on tullut universaalia viihdettä, josta kuluttaja voi nauttia kotisohvaltaan ympäri vuorokauden. Samaan aikaan kun urheilussa tulokset paranevat, kehittyy myös television lähetystekniikka analogisesta digitaaliseen ja muuttaa televisiota kuluttajan kannalta yhä palvelevampaan muotoon - osittain maksulliseen sellaiseen. Tässä opinnäytetyössä perehdytään television ja urheilun suhteeseen ja selvitetään syitä, miksi juuri urheilu on otollista viihdettä maksukanaville. Opinnäytetyössä pyritään vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Keitä osapuolista, katsojaa, televisiotoiminnan harjoittajaa vai itse urheilua, lisämaksulliset kanavat parhaiten palvelevat? Kuka puolustaa jokamiehen ja -naisen oikeutta vapaaseen tiedonsaantiin ja miltä näyttää urheilun tulevaisuus maksullisilla ja vapaan katselun televisiokanavilla? Esimerkkitapauksena syvennytään Suomen jalkapallon A-maajoukkueen otteluiden kohtaloon televisiomarkkinoilla peilaten syitä ja seurauksia teoriaan urheilun ja television suhteesta. Näyttää siltä, että maksullisten kanavien tulo televisiomarkkinoille on lujittanut entisestään urheilun ja television suhdetta. Maksukanavayhtiöt ovat ottaneet urheilun pysyvästi yhdeksi myyntivaltikseen, mikä on johtanut siihen, että kansallisesti merkittävimpien urheilutapahtumien näkyminen vapaan katselun kanavilla on jouduttu takaamaan erillisillä toimenpiteillä. Penkkiurheilijan kannalta maksutelevisio tarkoittaa yleistyviä lisämaksullisia palveluita, mutta myös monipuolisempaa ja tasokkaampaa urheilutarjontaa. Urheilun kannalta taas maksutelevision läpimurto kaupallistaa urheilua yhä entisestään, nostaa televisiointioikeuksien hintoja ja kiristää eri lajien kilpailua televisionäkyvyydestä. Tämä opinnäytetyö on koottu asiantuntijoiden haastatteluiden, kirjallisuuden, verkkomateriaalin sekä lehtiartikkeleiden pohjalta.