304 resultados para Beleza


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De acordo com dados de 2014 da Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Higiene pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos (ABIHPEC) o setor de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos (HPPC) apresentou durante os últimos 18 anos crescimento médio próximo a 10% ao ano e de acordo com dados do Euromonitor de 2013 o Brasil é o terceiro maior mercado mundial de HPPC. Diante deste cenário, este estudo objetivou o desenvolvimento de uma linha de cosméticos composta de preparações capilares, corporais e faciais, a partir do conhecimento das técnicas de formulação e dos materiais cosméticos escolhidos. A indústria de cosméticos é um ramo da indústria química, e suas atividades estão vinculadas ao desenvolvimento e produção de produtos de aplicação ao corpo humano para embelezamento, limpeza sem alterar funções ou estruturas (GARCIA et al., 2000). A linha de cosméticos Dimora Del Sole foi desenvolvida através de testes com diversas substâncias cosméticas e diferentes técnicas de preparo realizadas no laboratório de cosmetologia na Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas - UNESP - Araraquara até que se obtivesse à formulação desejada. Esta linha teve como foco a diversidade brasileira com inspirações da Itália, buscando os diferenciais que permitam sua aceitação e consumo no mercado pelos clientes. Ainda, os produtos desta linha foram preparados considerando-se os aspectos legislativos com relação à confecção das embalagens e rotulagem e ações de marketing. Palavras-chave: cosméticos, formulação de produtos cosméticos, matérias-primas, desenvolvimento técnico, manipulação de produtos, expectativa do mercado, marketing do produto.


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This paper discusses how, through the creation of Embratur (Brazilian Tourism Company) in 1966, an idealized Brazilian female body was constructed and used to help manufacture a national identity, reinforcing the stereotype of the sexualized Brazilian woman. As it was often associated with sex tourism, this stereotype received much criticism and led to a negative image of Brazil abroad. However, in the 1990s the official tourism lobby softened the “sexy tone” of its discourse, and in 1999 Embratur received an award from the World Tourism Organization for its campaign to help fight the exploitation of children and youth by sexual tourism. In order to better understand how this change in the idealized Brazilian female body unfolded, it is important to deconstruct beauty standards – focusing on those that apply to Brazilian women as seen from abroad – and their relationship to modern consumer culture. Assuming that the cultural analysis of the female body emerges as an important issue in the field of Social Science, the focus on body image can be viewed as a key element in discussions about the construction of national identity.


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From August 2005 to March 2007, the two seasons (with 12 and 10 episodes respectively) of the award winning miniseries HBO‟s ROME were aired by the Home Box Office (HBO) channel. With screenplay signed by various writers and directors, the TV series was a coproduction of HBO (USA) and BBC (UK) with support from RAI (Italy), and the show was filmed in multiple locations, but mainly in Cinecittà Film Studios in Rome, very famous for having been headquarters also for Federico Fellini‟s movies. In the first season, the miniseries depicts the conquest of Gaul, made by the military genius of Gaius Julius Caesar, and the political trajectory that made him accumulate power to such an extent that this divided Roman citizens into two factions, one supporting and the other opposing him, the latter focused mainly on the historic figure of General Gnaeus Pompey Magnus. The second season shows the period of civil war following the assassination of Caesar, and the future rise to power of his nephew, adopted son and sole heir, Gaius Octavian Augustus, who was destined to overcome his rivals as well as their allies in the triumvirate that had been formed to pursue and punish Caesar‟s assassins. These facts are well known and usually crowd the mind and imagination of every minimally educated person. The HBO series broke new ground not only for the talent of its writers, directors and actors, not only for its visual effects and locations nor for the vibrancy and grandeur of historical scenes – after all, “historical movies” in general do the same – but it has done so also by the (re)construction of historical events from the perspective of a pair of protagonists of whom too little is known: the centurions Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus, who are the only low-rank soldiers mentioned by Caesar in his book Commentaries on the Gallic War (Commentarii de Bello Gallico V.44). Thus, the fictionalization of events also took into account several Roman civilization data which were scattered through historical sources and also those that belong to the modern knowledge of material culture, resulting in a TV series whose filmic aesthetics has rare beauty and creativity. From the survey of textual, historical and cultural data put together in this film, as well as the distance featuring the creative space in the dimension of the gap between them, this paper aims to highlight two pivotal moments of visual and narrative strategies of the show: the opening credits footage and the final scenes of the first season of HBO's Rome.


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The magazines destined to the adolescent public are many times searched as a resource of information about sexuality, body, relationships and adolescence. The Capricho magazine is a biweekly feminine magazine directed to teenagers. In this qualitative-descriptive study it was made the content analysis of the section about sex of 18 editions published in 2010 with the aim of identifying and discussing the predominant representations of sexuality. It was identified the predominance of negative representations, like relations between sexuality and fear, tension, shame and beauty imperatives. It can be detached that the feminine sexuality is not approached through its pleasant, positive and health aspects, but through negative representations that, instead of being discussed, are naturalized, put as normal and expected by the magazine’s discourse.


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The concept of gender is relational and refers to the the overcoming of the biological determinism, it has historical and cultural roots going beyond the anatomical differences between men and women. This documental research investigated patterns of sexuality and gender in sexual education books for children and teenagers. Ten books were analyzed, selected in bookstores websites. The content of the books and their illustrations show: 1) stereotypical and naturalized view of femininity and masculinity, 2) patterns of traditional and patriarchal families, 3) romanticized concept of marriage and reproduction, 4) stereotypes of beauty and "normal" body. It is concluded that sexual education books for children and teenagers reproduce normative standards that can stimulate a sexist education and should not be used in works of sexual education without critical reflection.


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The tattoo is a social phenomenon found in all social strata, with broad inclusion in all age groups and their motivation is commonly related to aesthetic pleasure, beauty and interest in body art. These references, however, are insufficient to understand the B side of the experience: the nightmares, attempts to erase, the compulsion and the concern about stop tattooing. Something happens between the search of beauty and the execution of the tattoo, that drags out the person to the anguish dimension. In detailing this, the specificity of distress Unheimliche will serve as our guide and, in the epistemological function of uncovering, allow an approximation to the concept of identification. Reading of the concept, the identification function will appear and, with it, the uncovering of the infinite pulse of desiring, when the object wants to talk,represent itself and manifest.The tattoos psychic function in the neurosis is the same for each step every morning: find the object and with this North, calibrate the compass of neurosis.


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The correction of a Class III malocclusion in adult patients is one of the major challenges in orthodontics due to facial deformities occurring during the unfavorable growth of this kind of pattern, as well as the treatment options capable of producing facial changes aesthetically acceptable and adequate for today's beauty standards. One acceptable alternative treatment is the removal of a lower incisor. For a Class III correction through a lower incisor extraction a thorough analysis and planning must be carried out by taking into consideration the amount of overjet and overbite, periodontal condition of the teeth and the possibility of obtaining a good dental occlusion with acceptable facial aesthetics. Will be presented two case reports of patients presenting an anteroinferior crowding, Class III malocclusion condition. The treatment through a lower incisor extraction and the reasons why this treatment was adopted will be discussed.


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The increasing interest of patients for a better aesthetic appearance of their smile, associated with the development of new materials and techniques, encouraged by media couverage of this concept of beauty, provided an important evolution of cosmetic dentistry. As the darkness of a single anterior tooth or a group of teeth, in most cases, impairs the appearance of the smile and there is growing appreciation of the less invasive procedures, the technique of tooth bleaching is an important option for aesthetic treatment. To have success in the bleaching treatment, it is important to have knowledge of the origin, nature and composition of the stain. Among the causes of color changes acquired post-eruptive, dental trauma, with or without pulp necrosis, is one of the most commonly encountered etiologies, characterized by a reddish-brown color. Current techniques of bleaching for teeth treated endodontically employ oxidative agent hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this paper is to describe the immediate technique of bleaching non-vital tooth by presenting a clinical case.


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Over the last decades of the 20th century, our society started an endless search for an ideal of beauty, advertised intensely by mass communication media. The concept of beauty pursued is being young, beautiful and thin. Thus, teenagers eventually die in the search for an ideal of body dominated by fat-fearing ideas. This article is a report about the field experience, during the collection of data for elaborating our Master’s Degree Dissertation on anorexia and adolescence. We went through an internship in an Eating Disease Program of a Mental Health Ambulatory from a Public University in the State of Sao Paulo, where we were able to experience the service organization, attention to users and the experience of anorexia, by the users in treatment. As the main result from this experience, it is possible to indicate the clientele profile, comprised predominantly by teenage girls, obsessed with the incessant pursuit of being thinner.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Regular physical activity can prevent and treat various diseases and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents in Rio Claro is 83%. Thus, it is necessary to encourage physical atividade through the community, especially parents and schools. The objective was to investigate the influence of two types of gym class in functional abilities in high school students in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Methodology: The study included 20 students from high school, 8 boys and 12 girls. The study took place in two high school halls of a public school in the city of Rio Claro. With the collaboration and participation in only 10 students in each room search reviews of all students occurred in mid-July in the year 2012 with the completion of the battery of tests and application of PAQ-C questionnaire at the beginning of classes of and after three months. All students were subjected to the test battery Eurofit. To compare the values of physical fitness for each type of class was held factorial ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS and the level of physical activity was performed the Wilcoxon test. To compare the delta values (post-test-time time pre test every physical fitness) we performed the t test for all analyzes was adopted p <0.05 Classes G1 followed the schedule proposed by the state 's Notebook, where he worked subjects as body and beauty and its relationship with the media today, prevailing more conceptual classes than procedural . Unlike what has been developed with the G2 who had classes were focused on physical fitness and physical conditioning to increase the level of physical activity inside and outside the school environment . Result :The results from the data collected in this study indicate that physical fitness is not worked continuously or expressive within the Physical Education classes of high school to the population...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A harmonia e beleza de um sorriso podem ser comprometidos pela presença de apenas um dente da região anterior que se apresente escurecido, mesmo que os demais elementos estejam alinhados e com forma adequada. A alteração de coloração, mesmo que mínima, sendo na região frontal é capaz de gerar um ponto de tensão e de desequilíbrio no sorriso, concentrando o olhar do observador no local1,2,3. Logo, a demanda dos pacientes por um sorriso estético, belo e harmonioso aumenta o desafio do profissional que visa integrar as características ópticas de um dente anterior despolpado e escurecido com os demais dentes polpados e sem manchamentos significativos. O clareamento é a alternativa mais conservadora para resolver o escurecimento em dentes despolpados. Apesar de resultados satisfatórios, alguns clínicos e autores relutam em assumir, como rotina, os procedimentos de clareamento para dentes despolpados, pelo alto índice de recidiva de escurecimento4,5. Mas, é importante lembrar que as recidivas descritas, normalmente, não contemplam um retorno aos valores inicias de manchamento. Deve ser feito um bom planejamento, levando em considerações fatores como a idade do paciente, o grau de escurecimento, o tempo em que o dente se encontra escurecido e a dificuldade em se alcançar o clareamento do dente, que são determinantes para o sucesso do tratamento clareador e para estabelecer a longevidade do clareamento obtido. Por isso, não são todos os dentes despolpados que apresentam alteração de cor que podem ser clareados, devendo ser avaliados com precisão os critérios estabelecidos3. Os dentes tratados endodonticamente e escurecidos, muitas vezes, necessitam da reintegração estética, associando as técnicas de clareamento com procedimentos restauradores ou, dependendo da condição do dente, a escolha imediata por procedimentos restauradores diretos ou indiretos.


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Os diastemas contribuem para a quebra de harmonia dos dentes, comprometendo a beleza do sorriso; os incisivos superiores são os dentes que mais se destacam no sorriso, sendo muito importante a simetria e harmonia entre eles. Para o fechamento dos diastemas, durante muito tempo, as alternativas clínicas foram o emprego da Ortodontia e das próteses fixas. Atualmente, com a evolução dos sistemas adesivos e das resinas compostas, é possível reproduzir as características dos dentes com uma técnica simples, previsível, sem desgaste da estrutura dentária, reversível, com menor custo, proporcionando um resultado satisfatório e imediato. O propósito do presente artigo é apresentar três casos clínicos de fechamento de diastemas generalizados associados ou não a outras alterações que comprometem o sorriso do paciente.