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Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant toxic enzymes that permanently damage ribosomes and possibly other cellular substrates, thus causing cell death involving different and still not completely understood pathways. The high cytotoxic activity showed by many RIPs makes them ideal candidates for the production of immunotoxins (ITs), chimeric proteins designed for the selective elimination of unwanted or malignant cells. Saporin-S6, a type 1 RIP extracted from Saponaria officinalis L. seeds, has been extensively employed to construct anticancer conjugates because of its high enzymatic activity, stability and resistance to conjugation procedures, resulting in the efficient killing of target cells. Here we investigated the anticancer properties of two saporin-based ITs, anti-CD20 RTX/S6 and anti-CD22 OM124/S6, designed for the experimental treatment of B-cell NHLs. Both ITs showed high cytotoxicity towards CD20-positive B-cells, and their antitumor efficacy was enhanced synergistically by a combined treatment with proteasome inhibitors or fludarabine. Furthermore, the two ITs showed differencies in potency and ability to activate effector caspases, and a different behavior in the presence of the ROS scavenger catalase. Taken together, these results suggest that the different carriers employed to target saporin might influence saporin intracellular routing and saporin-induced cell death mechanisms. We also investigated the early cellular response to stenodactylin, a recently discovered highly toxic type 2 RIP representing an interesting candidate for the design and production of a new IT for the experimental treatment of cancer.
Indolizines and pyrroles are considered as “privileged” structures since their skeletons were found in many biologically active natural products and they possess a wide range of pharmaceutical properties. Syntheses of these small drug-like molecules are very important in medicinal chemistry. However, most existent methodologies are usually limited to specific substitution patterns or require impractical starting materials or expensive catalysts. Therefore, developing new methodologies for the synthesis of indolizines and pyrroles from commercially available or readily accessible sources is highly desirable.rnIn this PhD thesis, several methods has been described for the synthesis of indolizines and pyrroles. In the first part, indolizines carrying substituents in positions 1-3 were synthesized via a formal [3+2]-cycloaddition of pyridinium ylides and nitroalkenes. Pyridinium salts were prepared by N-alkylation of pyridines with cyanohydrin triflates which could be prepared from corresponding aldehydes via a Strecker reaction followed by O-triflylation. Nitroalkenes were simply prepared from the corresponding aldehydes and nitroalkanes in a nitroaldol condensation. Overall, this modular approach allows to construct the indolizine framework with various substitution patterns starting from a pyridine, two different aldehydes and a nitroalkane. In contrast to reported methods, the produced indolizines do not have to contain an electron-withdrawing group.rnIt has also been found that nitrile-stabilized 2-alkylpyridinium ylides cyclize to unstable 2-aminoindolizines via an intramolecular 5-exo-dig cyclization. Using an in situ acetylation of the amino group, N-protected 2-aminoindolizines could be synthesized. As a less common substitution pattern, indolizines carrying substituents in positions 5–8 were synthesized from enones and 2-(1H-pyrrol-1-yl)nitriles obtained from α-aminonitriles using a modified Paal-Knorr pyrrole synthesis. The decoration of the pyridine unit in the indolizine skeleton has been achieved by a one-pot conjugate addition/cycloaromatization sequence.rnIn the second part of the thesis, the diversity-oriented synthesis of pyrroles from 3,5-diaryl substituted 2H-pyrrole-2-carbonitriles (cyanopyrrolines) obtained in a cyclocondensation of enones with aminoacetonitrile hydrochloride is being discussed. 2,4-Di-, 2,3,5-trisubstituted pyrroles, pyrrole-2-carbonitriles and 2,2’-bipyrroles were synthesized in a one- or two-step protocol. While the microwave-assisted thermal elimination of HCN from cyanopyrrolines gave 2,4-disubstituted pyrroles, DDQ-oxidation of the same intermediates furnished pyrrole-2-carbonitriles. Furthermore, 2,3,5-trisubstituted pyrroles were obtained via a C-2-alkylation of the deprotonated cyanopyrrolines followed by the elimination of HCN. Finally, it has also been found that tetraaryl substituted 2,2’-bipyrroles could be synthesized by the oxidative dimerization of cyanopyrrolines using copper (II) acetate at 100 °C.rn
Krebs stellt eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in Europa dar. Grundlage für eine langfristige Verbesserung des Behandlungserfolgs ist ein molekulares Verständnis der Mechanismen, welche zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Proteasen nicht nur eine wichtige Rolle, sondern stellen auch bei vielerlei Erkrankungen bereits anerkannte Zielstrukturen derzeitiger Behandlungsstrategien dar. Die Protease Threonin Aspartase 1 (Taspase1) spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung von Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL)-Fusionsproteinen und somit bei der Entstehung aggressiver Leukämien. Aktuelle Arbeiten unterstreichen zudem die onkologische Relevanz von Taspase1 auch für solide Tumore. Die Kenntnisse über die molekularen Mechanismen und Signalnetzwerke, welche für die (patho)biologischen Funktionen von Taspase1 verantwortlich sind, stellen sich allerdings noch immer als bruchstückhaft dar. Um diese bestehenden Wissenslücken zu schließen, sollten im Rahmen der Arbeit neue Strategien zur Inhibition von Taspase1 erarbeitet und bewertet werden. Zusätzlich sollten neue Einsichten in evolutionären Funktionsmechanismen sowie eine weitergehende Feinregulation von Taspase1 erlangt werden. Zum einen erlaubte die Etablierung und Anwendung eines zellbasierten Taspase1-Testsystem, chemische Verbindungen auf deren inhibitorische Aktivität zu testen. Überraschenderweise belegten solch zelluläre Analysen in Kombination mit in silico-Modellierungen eindeutig, dass ein in der Literatur postulierter Inhibitor in lebenden Tumorzellen keine spezifische Wirksamkeit gegenüber Taspase1 zeigte. Als mögliche Alternative wurden darüber hinaus Ansätze zur genetischen Inhibition evaluiert. Obwohl publizierte Studien Taspase1 als ααββ-Heterodimer beschreiben, konnte durch Überexpression katalytisch inaktiver Mutanten kein trans-dominant negativer Effekt und damit auch keine Inhibition des wildtypischen Enzyms beobachtet werden. Weiterführende zellbiologische und biochemische Analysen belegten erstmalig, dass Taspase1 in lebenden Zellen in der Tat hauptsächlich als Monomer und nicht als Dimer vorliegt. Die Identifizierung evolutionär konservierter bzw. divergenter Funktionsmechanismen lieferte bereits in der Vergangenheit wichtige Hinweise zur Inhibition verschiedenster krebsrelevanter Proteine. Da in Drosophila melanogaster die Existenz und funktionelle Konservierung eines Taspase1-Homologs postuliert wurde, wurde in einem weiteren Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit die evolutionäre Entwicklung der Drosophila Taspase1 (dTaspase1) untersucht. Obwohl Taspase1 als eine evolutionär stark konservierte Protease gilt, konnten wichtige Unterschiede zwischen beiden Orthologen festgestellt werden. Neben einem konservierten autokatalytischen Aktivierungsmechanismus besitzt dTaspase1 verglichen mit dem humanen Enzym eine flexiblere Substraterkennungs-sequenz, was zu einer Vergrößerung des Drosophila-spezifischen Degradoms führt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen des Weiteren, dass zur Definition und Vorhersage des Degradoms nicht nur proteomische sondern auch zellbiologische und bioinformatische Untersuchungen geeignet und notwendig sind. Interessanterweise ist die differentielle Regulation der dTaspase1-Aktivität zudem auf eine veränderte intrazelluläre Lokalisation zurückzuführen. Das Fehlen von in Vertebraten hochkonservierten aktiven Kernimport- und nukleolären Lokalisationssignalen erklärt, weshalb dTaspase1 weniger effizient nukleäre Substrate prozessiert. Somit scheint die für die humane Taspase1 beschriebene Regulation von Lokalisation und Aktivität über eine Importin-α/NPM1-Achse erst im Laufe der Entwicklung der Vertebraten entstanden zu sein. Es konnte also ein bislang unbekanntes evolutionäres Prinzip identifiziert werden, über welches eine Protease einen Transport- bzw. Lokalisations-basierten Mechanismus zur Feinregulation ihrer Aktivität „von der Fliege zum Menschen“ nutzt. Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur dynamischen Funktionsmodulation bieten post-translationale Modifikationen (PTMs) der Proteinsequenz, zu welcher Phosphorylierung und Acetylierung zählen. Interessanterweise konnte für die humane Taspase1 über den Einsatz unabhängiger Methoden einschließlich massenspektrometrischer Analysen eine Acetylierung durch verschiedene Histon-Acetyltransferasen (HATs) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Modifikation erfolgt reversibel, wobei vor allem die Histon-Deacetylase HDAC1 durch Interaktion mit Taspase1 die Deacetylierung der Protease katalysiert. Während Taspase1 in ihrer aktiven Konformation acetyliert vorliegt, kommt es nach Deacetylierung zu einer Reduktion ihrer enzymatischen Aktivität. Somit scheint die Modulation der Taspase1-Aktivität nicht allein über intra-proteolytische Autoaktivierung, Transport- und Interaktionsmechanismen, sondern zudem durch post-translationale Modifikationen gesteuert zu werden. Zusammenfassend konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entscheidende neue Einblicke in die (patho)biologische Funktion und Feinregulation der Taspase1 gewonnen werden. Diese Ergebnisse stellen nicht nur einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines verbesserten Verständnis der „Taspase1-Biologie“, sondern auch zur erfolgreichen Inhibition und Bewertung der krebsrelevanten Funktion dieser Protease dar.
Although heart donation after cardiac death (DCD) could greatly improve graft availability, concerns regarding warm ischemic damage typically preclude transplantation. Improving tolerance to warm ischemia may thus open a window of opportunity for DCD hearts. We investigated the hypothesis that, compared with normothermia, mild hypothermia (32° C) initiated after ischemic onset improves cardiac functional recovery upon reperfusion. Isolated, working hearts from adult, male Wistar rats underwent global, no-flow ischemia, and reperfusion (n = 28). After ischemic onset, temperature was maintained at either 37° C for 20 or 30 min or reduced to 32° C for 40, 50, or 60 min. Recovery was measured after 60-min reperfusion. Following normothermic ischemia, recovery of rate-pressure product (RPP; per cent of preischemic value) was almost complete after 20-min ischemia (97 ± 9%), whereas no recovery was detectable after 30-min ischemia. After mildly hypothermic ischemia (32° C), RPP also recovered well after 40 min (86 ± 4%). Markers of metabolism and necrosis were similar in 37° C/20 min and 32° C/40 min groups. Simple reduction in cardiac temperature by a few degrees after the onset of global ischemia dramatically prolongs the interval during which the heart remains resistant to functional deterioration. Preservation of hemodynamic function is associated with improved metabolic recovery and reduced necrosis. The application of mild hypothermia may be a simple first step towards development of clinical protocols for DCD heart recovery.
The present study had three major aims. First, this study was a basic descriptive exploration of the frequency and nature of parent-child communication about death. Second, this study conducted a quantitative analysis to identify predictors of communication and bereaved children¿s emotional and behavioral problems. Third, this study was also a qualitative analysis of parents¿ descriptions of how religious views shape conversations about death and how conversations are beneficial. Based on prior research, it was predicted that positive child outcomes would be associated with parental warmth, religiosity, adaptive coping, positive religious coping, and frequent parent-child communication about death. Conversely, it was predicted that negative child outcomes would be associated with parental psychological control, maladaptive coping, negative religious coping, and less frequent parent-child communication about death. Additionally, it was hypothesized that parents¿ religious and spiritual views would shape parent-child communication about death, and parents would describe numerous benefits of discussing death with children. Parents completed a series of survey measures assessing their religiosity, coping strategies, parent-child communication about death, and their children¿s emotional and behavioral symptoms. Almost 80% of parent-child dyads discussed death at least once a week, and children initiated approximately half of these conversations. Parent-child communication about death was predicted by parents¿ warmth toward and acceptance of their children and inversely predicted by children¿s hyperactivity and social problem solving. Higher levels of children¿s social problem solving could predict lower frequency of parent-child communication about death if children were holding frequent, meaningful, and comforting conversations with friends and other adults. Higher levels of parents¿ psychological control predicted more emotional and behavioral problems in the child. Parents¿ adaptive coping had significant relationships with all of the dimensions of parent-child communication about death. Qualitative analyses revealed that parents perceived their religious beliefs as shaping conversations about death and grief as an individualized journey. A majority of parents described the emotional, social, and intellectual benefits of holding parent-child conversations about death. This study contributes to the literature by further describing parent-child communication about death, identifying its predictors, and investigating parents¿ religiosity and coping strategies in relation to child well-being. Overall, this study revealed the importance of assessing global parenting characteristics (i.e., warmth/acceptance and psychological control) when examining parent-child relationships and communication about death. Furthermore, this unique study illustrates the value of qualitative data when examining parent-child communication about death and religiosity.
Since the turbulence of 1989, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have striven to "return to Europe". Agreements have been signed with ten post-communist countries, beginning in 1991 with Czechoslovakia (before its division), Hungary and Poland. Since that time several countries have expressed a desire to become members of the EU. In 1997 the European Commission announced its opinion on the applications for EU membership of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and seven other applicant countries. The Commission recommended the commencement of negotiations on accession with the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia. Mr. Kucia's report, presented in the form of a series of manuscripts totalling 91 pages, written in English and Polish and including many pages of tables and graphs, presents the results of a study of public opinion on European integration in four countries of Central Europe (CE): the Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (H), Poland (PL), and Slovakia (SK). The research results are primarily based on a public-opinion survey known as the Central and Eastern Eurobarometer (CEEB). CEEB has been conducted on behalf of the European Commission in the Central and Eastern European countries each year in autumn since 1990. Below is a very small selection of Mr. Kucia's research findings. Throughout the 90s people in the four countries increasingly saw their countries' future tied up with the EU, since economic and political connections to the EU were growing and prospects for EU membership were increasing. Regional co-operation within CE did not gain much popular recognition. However, initially high levels of enthusiasm for the EU were gradually superseded by a more realistic approach or even scepticism. Poland was the exception in this respect; its population was more positive about the EU in 1996 than ever before. Mr. Kucia concludes that, since the political "elites" in CE are more positive about the EU than the people they serve, they should do their best to bring people round to their beliefs, lest the project of European integration become purely the business of the elites, as Mr. Kucia claims it has been in the EU up till now. He accuses the governments of the region, the EU authorities and the media of failing to provide appropriate information, especially about the two subjects which most affect them, association with the EU and the PHARE assistance programme. Respondents were asked to rank in order the countries or regions they saw their country's future most closely tied up with. In the period 92-96 the EU received the highest ratings in all of CE. The ratings were highest in CZ in 92 and 93 (46%) and in Poland in 96 (46%). They were the lowest in Hungary (22% in 94). After the EU came "Other Western European countries (non EU)", that is Austria, Sweden and Finland (before they joined the EU in 1995), Switzerland and Norway. Mr. Kucia puts the high ratings of these countries down to historical connections and geographical proximity, particularly in the case of Austria. The USA always came second in Poland, and in Hungary too its standing has always been higher than in CZ or SK. Indeed Mr. Kucia suggests that the USA's standing is disproportionately low in especially the CZ. Germany was nominated frequently by Hungarians, though in the CZ and SK, figures have been consistently low (1-2%). "Other CE/EE countries" increased their ratings in all of CE except Poland between 92 and 96. With regard to these last figures, Mr. Kucia makes an interesting note. Assuming that for the respondents in the four countries this category covered the Visegrad 4, least support was found in Poland, whose government was the most in favour of close political co-operation within the V4, while most support was in evidence in CZ and SK, for whose governments V4 was simply not a priority. Again, there is evidence of a divide between the political elites and the people. Russia has occupied a consistently modest rank. It was the highest in PL, fairly low in H and SK and the lowest in CZ. The Slovak government's policy of closer ties with Russia is reflected in a growth in the figures from 2% in 93 to 6% in 95. Every year the spontaneous answer "we should depend on ourselves" appeared, which Mr. Kucia interprets as either a sign of isolationism and disillusionment or as a call for self-reliance. Unfortunately he regards both these tendencies as unfeasible in the uniting Europe. Moving to more general conclusions, Mr. Kucia finds that the concept "Central Europe" does not have much meaning for Central Europeans. He believes that this is probably due to the failure to establish a viable regional co-operation network. Group discussions also revealed that people thought themselves European as a consequence of being Czech or Polish etc. Thus European identity is based on national identities. Generally within the surveyed period, the numbers of those who said they often think themselves European decreased, while the numbers of those who said they never think themselves European increased from 41% in PL, 36% in CZ, and 30% in H in 1990, to 67% in CZ, 58% in PL, and 51% in H in 1995.
In Western societies the increase in female employment (especially among married women) is seen as having brought about the crisis of the traditional model of the family, reinforcing the position of the "modern" model - the egalitarian family with two working spouses and a "dual-career" family. In contrast, the transitional situation in the post-communist countries during the 1990s is producing a crisis of the family with two working spouses (the basic type of the communist period) and leading to new power relations within the family. While the growth of dual-earner households in this century has implied modification of family models towards greater symmetry of responsibility for breadwinning and homemaking, there is considerable evidence that women's increased employment does not necessarily lead to a more egalitarian approach to gender roles within the family. The group set out to investigate the economic situation of families and economic power within the fame as a crucial factor in the transformation of families with two working spouses in order to reveal the specific patterns of gender contracts and power relations within the family that are emerging in response to the current political and economic transformation. They opted for a comparative approach, selecting the Czech Republic as a country where the very similar tendencies of a few years ago (almost 100% of women employed and the family as a realm of considerable private freedom where both women's and men's gender identities and the traditional distribution of family responsibilities were largely preserved) are combined with a very different experience in terms of economic inequalities during the 1990s to that of Russia. In the first stage of the study they surveyed 300 married couples (150 in each country) on the question of breadwinning. They then carried out in-depth interviews with 10 couples from each country (selected from among the educated layers of the population), focusing on the process of the social construction of gender, using breadwinning and homemaking as gender boundaries which distinguish men from women. By analysing changes in social position and the type of interpersonal interaction of spouses they distinguished two main types of family contracts: the neo-traditional "communal sharing" (with male breadwinner, traditional distribution of family chores and negotiated family power) and the modern one based on negotiated agreement. The most important pre-conditions of husband-wife agreement about breadwinning seemed to imply their overall gender ideology rather than the economic and/or family circumstances. In general, wives were more likely to express egalitarian views, supporting the blurring or even elimination of many gender boundaries. Husbands, on the other hand, more often gave responses calling for the continued maintenance of gender boundaries. The analysis showed that breadwinning is still an important gender boundary in these cultures, one that is assumed unless it is explicitly questioned and that is seen as part of what makes a man a "real man". The majority of respondents seemed to be committed to egalitarian ideology on gender roles and the distribution of family tasks, including decision making, but this is contradicted by the persistent idea of the husband as the breadwinner. This contradiction is more characteristic of the Russian situation than of the Czech. The quantitative study showed a difference in prevailing family models between the two countries, with a clearer shift towards the traditional family contract in the Russian case. The Czechs were more likely to consider their partnerships as based on negotiated agreement, while the Russians saw theirs as based on egalitarian contract, in both cases seeing this as the norm. The majority of couples said they felt satisfied with their marriage, although in both countries wives seemed to be less satisfied. There was however a difference in the issues that aroused dissatisfaction, with Czech women being more sensitive to issues such as self-realisation, personal independence, understanding and recognition in the family, and Russians to issues of love, understanding and recognition. The most disputed area for the majority of families was chores in the home, presumably because in many families both husband and wife were working hard outside the home and because a number of partners had differing views as to the ideal distribution of chores within the family. The distribution of power in the family seems to be linked to the level of well being. The analysis showed that in the dominant democratic model there is still an inverse connection between family leadership and well being: the more prominent the wife's position as head of the family is, the lower the level of family income. This may reflect both the husband's refusal to play the leading role in the family and even his rejection of any involvement in family issues in such a family. The qualitative research revealed that both men and women see the breadwinning role to be an essential part of masculine identity, a role which the female partner would take on temporarily to assist the male but not permanently since this would threaten the gender boundaries and the man's identity. At the same time, few breadwinners expressed a sense of job satisfaction and all considered their choice as imposed on them by the circumstances (i.e. having a family in difficult times). The group feel that family orientation and some loss of personal involvement in their profession is partly reflected in the fact that many of the men felt more comfortable and self-confident at home than at work. Women's work, on the other hand, was largely seen as a source of personal and self-realisation and social life. Eight out of ten of the Russian women interviewed were employed, although only two on a full-time basis, but none saw their jobs as adding substantially to the family budget. Both partners see the most important factor as the wife's wish to work or stay at home, and do not think it wise for the wife to work at the expense of her part of the "family contract", although husbands from the "egalitarian" relationships expressed more willingness to compromise. The analysis showed clearly that wives and husbands did not construct gender boundaries in isolation, with the interviews providing clear evidence of negotiation. At the same time, husbands' interpretations of their wives' employment were less susceptible to the influence of negotiation than were their gender attitudes and norms about breadwinning. One of the most interesting aspects of the spouses' negotiations was the extent to which they disagreed about what they seemed to have agreed upon. Most disagreements about the breadwinning boundaries, however, were over norms and were settled by changes in norms rather than in behavioural interpretation. Changes in norms were often a form of peace offering or were in response in changes in circumstances. The study did show, however, that many of the efforts at cooperation and compensation were more symbolic than real and the group found the plasticity of expressed gender ideology to be one of the most striking findings of their work. They conclude that the shift towards more traditional gednder distributions of incomes and domestic chores does not automatically mean the reestablishment of a patriarchal model of family power. On the contrary, it seems to be a compromise formation, relatively unstable, temporary and containing self-defeating forces as the split between the personal and professional value of work and its social value expressed in a money equivalent cannot be maintained for generations.
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5 nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.
BACKGROUND: Because of the growing life expectancy in developed countries and the exponential increase in vision loss with increasing age, a growing number of elderly persons will eventually suffer from visual impairment and blindness. This paper describes the association between self-reported vision and well-being in individuals aged 50 years and older and their families. METHODS: Using binary logistic regressions on data from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we analysed the association between self-reported corrected vision in general, corrected distance vision and corrected reading vision on 11 variables capturing emotional well-being, future hopes and perspectives, and concentration on daily activities. RESULTS: For 22,486 individuals from 10 European countries, aged 64.23 +/- 10.52 years, lower vision was associated with a highly significant negative impact on all measured aspects of well-being. CONCLUSIONS: These data from a large population base in Europe provide evidence that persons with low vision have a higher probability of concentration problems during reading and entertainment; losing interest and enjoyment in their activities; feeling fatigued, irritable, sad, and tearful; having less hope for the future; and wishing for death. Effective measures of early detection, prevention, rehabilitation, education and research, as well as a holistic view of a patient, could help counter these problems, thereby improving mental and physical health and reducing the economic impact of low vision.
Predictors of health care professionals' attitudes towards involvement in safety-relevant behaviours
BACKGROUND Patients can make valuable contributions towards promoting the safety of their health care. Health care professionals (HCPs) could play an important role in encouraging patient involvement in safety-relevant behaviours. However, to date factors that determine HCPs' attitudes towards patient participation in this area remain largely unexplored. OBJECTIVE To investigate predictors of HCPs' attitudes towards patient involvement in safety-relevant behaviours. DESIGN A 22-item cross-sectional fractional factorial survey that assessed HCPs' attitudes towards patient involvement in relation to two error scenarios relating to hand hygiene and medication safety. SETTING Four hospitals in London PARTICIPANTS Two hundred sixteen HCPs (116 doctors; 100 nurses) aged between 21 and 60 years (mean: 32): 129 female. OUTCOME MEASURES Approval of patient's behaviour, HCP response to the patient, anticipated effects on the patient-HCP relationship, support for being asked as a HCP, affective rating response to the vignettes. RESULTS HCPs elicited more favourable attitudes towards patients intervening about a medication error than about hand sanitation. Across vignettes and error scenarios, the strongest predictors of attitudes were how the patient intervened and how the HCP responded to the patient's behaviour. With regard to HCP characteristics, doctors viewed patients intervening less favourably than nurses. CONCLUSIONS HCPs perceive patients intervening about a potential error less favourably if the patient's behaviour is confrontational in nature or if the HCP responds to the patient intervening in a discouraging manner. In particular, if a HCP responds negatively to the patient (irrespective of whether an error actually occurred), this is perceived as having negative effects on the HCP-patient relationship.
MET, also known as hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR), is a receptor tyrosine kinase with an important role, both in normal cellular function as well as in oncogenesis. In many cancer types, abnormal activation of MET is related to poor prognosis and various strategies to inhibit its function, including small molecule inhibitors, are currently in preclinical and clinical evaluation. Autophagy, a self-digesting recycling mechanism with cytoprotective functions, is induced by cellular stress. This process is also induced upon cytotoxic drug treatment of cancer cells and partially allows these cells to escape cell death. Thus, since autophagy protects different tumor cells from chemotherapy-induced cell death, current clinical trials aim at combining autophagy inhibitors with different cancer treatments. We found that in a gastric adenocarcinoma cell line GTL-16, where MET activity is deregulated due to receptor overexpression, two different MET inhibitors PHA665752 and EMD1214063 lead to cell death paralleled by the induction of autophagy. A combined treatment of MET inhibitors together with the autophagy inhibitor 3-MA or genetically impairing autophagy by knocking down the key autophagy gene ATG7 further decreased cell viability of gastric cancer cells. In general, we observed the induction of cytoprotective autophagy in MET expressing cells upon MET inhibition and a combination of MET and autophagy inhibition resulted in significantly decreased cell viability in gastric cancer cells.
In this position paper, we describe the current status and plans for a Swiss National Research Infrastructure. Swiss academic and research institutions are very autonomous. While being loosely coupled, they do not rely on any centralized management entities. A coordinated national research infrastructure can only be established by federating the local resources of the individual institutions. We discuss current efforts and business models for a federated infrastructure.
Although there is dissimiliarity in theoretical research approaches to subjective well-being and to assessments of well-being, there is agreement regarding the value of well-being, especially among student populations. In the highly structured, achievement-oriented, non-optimal context of a classroom, individual well-being is a necessary pre-condition for learning. Among student populations well-being should not be construed as an achievement enhancer; but, rather, recognized and measured as an educational value of its own. However, it is necessary for the positive bias towards learning at least in highly structured, achievement-orientated, non-optional learning contexts like school [cf. Hascher, T. (2004). Wohlbefinden in der Schule. Münster: Waxmann]. How can it be measured? Since different research approaches lead to a variety of instruments, the following paper will focus on two ways of assessing well-being in school: a questionnaire on student well-being (N = 2014) 1 and a semi-structured daily diary about relevant emotional situations in school (N = 58, period 3 × 2 weeks). Both methods are introduced and their methodological quality is discussed in terms of reliability, validity and in terms of their usefulness for improving school practice. Furthermore, the research potential of combining quantitative and qualitative data on students’ well-being is addressed.
Marine genetic resources other than fish and mammals are of increasing commercial interest and importance in genetic engineering, but fail being properly addressed in the law of the sea and in international economic law. The paper analyses the implication of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on Biodiversity, the WTO Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and related instruments under the auspices of WIPO. The paper argues that the triangle of these agreements does not adequately address marine genetic resources in particular in the high seas. Neither concerns of protecting biodiversity nor of access and benefit sharing find appropriate answers commensurate to the commercial potential of marine genetic resources. The paper suggests developing an instrument inspired by, and comparable to, the mechanisms developed by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The instrument would grant facilitated access to marine genetic resources and offer a more detailed set of rules with respect to the sharing of benefits resulting from their use, thereby addressing the existing legal gaps in a comprehensive way.