994 resultados para Bachelard, Gaston
Bibliographical footnotes.
Esta tese estuda o sentido do simbolismo religioso da imagem do arquétipo da Grande Mãe ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles (1901-1964). As imagens da Grande Mãe estão presentes nos escritos de Cecília Meireles bem como o seu simbolismo religioso. Observou-se certa sintonia entre maternidade e simbolismo religioso na criação poética ceciliana. O objetivo prin-cipal desta tese foi de mostrar qual o sentido do arquétipo da Grande Mãe no simbolismo religi-oso ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles. A pesquisa foi bibliográfica focada no grupo de Eranos através do pensamento de Carl Gustav Jung (arquétipo), Paul Tillich (símbolo religioso), Gaston Bachelard (imagem literária), Gilbert Durand (mitocrítica), Mircea Eliade (símbolo). Cecília Meireles perdeu sua família prematuramente e foi morar com sua avó Jacinta Garcia Benevides, natural da Ilha de São Miguel (Açores, Portugal). Educada num ambiente de acon-chego e amor, ouvia constantemente as histórias contadas pela avó açoriana sobre a Ilha de São Miguel e a da Índia. Além disto, sua babá Pedrina, de forma mágica e divertida, introduziu-lhe no rico folclore brasileiro com suas crendices. Crescida neste ambiente de perdas e sofrimentos, mas amparada por estas duas mulheres, a poeta construiu no interior de seu ser um espaço mís-tico de encontro profundo com sua poesia. A Ilha do Nanja é este espaço místico onde a poeta entra quando quer se desligar das mazelas do mundo. Esta Ilha do Nanja é um refúgio, um rega-ço acolhedor materno onde seu ser encontra com o útero gerador de poesias. É o íntimo do mais íntimo do místico e lírico ceciliano. Cecília Meireles criou sua Ilha do Nanja que para ela é a Ilha de São Miguel transfigurada aos poucos pelo sonho. Além deste simbolismo, observou outros, tais como: a família (mãe, avó, babá no convívio em casa), santos/santas, Nossa Senhora, a terra. Com esta tese concluiu-se que o arquétipo da Grande mãe é um dos elementos centrais da poesia de Cecília Meireles por causa das perdas humanas, especialmente a figura materna. Mas há de ressaltar que a poeta não ficou apenas presa a esta perda para construir sua fortuna poética. Ela foi muito além conhecendo outros espaços geradores de sua poesia.
This thesis examines the phenomenological projection of space in two Cuban novels: La ninfa inconstante (2008) by Guillermo Cabrera Infante (1929–2005), and Todos se van (2006) by Wendy Guerra (1970–). Both novels are paradigmatic of two generations of Cuban writers who portray the city of Havana as a backdrop against which to project socio-political and biographical narratives. To problematize ethical and political omissions in the novels, this work incorporates disciplines such as philosophy, urbanism, architecture, sociology and literary theory. Through the concepts of prominent phenomenologists, such as Gaston Bachelard, Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, amongst others, this study evaluates how space becomes a construction to ambivalent dynamics of truth telling within contrasting, suffocating sociopolitical contexts. In addition, it explores how these phenomenological spaces are defined in relation to power. For instance, the Cuban Revolution, and its aftermath of more than 52 years, brings forth a sense of displacement and placelessness. The novels present and develop both authors’ spatial consciousness (that we call “ontological space”), which is not necessarily a container of three-dimensional objects, but instead, fictional emergent constructions. This thesis concludes that literature can become a meaningful space to cope with unbearable realities.
Knowledge is understanding. According to the philosopher Gaston Bachelard our immediate contact with the reality is only worth as confusing and provisional data. This phenomenological contact requires inventory and classification. For this reason our first reading on any phenomenon is limited to a basic levels of reality. Elements such as dynamics, functioning or detailed characteristics of what is observed can only be accessed at higher levels of reality, explains the physicist Werner Heisenberg. The ideas woven by these two great intellectuals oxygenates the notion that a well-made thinking does not require only observation and description of the nature, but assigns value and meaning to the knowledge. Based on these ideas and on the cognitive horizon brought by the complexity sciences, this research aims to nurture a reflection on our understanding of the world built from a rational perspective of experience, as an organic sequence of research. This arguments, over the study, describes how the experience is able to oxygenate a well-made thinking, as the concept created by Edgar Morin and expanded by Conceição Almeida. I argue that the experience as a path of investigative research allows one to ventures in the shadows of the unknown to access upper layers of reality. The experience is, therefore, an organic strategy for a well-made thinking - A nutritious mud that oxygenates, regulates, repairs and configures the quality of understanding. As a thread to discuss this ideas I've used my professional journey over a year and a half as a Natural Sciences' teacher on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, where I could see how experiences helped on breaking a simplified understanding of the world. I chose to work with the research problems developed by 398 students over these three semesters. The problems were essential to the questioning of the phenomena that once seemed obvious or uninteresting, bringing out operational reasons and dynamics of the observed structures. Experience, in this sense, is the founder of dynamic thinking, as the need to deconstruct the phenomena's first impressions, assigning value and meaning to gestated knowledge.
This study followed the development of Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria as an intellectual, with the aim of establishing the emergence of that de Faria’s work under the umbrella of the sertão (hinterland) in Northeast Brazil. It accompanied the emergence of the researcher, his discovery of his mission to study the sertão in Seridó and the vital importance of his relationship with Luís da Câmara Cascudo, since despite being a natural born observer, Oswaldo Lamartine embarked on a career as a researcher after encouragement by Cascudo. The first chapter of this study, denominated The Gates of Time, portrays the country during the drought of 1919, the year Lamartine was born. It describes his childhood and first encounters with Câmara Cascudo; his urban exile in Rio de Janeiro; the books written by the young Oswaldo, those that came later, and his definitive return to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The following two chapters, Sand beneath the Feet of the Soul and Images of a Nobleman from the Sertão, summarize Lamartine’s books and describe his entry into the canon of the state’s culture, with particular prominence given to his interview for the documentary “Oswaldo Lamartine: prince of the sertão”, highlighting his attempt (through his writing) to preserve his own existence. In the second section, Verses, Bold, Between the Lines features analyses of texts dedicated to Oswaldo Lamartine, such as those written by de Zila Mamede, Maria Lúcia Dal Farra and Paulo de Tarso Correia de Melo. The next chapter, entitled Warm and Vivid Ashes, highlights Lamartine’s correspondence with Luís da Câmara Cascudo and the incredible friendship between the two researchers. Cascudo’s letters are analyzed through the book De Cascudo para Oswaldo (From Cascudo to Oswaldo) and and are a powerful testimony of Oswaldo Lamartine’s permanent connection to Rio Grande do Norte. In conclusion, the final chapter entitled Combine, Tattoo, Imprint analyzes the writer’s five-book collection entitled Sertões do Seridó (Hinterlands of Seridó). In reading each of these, it becomes clear that observing reality was vital to the writer’s work. This is one of the first studies to be conducted about Oswaldo Lamartine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and its main theoretical references were the reflections of authors Jacques Le Goff (2003), Lejeune (1994; 2008), Maurice Blanchot (1987; 2005), Alfredo Bosi (1987) and Gaston Bachelard (n.d.).
The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.
The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.
El artículo presenta un análisis, desde la psicología grupal, de la película denominada “La Fiesta de Babette”, dirigida por el director danés Gabriel Axel, basada en el cuento de Karen Blixen, ganadora del Oscar a la mejor película extranjera en 1987, que se desarrolla en la costa occidental de Dinamarca, en la provincia de Jutlandia, durante el siglo XIX. Este análisis se realiza a partir de la lectura del proceso grupal que viven integrantes de una congregación religiosa y la forma en que se vinculan ante lo desconocido y amenazante que simboliza el banquete al que les ha invitado Babette, mujer francesa refugiada en la casa de dos hijas, Philippa y Martina, del pastor fallecido. En el trabajo se retoman conceptos del psicoanálisis, de la teoría del vínculo de Enrique Pichon Riviere y los supuestos básicos trabajados por Wilfred Bion, y como interfieren en la tarea y el aprendizaje de los grupos. De igual manera, se retoman los conceptos de obstáculo epistemológico elaborado por Gaston Bachelard, así como el obstáculo epistemofílico de Pichon Riviere, sus implicaciones en el vínculo grupal y los afectos.
This doctoral Thesis aims to approach the philosophical significance of the Italian author Elsa Morante, expressed through poetic narrative of her second great novel L'isola di Arturo (1957). For this reason, the inductive knowledge has been opted, which can be reached through the symbolic study of the sea and the mediterranean. From the philosophical and psychoanalytical research from such authors as Mircea Eliade, Gaston Bachelard and Carl Jung, linked to the circle of the Eranos Foundation in Switzerland, where the most rigorous multidisciplinary science theories of nature and man converged, and the Grenoble imaginary Center of Research, driven by anthropologist Gilbert Durand in 1966, a revealing investigation of aquatic and marine image has been carried out. In this context of convergence, the work Las estructuras antropológicas del imaginario by Durand, has fulfilled the important catalytic role, of both the Renaissance conception that wants to observe certain universal components in the symbolic vision that nourishes literary expression, as well as the compilation of large images that illuminate the human imaginary of all time. Objectives and results In this regard, it has been considered that the appropriate approach to morantiano imaginary, could only be done thoroughly, based on a repertoire of images as complete as possible, which, if performed from the anthropological compendium of people and civilization of the world, it is offered as a study backed by profound consistency which is the basis of the method. Therefore, it is said, the imaginary is studied and understood through itself. Thus, the internal coherence of this method is seen to be configured as a form of knowledge of human thought because research, from the symbolic point of view, dissects reality in various ways, however, the most seductive is to consider the possibility of an internal coherence between them to converge at a common conclusion which includes all of them. This fact determines the systematization which is shown in the first part of this thesis, as the image and symbol have a close homogeneity between the signifier and the meaning, so that metaphorical expression is established as the structuring element of the human imaginary and the literary representation...
Atomic clouds prepared in ""timed Dicke"" states, i.e. states where the phase of the oscillating atomic dipole moments linearly varies along one direction of space, are efficient sources of superradiant light emission [Scully et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 010501 (2006)]. Here, we show that, in contrast to previous assertions, timed Dicke states are not the states automatically generated by incident laser light. In reality, the atoms act back on the driving field because of the finite refraction of the cloud. This leads to nonuniform phase shifts, which, at higher optical densities, dramatically alter the cooperative scattering properties, as we show by explicit calculation of macroscopic observables, such as the radiation pressure force.
Background-Randomized trials that studied clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare metal stenting versus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are underpowered to properly assess safety end points like death, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Pooling data from randomized controlled trials increases the statistical power and allows better assessment of the treatment effect in high-risk subgroups. Methods and Results-We performed a pooled analysis of 3051 patients in 4 randomized trials evaluating the relative safety and efficacy of PCI with stenting and CABG at 5 years for the treatment of multivessel coronary artery disease. The primary end point was the composite end point of death, stroke, or myocardial infarction. The secondary end point was the occurrence of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular accidents, death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and repeat revascularization. We tested for heterogeneities in treatment effect in patient subgroups. At 5 years, the cumulative incidence of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke was similar in patients randomized to PCI with stenting versus CABG (16.7% versus 16.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 1.04, 95% confidence interval, 0.86 to 1.27; P = 0.69). Repeat revascularization, however, occurred significantly more frequently after PCI than CABG (29.0% versus 7.9%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.23; 95% confidence interval, 0.18 to 0.29; P<0.001). Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events were significantly higher in the PCI than the CABG group (39.2% versus 23.0%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.45 to 0.61; P<0.001). No heterogeneity of treatment effect was found in the subgroups, including diabetic patients and those presenting with 3-vessel disease. Conclusions-In this pooled analysis of 4 randomized trials, PCI with stenting was associated with a long-term safety profile similar to that of CABG. However, as a result of persistently lower repeat revascularization rates in the CABG patients, overall major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event rates were significantly lower in the CABG group at 5 years.
Purpose: The aims of this study are two-fold: first, to analyze intraindividual allometric development of aerobic power of 73 boys followed at annual intervals from 8 to 16 yr, and second, to relate scaled aerobic power with level of habitual physical activity and biological maturity status. Methods: Peak (V) over dot O-2 (treadmill), height, and body mass were measured. Biological maturity was based on age at peak height velocity (PHV) and level of physical activity was based on five assessments between 11 and 15 yr and at 17 yr. Interindividual and intraindividual allometric coefficients were calculated. Multilevel modeling was applied to verify if maturity status and activity explain a significant proportion of peak (V) over dot O-2 after controlling for other explanatory characteristics. Results: At most age levels, interindividual allometry coefficients for body mass exceed k = 0.750. Intraindividual coefficients of peak (V) over dot O-2 by body mass vary widely and range from k' = 0,555 to k' = 1,178. Late maturing boys have smaller k' coefficients than early maturing boys. Conclusion: Peak (V) over dot O-2 is largely explained by body mass, but activity level and its interaction with maturity status contribute independently to peak (V) over dot O-2 even after adjusting for body mass.