965 resultados para BREAST-CANCER CELLS


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Calcium transporters play vital roles in the transport of calcium ions across cells of the mammary gland and the intestine. One such transporter is the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA), of which there are 4 different genes (PMCA1-4). In these studies we investigated the hypothesis that the expression of PMCA is altered in HT-29 colon cancer cells during sodium butyrate and post-confluence mediated differentiation. We also investigated if PMCA expression is altered in breast cancer cell lines in an isofrom specific manner. Our results indicate isoform specific changes in PMCA mRNA and protein levels in HT-29 cells during differentiation, using real time RT-PCR and western blotting, respectively. We also observed pronounced alterations in the mRNA levels of the PMCA isoform linked to lactation (PMCA2) in a bank of breast cancer cell lines compared to normal cell lines. Changes in other isoforms were less pronounced. To further study the role of specific calcium transporters we have optimised conditions for the reverse transfection of MCF-7 breast cancer cells using NeoFX (Ambion). Using real time RT-PCR we have confirmed gene knockdown for specific isoforms and have studied the time course of knockdown over 96 hours. We see approximately 68 % inhibition at 24 hours increasing to 84 % 96 hours post-reverse transfection. Our studies suggest that the expression of specific calcium transporter isoforms can be significantly altered in cancer cell lines and that isoform specific inhibition of calcium transporters is possible using reverse transfection of siRNA


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Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) has been suggested to be a key player in the progression and metastasis of chemoresistant breast cancer. One of the foremost survival signalling pathways implicated in causing drug resistance in breast cancer is the constitutive activation of NFκB (Nuclear Factor -kappa B) induced by TG2. This study provides a mechanism by which TG2 constitutively activates NFκB which in turn confers chemoresistance to breast cancer cells against doxorubicin. Breast cancer cell lines with varying expression levels of TG2 as well as TG2 null breast cancer cells transfected with TG2 were used as the major cell models for this study. This study made use of cell permeable and impermeable TG2 inhibitors, specific TG2 and Rel A/ p65 targeting siRNA, TG2 functional blocking antibodies, IKK inhibitors and a specific targeting peptide against Rel A/p65 to investigate the pathway of activation involved in the constitutive activation of NFκB by TG2 leading to drug resistance. Crucial to the activation of Rel A/p65 and drug resistance in the breast cancer cells is the interaction between the complex of IκBα and Rel A/p65 with TG2 which results in the dimerization of Rel A/p65 and polymerization of IκBα. The association of TG2 with the IκBα-NFκB complex was determined to be independent of IKKα/β function. The polymerized IκBα is degraded in the cytoplasm by the μ-calpain pathway which allows the cross linked Rel A/ p65 dimers to translocate into the nucleus. Using R283 and ZDON (cell permeable TG2 activity inhibitors) and specific TG2 targeting siRNA, the Rel A/ p65 dimer formation could be inhibited. Co-immunoprecipitation studies confirmed that the phosphorylation of the Rel A/p65 dimers at the Ser536 residue by IKKε took place in the cell nucleus. Importantly, this study also investigated the transcriptional regulation of the TGM2 gene by the pSer536 Rel A/ p65 dimer and the importance of this TG2-NFκB feedback loop in conferring drug resistance to breast cancer cells. This data provides evidence that TG2 could be a key therapeutic target in the treatment of chemoresistant breast cancer.


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Background: Tumour cells show greater dependency on glycolysis so providing a sufficient and rapid energy supply for fast growth. In many breast cancers, estrogen, progesterone and epidermal growth factor receptor-positive cells proliferate in response to growth factors and growth factor antagonists are a mainstay of treatment. However, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells lack receptor expression, are frequently more aggressive and are resistant to growth factor inhibition. Downstream of growth factor receptors, signal transduction proceeds via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3k), Akt and FOXO3a inhibition, the latter being partly responsible for coordinated increases in glycolysis and apoptosis resistance. FOXO3a may be an attractive therapeutic target for TNBC. Therefore we have undertaken a systematic review of FOXO3a as a target for breast cancer therapeutics. Methods: Articles from NCBI were retrieved systematically when reporting primary data about FOXO3a expression in breast cancer cells after cytotoxic drug treatment. Results: Increased FOXO3a expression is common following cytotoxic drug treatment and is associated with apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. There is some evidence that metabolic enzyme expression is also altered and that this effect is also elicited in TNBC cells. FOXO3a expression serves as a positive prognostic marker, especially in estrogen (ER) receptor positive cells. Discussion: FOXO3a is upregulated by a number of receptor-dependent and -independent anti-cancer drugs and associates with apoptosis. The identification of microRNA that regulate FOXO3a directly suggest that it offers a tangible therapeutic target that merits wider evaluation.


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Breast cancer is a disease associated with excess exposures to estrogens. While the mode of cancer causation is unknown, others have shown that oxidative stress induced by prolonged exposure to estrogens mediates renal, liver, endometrial and mammary tumorigenesis though the mechanism(s) underling this process is unknown. In this study, we show that 4-hydroxyl 17β-estradiol (4-OHE2), a catechol metabolite of estrogen, induces mammary tumorigenesis in a redox dependent manner. We found that the mechanism of tumorigenesis involves redox activations of nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF1); a transcriptions factor associated with regulation of mitochondria biogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), as well as mediation of cell survival and growth of cells during periods of oxidative stress. Key findings from our study are as follows: (i) Prolonged treatments of normal mammary epithelial cells with 4-OHE2, increased the formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). (ii) Estrogen-induced ROS activates redox sensitive transcription factors NRF1. (iii) 4-OHE2 through activation of serine-threonine kinase and histone acetyl transferase, phosphorylates and acetylate NRF1 respectively. (iv) Redox mediated epigenetic modifications of NRF1 facilitates mammary tumorigenesis and invasive phenotypes of breast cancer cells via modulations of genes involved in proliferation, growth and metastasis of exposed cells. (v) Animal engraftment of transformed clones formed invasive tumors. (vi) Treatment of cells or tumors with biological or chemical antioxidants, as well as silencing of NRF1 expressions, prevented 4-OHE2 induced mammary tumorigenesis and invasive phenotypes of MCF-10A cells. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that 4-OHE2 induced ROS epigenetically activate NRF1 through its phosphorylation and acylation. This, in turn, through NRF1-mediated transcriptional activation of the cell cycle genes, controls 4-OHE2 induced cell transformation and tumorigenesis.^


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The emergence of tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor resistance is a major problem in the treatment of breast cancer. The molecular signaling mechanism of antiestrogen resistance is not clear. Understanding the mechanisms by which resistance to these agents arise could have major clinical implications for preventing or circumventing it. Therefore, in this dissertation we have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying antiestrogen resistance by studying the contributions of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced redox signaling pathways in antiestrogen resistant breast cancer cells. Our hypothesis is that the conversion of breast tumors to a tamoxifen-resistant phenotype is associated with a progressive shift towards a pro-oxidant environment of cells as a result of oxidative stress. The hypothesis of this dissertation was tested in an in vitro 2-D cell culture model employing state of the art biochemical and molecular techniques, including gene overexpression, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, confocal imaging, ChIP, Real-Time RT-PCR, and anchorage-independent cell growth assays. We observed that tamoxifen (TAM) acts like both an oxidant and an antioxidant. Exposure of tamoxifen resistant LCC2 cell to TAM or 17 beta-estradiol (E2) induced the formation of reactive oxidant species (ROS). The formation of E2-induced ROS was inhibited by co-treatment with TAM, similar to cells pretreated with antioxidants. In LCC2 cells, treatments with either E2 or TAM were capable of inducing cell proliferation which was then inhibited by biological and chemical antioxidants. Exposure of LCC2 cells to tamoxifen resulted in a decrease in p27 expression. The LCC2 cells exposed to TAM showed an increase in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187. Conversely, antioxidant treatment showed an increase in p27 expression and a decrease in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187 in TAM exposed cells which were similar to the effects of Fulvestrant. In line with previous studies, we showed an increase in the binding of cyclin E-Cdk2 and in the level of p27 in TAM exposed cells that overexpressed biological antioxidants. Together these findings highly suggest that lowering the oxidant state of antiestrogen resistant LCC2 cells, increases LCC2 susceptibility to tamoxifen via the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27.


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Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for over 25% of cancer diagnoses and 13% of cancer-related deaths in Canadian women. There are many types of therapies for treatment or management of breast cancer, with chemotherapy being one of the most widely used. Taxol (paclitaxel) is one of the most extensively used chemotherapeutic agents for treating cancers of the breast and numerous other sites. Taxol stabilizes microtubules during mitosis, causing the cell cycle to arrest until eventually the cell undergoes apoptosis. Although Taxol has had significant benefits in many patients, response rates range from only 25-69%, and over half of Taxol-treated patients eventually acquire resistance to the drug. Drug resistance remains one of the greatest barriers to effective cancer treatment, yet little has been discerned regarding resistance to Taxol, despite its widespread clinical use. Kinases are known to be heavily involved in cancer development and progression, and several kinases have been linked to resistance of Taxol and other chemotherapeutic agents. However, a systematic screen for kinases regulating Taxol resistance is lacking. Thus, in this study, a set of kinome-wide screens was conducted to interrogate the involvement of kinases in the Taxol response. Positive-selection and negative-selection CRISPR-Cas9 screens were conducted, whereby a pooled library of 5070 sgRNAs targeted 507 kinase-encoding genes in MCF-7 breast cancer cells that were Taxol-sensitive (WT) or Taxol-resistant (TxR) which were then treated with Taxol. Next generation sequencing (NGS) was performed on cells that survived Taxol treatment, allowing identification and quantitation of sgRNAs. STK38, Blk, FASTK and Nek3 stand out as potentially critical kinases for Taxol-induced apoptosis to occur. Furthermore, kinases CDKL1 and FRK may have a role in Taxol resistance. Further validation of these candidate kinases will provide novel pre-clinical data about potential predictive biomarkers or therapeutic targets for breast cancer patients in the future.


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The innate immune system recognizes microbial features leading to the activation of the adaptive immune system. The role of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) is to recognize microbial DNA. In addition to immune cells, TLR9 is widely expressed in breast cancer in addition to other cancers. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, affecting approximately one in eight in industrialized countries. In the clinical setting, breast cancer is divided into three clinical subtypes with type-specific treatments. These subtypes are estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, HER2-positive and triple-negative (TNBC) breast cancer. TNBC is the most aggressive subtype that can be further divided into several subtypes. TNBC tumors lack ER, progesterone receptor and HER2 receptor. Therefore, the current clinically used targeted therapies are not suitable for TNBC treatment as TNBC is a collection of diseases rather than one entity. Some TNBC patients are cured with standard chemotherapy, while others rapidly die due to the disease. There are no clinically used iomarkers which would help in predicting which patients respond to chemotherapy. During this thesis project, we discovered a novel good-prognosis TNBC subtype. These tumors have high TLR9 expression levels. Our findings suggest that TLR9 screening in TNBC patient populations might help to identify the patients that are at the highest risk regarding a relapse. To gain better understanding on the role of TLR9 in TNBC, we developed an animal model which mimicks this disease. We discovered that suppression of TLR9 expression in TNBC cells increases their invasive properties in hypoxia. In line with the clinical findings, TNBC cells with low TLR9 expression also formed more aggressive tumors in vivo. TLR9 expression did not, however, affect TNBC tumor responses to doxorubicin. Our results suggest that tumor TLR9 expression may affect chemotherapyrelated immune responses, however, this requires further investigation. Our other findings revealed that DNA released by chemotherapy-killed cells induces TLR9-mediated invasion in living cancer cells. Normally, extracellular self-DNA is degraded by enzymes, but during massive cell death, for example during chemotherapy, the degradation machinery may be exhausted and self-DNA is taken up into living cells activating TLR9. We also discovered that the malaria drug chloroquine, an inhibitor of autophagy and TLR9 signalling does not inhibit TNBC growth in vivo, independently of the TLR9 status. Finally, we found that ERα as well as the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone regulate TLR9 expression and activity in breast cancer cells in vitro. As a conclusion, we suggest that TLR9 is a potential biomarker in TNBC. ------- Sisäsyntyisen immuniteetin tehtävä on tunnistaa mikrobien molekyylirakenteita, mikä saa aikaan adaptiivisen immuunijärjestelmän aktivoitumisen. Tollin kaltainen reseptori 9 (TLR9) on dna:ta tunnistava sisäsyntyisen immuniteetin reseptori, jota ilmennetään myös useissa syövissä, kuten rintasyövässä. Rintasyöpä on naisten yleisin syöpä, johon joka kahdeksas nainen sairastuu elämänsä aikana. Kliinisesti rintasyöpä jaotellaan kolmeen alatyyppiin, joista kolmoisnegatiivinen rintasyöpä on aggressiivisin. Tämän tyypin syövät eivät ilmennä hormonireseptoreja (estrogeeni- ja progesteronireseptori) tai HER2-reseptoria. Tästä johtuen kolmoisnegatiivisten potilaiden hoitoon ei voida käyttää rintasyövän nykyisten hoitosuositusten mukaisia täsmähoitoja. Kolmoisnegatiivinen rintasyöpä ei kuitenkaan ole yksi sairaus, koska molekyylitasolla sen on osoitettu koostuvan lukuisista, biologialtaan erilaisista syöpämuodoista. Tällä hetkellä kliinisessä käytössä ei ole biomarkkeria, jonka avulla kolmoisnegatiivisen rintasyövän alatyypit voisi erottaa toisistaan. Löysimme uuden kolmoisnegatiivisen syövän alatyypin, joka ilmentää vain vähän TLR9-proteiinia. Tällä alatyypillä on erittäin huono ennuste ja tulostemme perusteella TRL9-tason selvittäminen voisi seuloa huonoennusteiset syövät kolmoisnegatiivisten syöpien joukosta. Kehitimme eläinmallin, jolla voidaan tutkia matalan ja korkean TLR9-tason vaikutuksia kolmoisnegatiivisten kasvainten hoitovasteeseen. Toinen löytömme oli, että kemoterapialla tapettujen syöpäsolujen dna saa aikaan elävien syöpäsolujen TLR9-välitteistä invaasiota. Normaalisti entsyymit hajoittavat yksilön oman solunulkoisen dna:n. Erikoistilanteissa, kuten syöpähoitojen yhteydessä, jolloin solukuolema on massiivista, elimistön oma koneisto ei ehdi tuhoamaan solunulkoista dna:ta ja sitä voi kertyä eläviin soluihin, joissa se aktivoi TLR9:n. Kolmanneksi havaitsimme, että malarialääke klorokiini, joka estää TLR9:n toimintaa ja jolla on syövänvastaisia vaikutuksia soluviljelyolosuhteissa, ei estänyt TLR9-positiivisten tai TLR9-negatiivisten kasvainten kasvua käyttämässämme eläinmallissa. Neljänneksi soluviljelykokeittemme tulokset osoittivat, että sukupuolihormonit estrogeeni ja testosteroni sekä estrogeenireseptori osallistuvat TLR9:n ilmentymisen ja aktiivisuuden säätelyyn. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että TLR9 potentiaalinen biomarkkeri kolmoisnegatiivisessa rintasyövässä.


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Purpose: To evaluate the cytotoxic activity of chloroform and water root extracts of Albertisia papuana Becc. on T47D cell line and identify the volatile compounds of the extracts. Methods: The plant roots were extracted with chloroform and water using maceration and boiling methods, respectively. The cytotoxicity of the extracts on T47D were determined using 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Doxorubicin was used as reference drug in the cytotoxicity test while Probit analysis was used to calculate the Median Growth Inhibitory Concentration IC50 of the extracts. The volatile compounds in the chloroform and water root extracts were analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrophotometry GC-MS. Results: The IC50 of the chloroform and water extracts were 28.0 ± 6.0 and 88.0 ± 5.5 μg/mL, respectively whereas that of doxorubicin was 8.5 ± 0.1 μg/mL. GC-MS results showed that there were 46 compounds in the chloroform extract, out of which the five major components are ethyl linoleate (49.68 %), bicyclo (3.3.1) non-2-ene (29.29 %), ethyl palmitate (5.06 %), palmitic acid (3.67 %) and ethyl heptadecanoate (1.57 %).The water extract consisted of three compounds, butanoic acid (15.58 %); methyl cycloheptane (3.45 %), and methyl 2-O-methylpentofuranoside (80.96 %). Conclusion: The chloroform root extract of A. papuana Becc. had a fairly potent anticancer activity against breast cancer cells and may be further developed as an anticancer agent. Its major components were fatty acids and fatty acid esters.


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Aptamers are chimerized with drug or antisense oligos or nanoparticles to generate targeted therapeutics for cancer. Aptamer chimerized siRNA rescues nonspecific delivery and, thereby, enhances the availability of siRNA to target cells. EpCAM RNA aptamer (EpApt or Ep) has potential for siRNA chimerization due to its secondary structure. Stathmin and survivin proteins are reported to aid oncogenicity in retinoblastoma (RB), breast cancer and other cancers. Thus, chimerization of EpCAM Apt with siRNA against survivin and stathmin, respectively, was performed by incorporating Locked Nucleic Acid (LNA) modification. The LNA-modified chimeric aptamers were stable until 96 h and got internalized into RB, WERI-Rb1 and breast cancer, MDAMB453 cell lines. The constructs were studied using the recombinant dicer enzyme for the siRNA generation. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence by microscopic analysis of chimeras in vitro exhibited silencing of stathmin and survivin in the RB and breast cancer model. The chimeric constructs showed significant inhibition of cell proliferation of breast cancer cells. Thus, LNA-modified aptamer-based siRNA delivery aids in cell targeting and necessitates further studies in animal models.


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AIM: To unravel the multimodal nanotheranostic ability of Fe3O4-saturated bovine lactoferrin nanocapsules (FebLf NCs) in claudin-low, triple-negative breast cancer model. MATERIALS & METHODS: Xenograft study was performed to examine biocompatibility, antitumor efficacy and multimodal nanotheranostic action in combination with near-infrared live mice imaging. RESULTS: FebLf NCs exhibited a size range of 80 nm ± 5 nm with observed superparamagnetism. FebLf NCs successfully internalized into breast cancer cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis and induced apoptosis through the downregulation of inhibitor of apoptosis survivin and livin proteins. Investigations revealed a remarkable biocompatibility, anticancer efficacy of the FebLf NCs. Near-infrared imaging observations confirmed selective localization of multimodal FebLf NCs at the tumor site and lead to time-dependent reduction of tumor growth. CONCLUSION: FebLf NCs can be safe, biocompatible nanotheranostic approach for real-time imaging and monitoring the effect of drugs in real time and have potentials in future clinical trials.


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Introduction The ability to screen blood of early stage operable breast cancer patients for circulating tumour cells is of potential importance for identifying patients at risk of developing distant relapse. We present the results of a study of the efficacy of the immunobead RT-PCR method in identifying patients with circulating tumour cells. Results Immunomagnetic enrichment of circulating tumour cells followed by RT-PCR (immunobead RT-PCR) with a panel of five epithelial specific markers (ELF3, EPHB4, EGFR, MGB1 and TACSTD1) was used to screen for circulating tumour cells in the peripheral blood of 56 breast cancer patients. Twenty patients were positive for two or more RT-PCR markers, including seven patients who were node negative by conventional techniques. Significant increases in the frequency of marker positivity was seen in lymph node positive patients, in patients with high grade tumours and in patients with lymphovascular invasion. A strong trend towards improved disease free survival was seen for marker negative patients although it did not reach significance (p = 0.08). Conclusion Multi-marker immunobead RT-PCR analysis of peripheral blood is a robust assay that is capable of detecting circulating tumour cells in early stage breast cancer patients.


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Tumour heterogeneity is a key characteristic of cancer and has significant implications relating to tumour response to chemotherapy as well as patient prognosis and potential relapse. It is being increasingly accepted that tumours are clonal in origin, suggestive of a tumour arising from a deregulated or mutated cell. Cancer stem cells (CSC) possess these capabilities, and with appropriate intracellular triggers and/or signalling from extracellular environments, can purportedly differentiate to initiate tumour formation. Additionally through epithelial mesenchymal plasticity (EMP), where cells gain and maintain characteristics of both epithelial and mesenchymal cell types, epithelial-derived tumour cells have been shown to de-differentiate to acquire cancer stem attributes, which also impart chemotherapy resistance. This new paradigm places EMP centrally in the process of tumour progression and metastasis, as well as modulating drug response to current forms of chemotherapy. Furthermore, EMP and CSCs have been identified in cancers arising from different tissue types making it a possible generic therapeutic target in cancer biology. Using breast cancer (BrCa) as an example, we summarise here the current understanding of CSCs, the role of EMP in cancer biology - especially in CSCs and different molecular subtypes, and the implications this has for current and future cancer treatment strategies.


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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) processes endow epithelial cells with enhanced migratory/invasive properties and are therefore likely to contribute to tumor invasion and metastatic spread. Because of the difficulty in following EMT processes in human tumors, we have developed and characterized an animal model with transplantable human breast tumor cells (MDA-MB-468) uniquely showing spontaneous EMT events to occur. Using vimentin as a marker of EMT, heterogeneity was revealed in the primary MDA-MB-468 xenografts with vimentin-negative and vimentin-positive areas, as also observed on clinical human invasive breast tumor specimens. Reverse transcriptase-PCR after microdissection of these populations from the xenografts revealed EMT traits in the vimentin-positive zones characterized by enhanced 'mesenchymal gene' expression (Snail, Slug and fibroblast-specific protein-1) and diminished expression of epithelial molecules (E-cadherin, ZO-3 and JAM-A). Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) were detected in the blood as soon as 8 days after s.c. injection, and lung metastases developed in all animals injected as examined by in vivo imaging analyses and histology. High levels of vimentin RNA were detected in CTCs by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR as well as, to a lesser extent, Snail and Slug RNA. Von Willebrand Factor/vimentin double immunostainings further showed that tumor cells in vascular tumoral emboli all expressed vimentin. Tumoral emboli in the lungs also expressed vimentin whereas macrometastases displayed heterogenous vimentin expression, as seen in the primary xenografts. In conclusion, our data uniquely demonstrate in an in vivo context that EMT occurs in the primary tumors, and associates with an enhanced ability to intravasate and generate CTCs. They further suggest that mesenchymal-to-epithelial phenomena occur in secondary organs, facilitating the metastatic growth.


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Overexpression of Notch receptors and ligands has been associated with various cancers and developmental disorders, making Notch a potential therapeutic target. Here, we report characterization of Notch1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with therapeutic potential. The mAbs generated against epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats 11 to 15 inhibited binding of Jagged1 and Delta-like4 and consequently, signaling in a dose-dependent manner, the antibodies against EGF repeats 11 to 12 being more effective than those against repeats 13 to 15. These data emphasize the role of EGF repeats 11 to 12 in ligand binding. One of the mAbs, 602.101, which specifically recognizes Notch1, inhibited ligand-dependent expression of downstream target genes of Notch such as HES-1, HES-5, and HEY-L in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. The mAb also decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, exposure to this antibody reduced CD44(Hi)/CD24(Low) subpopulation in MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting a decrease in the cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. This was confirmed by showing that exposure to the antibody decreased the primary, secondary, and tertiary mammosphere formation efficiency of the cells. Interestingly, effect of the antibody on the putative stem-like cells appeared to be irreversible, because the mammosphere-forming efficiency could not be salvaged even after antibody removal during the secondary sphere formation. The antibody also modulated expression of genes associated with stemness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Thus, targeting individual Notch receptors by specific mAbs is a potential therapeutic strategy to reduce the potential breast cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(1); 77-86. (C) 2011 AACR.