996 resultados para BON-13-AI.1


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One new sesquiterpene, (4E)-1-bromo-5-[(1'S*, 3'R*)-3'-bromo-2',2'-dimethyl-6'-methylenecyclohexyl]-3-methylpent-4-ene-2,3-diol (1), and fifteen known sesquiterpenes, isopalisol (2), luzonensol (3), palisadin B (4), aplysistatin (5), palisadin A (6), 4-hydroxyl-palisudin C (7), 5-acetoxypalisadin B (8), 10-hydroxyaristolan-9-one (9), aristol-8-en-1-one (10), aristolan-9-en-1-one (11), aristolan-1(10)-en-9-one (12), aristolan-1( 10)-en-9-ol (13), aristolan-1(10), 8-diene (14), aristolan-1,9-diene (15) and aristofone (16), were isolated from a sample of marine red alga Laurencia similis. Their structures were established by detailed NMR spectroscopic analysis and comparison with literature data. Compounds 2-9, and 16 were isolated for the first time from this species. All these metabolites were submitted for a cytotoxicity assay against the tumor cell line BEL7402 (human liver adenocarcinoma), but all of them were found inactive (IC50 > 10 mu g/mL).


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研究细穗香薷(Elsholtzia ianthina)的挥发油成分.采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取,用气相色谱质谱联用技术进行分析,用面积归一法计算出有关的相对含量,鉴定出45个化合物,主要的挥发油化学成分为三环[,8]十一烷-1-醇,2,3,5,6-四甲基酚,共占挥发油总量的56.29%.


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稳定性同位素技术应用于生态系统物质流动和食物链营养关系的研究方法,是基于生物体内天然存在的同位素比值与它们食物密切相关这一原理建立起来的.即将生物体内的稳定性同位素比值(如δ~(13)C)作为一自然标记,根据物种间该值的相对差异,追踪生态系统中的主要物质(如碳源)的来源和物质流动.于2002年4~8月测定了高寒草甸生态系统主要生物群落中物种的稳定性碳同位素比值(δ~(13)C),依据得到的系统的富集因子(1.05±0.45)‰,分析并确定了所测物种间的取食与被取食关系.结果发现:高寒草甸生态系统由5条主要的食物链构成,其中1条为"植物→小型哺乳类→食肉兽/猛禽"的三节点食物链,2条为"植物→牲畜和植物→植食性鸟类"的二节点食物链,2条分别为"植物→昆虫→雀形目鸟类→猛禽/食肉兽" 和"植物→昆虫→两栖类→猛禽/食肉兽"的四节点食物链;系统食物链的最大长度为3.53,与系统的最大节点数相近.表明稳定性碳同位素可以作为分析高寒草甸生态系统食物网和食物链结构以及食物链长度的有效代理(proxy).


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The Stack Spontaneous Potential (SSP) is a direct hydrocarbon location technology and a new hydrocarbon detection method with independent intellectual property. A subsurface hydrocarbon accumulation associated with the upward hydrocarbon micro seepage induces a relatively strong negative potential abnormal zone, of which the anomaly can be measured on the surface with specially designed instruments through careful field measuring procedures. With special software programmed according to a unique geochemical and geophysical model, the original data are analyzed, processed and interpreted on the computer, and then on a series of resulting anomaly distribution maps and/or profiles, the favorable surface locations of the hydrocarbon accumulations can be easily identified. The study of the SSP has been started since 1989, and especially from 1996 to 1997, both profile and area tests were conducted in the Daqing Oilfield. On the testing line of 15kms, there are 6 wells in total, among which some are oil-producing wells, and some are water-producing wells. The final matching ratio of the favorable oil well locations and the possible water well locations predicted by the SSP to those of known wells was up to 83 percent. In the area test, of which the acreage is 800 km2, the matching ratio compared with the existing wells was 87 percent; furthermore, regarding to wells subsequently drilled after the test, the matching ratio was 85 percent. The matching ratio in the development area is more about 10 percent than those of in exploration area. The reason is that, comparing the exploration area, the development area acreage is less and the container rocks are more simplex. In development area there is not so much interference of SSP also. Since 1997 the SSP has been tested and applied all over China to a number of hydrocarbon bearing basins and known oil fields, including the Daqing, Jiangsu, Changqing, Shengli, Nanyang, Jianghan and Zhongyuan Oilfields, only to name a few. The SSP surveys in total areas of over 10,000km2 in more than 30 regions in China so far have been completed in various exploration and development stages, the satisfactory outcomes of which have further evidenced that the dependence between the SP anomaly and abundance of hydrocarbon. Up to date, a substantial amount of successful tests and actual surveys finished in exploration and development practices have evidenced that the SSP is significantly more reliable in comparison with any other similar direct hydrocarbon indication technique generally known to the oil industry, such as the Redox. The SSP can be applied to search for almost all kinds of hydrocarbon accumulations, regardless of the type of traps, such as structural, stratigraphic, buried hill traps, and so on; however, it is interesting to be noted that the SSP seems to be particularly effective in detecting the stratigraphic oil traps according to our practices. On the other hand, there is virtually no surface geographical constrains in terms of field data acquisition, except for those water covered areas, because of the inherent characteristics of the technology itself. Furthermore, utilizing the SSP requires no special considerations to subsurface geological conditions in regard to formation resistivity, since the SSP measurements will not be influenced by either overly high or overly low resistivity of formations lying above the hydrocarbon accumulations. There are two kind of theory, of which, as we know one is called hypbyssal theory such as "Redox"[61 the other is call plutonic theory such as cracking of hydrocarbon [8][9] and natural polarization [3], to describe the mechanism of SP anomaly of oil reservoir and to indicate that the dependence between the SP abnormality and abundance of hydrocarbon has be existed theoretically/The quantitative dependence, which has not been founded due to the complicity of container rocks, be discovered during the exploration and development practices is the crux to the quantitative analysis of SP Anomaly processing. Based on the thorough study of the complex of collector rocks, every kind of thickness of collector rock can be conversed to be a standard effective thickness; the thickness is called apparent effective thickness (AET). The conversation coefficient (ai, 1=1,2,3) could be determined by the variety of every collector rock storability (CRS). The discoveration of quantitative: dependence between AET and the amplitude of SSP, in the practices of exploration and development, is a promotion for the SSP supplied in the oil exploration, and make the data analysis forward to the quantitative stage.


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沉积物表层几厘米范围经常呈现某些微量金属元素富集的现象,过去常笼统地认为这是工业革命以来人为污染不断加剧的证据。但近来的研究却证明强烈的早期成岩作用可以在一定程度上造成微量金属元素在沉积物中的再迁移现象,使得其环境记录失真。因此沉积物中元素分布记录不能完全反映对流域输入的物质组成特征。另外,在一定条件下,沉积物中部分金属元素也可再次向上覆水体释放,造成“二次污染”问题,严重威胁到湖泊/水库的水质安全,成为埋藏在湖泊深处的一颗“定时炸弹”。各种地球化学过程在沉积物一水界面附近造成的重金属元素的源/汇效应因此日益受到人们的重视。近年来贵州红枫湖水质季节性恶化事件频繁出现,作为贵阳市饮用水源的阿哈湖水质也开始出现季节性恶化趋势。紧迫的环境问题及重要的科学意义促使我们系统开展了红枫湖、啊哈湖沉积物一水界面微量金属的地球化学行为研究。两湖都是黔中地区人工水库,具有岩溶湖泊的共性,也具有明显的区别。红枫湖湖水具有典型的岩溶水化学特征,湖水中度富营养化;而啊哈湖受矿山废水的影响,同时由于近年的人工石灰投放等原因,造成该湖湖水具有极硬水、硫酸盐型水特征,矿化度达到600tng/L。我们对上述两湖进行了详细研究,获得了如下的研究成果:1.硫酸盐还原细菌(SRB)及铁还原细菌(DIRB)的计数直观地指示了有机质早期成岩过程中各电子受体依次利用的分带性:即硫还原(锰还原)叶铁还原。孔隙水中硫酸根及溶解铁分布与SRB和D工RB的分布吻合。沉积物孔柱的模拟实验、各类还原性微生物计数及与孔隙水中铁锰、硫酸根分布的综合分析证实了微生物的作用是厌氧环境中各种还原反应的不可缺少的因素,界面附近氧含量的变化是引起水质恶化的基本外因。模拟实验的结果还解释了铁、锰、硫在季节性缺氧湖泊中的循环机理。2.微生物计数及生物大分子分析证实了上层沉积物(0-10厘米)是微生物活跃最为强烈的区域,易降解有机质在此区域被降解。红枫湖沉积物有机质降解持续的深度较深〔达到10cm),而啊哈湖沉积物有机质降解持续深度较浅,仅为4厘米,这主要是由于两湖都是季节性厌氧型湖泊,红枫湖在缺氧季节,有机质厌氧降解所需的电子受体迅速消耗,使得缺氧季节该湖有机质降解速率相对缓慢;啊哈湖受到大量煤矿废水注入,水体及沉积物中硫酸根、铁锰含量异常高,并在厌氧季节里为微生物厌氧呼吸提供充足的电子受体,因而易降解部分有机质在表层迅速被氧化,而且该湖沉积速率相对较慢,有机质有相对充裕的时间在上层被降解,避免了被掩埋的命运。3.啊哈湖沉积物孔隙水及界面水δ13CDIC及DIC浓度的分析,显示啊哈湖沉积物产甲烷过程很弱或不明显。这主要是受到硫酸盐还原作用的抑制。从δ34SSO42-SO42-相关关系及硫酸盐还原菌分布特征,可以在深度上划分为两种还原过程及硫同位素分馏过程:慢速还原阶段(6厘米以下),硫同位素分馏程度较大,最大分馏达13.71%。分馏因子约为1.024-1.026之间;快速还原阶段(0-6厘米),硫同位素具有明显分馏,最大达到38‰,这与快速还原过程硫同位素分馏较小的规律相反,主要原因是由于表层同时出现有还原态硫的氧化反应.产生较负的δ34S-so41,δ34S-SO42--SO42-的变化反映出混合过程。通过研究我们进一步还推断,采样点沉积物下部还有煤矿硫源的输入。4.两湖沉积物中铁、锰、硫的还原作用发生位置都具有季节性沿沉积深度上下迁移的特性,部分微量金属元素扩散通量因此发生季节性变化。受沉积物中铁锰含量的控制,红枫湖沉积物一水界面铁锰循环作用比啊哈湖弱。啊哈湖锰含量很高,导致界面附近锰的循环剧烈且远强于铁的循环,并在一定程度上引起部分微量金属在沉积物上层强烈富集。5.通过红枫湖后五沉积物剖面研究,我们发现各种微量元素由于其自身不同的地球化学性质差异,早期成岩过程对其在沉积物中的垂直分布特征的改造程度是不同的。①锰具有明显的向上富集趋势,铁在沉积物中的分布特征的后期改造作用就比较弱。②钻、镍分布的后期改造程度与铁相似,从总量来看再迁移程度比较弱。③铜、锌在早期成岩过程中逐渐向沉积物中上部富集,这主要是与铜锌强烈的亲硫性引起的。钥的表层富集现象最为明显,沉积后再迁移效应显著。由其含量在上层沉积物中的两重峰值,可以指示界面剧烈的锰循环及界面下硫酸盐还原作用对它的联合控制。6.与红枫湖相比,啊哈湖沉积物金属元素再迁移特征有很大的不同:①通过部分微量金属元素地球化学相态分析,各相态微量金属分布主要服从其总量分布特征。②沉积物稀土配分模式明确指示了啊哈湖成湖基底的位置,即沉积物-水界面下18-19厘米以下。③通过Ti、Zr、ΣREE+Y等的分析也显示了成湖前原始基底的存在位置,同时它们在沉积物中的含量变化特征还反映了该湖扩容后陆源输入的减少。④在沉积深度上铁锰及部分微量金属元素出现明显的分离现象。⑤通过相关性分析,Fe与Cu,U、Mn与Pb,C0,Ni,Cd,Zn等都存在很好的相关性,表明它们之间具有相似的界面地球化学行为。Fe型元素与Mn型元素分布差异的原因可以简约的概括为:锰的界面循环极为强烈,导致再迁移程度很高;而铁的循环相对较弱,又容易受到上层硫酸盐还原作用的抑制,因此再迁移程度不高。此外,由岩溶地区湖泊较强的酸中和能力及近年来的人为石灰投放,沉淀PH不同导致微量金属元素间发生分离,引起下游大坝处金属元素的输入差异。因此,啊哈湖大坝附近沉积物中微量金属元素的分布特征应受到沉积后再迁移和受 pH控制的煤矿废水输送差异联合制约。


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As perdas de tomate no varejo foram determinadas em uma rede de supermercados de Brasília-DF durante o ano de 1998, utilizando-se uma metodologia objetiva e quantitativa. Os frutos foram analisados antes de serem expostos na área de vendas (amostra 'Qualidade Inicial') para determinação dos danos ou fontes potenciais de perdas e após o descarte pela loja (amostra 'Descarte') para determinação das causas efetivas de perdas. O tamanho da amostra foi determinado com base em amostragem aleatória estratificada com uso da alocação de Neyman. Em ambas as amostras foram determinadas a proporção de frutos verdes, maduros, muito maduros, com coloração anormal, com danos mecânicos, com danos fisiológicos, com doenças, com pragas e sem dano. Cerca de 67,8% dos frutos da amostra 'Qualidade Inicial' apresentaram pelo menos um dos danos descritos . Os danos mais freqüentes foram dano mecânico (56,7 +- 1,3%) e dano fisiológico (4,5 +- 0,3%). As principais causas de descarte foram: dano mecânico (66,5 2,0% dos frutos) e dano fisiológico (13,6 +- 1,2% dos frutos).


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Michael addition of substituted pyrazoles 2 to 1-alkynyl Fischer carbene complexes (CO)(5)M=C(OEt)(CdropCPh) (1) (a, M = Cr and b M = W) afforded (pyrazolyl)alkenyl Fischer carbene complexes (CO)(5)M=C(OEt)(CH=C(R(1)R(2)R(3)pz)Ph) (R(1)R(2)R(3)pz = pyrazolyl) 3 (M = Cr) and 4 (M = W), respectively, with an exclusive (E)-configuration in mild to excellent yields. The reaction of la and 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (2b) was monitored to demonstrate the formation and decomposition of complex 3b by H-1 NMR measurements in CDCl3 at 23degreesC. Complexes 3 and 4 were characterized with H-1, C-13{H-1} NMR, IR spectroscopies and elemental analysis. When the substituted pyrazoles were 3-methylpyrazole (2a) and 3,5-di-tert-butylpyrazole (2d), molecular structures of the corresponding (pyrazolyl)alkenyl Fischer carbene complexes 3a and 4d were characterized by X-ray crystallographic study. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.