665 resultados para BLAST


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A three-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to simulate the gas flow, composition, and temperature profiles inside a cupola. Comparison of the model with the reported experimental data shows the presence of a zone with low combustion rate at the tuyere level. For a 24 in (610 mm) cupola with four rows of tuyeres, the combustion zones from each tuyere overlap each other, forming an overall combustion zone of cylindrical shape of height similar to 0.2 m. Using the model, it is found that the spout temperature initially increases with increasing blast velocity and attains a maximum. Further increase in blast velocity does not change the spout temperature. This suggests that smaller size tuyeres and higher permeability of the bed can give superior cupola performance. (C) 1997 The Institute of Materials.


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In this paper, we consider the application of belief propagation (BP) to achieve near-optimal signal detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems at low complexities. Large-MIMO architectures based on spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST) as well as non-orthogonal space-time block codes(STBC) from cyclic division algebra (CDA) are considered. We adopt graphical models based on Markov random fields (MRF) and factor graphs (FG). In the MRF based approach, we use pairwise compatibility functions although the graphical models of MIMO systems are fully/densely connected. In the FG approach, we employ a Gaussian approximation (GA) of the multi-antenna interference, which significantly reduces the complexity while achieving very good performance for large dimensions. We show that i) both MRF and FG based BP approaches exhibit large-system behavior, where increasingly closer to optimal performance is achieved with increasing number of dimensions, and ii) damping of messages/beliefs significantly improves the bit error performance.


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The effect of a gas flow field on the size of raceway has been studied experimentally using a two-dimensional (2-D) cold model. It is observed that as the blast velocity from the tuyere increases, raceway size increases, and when the blast velocity is decreased from its highest value, raceway size does not change much until the velocity reaches a critical velocity. Below the critical velocity, raceway size decreases with decreasing velocity but is always larger than that for the same velocity when the velocity increased. This phenomenon is called "raceway hysteresis." Raceway hysteresis has been studied in the presence of different gas flow rates and different particle densities. Raceway hysteresis has been observed in all the experiments. The effect of liquid flow, with various superficial velocities, on raceway hysteresis has also been studied. A study of raceway size hysteresis shows that interparticle and particle-wall friction have a very large effect on raceway size. A hypothesis has been proposed to describe the hysteresis phenomenon in the packed beds. The relevance of hysteresis to blast furnace raceways has been discussed. Existing literature correlations for raceway size ignore the frictional effects. Therefore, their applicability to the ironmaking blast furnace is questionable.


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It has been well recognized now that the blast furnace aerodynamics can be represented more accurately under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Therefore, gas-fines study has been carried out in a packed bed under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Gas and fines flow equations have been developed and solved, for two-dimensional case using finite volume method. To take into account the turbulence, k-e turbulent flow model has also been developed in two-dimension. The model's predictions have been validated against the published experimental data for the increasing gas velocity case, as no experimental data are available in open literature for the decreasing gas velocity. This study shows the difference in the results for increasing and decreasing gas velocity cases under various conditions which have been reported here. Implication of the results to the blast furnace condition has also been discussed.


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A dynamic model of the COREX melter gasifier is developed to study the transient behavior of the furnace. The effect of pulse disturbance and step disturbance on the process performance has been studied. This study shows that the effect of pulse disturbance decays asymptotically. The step change brings the system to a new steady state after a delay of about 5 hours. The dynamic behavior of the melter gasifier with respect to a shutdown/blow-on condition and the effect of tapping are also studied. The results show that the time response of the melter gasifier is much less than that of a blast furnace.


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It is important to know and to quantify the liquid holdups both dynamic and static at local levels as it will lead to understand various blast furnace phenomena properly such as slag/metal.gas.solid reactions, gas flow behaviour and interfacial area between the gas/solid/liquid. In the present study, considering the importance of local liquid holdup and non-availability of holdup data in these systems, an attempt has been made to quantify the local holdups in the dropping and around raceway zones in a cold model study using a non-wetting packing for liquid. In order to quantify the liquid holdups at microscopic level, a previously developed technique, X-ray radiography, has been used. It is observed that the liquid flows in preferred paths or channels which carry droplets/rivulets. It has been found that local holdup in some regions of the packed bed is much higher than average at a particular flow rate and this can have important consequences for the correct modelling of such systems.


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Numerous improvements in cupola design and operation have been made in the past to increase productivity, spout temperature and fuel efficiency. However, these improvements have been based on practice and experience. The present work establishes a scientific rationale for cupola design and operation using a mathematical model. The improved performance of a divided-blast cupola over the conventional one has been successfully explained by the model. Performance of a cupola, as influenced by the important design parameter--the distance of separation between the two rows of tuyeres and operational parameters, such as size of coke and metallic charge, blast rate and charge level--was analyzed. For a divided-blast cupola, an optimum distance of 800-900 mm separation between the two rows of tuyeres was found to be ideal, irrespective of the size of cupola.


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Over the past two decades, many ingenious efforts have been made in protein remote homology detection. Because homologous proteins often diversify extensively in sequence, it is challenging to demonstrate such relatedness through entirely sequence-driven searches. Here, we describe a computational method for the generation of `protein-like' sequences that serves to bridge gaps in protein sequence space. Sequence profile information, as embodied in a position-specific scoring matrix of multiply aligned sequences of bona fide family members, serves as the starting point in this algorithm. The observed amino acid propensity and the selection of a random number dictate the selection of a residue for each position in the sequence. In a systematic manner, and by applying a `roulette-wheel' selection approach at each position, we generate parent family-like sequences and thus facilitate an enlargement of sequence space around the family. When generated for a large number of families, we demonstrate that they expand the utility of natural intermediately related sequences in linking distant proteins. In 91% of the assessed examples, inclusion of designed sequences improved fold coverage by 5-10% over searches made in their absence. Furthermore, with several examples from proteins adopting folds such as TIM, globin, lipocalin and others, we demonstrate that the success of including designed sequences in a database positively sensitized methods such as PSI-BLAST and Cascade PSI-BLAST and is a promising opportunity for enormously improved remote homology recognition using sequence information alone.


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A simple hand-operated shock tube capable of producing Mach 2 shock waves is described. Performance of this miniature shock tube using compressed high pressure air created by a manually operated piston in the driver section of the shock tube as driver gas with air at 1 atm pressure as the test gas in the driven tube is presented. The performance of the shock tube is found to match well with the theoretically estimated values using normal shock relations. Applications of this shock tube named Reddy tube, include study of blast-induced traumatic brain injuries and high temperature chemical kinetics.


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In this paper, we focus on increasing the throughput and diversity of network coded MIMO transmissions in bidirectional multi-pair wireless relay networks. All nodes have multi-antenna capability. Pairs of nodes want to exchange messages via a relay having multi-antenna and encoding/decoding capability. Nodes transmit their messages to the relay in the first (MAC) phase. The relay decodes all the messages and XORs them and broadcasts the XORed message in the second (BC) phase. We develop a generalized framework for bidirectional multi-pair multi-antenna wireless network coding, which models different MIMO transmission schemes including spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST), orthogonal STBC (OSTBC), and non-orthogonal STBC (NO-STBC) in a unified way. Enhanced throughputs are achieved by allowing all nodes to simultaneously transmit at their full rate. High diversity orders are achieved through the use of NO-STBCs, characterized by full rate and full transmit diversity. We evaluate and compare the performance of VBLAST, OSTBC, and NO-STBC schemes in one-dimensional 1-pair linear network (one pair of nodes and a relay) and two-dimensional 2-pair `cross' network (two pairs of nodes and a relay).


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This paper describes a laboratory trial to study the effectiveness of a waste-based binder to stabilize expansive soils. The proposed binders viz., Fly ash and/or Ground granulated Blast furnace slag (GGBS) were mixed with the expansive soil along with a small amount of lime to increase soil pH and enable pozzolanic reactions. The geotechnical characteristics of the various combinations of samples were investigated through the compaction tests, unconfined compression tests etc. It was found that the addition of GGBS with and without fly ash and lime has significant influence on the geotechnical characteristics of the soil.


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Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) is a relatively new modulation scheme for multi-antenna wireless communications. It is quite attractive because of its ability to work with less number of transmit RF chains compared to traditional spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST system). In this paper, we show that, by using an optimum combination of number of transmit antennas (N-t) and number of transmit RF chains (N-rf), GSM can achieve better throughput and/or bit error rate (BER) than spatial multiplexing. First, we quantify the percentage savings in the number of transmit RF chains as well as the percentage increase in the rate achieved in GSM compared to spatial multiplexing; 18.75% savings in number of RF chains and 9.375% increase in rate are possible with 16 transmit antennas and 4-QAM modulation. A bottleneck, however, is the complexity of maximum-likelihood (ML) detection of GSM signals, particularly in large MIMO systems where the number of antennas is large. We address this detection complexity issue next. Specifically, we propose a Gibbs sampling based algorithm suited to detect GSM signals. The proposed algorithm yields impressive BER performance and complexity results. For the same spectral efficiency and number of transmit RF chains, GSM with the proposed detection algorithm achieves better performance than spatial multiplexing with ML detection.


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In this paper, we consider signal detection in nt × nr underdetermined MIMO (UD-MIMO) systems, where i) nt >; nr with a overload factor α = nt over nr >; 1, ii) nt symbols are transmitted per channel use through spatial multiplexing, and iii) nt, nr are large (in the range of tens). A low-complexity detection algorithm based on reactive tabu search is considered. A variable threshold based stopping criterion is proposed which offers near-optimal performance in large UD-MIMO systems at low complexities. A lower bound on the maximum likelihood (ML) bit error performance of large UD-MIMO systems is also obtained for comparison. The proposed algorithm is shown to achieve BER performance close to the ML lower bound within 0.6 dB at an uncoded BER of 10-2 in 16 × 8 V-BLAST UD-MIMO system with 4-QAM (32 bps/Hz). Similar near-ML performance results are shown for 32 × 16, 32 × 24 V-BLAST UD-MIMO with 4-QAM/16-QAM as well. A performance and complexity comparison between the proposed algorithm and the λ-generalized sphere decoder (λ-GSD) algorithm for UD-MIMO shows that the proposed algorithm achieves almost the same performance of λ-GSD but at a significantly lesser complexity.


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The present paper details the prediction of blast induced ground vibration, using artificial neural network. The data was generated from five different coal mines. Twenty one different parameters involving rock mass parameters, explosive parameters and blast design parameters, were used to develop the one comprehensive ANN model for five different coal bearing formations. A total of 131 datasets was used to develop the ANN model and 44 datasets was used to test the model. The developed ANN model was compared with the USBM model. The prediction capability to predict blast induced ground vibration, of the comprehensive ANN model was found to be superior.


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Lattice reduction (LR) aided detection algorithms are known to achieve the same diversity order as that of maximum-likelihood (ML) detection at low complexity. However, they suffer SNR loss compared to ML performance. The SNR loss is mainly due to imperfect orthogonalization and imperfect nearest neighbor quantization. In this paper, we propose an improved LR-aided (ILR) detection algorithm, where we specifically target to reduce the effects of both imperfect orthogonalization and imperfect nearest neighbor quantization. The proposed ILR detection algorithm is shown to achieve near-ML performance in large-MIMO systems and outperform other LR-aided detection algorithms in the literature. Specifically, the SNR loss incurred by the proposed ILR algorithm compared to ML performance is just 0.1 dB for 4-QAM and < 0.5 dB for 16-QAM in 16 x 16 V-BLAST MIMO system. This performance is superior compared to those of other LR-aided detection algorithms, whose SNR losses are in the 2 dB to 9 dB range.