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PURPOSE: We present the long-term results of a large consecutive series of patients undergoing ileal orthotopic bladder substitution following radical cystectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 1985 and 2005 orthotopic bladder substitution with an ileal low pressure reservoir was performed in 482 patients (including 40 women) after radical and, if possible, nerve sparing cystectomy. In 447 cases the procedure was combined with an afferent ileal isoperistaltic tubular segment. The patients were followed prospectively. RESULTS: In the 482 patients 61 early (less than 30 days) diversion related complications requiring prolonged hospital stay or readmission were noted and 115 late complications required treatment. At 1 year continence was good in 92% of patients during the day and in 79% at night. At last followup 93% of patients could void spontaneously. Of 442 evaluable men 99 (22.4%) reported having erections without and 68 (15.4%) with medical assistance. Ureteroileal stenosis was observed in 12 of 447 (2.7%) patients. Urethral recurrence was detected in 25 of 482 (5%) patients. A total of 15 (5%) patients received vitamin B12 substitution. Renal parenchyma decreased only in patients with preoperative or postoperative ureteral obstruction. After 10 years patients with normal renal function had no long-term acidosis and in 20 patients the incidence of osteoporosis resembled that of the normal population. CONCLUSIONS: Ileal orthotopic bladder substitution combined with an afferent ileal tubular segment allows for good long-term functional results provided patients are restrictively selected, postoperative instructions are followed carefully, and typical complications such as outlet obstruction and hernias are treated early.


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Standard procedures for forecasting flood risk (Bulletin 17B) assume annual maximum flood (AMF) series are stationary, meaning the distribution of flood flows is not significantly affected by climatic trends/cycles, or anthropogenic activities within the watershed. Historical flood events are therefore considered representative of future flood occurrences, and the risk associated with a given flood magnitude is modeled as constant over time. However, in light of increasing evidence to the contrary, this assumption should be reconsidered, especially as the existence of nonstationarity in AMF series can have significant impacts on planning and management of water resources and relevant infrastructure. Research presented in this thesis quantifies the degree of nonstationarity evident in AMF series for unimpaired watersheds throughout the contiguous U.S., identifies meteorological, climatic, and anthropogenic causes of this nonstationarity, and proposes an extension of the Bulletin 17B methodology which yields forecasts of flood risk that reflect climatic influences on flood magnitude. To appropriately forecast flood risk, it is necessary to consider the driving causes of nonstationarity in AMF series. Herein, large-scale climate patterns—including El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)—are identified as influencing factors on flood magnitude at numerous stations across the U.S. Strong relationships between flood magnitude and associated precipitation series were also observed for the majority of sites analyzed in the Upper Midwest and Northeastern regions of the U.S. Although relationships between flood magnitude and associated temperature series are not apparent, results do indicate that temperature is highly correlated with the timing of flood peaks. Despite consideration of watersheds classified as unimpaired, analyses also suggest that identified change-points in AMF series are due to dam construction, and other types of regulation and diversion. Although not explored herein, trends in AMF series are also likely to be partially explained by changes in land use and land cover over time. Results obtained herein suggest that improved forecasts of flood risk may be obtained using a simple modification of the Bulletin 17B framework, wherein the mean and standard deviation of the log-transformed flows are modeled as functions of climate indices associated with oceanic-atmospheric patterns (e.g. AMO, ENSO, NAO, and PDO) with lead times between 3 and 9 months. Herein, one-year ahead forecasts of the mean and standard deviation, and subsequently flood risk, are obtained by applying site specific multivariate regression models, which reflect the phase and intensity of a given climate pattern, as well as possible impacts of coupling of the climate cycles. These forecasts of flood risk are compared with forecasts derived using the existing Bulletin 17B model; large differences in the one-year ahead forecasts are observed in some locations. The increased knowledge of the inherent structure of AMF series and an improved understanding of physical and/or climatic causes of nonstationarity gained from this research should serve as insight for the formulation of a physical-casual based statistical model, incorporating both climatic variations and human impacts, for flood risk over longer planning horizons (e.g., 10-, 50, 100-years) necessary for water resources design, planning, and management.


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Background: Classical Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (cRYGB) is a combined restrictive and slightly malabsorptive operation. Excess-BMI-loss (EBMIL) in cRYGB is ~60%, but is diminished for super obese patients (BMI > 50 kg/m2). We therefore designed a modified, mainly malabsorptive distal RYGB (dRYGB). Methods: We report mid-term results after 77 consecutive dRYGB in which malabsorption is inversely related to the length of the common channel. The common channel was 100–150 cm long depending on preoperative BMI, the biliopancreatic limb was 100 cm long, which left >>250 cm for the alimentary channel. To avoid the potentially dangerous combination of malabsorption with sustained restriction the pouch size was increased to ~50ml and a 25 mm circular stapler was used for the gastro-jejunostomy. Results: 33 open and later on 44 laparoscopic interventions have been performed. Median preoperative BMI was 50.2 kg/m 2. No severe intraoperative complications have been observed and no anastomotic leakage was noted in the postoperative period. 5 patients needed balloon dilation of an anastomotic stricture. 3 marginal ulcers occurred at the gastrojejunostomy. The 54 patients with a follow-up time of over 12 months (median 24 months) showed an overall median BMI-reduction of 17 to an actual median BMI of 31.6 kg/m2, corresponding to a EBMIL of 74.5%. Obesity-related comorbid conditions were significantly reduced or cured. Intermittent diarrhea or steatorrhea in 12 patients was easily treated by pancreatic enzyme supplementation. Conclusion: dRYGB is technically more demanding than cRYGB, but shows excellent results in terms of weight-loss and therefore also in reduction of comorbidity especially in super-obese patients. Measuring all three limb lengths allows for a calibration of the malabsorption. The quality of food-intake being important to (super-) obese patients in terms of quality of life, a less restrictive pouch seems more adapted to them. Lifelong multidisciplinary follow-up is mandatory.


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Urinary diversion after cystectomy have evolved from simple diversion and protection of the upper tracts to functional and anatomic restoration as close as possible to the natural preoperative state. Over the past 15 years, orthotopic reconstruction has evolved from "experimental surgery" to the "preferred method of urinary diversion" in both sexes. Urologist that perform this technique should have an appropriate experience with pelvic surgery and be able to perform a nerve sparing radical cystectomy. Nevertheless, the postoperative management of these patients is more important than the surgical construction if good longterm results are to be achieved. For this reason, a great knowledge about the neobladder's physiology, postoperative complications and their treatment are needed. We review the most important aspects in the postoperative management of patients with ileal neobladder. We also resume the long term outcomes concerning to continence, sexual function, renal impairment, oncologic safety and quality of life.


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Water resource depletion and sanitation are growing problems around the world. A solution to both of these problems is the use of composting latrines, as it requires no water and has been recommended by the World Health Organization as an improved sanitation technology. However, little analysis has been done on the decomposition process occurring inside the latrine, including what temperatures are reached and what variables most affect the composting process. Having better knowledge of how outside variables affect composting latrines can aid development workers on the choice of implementing such technology, and to better educate the users on the appropriate methods of maintenance. This report presents a full, detailed construction manual and temperature data analysis of a double vault composting latrine. During the author’s two year Peace Corps service in rural Paraguay he was involved with building twenty one composting latrines, and took detailed temperature readings and visual observations of his personal latrine for ten months. The author also took limited temperature readings of fourteen community member’s latrines over a three month period. These data points were analyzed to find correlations between compost temperatures and several variables. The two main variables found to affect the compost temperatures were the seasonal trends of the outside temperatures, and the mixing and addition of moisture to the compost. Outside seasonal temperature changes were compared to those of the compost and a linear regression was performed resulting in a R2-value of 0.89. Mixing the compost and adding water, or a water/urine mixture, resulted in temperature increases of the compost 100% of the time, with seasonal temperatures determining the rate and duration of the temperature increases. The temperature readings were also used to find events when certain temperatures were held for sufficient amounts of time to reach total pathogen destruction in the compost. Four different events were recorded when a temperature of 122°F (50°C) was held for at least 24 hours, ensuring total pathogen destruction in that area of the compost. One event of 114.8°F (46°C) held for one week was also recorded, again ensuring total pathogen destruction. Through the analysis of the temperature data, however, it was found that the compost only reached total pathogen destruction levels during ten percent of the data points. Because of this the storage time recommendation outlined by the World Health Organization should be complied with. The WHO recommends storing compost for 1.5-2 years in climates with ambient temperatures of 2-20°C (35-68°F), and for at least 1 year with ambient temperatures of 20-35°C (68-95°F). If these storage durations are obtainable the use of the double vault composting latrine is an economical and achievable solution to sanitation while conserving water resources.


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Objective: Whether or not a protective stoma reduces the rate of anastomotic leakage after distal colorectal anastomosis is still discussed controversially. It does however facilitate clinical management once leakage has occurred. Loop ileostomies seem to be associated with a lower morbidity and a better quality of life compared to loop colostomies. Generally, diverting loop ileostomies are secured at skin level by means of a supporting device in order to prevent retraction of the ileostomy into the abdomen. However, due to the supporting rod, difficulties may occur in applying a stoma bag correctly and leakage of faeces onto the skin may occur even with correct eversion of the afferent limb. Our aim was to compare morbidity and time to self-sufficient stoma-care in patients having a loop ileostomy with rod to those without rod. Methods: A total of 60 patients necessitating loop ileostomy were analyzed. Patients received surgery in of the two involved institutions according to inhouse standard procedures. 30 patients had an ileostomy with rod (VCHK Inselspital) and a further 30 without rod (KSW Winterthur). Morbidity and time to self-sufficiency regarding stoma care was analyzed during the first 90 postoperative days. Morbidity was determined according to a scoring system ranging from 0 to 4 points for any given set of possible complications (bleeding, necrosis, skin irritation, abscess, stenosis, retraction, fistula, prolapse, parastomal hernia, incomplete diversion), where 0 = no complication and 4 = severe complication. Continuous variables were expressed as median (95% Confidence Interval). For comparisons between the groups the Mann-Whitney U test was used, between categorical variables the X2 test was applied. Results: There were no significant differences in length of hospital stay or time to self-sufficient stoma-care between the groups. Although not significant, patients with a rod ileostomy had a tendency towards more stoma-related complications as well as stoma-related reoperations. The number of patients reaching total self-sufficiency regarding stoma care was higher after rodless ileostomy. Conclusion: According to our data, rodless ileostomies seemto fare just as well as those with a supporting rod, with equal morbidity rates and more patients reaching self-sufficient stoma care. Therefore routine application of a rod for diverting loop ileostomy seems unnecessary


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CONTEXT: The incidence of bladder cancer increases with advancing age. Considering the increasing life expectancy and the increasing proportion of elderly people in the general population, radical cystectomy will be considered for a growing number of elderly patients who suffer from muscle-invasive or recurrent bladder cancer. OBJECTIVE: This article reviews contemporary complication and mortality rates after radical cystectomy in elderly patients and the relationship between age and short-term outcome after this procedure. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A literature review was performed using the PubMed database with combinations of the following keywords cystectomy, elderly, complications, and comorbidity. English-language articles published in the year 2000 or later were reviewed. Papers were included in this review if the authors investigated any relationship between age and complication rates with radical cystectomy for bladder cancer or if they reported complication rates stratified by age groups. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Perioperative morbidity and mortality are increased and continence rates after orthotopic urinary diversion are impaired in elderly patients undergoing radical cystectomy. Complications are frequent in this population, particularly when an extended postoperative period (90 d instead of 30 d) is considered. CONCLUSIONS: Although age alone does not preclude radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive or recurrent bladder cancer or for certain types of urinary diversion, careful surveillance is required, even after the first 30 d after surgery. Excellent perioperative management may contribute to the prevention of morbidity and mortality of radical cystectomy, supplementary to the skills of the surgeon, and is probably a reason for the better perioperative results obtained in high-volume centers.


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The hypothesis of ecological divergence giving rise to premating isolation in the face of gene flow is controversial. However, this may be an important mechanism to explain the rapid multiplication of species during adaptive radiation following the colonization of a new environment when geographical barriers to gene flow are largely absent but underutilized niche space is abundant. Using cichlid fish, we tested the prediction of ecological speciation that the strength of premating isolation among species is predicted by phenotypic rather than genetic distance. We conducted mate choice experiments between three closely related, sympatric species of a recent radiation in Lake Mweru (Zambia/DRC) that differ in habitat use and phenotype, and a distantly related population from Lake Bangweulu that resembles one of the species in Lake Mweru. We found significant assortative mating among all closely related, sympatric species that differed phenotypically, but none between the distantly related allopatric populations of more similar phenotype. Phenotypic distance between species was a good predictor of the strength of premating isolation, suggesting that assortative mating can evolve rapidly in association with ecological divergence during adaptive radiation. Our data also reveals that distantly related allopatric populations that have not diverged phenotypically, may hybridize when coming into secondary contact, e.g. upon river capture because of diversion of drainage systems.


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BACKGROUND Anesthetics and neuraxial anesthesia commonly result in vasodilation/hypotension. Norepinephrine counteracts this effect and thus allows for decreased intraoperative hydration. The authors investigated whether this approach could result in reduced postoperative complication rate. METHODS In this single-center, double-blind, randomized, superiority trial, 166 patients undergoing radical cystectomy and urinary diversion were equally allocated to receive 1 ml·kg·h of balanced Ringer's solution until the end of cystectomy and then 3 ml·kg·h until the end of surgery combined with preemptive norepinephrine infusion at an initial rate of 2 µg·kg·h (low-volume group; n = 83) or 6 ml·kg·h of balanced Ringer's solution throughout surgery (control group; n = 83). Primary outcome was the in-hospital complication rate. Secondary outcomes were hospitalization time, and 90-day mortality. RESULTS In-hospital complications occurred in 43 of 83 patients (52%) in the low-volume group and in 61 of 83 (73%) in the control group (relative risk, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.55-0.88; P = 0.006). The rates of gastrointestinal and cardiac complications were lower in the low-volume group than in the control group (5 [6%] vs. 31 [37%]; relative risk, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.07-0.39; P < 0.0001 and 17 [20%] vs. 39 [48%], relative risk, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.26-0.60; P = 0.0003, respectively). The median hospitalization time was 15 days [range, 11, 27d] in the low-volume group and 17 days [11, 95d] in the control group (P = 0.02). The 90-day mortality was 0% in the low-volume group and 4.8% in the control group (P = 0.12). CONCLUSION A restrictive-deferred hydration combined with preemptive norepinephrine infusion during radical cystectomy and urinary diversion significantly reduced the postoperative complication rate and hospitalization time.


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BACKGROUND Open radical cystectomy (ORC) is associated with substantial blood loss and a high incidence of perioperative blood transfusions. Strategies to reduce blood loss and blood transfusion are warranted. OBJECTIVE To determine whether continuous norepinephrine administration combined with intraoperative restrictive hydration with Ringer's maleate solution can reduce blood loss and the need for blood transfusion. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This was a double-blind, randomised, parallel-group, single-centre trial including 166 consecutive patients undergoing ORC with urinary diversion (UD). Exclusion criteria were severe hepatic or renal dysfunction, congestive heart failure, and contraindications to epidural analgesia. INTERVENTION Patients were randomly allocated to continuous norepinephrine administration starting with 2 μg/kg per hour combined with 1 ml/kg per hour until the bladder was removed, then to 3 ml/kg per hour of Ringer's maleate solution (norepinephrine/low-volume group) or 6 ml/kg per hour of Ringer's maleate solution throughout surgery (control group). OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Intraoperative blood loss and the percentage of patients requiring blood transfusions perioperatively were assessed. Data were analysed using nonparametric statistical models. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS Total median blood loss was 800 ml (range: 300-1700) in the norepinephrine/low-volume group versus 1200 ml (range: 400-2800) in the control group (p<0.0001). In the norepinephrine/low-volume group, 27 of 83 patients (33%) required an average of 1.8 U (±0.8) of packed red blood cells (PRBCs). In the control group, 50 of 83 patients (60%) required an average of 2.9 U (±2.1) of PRBCs during hospitalisation (relative risk: 0.54; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38-0.77; p=0.0006). The absolute reduction in transfusion rate throughout hospitalisation was 28% (95% CI, 12-45). In this study, surgery was performed by three high-volume surgeons using a standardised technique, so whether these significant results are reproducible in other centres needs to be shown. CONCLUSIONS Continuous norepinephrine administration combined with restrictive hydration significantly reduces intraoperative blood loss, the rate of blood transfusions, and the number of PRBC units required per patient undergoing ORC with UD.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Switzerland’s drug policy model has always been unique and progressive, but there is a Need to reassess this system in a rapidly changing world. The IMPROVE study was conducted to gain understanding of the attitudes and beliefs towards opioid maintenance therapy (OMT) in Switzerland with regards to quality and Access to treatment. To obtain a “real-world” view on OMT, the study approached its goals from two different angles: from the perspectives of the OMT patients and of the physicians who treat patients with maintenance therapy. The IMPROVE study collected a large body of data on OMT in Switzerland. This paper presents a small subset of the dataset, focusing on the research design and methodology, the profile of the participants and the responses to several key questions addressed by the questionnaires. METHODS: IMPROVE was an observational, questionnaire-based cross-sectional study on OMT conducted in Switzerland. Respondents consisted of OMT patients and treating physicians from various regions of the country. Data were collected using questionnaires in German and French. Physicians were interviewed by phone with a computer-based questionnaire. Patients self-completed a paper-based questionnaire at the physicians’ Offices or OMT treatment centres. RESULTS: A total of 200 physicians and 207 patients participated in the study. Liquid methadone and methadone tablets or capsules were the medications most commonly prescribed by physicians (60% and 20% of patient load, respectively) whereas buprenorphine use was less frequent. Patients (88%) and physicians (83%) were generally satisfied with the OMT currently offered. The current political framework and lack of training or information were cited as determining factors that deter physicians from engaging in OMT. About 31% of OMT physicians interviewed were ≥60 years old, indicating an ageing population. Diversion and misuse were considered a significant problem in Switzerland by 45% of the physicians. CONCLUSION: The subset of IMPROVE data presented gives a present-day, real-life overview of the OMT landscape in Switzerland. It represents a valuable resource for policy makers, key opinion leaders and drug addiction researchers and will be a useful basis for improving the current Swiss OMT model.


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CONTEXT Although open radical cystectomy (ORC) is still the standard approach, laparoscopic radical cystectomy (LRC) and robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) are increasingly performed. OBJECTIVE To report on a systematic literature review and cumulative analysis of pathologic, oncologic, and functional outcomes of RARC in comparison with ORC and LRC. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched using a free-text protocol including the terms robot-assisted radical cystectomy or da Vinci radical cystectomy or robot* radical cystectomy. RARC case series and studies comparing RARC with either ORC or LRC were collected. A cumulative analysis was conducted. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS The searches retrieved 105 papers, 87 of which reported on pathologic, oncologic, or functional outcomes. Most series were retrospective and had small case numbers, short follow-up, and potential patient selection bias. The lymph node yield during lymph node dissection was 19 (range: 3-55), with half of the series following an extended template (yield range: 11-55). The lymph node-positive rate was 22%. The performance of lymphadenectomy was correlated with surgeon and institutional volume. Cumulative analyses showed no significant difference in lymph node yield between RARC and ORC. Positive surgical margin (PSM) rates were 5.6% (1-1.5% in pT2 disease and 0-25% in pT3 and higher disease). PSM rates did not appear to decrease with sequential case numbers. Cumulative analyses showed no significant difference in rates of surgical margins between RARC and ORC or RARC and LRC. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy use ranged from 0% to 31%, with adjuvant chemotherapy used in 4-29% of patients. Only six series reported a mean follow-up of >36 mo. Three-year disease-free survival (DFS), cancer-specific survival (CSS), and overall survival (OS) rates were 67-76%, 68-83%, and 61-80%, respectively. The 5-yr DFS, CSS, and OS rates were 53-74%, 66-80%, and 39-66%, respectively. Similar to ORC, disease of higher pathologic stage or evidence of lymph node involvement was associated with worse survival. Very limited data were available with respect to functional outcomes. The 12-mo continence rates with continent diversion were 83-100% in men for daytime continence and 66-76% for nighttime continence. In one series, potency was recovered in 63% of patients who were evaluable at 12 mo. CONCLUSIONS Oncologic and functional data from RARC remain immature, and longer-term prospective studies are needed. Cumulative analyses demonstrated that lymph node yields and PSM rates were similar between RARC and ORC. Conclusive long-term survival outcomes for RARC were limited, although oncologic outcomes up to 5 yr were similar to those reported for ORC. PATIENT SUMMARY Although open radical cystectomy (RC) is still regarded as the standard treatment for muscle-invasive bladder cancer, laparoscopic and robot-assisted RCs are becoming more popular. Templates of lymph node dissection, lymph node yields, and positive surgical margin rates are acceptable with robot-assisted RC. Although definitive comparisons with open RC with respect to oncologic or functional outcomes are lacking, early results appear comparable.


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PURPOSE Continuous intraoperative norepinephrine infusion combined with restrictive deferred hydration improves surgical field visibility, and significantly decreases intraoperative blood loss and postoperative complications in patients undergoing radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. We determined whether the intraoperative fluid regimen would affect functional results (continence and erectile function) 1 year after orthotopic ileal bladder substitution. MATERIALS AND METHODS We analyzed a subgroup of 93 patients who received an ileal orthotopic bladder substitute. The subgroup was part of a randomized trial in 167 patients initially allocated to continuous norepinephrine administration starting with 2 μg/kg per hour combined with 1 ml/kg per hour initially and 3 ml/kg per hour crystalloid infusion after cystectomy (norepinephrine/low volume group of 51) or a standard crystalloid infusion of 6 ml/kg per hour throughout surgery (42 controls). We prospectively assessed daytime and nighttime continence, and erectile function 1 year postoperatively in the 93-patient subgroup. RESULTS Daytime continence was reported by 44 of 51 patients (86%) in the norepinephrine/low volume group and by 27 of 42 controls (64%) (p = 0.016), and nighttime continence was reported by 38 (75%) and 25 (60%), respectively (p = 0.077). Erectile function recovery was reported by 26 of 33 preoperatively potent patients (79%) in the norepinephrine/low volume group and by 11 of 29 controls (38%) (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS Patients who undergo radical cystectomy and orthotopic bladder substitution with continuous norepinephrine infusion and restrictive hydration during surgery have significantly better daytime continence and erectile function 1 year postoperatively.


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BACKGROUND The optimal crystalloid solution to use perioperatively in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy remains unclear. Many of the fluids used for intravenous hydration contain supraphysiologic concentrations of chloride, which can induce hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis, resulting in renal vasoconstriction and decreased renal function. In addition, patients receiving less fluid and less sodium show faster recovery of gastrointestinal (GI) function after colonic surgery. METHODS AND DESIGN This is an investigator-initiated, single-center, randomized, controlled, parallel group trial with assessor-blinded outcome assessment, in the Department of Urology, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland. The study will involve 44 patients with bladder cancer scheduled for radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. The primary outcome is the duration between the end of surgery and the return of the GI function (first defecation). Secondary outcomes are fluid balance (body weight difference postoperatively versus preoperatively) and the incidence of kidney function disorders according to the Risk-Injury-Failure-Loss-End Stage Renal Disease (RIFLE classification). An equal number of patients are allocated to receive Ringerfundin® solution or a glucose/potassium-based balanced crystalloid solution as baseline infusion during the entire time that intravenous administration of fluid is necessary during the perioperative period. The randomized crystalloid solution is infused at a rate of 1 ml/kg/h until the bladder has been removed, followed by 3 ml/kg/h until the end of surgery. Postoperative hydration is identical in both groups and consists of 1,500 ml of the randomized crystalloid solution per 24 hours. Postoperative patient care is identical in both groups; patients are allowed to drink clear fluids immediately after surgery, and liquid diet is started on postoperative day 1, as well as active mobilization and the use of chewing gum. Body weight is measured daily in the morning. Time of first flatus and first defecation are recorded. DISCUSSION This trial assesses the benefits and harms of two different balanced crystalloid solutions for perioperative fluid management in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy with urinary diversion, with regard to return of GI function and effects on postoperative renal function. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN32976792 (registered on November 21 2013).


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Cystectomy and urinary diversion have high morbidity, and strategies to reduce complications are of utmost importance. Epidural analgesia and optimized fluid management are considered key factors contributing to successful enhanced recovery after surgery. In colorectal surgery, there is strong evidence that an intraoperative fluid management aiming for a postoperative zero fluid balance results in lower morbidity including a faster return of bowel function. Recently, a randomized clinical trial focusing on radical cystectomy demonstrated that a restrictive intraoperative hydration combined with a concomitant administration of norepinephrine reduced intraoperative blood loss, the need for blood transfusion and morbidity. The purpose of this review is to highlight specific anesthesiological aspects which have been shown to improve outcome after RC with urinary diversion.