914 resultados para BEES
O lagarto Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820) possui ampla distribuição geográfica e é encontrado em abundância nas áreas onde ocorre, sendo considerada uma espécie apropriada para estudos ecológicos. No presente estudo nós analisamos o período de atividade, o uso do microhabitat, a intensidade de forrageamento, a dieta e a ecologia térmica de uma população de T. torquatus do Costão de Itacoatiara, no Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, situado nos municípios de Niterói e Maricá, RJ. Os dados foram coletados em dois períodos: entre julho de 2004 e janeiro de 2008 para estudo do período de atividade, uso do microhabitat e intensidade de forrageamento, e entre julho e agosto de 2010 para estudo da ecologia térmica e dieta. Todos os indivíduos coletados eram adultos, com comprimento rostro-cloacal médio de 66,2 12,0mm para machos (n = 11) e 64,1 8,0mm para fêmeas (n = 03). O período de atividade de T. torquatus no Costão de Itacoatiara durou de 12 a 14 horas. Teve um padrão unimodal na estação seca, com pico de atividade entre 09:00h e 13:00h, durante as horas mais quentes do dia. Na estação chuvosa o padrão de atividade foi bimodal, com um pico entre 8:00h e 9:00h e outro entre 16:00h e 17:00h, ambos associados aos horários de temperaturas ambientais mais amenas. O período de atividade não diferiu entre as estações, o que pode ser explicado pelo extenso pico de atividade dos lagartos na estação seca. Os microhabitats mais utilizados foram o substrato rochoso do Costão e a bromélia, refletindo a disponibilidade destes na área. A intensidade de forrageamento não diferiu sazonalmente e o tempo médio que os lagartos ficaram parados foi maior do que o tempo médio em deslocamento. A dieta foi onívora e esteve composta por artrópodes, principalmente insetos, e material vegetal, principalmente frutos. Os principais insetos consumidos foram Formicidae, Coleoptera e Hymenoptera não-Formicidae como pequenas vespas e abelhas. Os frutos, as sementes e as flores consumidos pertenciam às cactáceas Rhipsalis cereoides e Coleocephalocereus fluminensis, para as quais T. torquatus pode ser um potencial agente dispersor de sementes na área. Lagartos maiores consumiram itens maiores, mas em menor número, indicando um balanço energético positivo. O consumo de material vegetal variou de acordo com o tamanho dos lagartos, aumentando sua proporção nos indivíduos mais velhos. A temperatura média em atividade de T. torquatus foi de 34,3 2,5C, estando na faixa de temperatura corpórea média encontrada para outras populações e para outros Tropidurus. O substrato foi a fonte de calor ambiental com maior importância relativa para a termorregulação dos lagartos durante a estação seca, explicando cerca de 48% da variação na temperatura corpórea da população. Os lagartos termorregularam de forma passiva, principalmente em relação à temperatura do substrato.
As ferramentas computacionais estão apoiando, de maneira crescente, o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em diversas áreas. Elas aumentam as possibilidades do docente para ministrar um conteúdo e interagir com seus alunos. Neste grupo de ferramentas estão as simulações baseadas em sistemas multiagentes. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um ambiente de simulação do crescimento populacional de uma colmeia para o ensino de Biologia. As variáveis do sistema podem ser alteradas visando analisar os diferentes resultados obtidos. Aspectos como duração e tempo da florada das plantações, conhecidos como campos de flores, podem ser manipulados pelo aluno. A abordagem multiagentes em Inteligência Artificial Distribuída foi a solução escolhida, para que o controle das atividades do aplicativo fosse feito de maneira automatizada. A Realidade Virtual foi utilizada para acrescentar aspectos importantes do processo que não podem ser visualizados pela simulação matemática. Uma síntese da utilização de tecnologias na educação, em especial da Informática, é discutida no trabalho. Aspectos da aplicação no ensino de Biologia são apresentados, assim como resultados iniciais de sua utilização.
We present a fast, high-throughput method for characterizing the motility of microorganisms in 3D based on standard imaging microscopy. Instead of tracking individual cells, we analyse the spatio-temporal fluctuations of the intensity in the sample from time-lapse images and obtain the intermediate scattering function (ISF) of the system. We demonstrate our method on two different types of microorganisms: bacteria, both smooth swimming (run only) and wild type (run and tumble) Escherichia coli, and the bi-flagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We validate the methodology using computer simulations and particle tracking. From the ISF, we are able to extract (i) for E. coli: the swimming speed distribution, the fraction of motile cells and the diffusivity, and (ii) for C. reinhardtii: the swimming speed distribution, the amplitude and frequency of the oscillatory dynamics. In both cases, the motility parameters are averaged over \approx 10^4 cells and obtained in a few minutes.
Experimental research in biology has uncovered a number of different ways in which flying insects use cues derived from optical flow for navigational purposes, such as safe landing, obstacle avoidance and dead reckoning. In this study, we use a synthetic methodology to gain additional insights into the navigation behavior of bees. Specifically, we focus on the mechanisms of course stabilization behavior and visually mediated odometer by using a biological model of motion detector for the purpose of long-range goal-directed navigation in 3D environment. The performance tests of the proposed navigation method are conducted by using a blimp-type flying robot platform in uncontrolled indoor environments. The result shows that the proposed mechanism can be used for goal-directed navigation. Further analysis is also conducted in order to enhance the navigation performance of autonomous aerial vehicles. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Reproductive failure results in many plant species becoming endangered. However, little is known of how and to what extent pollinator shifts affect reproductive performance of endangered species as a result of the artificial introduction of alien insects. In this study we examined breeding systems, visitor species, visiting frequency and seed set coefficients of Swertia przewalskii in two years that had different dominant pollinator species (native vs. alien). Flowers of this species were protandrous and herkogamous and insects were needed for the production of seeds. The stigmatic receptivity of this species was shorter than for other gentians. No significant difference in seed set coefficient was found for hand-pollinated plants between the two years, indicating that pollinator shift only had a minor effect on this plant's breeding system. The commonest pollinators in 2002 were native bumblebees, alien honeybees and occasional solitary bees, however, only alien honeybees were observed in 2004. The flower visitation rate in both years was relatively high, although the total visit frequency decreased significantly in 2004. The control flowers without any treatment produced significantly fewer seed sets in 2004 than in 2002. In the past decade the seed production of this species may have partly decreased due to pollination by alien honeybees, however, we suggest that they might have acted as alternative pollinators ensuring seed production of S. przewalskii when native pollinators were unavailable. The main reason that this plant is endangered is probably the result of habitat destruction, but changes in land use, namely intensified agricultural practice and unfavorable animal husbandry have also contributed to its decline. We recommend that in-situ conservation, including the establishment of a protected area, is the best way to preserve this species effectively.
Zadaniem artykułu jest ukazanie dorobku piśmiennictwa pszczelniczego na Śląsku. Pretekstem do poruszenia tego tematu jest przypadająca w 2011 roku dwusetna rocznica urodzin wybitnego pszczelarza Jana Dzierżona. Osoba i dokonania najsłynniejszego chyba w świecie Ślązaka do tego stopnia zdominowały historię pszczelarstwa tego regionu, że właściwie bardzo niewiele mówi się o dorobku innych działających aktywnie śląskich pszczelarzach praktykach i publicystach. Tymczasem dorobek ten jest imponujący. W części pierwszej artykułu przypomniano Nickela Jacoba ze Szprotawy, autora pierwszej wydanej na Śląsku książki pszczelarskiej, uznanego jednocześnie za ojca niemieckiej bibliografii pszczelarskiej. Wśród pionierów niemieckiej literatury fachowej dotyczącej pszczół znajduje się też Johann Coler ze Złotoryi. W XVIII wieku swą działalność praktyczną i publicystyczną w znacznej mierze związali ze Śląskiem Łużyczanin Adam Gottlieb Schirach i Niemiec Johann Riem. W dziełach innych autorów z zakresu gospodarstwa wiejskiego pojawiają się również fragmenty poświęcone pszczelarstwu. Dorobek swych poprzedników wzbogacił i swą działalnością rozsławił śląskie pszczelarstwo ksiądz dr Jan Dzierżon, odkrywca partenogenezy, konstruktor nowoczesnego ula, autor licznych publikacji. „Księciu pszczół” poświęcona została druga część artykułu. Przedstawiono w niej pokrótce jego życie i działalność, dzieje walki o uznanie teorii partenogenezy, ogromny dorobek publicystyczny. Wskazano jednocześnie na brak opracowania pełnej bibliografii podmiotowej. Dzierżon był wydawcą jednego z pierwszych na Śląsku czasopism pszczelarskich. Dorobek śląskiego czasopiśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego jest bogaty i dziwi fakt, że właściwie w bardzo małym dotychczas stopniu został poznany. Część trzecią poświęcono niemieckim i polskim czasopismom pszczelarskim wydawanym na Śląsku. Uwzględniono tutaj tytuły samoistne oraz dodatki. W podsumowaniu wykazano, że we wszystkich obszarach bibliografia piśmiennictwa śląskiego wymaga kompleksowego rozpoznania. Stan opracowania piśmiennictwa pszczelarskiego na Śląsku stanowi w pewnej mierze odbicie stanu bibliografii tego zagadnienia na ziemiach polskich.
Despite a multitude of environmental stressors, the Varroa mite is still regarded as the greatest cause of honey bee mortality in its invaded range. Breeding honey bees that are resistant to the mite is an important area of research. This thesis aimed to gain a better understanding of the grooming and hygienic behaviours of Russian honey bees (RHB). The effect of a break in the synchrony of a mite’s life cycle on reproductive success was tested through brood inoculation experiments. Mites released by hygienic behaviour and forced to enter a new cell are less likely to lay male offspring. Through laboratory cage assays it was found that daughter mites are more susceptible to grooming behaviour. A new method of marking Varroa mites was developed which would enable a single cohort of mites to be followed after inoculation. A strong brood removal trait was noticed in RHB colonies, therefore they were tested for Varroa sensitive hygienic (VSH) behaviour. RHB demonstrated levels of VSH as high as the USDA line bred specifically for this behaviour. In addition the same QTL found to be responsible for the trait in VSH bees, was associated with VSH in RHB stock. Previous work showed that the ratio of older mites to total trapped mites (O/T) in the debris of honey bee colonies demonstrated the strongest association with colony infestation. This research showed that O/T is associated with VSH and brood removal behaviour. In addition, bees that displayed high levels of VSH in this study were also more likely to spend a longer amount of time grooming in laboratory assays. This indicates that both grooming and hygienic behaviours play important roles in the resistance of RHB stock. Their likelihood to be expressed by other stocks is discussed and recommendations for further research are provided.
From primates to bees, social status regulates reproduction. In the cichlid fish Astatotilapia (Haplochromis) burtoni, subordinate males have reduced fertility and must become dominant to reproduce. This increase in sexual capacity is orchestrated by neurons in the preoptic area, which enlarge in response to dominance and increase expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 (GnRH1), a peptide critical for reproduction. Using a novel behavioral paradigm, we show for the first time that subordinate males can become dominant within minutes of an opportunity to do so, displaying dramatic changes in body coloration and behavior. We also found that social opportunity induced expression of the immediate-early gene egr-1 in the anterior preoptic area, peaking in regions with high densities of GnRH1 neurons, and not in brain regions that express the related peptides GnRH2 and GnRH3. This genomic response did not occur in stable subordinate or stable dominant males even though stable dominants, like ascending males, displayed dominance behaviors. Moreover, egr-1 in the optic tectum and the cerebellum was similarly induced in all experimental groups, showing that egr-1 induction in the anterior preoptic area of ascending males was specific to this brain region. Because egr-1 codes for a transcription factor important in neural plasticity, induction of egr-1 in the anterior preoptic area by social opportunity could be an early trigger in the molecular cascade that culminates in enhanced fertility and other long-term physiological changes associated with dominance.
The botanic origin and the protein content of 15 honeys from small bee farms exploitations of Galicia, for family consume, were studied; the aim is to check if the protein wealth and the pollen wealth are dependent parameters. Seven honeys resulted to be Rhamnus frangula unifloral (pollen patterns with low diversity), two Castanea sativa Miller unifloral, other one heather unifloral, and five was multifloral honeys of various pollen patterns (four Castanea predominant and one Rhamnus frangula predominant). Their pollen wealth was low; eight honeys classified in the Maurizio Class I, 3 in Class II, 2 in Class III, and one in Maurizio Class IV. There has been a wide variability in its protein content (0.09- 4.83 mg prot./g honey). The relative amount of pollen from different taxa has a direct or inverse proportionality to wealth protein.
El uso de agroquímicos en Argentina se ha fortalecido junto con la expansión agrícola. El objetivo de este trabajo es la elaboración de una metodología para calcular el impacto ambiental que los pesticidas causan en el medio ambiente teniendo en cuenta los siguientes factores: "ecotoxicología": categoría toxicológica, toxicidad en abejas, aves y peces; "Toxicidad humana": carcinogenicidad, neurotoxicidad, alteraciones endocrinas, genotoxicidad y capacidad irritativa; "Comportamiento ambiental": la persistencia en el agua / sedimento, persistencia en el suelo y bioconcentración. Estos factores fueron clasificados como bajo, medio, alto o muy alto, de acuerdo con su nivel de toxicidad. Los resultados indican que los plaguicidas más tóxicos son los insecticidas. La mayoría de los pesticidas utilizados son la toxicidad media (43,75%), seguido de baja y alta toxicidad (21,88%) y, los de muy alta toxicidad (12,5%). La metodología propuesta podría ser utilizada como una herramienta de monitoreo, gestión o educación ambiental.
Kin selection models of intracolonial conflict over the maternity of males predict that social hymenopteran workers should favour the production of sons and nephews over brothers when the effective mating frequency (me) of the queen is low (me2. Stingless bees have been used to support these models in that me within the group is considered low and workers are thought often to monopolise the parentage of males. We genetically analysed 20 worker and 20 male pupae from each of 10 colonies of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (= Scaptotrigona aff. depilis) using six microsatellite loci and demonstrate queen monandry in eight nests and apparent low me in the other two. However, four colonies contained an additional matriline, possibly due to queen supersedure (serial polygyny), which complicated their genetic structure. Across colonies, workers were responsible for the maternity of 13% of all males. These data are broadly in agreement with predictions from kin selection theory, though the question remains open as to why workers do not secure a greater share of male maternity in this and other stingless bee species in which workers are more closely related to nephews than brothers.
The sweat bees (Family Halictidae) are a socially diverse taxon in which eusociality has arisen independently numerous times. The obligate, primitively eusocial Lasioglossum malachurum, distributed widely throughout Europe, has been considered the zenith of sociality within halictids. A single queen heads a colony of smaller daughter workers which, by mid-summer, produce new sexuals (males and gynes), of which only the mated gynes overwinter to found new colonies the following spring. We excavated successfully 18 nests during the worker- and gyne-producing phases of the colony cycle and analysed each nest's queen and either all workers or all gynes using highly variable microsatellite loci developed specifically for this species. Three important points arise from our analyses. First, queens are facultatively polyandrous (queen effective mating frequency: range 1–3, harmonic mean 1.13). Second, queens may head colonies containing unrelated individuals (n = 6 of 18 nests), most probably a consequence of colony usurpation during the early phase of the colony cycle before worker emergence. Third, nonqueen's workers may, but the queen's own workers do not, lay fertilized eggs in the presence of the queen that successfully develop into gynes, in agreement with so-called 'concession' models of reproductive skew
Mammillaria gaumeri (Britton & Ross) Orcutt (Cactaceae), an endemic plant of the Yucatan Peninsula, is included by the Mexican government in the list of species that require special protection. Its natural habitat is now restricted to fragmented areas and protection programs involve botanical gardens in growing individuals rescued from disturbed areas. Little information is available on the reproductive characteristics of this species and nothing is known of its pollinators. We investigated the visitors of M. gaumeri flowers, collecting and observing bee species in its natural habitat (i.e., coastal dune) and in a botanical garden, where coastal dune vegetation had been created. Observations were made on plants whose density was artificially increased by grouping flowering individuals. At each site, we: 1) collected insects visiting the flowers; 2) recorded number of visits; and 3) video-recorded bee movements on the flowers. As expected, the number of bee species and visitation frequency were higher at the botanical garden than at the coastal dune. After landing on a flower, bees either inspected the anthers or dived among them. These behaviors, carried out by all observed species, seemed related to the state of the anthers (full or empty of pollen) and stigma lobes (opened or closed). Specifically, visits lasted longer when anthers were full of pollen and stigma lobes were opened. The same bee species recorded on the dune were also recorded at the botanical garden, suggesting that the artificial dune at the botanical garden offered suitable conditions for the natural pollinators of this endangered cactus.
Cryptic species diversity is thought to be common within the class Insecta, posing problems for basic ecological and population genetic studies and conservation management. Within the temperate bumble bee (Bombus spp.) fauna, members of the subgenus Bombus sensu stricto are amongst the most abundant and widespread. However, their species diversity is controversial due to the extreme difficulty or inability morphologically to identify the majority of individuals to species. Our character-based phylogenetic analyses of partial CO1 (700 bp) from 39 individuals spread across their sympatric European ranges provided unequivocal support for five taxa (3-22 diagnostic DNA base pair sites per species). Inclusion of 20 Irish specimens to the dataset revealed >= 2.3% sequence divergence between taxa and 200 m) whilst B. cryptarum was relatively more abundant at higher altitudes. Bombus magnus was rarely encountered at urban sites. Both B. lucorum and B. terrestris are nowadays reared commercially for pollination and transported globally. Our RFLP approach to identify native fauna can underpin ecological studies of these important cryptic species as well as the impact of commercial bumble bees on them.
The economically most important honey bee species, Apis mellifera, was formerly considered to be parasitized by one microsporidian, Nosema apis. Recently, [Higes, M., Martin, R., Meana, A., 2006. Nosema ceranae, a new microsporidian parasite in honeybees in Europe, J. Invertebr. Pathol. 92, 93-95] and [Huang, W.-F., Jiang, J.-H., Chen, Y.-W., Wang, C.-H., 2007. A Nosema ceranae isolate from the honeybee Apis mellifera. Apidologie 38, 30-37] used 16S (SSU) rRNA gene sequences to demonstrate the presence of Nosema ceranae in A. mellifera from Spain and Taiwan, respectively. We developed a rapid method to differentiate between N. apis and N. ceranae based on PCR-RFLPs of partial SSU rRNA. The reliability of the method was confirmed by sequencing 29 isolates from across the world (N = 9 isolates gave N. apis RFLPs and sequences, N = 20 isolates gave N. ceranae RFLPs and sequences; 100%, correct classification). We then employed the method to analyze N = 115 isolates from across the world. Our data, combined with N = 36 additional published sequences demonstrate that (i) N. ceranae most likely jumped host to A. mellifera, probably within the last decade, (ii) that host colonies and individuals may be co-infected by both microsporidia species, and that (iii) N. ceranae is now a parasite of A. mellifera across most of the world. The rapid, long-distance dispersal of N. ceranae is likely due to transport of infected honey bees by commercial or hobbyist beekeepers. We discuss the implications of this emergent pathogen for worldwide beekeeping. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.