958 resultados para Axis patterning


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OBJECTIVES There is a growing understanding of the complexity of interplay between renal and cardiovascular systems in both health and disease. The medical profession has adopted the term "cardiorenal syndrome" (CRS) to describe the pathophysiological relationship between the kidney and heart in disease. CRS has yet to be formally defined and described by the veterinary profession and its existence and importance in dogs and cats warrant investigation. The CRS Consensus Group, comprising nine veterinary cardiologists and seven nephrologists from Europe and North America, sought to achieve consensus around the definition, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of dogs and cats with "cardiovascular-renal disorders" (CvRD). To this end, the Delphi formal methodology for defining/building consensus and defining guidelines was utilised. METHODS Following a literature review, 13 candidate statements regarding CvRD in dogs and cats were tested for consensus, using a modified Delphi method. As a new area of interest, well-designed studies, specific to CRS/CvRD, are lacking, particularly in dogs and cats. Hence, while scientific justification of all the recommendations was sought and used when available, recommendations were largely reliant on theory, expert opinion, small clinical studies and extrapolation from data derived from other species. RESULTS Of the 13 statements, 11 achieved consensus and 2 did not. The modified Delphi approach worked well to achieve consensus in an objective manner and to develop initial guidelines for CvRD. DISCUSSION The resultant manuscript describes consensus statements for the definition, classification, diagnosis and management strategies for veterinary patients with CvRD, with an emphasis on the pathological interplay between the two organ systems. By formulating consensus statements regarding CvRD in veterinary medicine, the authors hope to stimulate interest in and advancement of the understanding and management of CvRD in dogs and cats. The use of a formalised method for consensus and guideline development should be considered for other topics in veterinary medicine.


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The plant hormone auxin has long been known to play a pivotal role in vascular patterning and differentiation. But auxin is not the whole story: recent genetic analyses have identified additional factors required for vascular patterning, one of them involving sterols.


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PURPOSE In acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the transcription factors CEBPA and KLF4 as well as the universal tumor suppressor p53 are frequently deregulated. Here, we investigated the extent of dysregulation, the molecular interactions, and the mechanisms involved. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN One hundred ten AML patient samples were analyzed for protein levels of CEBPA, KLF4, p53, and p53 modulators. Regulation of CEBPA gene expression by KLF4 and p53 or by chemical p53 activators was characterized in AML cell lines. RESULTS We found that CEBPA gene transcription can be directly activated by p53 and KLF4, suggesting a p53-KLF4-CEBPA axis. In AML patient cells, we observed a prominent loss of p53 function and concomitant reduction of KLF4 and CEBPA protein levels. Assessment of cellular p53 modulator proteins indicated that p53 inactivation in leukemic cells correlated with elevated levels of the nuclear export protein XPO1/CRM1 and increase of the p53 inhibitors MDM2 and CUL9/PARC in the cytoplasm. Finally, restoring p53 function following treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy compounds and p53 restoring non-genotoxic agents induced CEBPA gene expression, myeloid differentiation, and cell-cycle arrest in AML cells. CONCLUSIONS The p53-KLF4-CEBPA axis is deregulated in AML but can be functionally restored by conventional chemotherapy and novel p53 activating treatments. Clin Cancer Res; 22(3); 746-56. ©2015 AACR.


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Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.


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During early mouse neural development, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling patterns the dorsal neural tube and defines distinct neural progenitor cell domains along the dorsoventral axis. Unlike the ventral signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog, which has long-range activity by establishing a concentration gradient in the ventral neural tube, these dorsally expressed BMPs appear to have a limited domain of action. This raises questions as to how BMP activity is restricted locally and how restricted BMP signaling directs dorsal neural patterning and differentiation. I hypothesize that BMPs are restricted in the dorsal neural tube for correct dorsoventral patterning. ^ Previous studies have shown that the positively charged basic amino acids located at the N-terminus of several BMPs are essential for heparin binding and diffusion. This provides a novel tool to address these questions. Here I adapted a UAS/GAL4 bigenic mouse system to control the ectopic expression of BMP4 and a mutant form of BMP4 that lacks a subset of the N-terminal basic amino acids. The target genes, UAS-Bmp4 and UAS-mBmp4 , were introduced into the Hprt locus by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. The expression of the GAL4 transactivator was driven by a roof plate specific Wnt1 promoter. ^ The bigenic mouse embryos exhibit phenotype variations, ranging from mid/hindbrain defects, hemorrhage, and eye abnormalities to vasculture formation. Embryonic death starts around E11.5 because of severe hemorrhage. The different expression levels of the activated transgene may account for the phenotype variation. Further marker analysis reveals that mutant BMP4 induces ectopic expression of the dorsal markers MSX1/2 and PAX7 in the ventral neural tube. In addition, the expression of the ventral neural marker NKX2.2 is affected by the expanded BMP4 activity, indicating that ectopic BMP signaling can antagonize ventral signaling. Comparison of the phenotypes of the Wnt1/ Bmp4 and Wnt1/mBmp4 bigenic embryos that express transgenes at the same level, respectively, shows that mutant BMP4 causes the expansion of dorsal neural fates ventrally while wild type BMP4 does not, suggesting that mutant BMP4 acts farther than wild type BMP4. Together, these data suggest that the N-terminus basic amino acid core controls BMP4 long-range activity in neural development, and that BMP signaling patterns the dorsal neural tube through a secondary signaling pathway that involves homeodomain transcription factors MSX1/2 and PAX7. ^


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Histone acetylation plays an essential role in many DNA-related processes such as transcriptional regulation via modulation of chromatin structure. Many histone acetytransferases have been discovered and studied in the past few years, but the roles of different histone acetyltransferases (HAT) during mammalian development are not well defined at present. Gcn5 histone acetyltransferase is highly expressed until E16.5 during development. Previous studies in our lab using a constitutive null allele demonstrated that Gcn5 knock out mice are embryonic lethal, precluding the study of Gcn5 functions at later developmental stages. The creation of a conditional Gcn5 null allele, Gcn5flox allele, bypasses the early lethality. Mice homozygous for this allele are viable and appear healthy. In contrast, mice homozygous for a Gcn5 Δex3-18 allele created by Cre-loxP mediated deletion display a phenotype identical to our original Gcn5 null mice. Strikingly, a Gcn5flox(neo) allele, which contain a neomycin cassette in the second intron of Gcn5 is only partially functional and gives rise to a hypomorphic phenotype. Initiation of cranial neural tube closure at forebrain/midbrain boundary fails, resulting in an exencephaly in some Gcn5flox(neo)/flox(neo) embryos. These defects were found at an even greater penetrance in Gcn5flox(neo)/Δ embryos and become completely penetrant in the 129Sv genetic background, suggesting that Gcn5 controls mouse neural tube closure in a dose dependent manner. Furthermore, both Gcn5flox(neo)/flox(neo) and Gcn5 flox(neo)/Δ embryos exhibit anterior homeotic transformations in lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. These defects are accompanied by decreased expression levels and a shift in anterior expression boundary of Hoxc8 and Hoxc9. This study provides the first evidence that Gcn5 regulates Hox gene expression and is required for normal axial skeletal patterning in mice. ^


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Mammalian COP9 signalosome, which connects signaling with the ubiquitin-mediated proteasome degradation pathway, is implicated in cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response. However, whether COP9 is dysregulated in cancers has not been well established. Here, we showed that COP9 subunit 6 (CSN6) was upregulated in malignant breast and thyroid tumors and positively correlated with MDM2 expression. Investigation of the underlying mechanism suggested that CSN6 stabilized MDM2, thereby accelerating the degradation of p53. We generated mice carrying a targeted disruption of the Csn6 gene, and found that the mice with both alleles disrupted (Csn6-/- ) died in early embryogenesis (E7.5). Csn6+/- mice were sensitized to undergo γ-radiation-induced p53-dependent apoptosis in both thymus and developing central nervous system. Consequently. Csn6 +/- mice were more susceptible to the lethal effects of high-dose γ-radiation than wild-type mice. Notably, Csn6+/- mice were less susceptible to γ-radiation-induced tumorigenesis and had better long-term survival after low-dose γ-radiation exposure compared with wild-type animals, indicating that loss of CSN6 enhanced p53-mediated tumor suppression in vivo. In summary, the regulation of MDM2-p53 signaling by CSN6 plays a significant role in DNA damage-mediated apoptosis and tumorigenesis, which suggests that CSN6 may potentially be a valuable diagnostic marker for cancers with a dysregulated MDM2-p53 axis. ^


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The underlying genetic defects of a congenital disease Nail-Patella Syndrome are loss-of-function mutations in the LMX1B gene. Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor that is expressed specifically in the dorsal limb bud mesenchyme. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments suggest that Lmx1b is both necessary and sufficient to specify dorsal limb patterning. However, how Lmx1b coordinates patterning of the dorsal tissues in the limb, including muscle, skeleton and connective tissues, remains unknown. One possibility is that each tissue specifies its own pattern cell-autonomously, i.e., Lmx1b is expressed in tissues in which it functions and different tissues do not communicate with each other. Another possibility is that tissues that express Lmx1b interact with adjacent tissues and provide patterning information thereby directing the development of tissues non-cell-autonomously. Previous results showed that Lmx1b is expressed in limb connective tissue and skeleton, but is not expressed in muscle tissue. Moreover, muscles and muscle connective tissue are closely associated during development. Therefore, we hypothesize that Lmx1b controls limb muscle dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning through muscle connective tissue, but regulates skeleton and tendon/ligament development cell-autonomously. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first examined when and where the limb dorsal-ventral asymmetry is established during development. Subsequently, conditional knockout and overexpression experiments were performed to delete or activate Lmx1b in different tissues within the limb. Our results show that deletion of Lmx1b from whole limb mesenchyme results in all dorsal tissues, including muscle, tendon/ligament and skeleton, transforming into ventral structures. Skeleton-specific knockout of Lmx1b led to the dorsal duplication of distal sesamoid and metacarpal bones, but did not affect the pattern formation of other tissues, suggesting that Lmx1b controls skeleton development cell-autonomously. In addition, this skeleton-specific pattern alteration only occurs in distal limb tissues, not proximal limb tissues, indicating different regulatory mechanisms operate along the limb proximal-distal axis. Moreover, skeleton-specific ectopic expression of Lmx1b reveals a complementary skeletal-specific dorsalized phenotype. This result supports a cell-autonomous role for Lmx1b in dorsal-ventral skeletal patterning. This study enriched our understanding of limb development, and the insights from this research may also be applicable for the development of other organs. ^


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This thesis is centered on applying molecular genetics to study pattern formation during animal development. More specifically, this thesis describes the functional studies of a LIM-homeodomain gene called lmx1b during murine embryogenesis. Lmx1b expression is restricted to the mid-hindbrain junction as well as to the dorsal mesenchyme of the limb, suggesting important functions during mid-hindbrain and limb development. To test these possibilities, lmx1b homozygous mutant mice were generated and their limb and CNS phenotypes examined. Lmx1b homozygous mutant mice exhibit a large reduction of mid-hindbrain structures, and that their limbs are symmetrical along the dorsal-ventral axis as the result of a dorsal to ventral transformation. Taken together, these studies define essential functions for lmx1b in mid-hindbrain patteming and in dorsal limb cell fate determination. However, the molecular mechanisms which accounts for these phenotypes are unknown, and whether lmx1b has same or distinctive functions during the mid-hindbrain and limb development is also unclear. ^ Recently, insight into molecular mechanisms of mid-hindbrain patterning and limb development has resulted from the identification of several factors with restricted expression patterns within these regions. These include the secreted factors wnt-1, fgf-8, wnt-7a and the transcription factors pax-2, and en-1. Targeted disruption of any of these genes in mice suggests that these genes might be involved in similar regulatory pathways. Analysis of the expression of these genes in lmx1b mutants demonstrates that lmxlb is not required for the initiation, but is required to maintain their expression at the mid-hindbrain junction. Thus, lmxlb is not required for specifying mid-hindbrain cell fates, rather, it functions to ensure the establishment or maintenance of a proper organizing center at the mid-hindbrain junction. Interestingly, lmxlb functions cell non-autonomously in chimera analysis, which indicates that lmx1b might regulate the expression of secreted factors such as wnt-1 and/or fgf-8 in the organizing center. In contrast, lmx1b functions cell autonomously in the dorsal limb to govern dorsal ventral limb development and its expression is regulated by with wnt-7a and en-1. However, single and double mutant analysis suggest that all three genes have partially overlapping functions as well as independent functions. The results point toward a complicated network of cross-talks among all three limb axes. ^


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This paper presents the gestation of a new model of Occupational Counselling, centred in the joint action of State, Third Sector and Private Organizations. Different programmes are identified which involve the treatment of issues related to Labour, Employment and Education within the framework of objectives of social development, community participation and respect for diversity. The data of the investigation make it possible to establish connections between the tasks, professional profiles and professional training of the counsellors who participate in the different programmes.


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This paper presents the gestation of a new model of Occupational Counselling, centred in the joint action of State, Third Sector and Private Organizations. Different programmes are identified which involve the treatment of issues related to Labour, Employment and Education within the framework of objectives of social development, community participation and respect for diversity. The data of the investigation make it possible to establish connections between the tasks, professional profiles and professional training of the counsellors who participate in the different programmes.