988 resultados para Aves Ridge


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Se explica un proyecto desarrollado por el alumnado de educación infantil del CEIP La Regüela, de Palomares del Río (Sevilla). El tema de trabajo es sobre las aves. Se exponen los objetivos de la experiencia, así como las actividades programadas.


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Contiene índice de nombres


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Se presenta un material did??ctico para el alumnado de 4.?? de la ESO en la materia de Biolog??a y Geolog??a, en el que se propone un cambio de metodolog??a de trabajo fuera del aula. Consiste en realizar una visita de observaci??n ornitol??gica, un modo de trabajo pr??ctico, que permite al alumnado adquirir las competencias b??sicas y acercarse a la labor de investigaci??n de campo. Esto le permitir?? entender, de primera mano, los procesos que concurren en la naturaleza de su entorno cercano, con el objetivo de lograr ciudadanos responsables y con autonom??a que respetan y preservan la biodiversidad de Canarias y su influencia en el ecosistema.


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Se pone de relieve la gran cantidad de aves migratorias que pasan por la isla de Lanzarote convirti??ndola en un ???punto caliente??? de la biodiversidad. Estas aves que, a??o tras a??o, cruzan el Sahara de Europa a ??frica y viceversa, son una agradable sorpresa para el observador. Es por lo que la avifauna de las islas Canarias tiene en com??n elementos propios de los dos continentes, adem??s de un conjunto de endemismos de especies y subespecies que s??lo se encuentran en este peque??o lugar del planeta.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Asymptotic expressions are derived for the mountain wave drag in flow with constant wind and static stability over a ridge when both rotation and non-hydrostatic effects are important. These expressions, which are much more manageable than the corresponding exact drag expressions (when these do exist) are found to provide accurate approximations to the drag, even when non-hydrostatic and rotation effects are strong, despite having been developed for cases where these effects are weak. The derived expressions are compared with approximations to the drag found previously, and their asymptotic behaviour in various limits is studied.


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Using linear theory, it is shown that, in resonant flow over a 2D mountain ridge, such as exists when a layer of uniform wind is topped by an environmental critical level, the conditions for internal gravity-wave breaking are different from those determined in previous studies for non-resonant flows. For Richardson numbers in the shear layer not exceeding 2.25, two zones of flow overturning exist, respectively below and downstream and above and upstream of the expected locations. Flow overturning occurs for values of the dimensionless height of the ridge smaller than those required for a uniform wind profile. These results may have implications for the physical understanding of high-drag states.


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The analytical model proposed by Teixeira, Miranda, and Valente is modified to calculate the gravity wave drag exerted by a stratified flow over a 2D mountain ridge. The drag is found to be more strongly affected by the vertical variation of the background velocity than for an axisymmetric mountain. In the hydrostatic approximation, the corrections to the drag due to this effect do not depend on the detailed shape of the ridge as long as this is exactly 2D. Besides the drag, all the perturbed quantities of the flow at the surface, including the pressure, may be calculated analytically.


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The occurrence of strong and persistent mid-latitude anticyclonic ridges over the Eastern North Atlantic is a major contributor to the occurrence of severe winter droughts over Western Iberia. We analyze the development of strong and persistent ridge episodes within 40–50°N; 40°W–5°E, which are defined as 300 hPa geopotential height anomalies above 50 gpm that persist for at least 10 consecutive days. Results suggest that the generation and maintenance of these episodes, with positive stratospheric geopotential anomalies over the North American continent and the adjacent North Pacific, are associated with an intensified polar jet. Such positive anomalies tend to detach from the main stratospheric anomaly and propagate eastwards and downwards as Rossby tropospheric waves. Furthermore, the Eastern North Atlantic ridge is generated and repeatedly reinforced until the stratospheric anomaly dissipates. Results also show evidence for waves breaking anticyclonically during the episodes, which is dynamically coherent with their persistency and quasi-stationarity.