393 resultados para Autopsy.
Bacterial meningitis (BM) frequently causes persisting neurofunctional sequelae. Autopsy studies in patients dying from BM show characteristic apoptotic brain injury to the stem cell niche in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG), and this form of brain damage is associated with learning and memory deficits in experimental BM. With an eye to potential regenerative therapies, the survival, migration, and differentiation of neuronal precursor cells (NPCs) were evaluated after engraftment into the injured hippocampus in vitro and in vivo in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing NPCs were grafted into the DG of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures injured by challenge with live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Seven days after engraftment, NPCs had migrated from the site of injection into the injured granular layer of the DG and electro-functionally integrated into the hippocampal network. In vivo, GFP-expressing NPCs migrated within 1 week from the injection site in the hilus region to the injured granular layer of the hippocampal DG and showed neuronal differentiation at 2 and 4 weeks after transplantation. Hippocampal injury induced by BM guides grafted NPCs to the area of brain damage and provides a microenvironment for neuronal differentiation and functional integration.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence and characteristics of sleep-wake disturbances in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) are poorly understood. METHODS: Seven consecutive patients with definite sCJD underwent a systematic assessment of sleep-wake disturbances, including clinical history, video-polysomnography, and actigraphy. Extent and distribution of neurodegeneration was estimated by brain autopsy in six patients. Western blot analyses enabling classification and quantification of the protease-resistant isoform of the prion protein, PrPSc, in thalamus and occipital cortex was available in four patients. RESULTS: Sleep-wake symptoms were observed in all patients, and were prominent in four of them. All patients had severe sleep EEG abnormalities with loss of sleep spindles, very low sleep efficiency, and virtual absence of REM sleep. The correlation between different methods to assess sleep-wake functions (history, polysomnography, actigraphy, videography) was generally poor. Brain autopsy revealed prominent changes in cortical areas, but only mild changes in the thalamus. No mutation of the PRNP gene was found. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, first, the existence of sleep-wake disturbances similar to those reported in fatal familial insomnia in the absence of prominent and isolated thalamic neuronal loss, and second, the need of a multimodal approach for the unambiguous assessment of sleep-wake functions in these patients.
AIMS: Postmortem magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging is currently evaluated as alternative to traditional autopsy and myocardial infarction plays a key role therein. The aim of this study is to determine the suitability of postmortem MRI in infarction age staging. METHODS AND RESULTS: In eight human forensic corpses presenting with a total of 11 myocardial infarcted areas, short-axis, transversal, and longitudinal long-axis images (T1, T2, stir, flair) were acquired in situ on a 1.5 T system. During subsequent autopsy, the section technique was adapted to short-axis images. Histological investigations were performed along the entire circumference of the left ventricle to correlate the signal alteration in MR to the histological appearance. Two peracute infarctions were not detected in MRI and autopsy. Four acute infarcted areas presented with decreased signal in necrotic centres and increased signal in marginal myocardial regions (T2-weighted). T1-weighted images showed local hyperintensities when intramyocardial haemorrhage occurred. Four cases showed subacute infarctions with hyperintense regions in T2-weighted images and no signal alteration in T1-weighted images. Four chronic myocardial infarctions showed distinctively decreased signals in all applied sequences. CONCLUSION: Postmortem MRI demonstrates myocardial infarction in situ and allows for an infarction age estimation based on the signal behaviour.
PURPOSE: Currently, in forensic medicine cross-sectional imaging gains recognition and a wide use as a non-invasive examination approach. Today, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging that are available for patients are unable to provide tissue information on the cellular level in a non-invasive manner and also diatom detection, DNA, bacteriological, chemical toxicological and other specific tissue analyses are impossible using radiology. We hypothesised that post-mortem minimally invasive tissue sampling using needle biopsies under CT guidance might significantly enhance the potential of virtual autopsy. The purpose of this study was to test the use of a clinically approved biopsy needle for minimally invasive post-mortem sampling of tissue specimens under CT guidance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: ACN III biopsy core needles 14 gauge x 160 mm with automatic pistol device were used on three bodies dedicated to research from the local anatomical institute. Tissue probes from the brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney and muscle tissue were obtained under CT fluoroscopy. RESULTS: CT fluoroscopy enabled accurate placement of the needle within the organs and tissues. The needles allowed for sampling of tissue probes with a mean width of 1.7 mm (range 1.2-2 mm) and the maximal length of 20 mm at all locations. The obtained tissue specimens were of sufficient size and adequate quality for histological analysis. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that, similar to the clinical experience but in many more organs, the tissue specimens obtained using the clinically approved biopsy needle are of a sufficient size and adequate quality for a histological examination. We suggest that post-mortem biopsy using the ACN III needle under CT guidance may become a reliable method for targeted sampling of tissue probes of the body.
OBJECTIVE: Autopsy determination of fatal hemorrhage as the cause of death is often a difficult diagnosis in forensic medicine. No quantitative system for accurately measuring the blood volume in a corpse has been developed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This article describes the measurement and evaluation of the cross-sectional areas of major blood vessels, of the diameter of the right pulmonary artery, of the volumes of thoracic aorta and spleen on MDCT, and of the volumes of heart chambers on MRI in 65 autopsy-verified cases of fatal hemorrhage or no fatal hemorrhage. RESULTS: Most cases with a cause of death of "fatal hemorrhage" had collapsed vessels. The finding of a collapsed superior vena cava, main pulmonary artery, or right pulmonary artery was 100% specific for fatal hemorrhage. The mean volumes of the thoracic aorta and of each of the heart chambers and the mean cross-sectional areas of all vessels except the inferior vena cava and abdominal aorta were significantly smaller in fatal hemorrhage than in no fatal hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: For the quantitative differentiation of fatal hemorrhage from other causes of death, we propose a three-step algorithm with measurements of the diameter of the right pulmonary artery, the cross-sectional area of the main pulmonary artery, and the volume of the right atrium (specificity, 100%; sensitivity, 95%). However, this algorithm must be corroborated in a prospective study, which would eliminate the limitations of this study. Quantitative postmortem cross-sectional imaging might become a reliable objective method to assess the question of fatal hemorrhage in forensic medicine.
OBJECTIVE: Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are introduced as an alternative to traditional autopsy. The purpose of this study was to investigate their accuracy in mass estimation of liver and spleen. METHODS: In 44 cases, the weights of spleen and liver were estimated based on MRI and CT data using a volume-analysis software and a postmortem tissue-specific density factor. In a blinded approach, the results were compared with the weights noted at autopsy. RESULTS: Excellent correlation between estimated and real weights (r = 0.997 for MRI, r = 0.997 for CT) was found. Putrefaction gas and venous air embolism led to an overestimation. Venous congestion and drowning caused higher estimated weights. CONCLUSION: Postmortem weights of liver and spleen can accurately be assessed by nondestructive imaging. Multislice CT overcomes the limitation of putrefaction and venous air embolism by the possibility to exclude gas. Congestion seems to be even better assessed.
In forensic autopsies, one of the most important and common signs of violence to the neck is hemorrhages of the soft tissues. The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern evaluates the usefulness of postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forensic cases prior to autopsy. The aim of this study was to prove the sensitivity of postmortem MSCT and MRI in the detection of hemorrhages of the neck muscles. A full body scan prior to and a detailed scan of the explanted larynx after autopsy were performed. MSCT detected multiple fractures of the larynx. Detailed MRI was able to demonstrate the hemorrhage of the left posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. The minor hemorrhage of the right posterior cricoarytenoid muscle could not be detected with certainty. Although more experience is required, we conclude that combined MRI and MSCT examination is a useful tool for documentation and examination of neck muscle hemorrhages in forensic cases.
The rapid development of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) led to the introduction and establishment in postmortem investigations. The objectives of this preliminary study were to describe the imaging appearances of the early postmortem changes of blood after cessation of the circulation, such as sedimentation, postmortem clotting, and internal livores, and to give a few first suggestions on how to differentiate them from other forensic findings. In the Virtopsy project, 95 human corpses underwent postmortem imaging by CT and MRI prior to traditional autopsy and therefore 44 cases have been investigated in this study. Postmortem alterations as well as the forensic relevant findings of the blood, such as internal or subcutaneous bleedings, are presented on the basis of their imaging appearances in multislice CT and MRI.
A 51-year-old man was struck by the tip of a broomstick weighing 1000 g at the left side of the neck, upon which he collapsed. Intense but delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation restored the circulation roughly 30 minutes after the incident. Upon admittance to a nearby hospital, an extensive hypoxic cerebral damage was diagnosed. Death due to the severe cerebral damage occurred 5 hours after the incident. An autopsy demonstrated a severe subcutaneous traumatization of the left side of the neck, with a hemorrhage compressing the carotid bifurcation. A prolonged excitation due to this ongoing compression of the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus was assumed to have led to a cardiac arrest. In this case report, the authors discuss the underlying pathophysiology of this potentially lethal and rare reflexogenic incident also known as the Hering reflex and discuss possible therapeutic measures.
BACKGROUND: Until August 2004 there were 106 forensic cases examined with postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging before traditional autopsy within the Virtopsy project. Intrahepatic gas (IHG) was a frequent finding in postmortem MSCT examinations. The aim of this study was to investigate its cause and significance. METHODS: There were 84 virtopsy cases retrospectively investigated concerning the occurrence, location, and volume of IHG in postmortem MSCT imaging (1.25 mm collimation, 1.25 mm thickness). We assessed and noted the occurrence of intestinal distention, putrefaction, and systemic gas embolisms and the cause of death, possible open trauma, possible artificial respiration, and the postmortem interval. We investigated the relations between the findings using the contingency table (chi2 test) and the comparison of the postmortem intervals in both groups was performed using the t test in 79 nonputrefied corpses. RESULTS: IHG was found in 47 cases (59.5%). In five of the cases, the IHG was caused or influenced by putrefaction. Gas distribution within the liver of the remaining 42 cases was as follows: hepatic arteries in 21 cases, hepatic veins in 35 cases, and portal vein branches in 13 cases; among which combinations also occurred in 20 cases. The presence of IHG was strongly related to open trauma with systemic gas. Pulmonary barotrauma as occurring under artificial respiration or in drowning also caused IHG. Putrefaction did not seem to influence the occurrence of IHG until macroscopic signs of putrefaction were noticeable. CONCLUSIONS: IHG is a frequent finding in traumatic causes of death and requires a systemic gas embolism. Exceptions are putrefied or burned corpses. Common clinical causes such as necrotic bowel diseases appear rarely as a cause of IHG in our forensic case material.
The examination of traffic accidents is daily routine in forensic medicine. An important question in the analysis of the victims of traffic accidents, for example in collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians or cyclists, is the situation of the impact. Apart from forensic medical examinations (external examination and autopsy), three-dimensional technologies and methods are gaining importance in forensic investigations. Besides the post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the documentation and analysis of internal findings, highly precise 3D surface scanning is employed for the documentation of the external body findings and of injury-inflicting instruments. The correlation of injuries of the body to the injury-inflicting object and the accident mechanism are of great importance. The applied methods include documentation of the external and internal body and the involved vehicles and inflicting tools as well as the analysis of the acquired data. The body surface and the accident vehicles with their damages were digitized by 3D surface scanning. For the internal findings of the body, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were used. The analysis included the processing of the obtained data to 3D models, determination of the driving direction of the vehicle, correlation of injuries to the vehicle damages, geometric determination of the impact situation and evaluation of further findings of the accident. In the following article, the benefits of the 3D documentation and computer-assisted, drawn-to-scale 3D comparisons of the relevant injuries with the damages to the vehicle in the analysis of the course of accidents, especially with regard to the impact situation, are shown on two examined cases.
The aim of this study was to identify the classic autopsy signs of drowning in post-mortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT). Therefore, the post-mortem pre-autopsy MSCT- findings of ten drowning cases were correlated with autopsy and statistically compared with the post-mortem MSCT of 20 non-drowning cases. Fluid in the airways was present in all drowning cases. Central aspiration in either the trachea or the main bronchi was usually observed. Consecutive bronchospasm caused emphysema aquosum. Sixty percent of drowning cases showed a mosaic pattern of the lung parenchyma due to regions of hypo- and hyperperfused lung areas of aspiration. The resorption of fresh water in the lung resulted in hypodensity of the blood representing haemodilution and possible heart failure. Swallowed water distended the stomach and duodenum; and inflow of water filled the paranasal sinuses (100%). All the typical findings of drowning, except Paltau's spots, were detected using post-mortem MSCT, and a good correlation of MSCT and autopsy was found. The advantage of MSCT was the direct detection of bronchospasm, haemodilution and water in the paranasal sinus, which is rather complicated or impossible at the classical autopsy.
Homicides with a survival of several days are not uncommon in forensic routine work. Reconstructions of these cases by autopsy alone are very difficult and may occasionally lead to unsatisfying results. For the medico-legal reconstruction of these cases, ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological imaging should always be included in the expertise. We report on a case of fatal penetrating stab wounds to the skull in which a case reconstruction was only possible by combining the radiological ante- and post-mortem data with the autopsy findings.
The chest X-ray of a 61-year-old man with severe aortic and mitral stenosis revealed extensive, circularly arranged calcifications in the wall of the left atrial appendage. He died soon after admission to hospital and autopsy confirmed the atrial calcifications in association with severe mitral stenosis. Although such calcification of the left atrial wall is rare, it can be of importance because it may make the usual surgical approach to mitral valve replacement impossible.
An outwardly mummified and inwardly badly decomposed body was found in a garage. At autopsy, no injuries were detected. Apart from coronary heart disease, with an old myocardial scar and a hepatic steatosis, the most striking finding was a large intracranial epidural hemorrhage situated at the left frontal lobe. As a relevant traumatic genesis could be ruled out, we deemed this a nontraumatic epidural hematoma. This finding is extremely rare. Several underlying disorders have been discussed as causes of spontaneous epidural hematomas. In this presented case, the authors discuss possible etiological factors.