922 resultados para Apple fruit-borer
‘’Fruta com Cheiro’’ is an idea for a new brand of fruit that would be introduced in the Portuguese market that would differentiate itself from the brands already in the market and from other non-branded fruit producers. In order to prove that the idea was valid and would have a place in the market, two methods of exploratory research were used – in-depth interviews and focus groups – to understand attitudes and behaviors regarding fruit selection and purchase and also people’s perceptions to ‘’Fruta com Cheiro’’. After these two steps, several considerations were made in relation to preliminary marketing aspects such as brand creation and positioning. There was also a final remark on the fact that this thesis is not a business plan and its purpose was to show how viable would the project be.
This work project regards a challenge presented by a Portuguese organization on the retail sector, SONAEMC, which is a case study of how and why fruit shrinkage occurs in the fruit supply chain within their convenience stores. A qualitative research methodology enabled to infer in which stages throughout the chain shrinkage’s causes occur and, to conclude that internal rules for procedures and processes are not always followed and whose compliance would be enough to reduce fruit shrinkage. The key conclusion is that if fruit stock loss is reduced by as much as 15% the category’s profitability could increase about 8%.
This project has two different goals, one of them is to promote the consumption of exotic fruits with high quality. The other goal of the project is to look for the viability of turning this work project into a real business, focusing in two different channels to diversify its revenues: B2B and B2C. In order to achieve this second goal, this project aims to see the best way to commercialize this product (Lucuma powder and Pulp of Lucuma) and how to make it in an efficient way with right companies. Therefore, the project aims to create a company to commercialize the product between the producers in Peru and possibly small businesses interested in acquire the processed fruit and also individuals interested in own consumption in small quantities. This project, if successful, tries to diversify the consumption into other good organic healthy products in the long-term.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:The larvicidal activity of oils, fatty acids, and methyl esters of Solanum lycocarpum fruit against Culex quinquefasciatus is unknown.METHODS:The larvicidal activity of samples of ripe and unripe fruit from S. lycocarpum was evaluated against third and fourth instar larvae of C. quinquefasciatus .RESULTS:The oils, fatty acids, and methyl esters of S. lycocarpum showed the greatest larvicidal effect (57.1-95.0%) at a concentration of 100mg/L (LC 50values between 0.70 and 27.54mg/L).CONCLUSIONS:Solanum lycocarpum fruit may be a good source of new natural products with larvicidal activity.
A nest of an undescribed species of Euglossa was found inside a fruit of Theobroma subincanum (Sterculiaceae) in the Amazonian rainforest, Ecuador. It contained 3-4 living females and one dead and 37 cells in all. Total length of bee 12.5mm; frons blue-green; thorax blue; abdomen bronze above, green and dark ventrally; and kind tibia blue. Tongue about 11 mm long.
Frutaformas is a Portuguese micro-enterprise, specialized in the production of premium dehydrated-fruit, an emerging snack category fostered by the increasing trend for healthier alimentary habits in developed countries. The relatively small size of the domestic market and the growing competition led Frutaformas to consider Europe as an attractive for export market. A scoring model based on a set of macro and micro-level criteria suggested the United Kingdom as the preferential target country at this stage. Recommendations on the entry mode and the associated risks were elaborated taking into account the country and industry analysis as well as Frutaformas’ unique organizational platform.
Bacuri (Platonia insignis, Mart.) is one of the most important among Amazonian fruits. However, little is known about its postharvest physiology, such as maturity stages, changes during ambient storage, and respiratory pattern. Fruits were harvested at three maturity stages based on epicarp colour: dark green, light green, and turning (50% yellow), in order to determine colour modification and respiratory pattern during ambient storage (25.2 ºC, 75.1 % RH). Fruit of all maturity stages showed, after three days of harvest, a non-climacteric respiratory pattern, with turning fruit presenting the highest CO2 production rate until the fourth storage day (177.63 mg.CO2.kg-1.h-1). Yellowing increased throughout storage as related to lightness, chromaticity, and hue angle reductions. Turning fruit can be stored at ambient conditions for up to 10 days without any loss in marketability.
Essential oils from leaves and fruits of Protiumheptaphyllum collected in Tamandaré beach Pernambuco/Brazil were analysed by GC/MS and tested for toxicity and repellent effect against the two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). The major constituent identified in the fruits was alpha-terpinene (47.6 %) whereas oil from leaf contained mainly sesquiterpenes such as 9-epi-caryophyllene (21.4 %), trans-isolongifolanone (10.7 %) and 14-hydroxi-9-epi-caryophyllene (16.7 %). The fruit oil was found to be more effective against the mite when compared to the leaf oil. Both showed mortality properties and oviposition deterrence in higher concentration (10 µl.l-1 air), but only the essential oil from fruits induced repellence on T. urticae.
Long term applications of leguminous green mulch could increase mineralizable nitrogen (N) beneath cupuaçu trees produced on the infertile acidic Ultisols and Oxisols of the Amazon Basin. However, low quality standing cupuaçu litter could interfere with green mulch N release and soil N mineralization. This study compared mineral N, total N, and microbial biomass N beneath cupuaçu trees grown in two different agroforestry systems, north of Manaus, Brazil, following seven years of different green mulch application rates. To test for net interactions between green mulch and cupuaçu litter, dried gliricidia and inga leaves were mixed with senescent cupuaçu leaves, surface applied to an Oxisol soil, and incubated in a greenhouse for 162 days. Leaf decomposition, N release and soil N mineralization were periodically measured in the mixed species litter treatments and compared to single species applications. The effect of legume biomass and cupuaçu litter on soil mineral N was additive implying that recommendations for green mulch applications to cupuaçu trees can be based on N dynamics of individual green mulch species. Results demonstrated that residue quality, not quantity, was the dominant factor affecting the rate of N release from leaves and soil N mineralization in a controlled environment. In the field, complex N cycling and other factors, including soil fauna, roots, and microclimatic effects, had a stronger influence on available soil N than residue quality.
Modeling clays have been used in several ecological experiments and have proved to be an important tool to variables control. The objective of our study was to determine if fruit color in isolated and grouped displays influences the fruit selection by birds in the field using artificial fruits. Data were collected in six plots distributed homogeneously in 3 km long trails with a minimum distance of 0.5 km. We used a paired experimental design to establish our experiments, so that all treatments were available to the local bird community in each plot. Overall, red was more pecked than brown and white. Isolated red and brown displays were significantly more pecked than others display. Even though our study was conducted in small spatial scales, artificial fruits appeared to be efficient in register fruit consumption attempts by bird. Although inconclusive about selective forces that sharp the dynamics of fruit color polymorphisms and choice by frugivorous birds, our findings corroborate recent studies wherein birds showed preferences by high- over low-contrast fruit signals.
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of chitosan-based edible coatings with Aloe vera extract on the postharvest blueberry fruit quality during storage at 5 °C. Firstly, A. vera fractions (pulp and liquid) were extracted from leaves and evaluated in terms of antifungal and antioxidant capacities. The choice of the most adequate chitosan and A. vera fraction concentrations to be incorporated in coating formulation was made based on the wettability of the corresponding coating solutions. Coatings with 0.5% (w/v) chitosan + 0.5% (w/v) glycerol + 0.1% (w/v) Tween 80 + 0.5% (v/v) A. vera liquid fraction presented the best characteristics to uniformly coat blueberry surface. Physico-chemical (i.e., titratable acidity, pH, weight loss) and microbiological analyses of coated blueberries (non-inoculated or artificially inoculated with Botrytis cinerea) were performed during 25 d. Microbiological growth and water loss levels were approximately reduced by 50% and 42%, respectively, in coated blueberries after 25 d compared to uncoated blueberries. After 15 d, weight loss values were 6.2% and 3.7% for uncoated and chitosanA. vera coated blueberries, respectively. Uncoated fruits presented mold contamination after 2 d of storage (2.0 ± 0.32 log CFU g1), whilst fruits with chitosan-based coatings with A. vera presented mold contamination only after 9 d of storage (1.3 ± 0.35 log CFU g1). Overall, coatings developed in this study extend blueberries shelf-life for about 5 d, demonstrating for the first time that the combination of chitosan and A. vera liquid fraction as edible coating materials has great potential in expanding the shelf-life of fruits.
Natural mineral waters (still), effervescent natural mineral waters (sparkling) and aromatized waters with fruit-flavors (still or sparkling) are an emerging market. In this work, the capability of a potentiometric electronic tongue, comprised with lipid polymeric membranes, to quantitatively estimate routinely quality physicochemical parameters (pH and conductivity) as well as to qualitatively classify water samples according to the type of water was evaluated. The study showed that a linear discriminant model, based on 21 sensors selected by the simulated annealing algorithm, could correctly classify 100 % of the water samples (leave-one out cross-validation). This potential was further demonstrated by applying a repeated K-fold cross-validation (guaranteeing that at least 15 % of independent samples were only used for internal-validation) for which 96 % of correct classifications were attained. The satisfactory recognition performance of the E-tongue could be attributed to the pH, conductivity, sugars and organic acids contents of the studied waters, which turned out in significant differences of sweetness perception indexes and total acid flavor. Moreover, the E-tongue combined with multivariate linear regression models, based on sub-sets of sensors selected by the simulated annealing algorithm, could accurately estimate waters pH (25 sensors: R 2 equal to 0.99 and 0.97 for leave-one-out or repeated K-folds cross-validation) and conductivity (23 sensors: R 2 equal to 0.997 and 0.99 for leave-one-out or repeated K-folds cross-validation). So, the overall satisfactory results achieved, allow envisaging a potential future application of electronic tongue devices for bottled water analysis and classification.
Este proyecto estudiará las estrategias de vida implementadas por familias productoras fruti hortícolas que viven en Colonia Tirolesa y Chacra de la Merced, lugares que forman parte del cinturón verde de la Ciudad de Córdoba; y su relación con los procesos de diferenciación social, asociados a cambios productivos, económicos, culturales y sociales que están condicionados por el modelo de expansión capitalista. A partir del análisis del capital económico, social, cultural y simbólico se identificará en un contexto rural las motivaciones, logicas productivas y conocimientos agrícolas que incidieron en las decisiones asumidas ante problematicas emergentes, tales como limitaciones para adquirir nuevos paquetes tecnológicos, el impacto ambiental causados por la no conservación y sustentabilidad de los recursos y las consecuencias sociales vinculadas a los laxos de familia, el trabajo y la calidad de vida.Se plantean las siguientes hipótesis: 1)Algunas familias productoras implementaron estrategias de vida que se relacionan con criterios de autosustentabilidad, conocimientos agrícolas tradicionales y pautas culturales.2) Los nuevos espacios productivos no son compatibles con agroecosistemas sustentables. 3) Las nuevas tecnologías causaron impactos en la actividad productiva e incidieron en la economía, calidad de vida y vinculos familiares. 4)El modo de producción familiar fue reemplazado por el modo de producción capitalista lo que incidió en la producción agrícola y en la conservación de los recursos.El objetivo principal es descubrir las estrategias de vida implementadas por un grupo de familias, trabajadoras fruti hortícolas, en respuesta a las transformaciones productivas, tecnológicas y socio económicas impuestas por el modelo de acumulación vigente.Para ello se caracterizará los ambitos productivos de trabajo a campo, identificando la disponibilidad de capital y los conocimientos técnicos y de manejo. También se analizarán las pautas y valores culturales, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías y la incidencia social, vinculada a los cambios en los modos de producción.El abordaje será de tipo cualitativo, recavando información para elaborar una descripción detallada de las estrategias de vida adoptadas a partir de la década de los noventa. Se tomará como unidad de análisis a las familias que trabajaron o trabajan en la producción de hortalizas o frutales. Se realizarán combinaciones entre procedimientos Tipológicos a Priori; Históricos Comparativos y casos Unitarios. Se analizará las normativas vigentes en relación al uso y calidad del agua y del suelo; también imágenes satelitales para analizar los procesos de cambio en el uso del territorio y del recurso suelo. Se pretende realizar un aporte relacionado con el conocimiento de: la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos, la pobreza y los modos de vida de los productores fruti hortícolas que persistencia en ambientes degradados; en una franja intermedia entre el campo y la ciudad.
A localização do superfosfato (marcado com P32) no maracujá em produção foi estudada em condições de plantação comercial. Verificou-se que as aplicações em sulcos circulares ou faixas superficiais ao redor da planta tem eficiência equivalente sendo esses métodos três vezes superiores à localização do adubo em furos no solo. A pulverização foliar, por sua vez, mostrou-se 20 vezes mais eficiente que a aplicação no solo de acordo com os dois primeiros métodos.