937 resultados para Anuran assemblages


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In this paper, we evaluate the effects of artificial reefs on fish assemblages in a hypereutrophic reservoir and in the lotic zone immediately below dam. Fish diversity was highest in the lotic zone relative to the reservoir. We also found an inverse relationship between diversity and distance from the river margin. Catches near the artificial reefs were more diverse than in control areas. A seasonal effect, possibly caused by variation in temperature, was significant in all comparisons. We argue that, in a scale of local effects, the ecological function of these structures would be similar to refuges.


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The effects of time averaging on the fossil record of soft-substrate marine faunas have been investigated in great detail, but the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages has been inferred only from limited-duration deployment experiments. Individually dated shells provide insight into the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages and the taphonomic history of their hosts over decades to centuries. Epibiont abundance and richness were evaluated for 86 dated valves of the rhynchonelliform brachiopod Bouchardia rosea collected from the inner shelf. Maximum abundance occurred on shells less than 400 yr old, and maximum diversity was attained within a century. Taphonomic evidence does not support models of live-host colonization, net accumulation, or erasure of epibionts over time. Encrustation appears to have occurred during a brief interval between host death and burial, with no evidence of significant recolonization of exhumed shells. Epibiont assemblages of individually dated shells preserve ecological snapshots, despite host-shell time averaging, and may record long-term ecological changes or anthropogenic environmental changes. Unless the ages of individual shells are directly estimated, however, pooling shells of different ages artificially reduces the temporal resolution of their encrusting assemblages to that of their hosts, an artifact of analytical time averaging. © 2006 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil. We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of overlap among calling sites of 23 anurans species, if anuran species use different calling sites in different water bodies, and if there is some relationship between the degree of advertisement call (based on seven call features) and calling site differentiation. Then, we determined calling sites (based in four variables) and recorded the advertisement call for anuran species that occurred in 10 water bodies of northwestern São Paulo State. We also determined the environmental heterogeneity (based in four environmental descriptors) for each water body. Males of most species used similar calling sites in each water body, probably because of the high uniformity of the environment, as a consequence of agricultural impacts on edge vegetation of the studied ponds. Most species (18 out of 19 species) called from different sites in the ponds where they occurred, which can be associated with differences in horizontal and vertical distribution of vegetation in the studied ponds. From the 19 species analyzed, only males of Pseudopaludicola aff. saltica called in sites with the same characteristics in different ponds. Advertisement call of Hylidae species was more similar to each other than were Leiuperidae and Leptodactylidae among themselves. The aquatic/terrestrial anurans (Bufonidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae) occupied similar calling sites but presented quite distinct advertisement calls, while Hylidae species presented an inverse pattern: a high similarity on advertisement call features but used different calling sites, which indicates a niche complementarity between physical (calling site use) and acoustic (advertisement call) space use. © 2008 Departamento de Ciências Biológicas.


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The Cladocera assemblages in two cascade reservoirs located in the Paranapanema River in Brazil were studied during two consecutive years. Upstream Chavantes Reservoir is an accumulation system, with a long water retention time, high depth and oligo-mesotrophic status. The downstream Salto Grande Reservoir is a small, run-of-river reservoir, with a short water retention time, shallow depth and meso-eutrophic status. The goal of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-reservoir limnological differences with emphasis on the Cladocerans assemblages. The following questions were posed: (i) what are the seasonal dynamics of the reservoir spatial structures; (ii) how dynamics, seasonally, is the reservoirs spatial structure; and (iii) are the reservoir independent systems? A total of 43 Cladoceran species were identified in this study. Ceriodaphnia silvestrii was the most abundant and frequent species found in Chavantes Reservoir, while C. cornuta was most abundant and frequent in Salto Grande Reservoir. The Cladoceran species richness differed significantly among sampling sites for both reservoirs. In terms of abundance, there was a significant variation among sampling sites and periods for both reservoirs. A cluster analysis indicated a higher similarity among the deeper compartments, and the intermediate river-reservoir zones was grouped with the riverine sampling sites. For the smaller Salto Grande Reservoir, the entrance of a middle size tributary causes major changes in the system. A distinct environment was observed in the river mouth zone of another small tributary, representing a shallow environment with aquatic macrophyte stands. A canonical correlation analysis between environmental variables and Cladoceran abundance explained 75% of the data variability, and a complementary factorial analysis explained 65% of the variability. The spatial compartmentalization of the reservoirs, as well as the particular characteristics of the two study reservoirs, directly influenced the structure of the Cladoceran assemblages. The conditions of the lacustrine (dam) zone of the larger Chavantes Reservoir were reflected in the upstream zone of the smaller downstream Salto Grande Reservoir, highlighting the importance of plankton exportation in reservoir cascade systems. The comparative spatial-temporal analysis indicated conspicuous differences between the two reservoirs, reinforcing the necessity of considering tropical/subtropical reservoirs as complex, multi-compartmental water systems. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Because anuran species are highly dependent on environmental variables, we hypothesized that anuran species richness and the number of reproductive modes from different Brazilian localities vary according to climatic and altitudinal variables. Published data were compiled from 36 Brazilian localities and climatic and altitudinal data were extracted from an available database. A partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) showed that 23.5% of the data set's variation was explained by climatic and altitudinal data, while the remaining 76.5% remained unexplained. This analysis suggests that other factors not analysed herein may also be important for predicting anuran species richness and the number of reproductive modes in Brazil. Altitude and total annual rainfall were positively correlated with anuran species richness and the number of reproductive modes, and total annual rainfall was strongly associated with these two biotic variables in the triplot of pRDA. The positive association of total annual rainfall and the negative association of the concentration of annual rainfall were already expected based on physiological and reproductive requirements of anurans. On the other hand, temperature was not associated with richness or the number of reproductive modes. Copyright © 2010 Cambridge University Press.


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Ant assemblages are almost all related with the vegetation composition and so can provide us important information for conservation strategies, which are especially relevant to an environmentally protected area. We sampled the ant fauna in three different phytophysionomies in order to verify if the composition of ant species is different among the areas, especially because one of the areas is a Rocky Field and there is little information about the ant fauna in this habitat. A total of 8730 individuals were registered and an NMDS analysis showed that the ant assemblies are different at the three phytophysionomies (Rocky Field, Riparian Forest, and Secondary Forest). This study shows that the species that compose the ant assemblies in different phytophysionomies are a reflex of the environment, supporting the hypothesis that the vegetational composition results in different compositions in the ant assembly. Vegetal composition is determinant in the formation of the litter and consequently in the occurrence of ant species that depend on this layer of organic matter for nesting and foraging. © 2012 Juliane Floriano Santos Lopes et al.


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Some species of bird are closely associated with bamboos (bamboo specialists) but community-wide studies comparing the avian assemblages in bamboo and non-bamboo habitats are lacking. Using point counts, we compared the species richness, abundance and composition of the avian assemblages in bamboo and non-bamboo habitats in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Apart from considering bamboo specialists and non-specialist species, we contrasted birds from different categories of forest dependence, forest strata and diet. We recorded a total of 81 species of birds (74 in bamboo, 55 in non-bamboo habitats), including 15 bamboo specialists. Species richness was greater in bamboo habitats in all categories of diet and forest dependence. Bamboo and non-bamboo habitats had a similar number of canopy species, but bamboo habitats had a greater number of non-canopy species. The abundance of the whole avian community or of each of the dietary categories did not differ between habitats. The overall species composition differed between habitats, with a more homogeneous composition in non-bamboo habitats. A great number of species use bamboo habitats, even if they are not bamboo specialists. The initial expansion of bamboos, forming discrete patches of bamboo within mature forest, represents an intermediate-level disturbance that enhances forest heterogeneity and promotes the diversity of avian communities. © BirdLife Australia 2013.


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Spatial patterns in assemblage structures are generated by ecological processes that occur on multiple scales. Identifying these processes is important for the prediction of impact, for restoration and for conservation of biodiversity. This study used a hierarchical sampling design to quantify variations in assemblage structures of Brazilian estuarine fish across 2 spatial scales and to reveal the ecological processes underlying the patterns observed. Eight areas separated by 0.7 to 25 km (local scale) were sampled in 5 estuaries separated by 970 to 6000 km (regional scale) along the coast, encompassing both tropical and subtropical regions. The assemblage structure varied significantly in terms of relative biomass and presence/absence of species on both scales, but the regional variation was greater than the local variation for either dataset. However, the 5 estuaries sampled segregated into 2 major groups largely congruent with the Brazilian and Argentinian biogeographic provinces. Three environmental variables (mean temperature of the coldest month, mangrove area and mean annual precipitation) and distance between estuaries explained 44.8 and 16.3%, respectively, of the regional-scale variability in the species relative biomass. At the local scale, the importance of environmental predictors for the spatial structure of the assemblages differed between estuarine systems. Overall, these results support the idea that on a regional scale, the composition of fish assemblages is simultaneously determined by environmental filters and species dispersal capacity, while on a local scale, the effect of environmental factors should vary depending on estuary-specific physical and hydrological characteristics © 2013 Inter-Research.


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A busca por padrões de estrutura e composição das comunidades é essencial para prover informações que permitam o manejo sustentado de populações e monitoramento de atividades antrópicas. Na região neotropical, onde ocorre grande riqueza de espécies e complexas relações ecológicas entre elas, estudos envolvendo ofidiofauna ainda são escassos, o que faz com que o entendimento dos processos responsáveis pela estruturação de suas comunidades ainda seja incipiente. No Brasil, vários trabalhos foram desenvolvidos na tentativa de explicitar os fenômenos responsáveis pelos padrões de ocorrência e interações das espécies de serpentes. Objetivando esclarecer quais os fatores que determinam os padrões observados e que afinidades (ecológicas e/ou históricas) as espécies compartilham, foi realizado estudo da taxocenose de serpentes da FLONA de Caxiuanã e áreas adjacentes, durante os anos de 2005 e 2006. Utilizou-se conjuntamente quatro métodos de amostragem (Procura Limitada por Tempo-PLT, Encontros Ocasionais-EO, Armadilhas de Interceptação e Queda-AIQ e Coletas por Terceiros-CT), em cinco áreas (IBAMA e Caquajó, no interior da FLONA de Caxiuanã; Enseada e dois pontos com influência antrópica: Marinaú e Mojuá, estando esses três últimos localizados em áreas adjacentes à FLONA. Foram registrados 378 espécimes distribuídos em cinco famílias, 35 gêneros e 50 espécies. Com os novos registros obtidos nesse estudo, o número de espécies de serpentes para a FLONA de Caxiuanã e áreas adjacentes passa de 63 para 69. Os métodos que apresentaram melhor desempenho em número de indivíduos foram PLT (199/378) e CT (159/378). EO (11/378) e AIQ (9/378) foram os métodos menos eficazes. A riqueza estimada (Jackknife 1), a partir de dados obtidos através de PLT, foi de 56 (+ ou – 4) espécies. O número de espécies estimado para as áreas preservadas foi maior que para áreas antropizadas. A composição das espécies de serpentes da área estudada apresentou maior similaridade com outras taxocenoses de áreas amazônicas. As espécies mais abundantes, acessadas através de PLT, foram Imantodes cenchoa, Corallus hortulanus e Leptodeira annulata. Quando todos os métodos foram considerados, Bothrops atrox, Imantodes cenchoa e Corallus hortulanus foram as espécies mais representadas. As áreas mais antropizadas, localizadas fora da FLONA (Marinaú e Mojuá), apresentaram menores abundância e riqueza de espécies em comparação com áreas protegidas, localizadas no interior da FLONA. Nove espécies foram consideradas potencialmente especialistas: Lachesis muta (pequenos mamíferos), Atractus schach (minhocas), Dipsas catesbyi (moluscos - lesmas), Helicops trivitatus e Hydrops triangularis (peixes), Siphlophis compressus (lagartos), Xenopholis scalaris, Taeniophallus brevirostris (anfíbios anuros) e Tantilla melanocephala (centopéias). Os itens mais acessados foram “lagartos”, “anfíbios anuros” e “pequenos mamíferos”. Serpentes com hábitos primária ou exclusivamente diurnas prevaleceram na comunidade analisada. A ausência de sazonalidade reprodutiva foi característica da maioria das espécies e isso se deve, muito provavelmente, à pouca diferença na temperatura ao longo do ano. A taxocenose de serpentes da FLONA de Caxiuanã e áreas adjacentes está, basicamente, formada por grupos contendo espécies onde, em geral, hábitos diários e de dieta estão sobrepostos. Além dos diversos fatores ecológicos, também fatores históricos, como adaptações morfológicas das espécies, têm grande influência na composição da taxocenose analisada. A grande dificuldade na realização de estudos de comunidades de serpentes está na escassez de dados das espécies, portanto torna-se imperioso que estudos de Ecologia e História Natural continuem sendo exaustivamente conduzidos em uma mesma localidade, objetivando a elucidação dos padrões de respostas aos diversos fatores relacionados à existência das espécies nos diferentes biomas.


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Neste trabalho foi testado o efeito do gradiente de salinidade do eixo-leste oeste do sistema subtropical Complexo Estuarino da Baía de Paranaguá na estrutura dos peixes de águas rasas, determinado de acordo com as métricas taxonômica (famílias e espécies) e de composição funcional. Um total de 152 espécies foi registrado. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Sciaenidae, Carangidae, Haemulidae e Gobiidae. As espécies mais abundantes foram A. brasiliensis, H. clupeola, A. januaria e A. tricolor. Os visitantes marinhos dominaram em número de espécies, seguidos pelos migrantes marinhos e estuarinos. A maioria das espécies são zoobentívoras, seguidas pelas piscívoras e zooplanctívoras. As famílias e espécies mais relacionadas com condições estuarinas dominaram no setor mesohalino e aquelas mais relacionadas com condições marinhas dominaram no setor euhalino. A métrica taxonômica foi mais eficiente na caracterização das assembleias de peixes ao longo do gradiente estuarino de salinidade do que a funcional. Isso ocorreu principalmente porque indivíduos de todos os grupos funcionais estiveram presentes ao longo de todos os setores de salinidade, invalidando o emprego dessa métrica na diferenciação das assembleias nos diversos setores. Nosso resultado foi diferente do encontrado em outros estuários tropicais e subtropicais, que enfatizaram a importância dos grupos funcionais na estruturação das assembleias de peixes ao longo de um gradiente de salinidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)