761 resultados para Anion recognition
Introduction: Difficult tracheal intubation remains a constant and significant source of morbidity and mortality in anaesthetic practice. Insufficient airway assessment in the preoperative period continues to be a major cause of unanticipated difficult intubation. Although many risk factors have already been identified, preoperative airway evaluation is not always regarded as a standard procedure and the respective weight of each risk factor remains unclear. Moreover the predictive scores available are not sensitive, moderately specific and often operator-dependant. In order to improve the preoperative detection of patients at risk for difficult intubation, we developed a system for automated and objective evaluation of morphologic criteria of the face and neck using video recordings and advanced techniques borrowed from face recognition. Method and results: Frontal video sequences were recorded in 5 healthy volunteers. During the video recording, subjects were requested to perform maximal flexion-extension of the neck and to open wide the mouth with tongue pulled out. A robust and real-time face tracking system was then applied, allowing to automatically identify and map a grid of 55 control points on the face, which were tracked during head motion. These points located important features of the face, such as the eyebrows, the nose, the contours of the eyes and mouth, and the external contours, including the chin. Moreover, based on this face tracking, the orientation of the head could also be estimated at each frame of the video sequence. Thus, we could infer for each frame the pitch angle of the head pose (related to the vertical rotation of the head) and obtain the degree of head extension. Morphological criteria used in the most frequent cited predictive scores were also extracted, such as mouth opening, degree of visibility of the uvula or thyreo-mental distance. Discussion and conclusion: Preliminary results suggest the high feasibility of the technique. The next step will be the application of the same automated and objective evaluation to patients who will undergo tracheal intubation. The difficulties related to intubation will be then correlated to the biometric characteristics of the patients. The objective in mind is to analyze the biometrics data with artificial intelligence algorithms to build a highly sensitive and specific predictive test.
1. Identifying the boundary of a species' niche from observational and environmental data is a common problem in ecology and conservation biology and a variety of techniques have been developed or applied to model niches and predict distributions. Here, we examine the performance of some pattern-recognition methods as ecological niche models (ENMs). Particularly, one-class pattern recognition is a flexible and seldom used methodology for modelling ecological niches and distributions from presence-only data. The development of one-class methods that perform comparably to two-class methods (for presence/absence data) would remove modelling decisions about sampling pseudo-absences or background data points when absence points are unavailable. 2. We studied nine methods for one-class classification and seven methods for two-class classification (five common to both), all primarily used in pattern recognition and therefore not common in species distribution and ecological niche modelling, across a set of 106 mountain plant species for which presence-absence data was available. We assessed accuracy using standard metrics and compared trade-offs in omission and commission errors between classification groups as well as effects of prevalence and spatial autocorrelation on accuracy. 3. One-class models fit to presence-only data were comparable to two-class models fit to presence-absence data when performance was evaluated with a measure weighting omission and commission errors equally. One-class models were superior for reducing omission errors (i.e. yielding higher sensitivity), and two-classes models were superior for reducing commission errors (i.e. yielding higher specificity). For these methods, spatial autocorrelation was only influential when prevalence was low. 4. These results differ from previous efforts to evaluate alternative modelling approaches to build ENM and are particularly noteworthy because data are from exhaustively sampled populations minimizing false absence records. Accurate, transferable models of species' ecological niches and distributions are needed to advance ecological research and are crucial for effective environmental planning and conservation; the pattern-recognition approaches studied here show good potential for future modelling studies. This study also provides an introduction to promising methods for ecological modelling inherited from the pattern-recognition discipline.
Naturally acquired immune responses against human cancers often include CD8(+) T cells specific for the cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1. Here, we studied T cell receptor (TCR) primary structure and function of 605 HLA-A*0201/NY-ESO-1(157-165)-specific CD8 T cell clones derived from five melanoma patients. We show that an important proportion of tumor-reactive T cells preferentially use TCR AV3S1/BV8S2 chains, with remarkably conserved CDR3 amino acid motifs and lengths in both chains. All remaining T cell clones belong to two additional sets expressing BV1 or BV13 TCRs, associated with alpha-chains with highly diverse VJ usage, CDR3 amino acid sequence, and length. Yet, all T cell clonotypes recognize tumor antigen with similar functional avidity. Two residues, Met-160 and Trp-161, located in the middle region of the NY-ESO-1(157-165) peptide, are critical for recognition by most of the T cell clonotypes. Collectively, our data show that a large number of alphabeta TCRs, belonging to three distinct sets (AVx/BV1, AV3/BV8, AVx/BV13) bind pMHC with equal antigen sensitivity and recognize the same peptide motif. Finally, this in-depth study of recognition of a self-antigen suggests that in part similar biophysical mechanisms shape TCR repertoires toward foreign and self-antigens.
Promoter recognition and activation by the global response regulator CbrB in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the CbrA/CbrB two-component system is instrumental in the maintenance of the carbon-nitrogen balance and for growth on carbon sources that are energetically less favorable than the preferred dicarboxylate substrates. The CbrA/CbrB system drives the expression of the small RNA CrcZ, which antagonizes the repressing effects of the catabolite repression control protein Crc, an RNA-binding protein. Dicarboxylates appear to cause carbon catabolite repression by inhibiting the activity of the CbrA/CbrB system, resulting in reduced crcZ expression. Here we have identified a conserved palindromic nucleotide sequence that is present in upstream activating sequences (UASs) of promoters under positive control by CbrB and σ(54) RNA polymerase, especially in the UAS of the crcZ promoter. Evidence for recognition of this palindromic sequence by CbrB was obtained in vivo from mutational analysis of the crcZ promoter and in vitro from electrophoretic mobility shift assays using crcZ promoter fragments and purified CbrB protein truncated at the N terminus. Integration host factor (IHF) was required for crcZ expression. CbrB also activated the lipA (lipase) promoter, albeit less effectively, apparently by interacting with a similar but less conserved palindromic sequence in the UAS of lipA. As expected, succinate caused CbrB-dependent catabolite repression of the lipA promoter. Based on these results and previously published data, a consensus CbrB recognition sequence is proposed. This sequence has similarity to the consensus NtrC recognition sequence, which is relevant for nitrogen control.
Protein C3 of the complement system is known for its role in the nonspecific immune response. Covalent binding of C3b to antigen upon complement activation also plays a significant role in specific T cell immune response. C3b-antigen complexes can bind to complement receptors on the antigen-presenting cell, and the C3b antigen link (most often an ester link) remains fairly stable inside the cells. In this study, IgG1,kappa and IgG2a,kappa murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were used as antigens; covalent complexes between mAb and C3b were produced and purified in vitro from purified proteins; human B cell lines and T cell clones were raised from tumor patients who received mAb injections for cancer therapy or diagnosis. Recognition of epitopes of these mAb by T cell clones when the mAb were processed alone or bound to C3b was compared. IgG or IgG-C3b complexes presented by B cell lines were able to stimulate proliferation of kappa light chain-specific T cell clones at similar concentrations. In contrast, IgG-C3b complex recognition by heavy chain-specific T cell clones required 100-fold less IgG-C3b than uncomplexed IgG. As C3b was shown to be covalently bound only to the IgG heavy chains in the complexes, C3b chaperoning is restricted to only the IgG heavy chain and selectively influences intracellular steps of IgG heavy chain processing. This differential modulation of C3b suggests an early dissociation of IgG heavy and light chains in antigen-presenting cells.
One of the most important problems in optical pattern recognition by correlation is the appearance of sidelobes in the correlation plane, which causes false alarms. We present a method that eliminate sidelobes of up to a given height if certain conditions are satisfied. The method can be applied to any generalized synthetic discriminant function filter and is capable of rejecting lateral peaks that are even higher than the central correlation. Satisfactory results were obtained in both computer simulations and optical implementation.
This paper reports a series of experiments on patient JB, a man with memory difficulties following damage to the left frontal lobe. The primary characteristic of JB's recognition memory impairment is a high level of false recognition together with a normal hit rate. The hypothesis that JB's false recognition reflects an over-reliance on familiarity is considered, but discounted on the basis that the false alarm rate is not affected by increasing the similarity between distracters and targets, and remains high when nonword stimuli are used. It is suggested, instead, that JB relies on a poorly focused memory description, which lacks item-specific detail but contains more general, low-level properties of the target items-these properties being held by many distracter items as well. This deficit is considered to arise because of damage to frontally mediated control processes involved in the selection of elements for memory encoding. An encoding deficit is supported by the fact that JB's false recognition is significantly reduced by orienting instructions, and is eliminated when his remote memory is subjected to recognition testing. In contrast, it is shown that manipulations at the level of retrieval (e.g. restricting the number of "old" responses) have little effect on his false recognition.
The use of synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries in positional scanning format (PS-SCL) has emerged recently as an alternative approach for the identification of peptides recognized by T lymphocytes. The choice of both the PS-SCL used for screening experiments and the method used for data analysis are crucial for implementing this approach. With this aim, we tested the recognition of different PS-SCL by a tyrosinase 368-376-specific CTL clone and analyzed the data obtained with a recently developed biometric data analysis based on a model of independent and additive contribution of individual amino acids to peptide antigen recognition. Mixtures defined with amino acids present at the corresponding positions in the native sequence were among the most active for all of the libraries. Somewhat surprisingly, a higher number of native amino acids were identifiable by using amidated COOH-terminal rather than free COOH-terminal PS-SCL. Also, our data clearly indicate that when using PS-SCL longer than optimal, frame shifts occur frequently and should be taken into account. Biometric analysis of the data obtained with the amidated COOH-terminal nonapeptide library allowed the identification of the native ligand as the sequence with the highest score in a public human protein database. However, the adequacy of the PS-SCL data for the identification for the peptide ligand varied depending on the PS-SCL used. Altogether these results provide insight into the potential of PS-SCL for the identification of CTL-defined tumor-derived antigenic sequences and may significantly implement our ability to interpret the results of these analyses.
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors are ligand activated transcription factors belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. Three cDNAs encoding such receptors have been isolated from Xenopus laevis (xPPAR alpha, beta, and gamma). Furthermore, the gene coding for xPPAR beta has been cloned, thus being the first member of this subfamily whose genomic organization has been solved. Functionally, xPPAR alpha as well as its mouse and rat homologs are thought to play an important role in lipid metabolism due to their ability to activate transcription of a reporter gene through the promoter of the acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) gene. ACO catalyzes the rate limiting step in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Activation is achieved by the binding of xPPAR alpha on a regulatory element (DR1) found in the promoter region of this gene, xPPAR beta and gamma are also able to recognize the same type of element and are, as PPAR alpha, able to form heterodimers with retinoid X receptor. All three xPPARs appear to be activated by synthetic peroxisome proliferators as well as by naturally occurring fatty acids, suggesting that a common mode of action exists for all the members of this subfamily of nuclear hormone receptors.
The objective of this essay is to reflect on a possible relation between entropy and emergence. A qualitative, relational approach is followed. We begin by highlighting that entropy includes the concept of dispersal, relevant to our enquiry. Emergence in complex systems arises from the coordinated behavior of their parts. Coordination in turn necessitates recognition between parts, i.e., information exchange. What will be argued here is that the scope of recognition processes between parts is increased when preceded by their dispersal, which multiplies the number of encounters and creates a richer potential for recognition. A process intrinsic to emergence is dissolvence (aka submergence or top-down constraints), which participates in the information-entropy interplay underlying the creation, evolution and breakdown of higher-level entities.
Proteins of the RsmA/CsrA family are global translational regulators in many bacterial species. We have determined the solution structure of a complex formed between the RsmE protein, a member of this family from Pseudomonas fluorescens, and a target RNA encompassing the ribosome-binding site of the hcnA gene. The RsmE homodimer with its two RNA-binding sites makes optimal contact with an 5'-A/UCANGGANGU/A-3' sequence in the mRNA. When tightly gripped by RsmE, the ANGGAN core folds into a loop, favoring the formation of a 3-base-pair stem by flanking nucleotides. We validated these findings by in vivo and in vitro mutational analyses. The structure of the complex explains well how, by sequestering the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, the RsmA/CsrA proteins repress translation.
A novel type of triple-stranded DNA structure was proposed by several groups to play a crucial role in homologous recognition between single- and double-stranded DNA molecules. In this still putative structure a duplex DNA was proposed to co-ordinate a homologous single strand in its major groove side. In contrast to the well-characterized pyrimidine-purine-pyrimidine triplexes in which the two like strands are antiparallel and which are restricted to poly-pyrimidine-containing stretches, the homology-specific triplexes would have like strands in parallel orientation and would not be restricted to any particular sequence provided that there is a homology between interacting DNA molecules. For many years the stereo-chemical possibility of forming homology-dependent three- or four-stranded DNA structures during the pairing stage of recombination reactions was seriously considered in published papers. However, only recently has there been a marked increase in the number of papers that have directly tested the formation of triple-stranded DNA structures during the actual pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Unfortunately the results of these tests are not totally clear cut; while some laboratories presented experimental evidence consistent with the formation of triplexes, others studying the same or very similar systems offered alternative explanations. The aim of this review is to present the current state of the central question in the mechanism of homologous recombination, namely, what kind of DNA structure is responsible for DNA homologous recognition. Is it a novel triplex structure or just a classical duplex?
Under iron limitation, the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces the siderophore pyochelin. When secreted into the extracellular environment, pyochelin complexes ferric ions and delivers them, via the outer membrane receptor FptA, to the bacterial cytoplasm. Extracellular pyochelin also acts as a signalling molecule, inducing the expression of pyochelin biosynthesis and uptake genes by a mechanism involving the AraC-type regulator PchR. We have identified a 32 bp conserved sequence element (PchR-box) in promoter regions of pyochelin-controlled genes and we show that the PchR-box in the pchR-pchDCBA intergenic region is essential for the induction of the pyochelin biosynthetic operon pchDCBA and the repression of the divergently transcribed pchR gene. PchR was purified as a fusion with maltose-binding protein (MBP). Mobility shift assays demonstrated specific binding of MBP-PchR to the PchR-box in the presence, but not in the absence of pyochelin and iron. PchR-box mutations that interfered with pyochelin-dependent regulation in vivo, also affected pyochelin-dependent PchR-box recognition in vitro. We conclude that pyochelin, probably in its iron-loaded state, is the intracellular effector required for PchR-mediated regulation. The fact that extracellular pyochelin triggers this regulation suggests that the siderophore can enter the cytoplasm.
In this study, the mature domains of type I (CPB) and type II (CPA) cysteine proteinases (CPs) of Leishmania infantum were expressed and their immunogenic properties defined using sera from active and recovered cases of human visceral leishmaniasis and sera from infected dogs. Immunoblotting and ELISA analysis indicated that a freeze/thaw extract of parasite antigens showed similar and intensive recognition in both active cases of human and dog sera but lower recognition in recovered human individuals. The total IgG of actively infected human sera was higher than in recovered cases when rCPs were used as antigen. In contrast to dog sera, both active and recovered human cases have higher recognition toward rCPB than rCPA. Furthermore, the asymptomatic dogs in contrast to the symptomatic cases exhibited specific lymphocyte proliferation to both crude antigens and rCPs.