935 resultados para Amplicon sequencing


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BACKGROUND: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children. Over the past four decades, research has advanced the treatment of this cancer from a less than 60% chance of survival to over 85% today. The causal molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we performed sequencing-based genomic DNA methylation profiling of eight paediatric ALL patients using archived bone marrow smear microscope slides. FINDINGS: SOLiD™ sequencing data was collected from Methyl-Binding Domain (MBD) enriched fractions of genomic DNA. The primary tumour and remission bone marrow sample was analysed from eight patients. Four patients relapsed and the relapsed tumour was analysed. Input and MBD-enriched DNA from each sample was sequenced, aligned to the hg19 reference genome and analysed for enrichment peaks using MACS (Model-based Analysis for ChIP-Seq) and HOMER (Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment). In total, 3.67 gigabases (Gb) were sequenced, 2.74 Gb were aligned to the reference genome (average 74.66% alignment efficiency). This dataset enables the interrogation of differential DNA methylation associated with paediatric ALL. Preliminary results reveal concordant regions of enrichment indicative of a DNA methylation signature. CONCLUSION: Our dataset represents one of the first SOLiD™MBD-Seq studies performed on paediatric ALL and is the first to utilise archival bone marrow smears. Differential DNA methylation between cancer and equivalent disease-free tissue can be identified and correlated with existing and published genomic studies. Given the rarity of paediatric haematopoietic malignancies, relative to adult counterparts, our demonstration of the utility of archived bone marrow smear samples to high-throughput methylation sequencing approaches offers tremendous potential to explore the role of DNA methylation in the aetiology of cancer.


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Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular obligate protozoan, which infects humans and warm-blooded animals. The aim of the present study was to clone the rop2, gra5 and gra7 genes from T. gondii RH strain and to produce recombinant proteins. The rop2, gra5 and gra7 gene fragments produced by polymerase chain reaction were cloned into the pET102/D-TOPO(R) vector which contains thioredoxin and polyhistidine tags at the C-and N-ends, respectively, and is expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE-3). The expression fusion proteins were found almost entirely in the insoluble form in the cell lysate. These recombinant proteins were purified with an Ni-NTA column. Concentrations of the recombinant antigens produced in the E. coli BL21-star ranged from 300 to 500 mu g/mL growth media, which was used to immunize rabbits. We observed an identity ranging from 96 to 97% when nucleotide sequences were compared to GenBank database sequences. Immunocharacterization of proteins was made by indirect immunofluorescence assay. These proteins will be used for serodiagnosis and vaccination.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We have examined the applicability of the 'nested' collision induced dissociation/post-source decay (CID/PSD) method to the sequencing of novel peptides from solitary wasps which have neurotoxic venom for paralyzing other insects. The CID/PSD spectrum of a ladder peptide derived from an exopeptidase digest was compared with that of the intact peptide. The mass peaks observed only in the CID/PSD spectrum of a ladder peptide were extracted as C-terminal fragment ions. Assignment of C-terminal fragment ions enabled calculation of N-terminal fragment masses, leading to differentiation between N-terminal fragment ions and internal fragment ions. This methodology allowed rapid and sensitive identification by removing ambiguity in the assignment of the fragment ions, and proved useful for sequencing unknown peptides, in particular those available as natural products with a limited supply. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The biochemical and functional characterization of wasp venom toxins is an important prerequisite for the development of new tools both for the therapy of the toxic reactions due to envenomation caused by multiple stinging accidents and also for the diagnosis and therapy of allergic reactions caused by this type of venom. PLA(1) was purified from the venom of the neotropical social wasp Polybia paulista by using molecular exclusion and cation exchange chromatographies; its amino acid sequence was determined by using automated Edman degradation and compared to the sequences of other vespid venom PLA(1)'s. The enzyme exists as a 33,961.40 da protein, which was identified as a lipase of the GX class, liprotein lipase superfamily, pancreatic lipases (ab20.3) homologous family and RP2 sub-group of phospholipase. P. paulista PLA(1) is 53-82% identical to the phospholipases from wasp species from Northern Hemisphere. The use restrained-based modeling permitted to describe the 3-D structure of the enzyme, revealing that its molecule presents 23% alpha-helix, 28% beta-sheet and 49% coil. The protein structure has the alpha/beta fold common to many lipases; the core consists of a tightly packed beta-sheet constituted of six-stranded parallel and one anti-parallel beta-strand, surrounded by four alpha-helices. P. paulista PLA(1) exhibits direct hemolytic action against washed red blood cells with activity similar to the Cobra cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra. In addition to this, PLA(1) was immunoreactive to specific IgE from the sera of P. paulista-sensitive patients. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The urocortin (UCN)-like immunoreactivity and UCN mRNA distribution in various regions of the nonprimate mammalian brain have been reported. However, the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EW) appears to be the only brain site where UCN expression is conserved across species. Although UCN peptides are present throughout vertebrate phylogeny, the functional roles of both UCN and EW remain poorly understood. Therefore, a study focused on UCN system organization in the primate brain is warranted. By using immunohistochemistry (single and double labeling) and in situ hybridization, we have characterized the organization of UCN-expressing cells and fibers in the central nervous system and pituitary of the capuchin monkey (Cebus apella). In addition, the sequence of the prepro-UCN was determined to establish the level of structural conservation relative to the human sequence. To understand the relationship of acetylcholine cells in the EW, a colocalization study comparing choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and UCN was also performed. The cloned monkey prepro-UCN is 95% identical to the human preprohormone across the matched sequences. By using an antiserum raised against rat UCN and a probe generated from human cDNA, we found that the EW is the dominant site for UCN expression, although UCN mRNA is also expressed in spinal cord lamina IX. Labeled axons and terminals were distributed diffusely throughout many brain regions and along the length of the spinal cord. of particular interest were UCN-immunoreactive inputs to the medial preoptic area, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, the oral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, the flocculus of the cerebellum, and the spinal cord laminae VII and X. We found no UCN hybridization signal in the pituitary. In addition, we observed no colocalization between ChAT and UCN in EW neurons. Our results support the hypothesis that the UCN system might participate in the control of autonomic, endocrine, and sensorimotor functions in primates.


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A method incorporating nested collision-induced dissociation/post-source decay (CID/PSD) combined with endopeptidase digestion is described as an approach to determine the sequence of N-terminally modified peptides. The information from immonium and related ions observed in the CID/PSD spectrum was used for the selection of a suitable endopeptidase for the digestion of peptides. Rapid and reliable assignment of peptide sequence was performed by the comparison of CID/PSD spectra of both intact and endopeptidese-digested peptide fragments, since the assignments of the observed fragment ions to either N- or C-terminal ions can thus be carried out unambiguously. This nested CID/PSD method was applied to the sequence determination of two peptides from the solitary wasps Anoplius samariensis and Batozonellus maculifrons (pompilid wasps), which could not be sequenced by the Edman method due to N-terminal modification. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Sixty-five accessions of the species-rich freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were characterized through DNA sequencing of two regions: the mitochondrial cox1 gene (664 bp), which is proposed as the DNA barcode for red algae, and the UPA (universal plastid amplicon) marker (370 bp), which has been recently identified as a universally amplifying region of the plastid genome. upgma phenograms of both markers were consistent in their species-level relationships, although levels of sequence divergence were very different. Intraspecific variation of morphologically identified accessions for the cox1 gene ranged from 0 to 67 bp (divergences were highest for the two taxa with the greatest number of accessions; Batrachospermum helminthosum and Batrachospermum macrosporum); while in contrast, the more conserved universal plastid amplicon exhibited much lower intraspecific variation (generally 0-3 bp). Comparisons to previously published mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer sequences for B. helminthosum indicated that the cox1 gene and cox2-3 spacer were characterized by similar levels of sequence divergence, and phylogeographic patterns based on these two markers were consistent. The two taxa represented by the largest numbers of specimens (B. helminthosum and B. macrosporum) have cox1 intraspecific divergence values that are substantially higher than previously reported, but no morphological differences can be discerned at this time among the intraspecific groups revealed in the analyses. DNA barcode data, which are based on a short fragment of an organellar genome, need to be interpreted in conjunction with other taxonomic characters, and additional batrachospermalean taxa need to be analyzed in detail to be able to draw generalities regarding intraspecific variation in this order. Nevertheless, these analyses reveal a number of batrachospermalean taxa worthy of more detailed DNA barcode study, and it is predicted that such research will have a substantial effect on the taxonomy of species within the Batrachospermales in the future.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Copy number variations (CNVs) affect a wide range of phenotypic traits; however, CNVs in or near segmental duplication regions are often intractable. Using a read depth approach based on next-generation sequencing, we examined genome-wide copy number differences among five taurine (three Angus, one Holstein, and one Hereford) and one indicine (Nelore) cattle. Within mapped chromosomal sequence, we identified 1265 CNV regions comprising similar to 55.6-Mbp sequence-476 of which (similar to 38%) have not previously been reported. We validated this sequence-based CNV call set with array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), achieving a validation rate of 82% and a false positive rate of 8%. We further estimated absolute copy numbers for genomic segments and annotated genes in each individual. Surveys of the top 25 most variable genes revealed that the Nelore individual had the lowest copy numbers in 13 cases (similar to 52%, chi(2) test; P-value <0.05). In contrast, genes related to pathogen- and parasite-resistance, such as CATHL4 and ULBP17, were highly duplicated in the Nelore individual relative to the taurine cattle, while genes involved in lipid transport and metabolism, including APOL3 and FABP2, were highly duplicated in the beef breeds. These CNV regions also harbor genes like BPIFA2A (BSP30A) and WC1, suggesting that some CNVs may be associated with breed-specific differences in adaptation, health, and production traits. By providing the first individualized cattle CNV and segmental duplication maps and genome-wide gene copy number estimates, we enable future CNV studies into highly duplicated regions in the cattle genome.