566 resultados para Amphibians.


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O bioma Cerrado encontra-se descaracterizado e menos de três por cento de suas áreas originais está legalmente protegida. A anurofauna desse bioma não é muito rica quando comparado a outros biomas, porém há um grande número de espécies endêmicas. Aqui apresentamos uma lista de espécies de anuros registrados em uma lagoa em área de cerrado aberto do município de Borebi, região Centro-Oeste do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Durante 24 meses de estudo (2008 e 2009) caracterizamos a distribuição das espécies na lagoa estudada e descrevemos a variação sazonal das espécies. Foram registradas 27 espécies pertencentes a seis famílias: Bufonidae (duas espécies), Cycloramphidae (uma espécie), Hylidae (13 espécies), Leiuperidae (quatro espécies), Leptodactylidae (cinco espécies) e Microhylidae (duas espécies). A riqueza de espécies e abundância estiveram relacionadas com a precipitação. Dendropsophus minutus foi a espécie mais abundante e com registro de vocalização durante o ano inteiro. Rhinella ornata e Odontophrynus americanus foram restritas ao período seco e frio (abril a agosto). As outras espécies tiveram seu período de maior atividade nos meses chuvosos e quentes (setembro a março). A ocupação da lagoa variou com o tipo de vegetação e conforme a variação do seu volume de água, principalmente nos período de estiagem. A alta riqueza e abundância de anuros da lagoa pode ser resultado da ausência de peixes predadores, dos diversos tipos de microambientes do local e da ausência de outros corpos d'água próximos.


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In amphibians solar basking far from water sources is relatively uncommon since the highly permeable amphibian skin does not represent a significant barrier to the accompanying risk of losing water by evaporation. A South American frog, Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Bokermann 1956), however, spends a significant amount of the day exposed to full sun and relatively high temperatures. The means by which this frog copes with potentially high rates of evaporative water loss and high body temperatures are unknown. Thus, in this study, skin colour changes, body surface temperature, and evaporative water loss rates were examined under a mixture of field and laboratory conditions to ascertain whether changes in skin reflectivity play an important role in this animal's thermal and hydric balance. Field data demonstrated a tight correlation between the lightness of skin colour and frog temperature, with lighter frogs being captured possessing higher body temperatures. Laboratory experiments supported this relationship, revealing that frogs kept in the dark or at lower temperatures (20 degrees C) had darker skin colours, whereas frogs kept in the light or higher temperatures (30 degrees C) had skin colours of a lighter hue. Light exhibited a stronger influence on skin colour than temperature alone, suggesting that colour change is triggered by the increase in incident solar energy and in anticipation of changes in body temperature. This conclusion is corroborated by the observation that cold, darkly coloured frogs placed in the sun rapidly became lighter in colour during the initial warming up period (over the first 5 min), after which they warmed up more slowly and underwent a further, albeit slower, lightening of skin colour. Surprisingly, despite its natural disposition to bask in the sun, this species does not possess a 'waterproof' skin, since its rates of evaporative water loss were not dissimilar from many hylid species that live in arboreal or semi-aquatic environments. The natural history of B. alvarengai is largely unknown and, therefore, it is likely that the herein reported colour change and basking behaviour represent a complex interaction between thermoregulation and water balance with other ecologically relevant functions, such as crypsis.


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The advertisement calls of Leptodactylus geminus, Leptodactylus gracilis, Leptodactylus plaumanni, and Leptodactylus fuscus are analyzed and compared with published reports. Based on calling data and examination of type material, Leptodactylus geminus is synonymized with L, plaumanni. To differentiate between the sibling species L. gracilis and L. plaumanni, fieldwork is needed, including recording of advertisement calls. Reliable identification of red specimens is not possible based on morphology and coloration alone.


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Digestion affects acid-base status, because the net transfer of HCl from the blood to the stomach lumen leads to an increase in HCO3- levels in both extra- and intracellular compartments. The increase in plasma [HCO3-], the alkaline tide, is particularly pronounced in amphibians and reptiles, but is not associated with an increased arterial pH, because of a concomitant rise in arterial Pco(2) caused by a relative hypoventilation. In this study, we investigate whether the postprandial increase in Paco(2) of the toad Bufo marinus represents a compensatory response to the increased plasma [HCO3-] or a state-dependent change in the control of pulmonary ventilation. To this end, we successfully prevented the alkaline tide, by inhibiting gastric acid secretion with omeprazole, and compared the response to that of untreated toads determined in our laboratory during the same period. In addition, we used vascular infusions of bicarbonate to mimic the alkaline tide in fasting animals. Omeprazole did not affect blood gases, acid-base and haematological parameters in fasting toads, but abolished the postprandial increase in plasma [HCO3-] and the rise in arterial Pco(2) that normally peaks 48 h into the digestive period. Vascular infusion of HCO3-, that mimicked the postprandial rise in plasma [HCO3-], led to a progressive respiratory compensation of arterial pH through increased arterial Pco(2) Thus, irrespective of whether the metabolic alkalosis is caused by gastric acid secretion in response to a meal or experimental infusion of bicarbonate, arterial pH is being maintained by an increased arterial Pco(2). It seems, therefore, that the elevated Pco(2), occuring during the postprandial period, constitutes of a regulated response to maintain pH rather than a state-dependent change in ventilatory control. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Social behavior of Hypsiboas albomarginatus was studied in the Atlantic rain forest, Municipality of Ubatuba, in the north coast of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations of H. albomarginatus are described, including contexts in which they were emitted and temporal and spectral parameters differentiating advertisement from aggressive calls. Dominant call frequency was inversely correlated with male length and body mass but not with environmental temperature. Number of pulses per note was not correlated with any variable, and advertisement call amplitude was influenced by temperature and time. During chorus aggregation, males interacted acoustically by emitting advertisement calls in antiphony, or by emitting aggressive calls. Some disputes among males culminated in physical combat; males performed kicks and slaps on rivals' heads, in an apparent attempt to dislodge rivals from perches. Visual signals were also displayed during conflicts between males, contributing to an escalation of aggressive behavior. Visual signals were not recorded during courtship between males and females but may help in the accurate localization of the signaling male during aggressive interactions.


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Digestion is associated with gastric secretion that leads to an alkalinisation of the blood, termed the alkaline tide. Numerous studies on different reptiles and amphibians show that while plasma bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3-](pl)) increases substantially during digestion, arterial pH (pHa) remains virtually unchanged, due to a concurrent rise in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) caused by a relative hypoventilation. This has led to the suggestion that postprandial amphibians and reptiles regulate pHa rather than PaCO2.Here we characterize blood gases in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) during digestion and following systemic infusions of NaHCO3 and HCl in fasting animals to induce a metabolic alkalosis or acidosis in fasting animals. The magnitude of these acid-base disturbances were similar in magnitude to that mediated by digestion and exercise. Plasma [HCOT] increased from 18.4+/-1.5 to 23.7+/-1.0 mmol L-1 during digestion and was accompanied by a respiratory compensation where PaCO2 increased from 13.0+/-0.7 to 19.1+/-1.4 mm Hg at 24 h. As a result, pHa decreased slightly, but were significantly below fasting levels 36 h into digestion. Infusion of NaHCO3 (7 mmol kg(-1)) resulted in a 10 mmol L-1 increase in plasma [HCO3-] within 1 h and was accompanied by a rapid elevation of pHa (from 7.58+/-0.01 to 7.78+/-0.02). PaCO2, however, did not change following HCO3- infusion, which indicates a lack of respiratory compensation. Following infusion of HCl (4 mmol kg(-1)), plasma pHa decreased by 0.07 units and [HCO3-](pl) was reduced by 4.6 mmol L-1 within the first 3 h. PaCO2, however, was not affected and there was no evidence for respiratory compensation.Our data show that digesting rattlesnakes exhibit respiratory compensations to the alkaline tide, whereas artificially induced metabolic acid-base disturbances of same magnitude remain uncompensated. It seems difficult to envision that the central and peripheral chemoreceptors would experience different stimuli during these conditions. One explanation for the different ventilatory responses could be that digestion induces a more relaxed state with low responsiveness to ventilatory stimuli. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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No presente estudo foi realizado um inventário das espécies de anfíbios anuros que ocorrem em um fragmento de mata ciliar do Córrego do Espraiado, localizado na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Município de São Carlos, estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Durante os meses de março de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010 foram realizadas saídas de campo semanais nas quais foram registradas 13 espécies de anuros. A atividade reprodutiva das espécies de anuros componentes da comunidade estudada mostrou-se sazonal, sendo que houve correlação positiva e significativa entre o número de espécies em atividade reprodutiva e o fotoperíodo. Verificamos que a comunidade estudada mostrou-se mais semelhante a comunidades de anuros de florestas de transição entre Mata Atlântica e Cerrado do que a fragmentos de Cerrado próximos da região.


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A análise da alimentação da pirapitinga do sul (Brycon opalinus), peixe ameaçado de extinção de rios da Mata Atlântica da Serra do Mar na região Sudeste, revelou a ocorrência de itens alimentares incomuns. As espécies deste gênero são onívoras oportunistas e alimentam-se de itens vegetais e animais, tais como: flores, folhas, frutos e sementes e grande variedade de insetos. em três rios do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia foram encontrados exemplares de B. opalinus que consumiram três itens animais incomuns, os anfíbios Hypsiboas aff. pardalis (Anura, Hylidae) e Eleutherodactylus guentheri (Anura, Leptodactylidae) e o mamífero Oligoryzomys cf. nigripes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae). O registro do consumo destas espécies de vertebrados foi relacionado com o período de chuvas, quando o material animal ou vegetal carreado até o rio pode ser consumido por B. opalinus, mesmo que não sejam itens habituais para a espécie. A mata ripária preservada, como foi verificado nos três rios do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia (SP), é de suma importância para o fornecimento de itens alimentares animais e vegetais e pela manutenção das condições bióticas e abióticas para a sobrevivência de B. opalinus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The description of patterns of variation in any character system within well-defined species is fundamental for understanding lineage diversification and the identification of geographic units that represent opportunities for sustained evolutionary divergence. In this paper, we analyze intraspecific variation in cranial shape in the Pumpkin Toadlet, Brachycephalus ephippium-a miniaturized species composed of isolated populations on the slopes of the mountain ranges of southeastern Brazil. Shape variables were derived using geometric-statistical methods that describe shape change as localized deformations in a spatial framework defined by anatomical landmarks in the cranium of B. ephippium. By statistically weighting differences between landmarks that are not close together (changes at larger geometric scale), cranial variation among geographic samples of B. ephippium appears continuous with no obvious gaps. This pattern of variation is caused by a confounding effect between within-sample allometry and among-sample shape differences. In contrast, by statistically weighting differences between landmarks that are at close spacing (changes at smaller geometric scale), differences in shape within- and among-sample variation are not confounded, and a marked geographic differentiation among population samples of B. ephippium emerges. The observed pattern of geographic differentiation in cranial shape apparently cannot be explained as isolation-by-distance. This study provides the first evidence that the detection of morphological variation or lack thereof, that is, morphological conservatism, may be conditional on the scale of measurement of variation in shape within the methodological formalism of geometric morphometrics.