999 resultados para Allgemeiner Jüdischer Arbeiterbund in Litauen, Polen und RusslandAllgemeiner Jüdischer Arbeiterbund in Litauen, Polen und Russland


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Information is given about the results of the latest meeting of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N and the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group, which were conducted in March and April at ICES headquarters in Copenhagen. The actual stock development and the catch options estimated for different assessment units of herring and sprat are presented. The spawning stock size of North Sea herring reached in 1998 for the first time since 1991 a level above the Minimum Biological Acceptable Level (MBAL) of 800 000 t. Keeping the fishery at the present level the spawning stock size should reach in 1999 a level of about 1.2 mio. t. For the Western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock no actual stock estimate was presented. Due to uncertainties in splitting the catches in North Sea autumn and Baltic spring spawners no analytical assessment was accepted.


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In 1998 the longtime series of the standardized bottom trawl surveys conducted in the western Baltic (ICES Sub-division (SD) 22 and 24 since 1978) during spring and autumn and also in the eastern Baltic (ICES Sub-division since 1993) during spring were continued. The results of the surveys as well as those of a sampling programme carried out on board of commercial cutters (mainly financed by an EU study project) and on the market, the investigation of the survival rate of the discards, and the landing statistics are the basis of the analysis of the German and international cod fishery in 1998. The German cod fishery was concentrated on the ICES SD 22 and 24 (total landings 9722 t). The total landings from the fishing grounds east off Bornholm, the traditional German fishing ground, amounted only to about 1270 t. The German cod quota was utilized at 64 %. The fishery in the ICES SD 22 and 24 was characterized by a discard rate of undersized cod of 13 %. That corresponds to about 7.3 million specimens of 0-group, one- and two-years-old youngfish, respectively. The total international cod landings of the Baltic amounted to 101 500 t. In comparison with 1997 (total landings 129 600 t) the landing decreased by 23 %. The percentage utilization of the cod TAC (1998: 140 000 t) amounted to 74 % in 1998.


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This paper summarises the current knowledge on horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) biology. The synopsis is mainly based on the report of a recently conducted EU funded workshop on horse mackerel age reading. A brief description of this workshop and of recent developments in sampling of German commercial horse mackerel catches is given.


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Since years the International Herring Larvae Survey Program (IHLS) is an important and internationally established survey program in the North Sea. The IHLS serves the calibration of stock abundance estimates based on information from the commercial fishery and the method of Integrated Catch Analysis (ICA) which is a specific derivate of the Virtual Population Analysis (VPA). Meanwhile the IHLS database has been transferred from Aberdeen to Kiel and it has been agreed that the Institut für Meereskunde Kiel should continue to maintain this database and provide the abundance indices to be utilized by the ICES Herring Assessment Working Group as one of the means for assessing the state of the herring stock in the North Sea. For establishing the calculation procedure at Kiel, it was necessary to optimize both, the survey design and the index calculation. This article gives an overview over the survey’s history, it’s geography, the sampling design, the information content of the IHLS data base and the various methods of calculating the different indices necessary for the calibration.


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The atlanto-scandian herring consists of two major stocks, i.e. the Icelandic summer spawner and the Norwegian spring spawner. Both stocks have recovered well after complete collapse in the seventies and allow for a controlled fishery. The total allowable catch of the Norwegian spring spawner is currently 1.3 mill. t. The resumption of the fishery is accompanied by an annual and multi-national survey with Norwegian, Faeroe Islands, Icelandic and Russian contribution. In 1998 the EU will contribute to the survey with the Swedish vessel ”Argos” and in 1999 with the ”Walther Herwig III” under Dutch, Swedish and German participation. About half of the survey costs are covered by the EU by means of a funded study, the other half is contributed by the participating nations.


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Instrumental investigations of texture have been performed using texture profile analysis. The following textural parameters have been assessed: hardness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness, cohesiveness and adhesiveness. The fillets of both species have been prepared from deep frozen headed and gutted raw material without fins after frozen storage of 0, 23 and 34 weeks, respectively. Deep freezing of fishes has been performed on board immediately after hauling or after 6 day’s storage in ice. Before texture measurement the raw material has been thawed and the measurement was carriedout on both thawed and microwave-heated fillets. In general, it can be concluded that both fish species are comparable in their texture parameters. The hardness of heated dab has been slightly higher comparing with that one of plaice. All other texture parameters showed a fairly good conformity between both species. While the hardness of dab increased during heating, it was decreasing in plaice. This was the only one significant difference between both fishes during heating. Adhesiveness as well as cohesiveness increased remarkably during heating. Changes effected by ice storage were only slight. Frozen storage, in contrast, caused a significant decrease of adhesiveness measured after heating the fillets of both species.


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The northern European fish stocks are assessed annually by ICES working groups. The results are evaluated biannually in two meetings of the Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) at ICES. Based on the working group assessments, ACFM formulates an advice for fisheries management and suggests a total allowable catch (TAC) which is based strictly on biological grounds. The summaries of the state of some selected stocks which are given here, are derived from the ACFM advice, formulated during the most recent May 1998 meeting. For many of the fish stocks the precautionary approach is still in the process of implementation, and only for some of them the management and target reference points have been fully defined.


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Germany is one of the iodine deficiency countries in Europe. Marine fish and its products can considerably contribute to the iodine supply via food. The short review gives an overview on the iodine content in fish and other marine species and discusses the influence of house hold cooking and other kitchen preparations. The iodine content in marine fish depends on the species and varies considerably at high level. Lean fish species have an average iodine content of more than 100 μg I / 100 g edible part. The recommended allowance for adults of dietary iodine of 180-200 μg can be covered by the consumption of one marine fish portion per day.


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The current approval procedure for wind farm proposals in the German EEZ only considers site specific conflict analysis between the wind farm and fisheries. Due to the relatively small spatial coverage of single sites potential opportunity losses to the fisheries are always considered as low or negligible. Cumulative effects on fisheries that will occur once all proposed wind farms are in place are not yet considered adequately. However, those cumulative effects will be quite substantial because, in particular, opportunities to catch such valuable species as flatfish will be considerably reduced.


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[EN] Atemschaukel approaches the falling apart and survival in a historically loaded space, such as a labour camp. This novel offers a relevant research field for the space analysis, focused from the perspective of the Spatial Turn, as not only this theoretical frame but also Herta Müller herself conceive of space as a process, unterstood as a reciprocal interaction with the social practice, thus as a spatial and social construct. The representation of space in Atemschaukel is described in this article as a “swinging movement between boxes and abyss”, where the discourse of Leopold Auberg’s memories oscillates between closed and square spaces, on one hand, and open and giddy spaces, on the other hand. In this oscillating movement it is the open spaces that will most clearly show the process of inner destruction of the subject in such oppressive situations as on labour camps, as well as the permanent damages of deportation.


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Seit 1996 werden im Institut für Fischereitechnik (IFH) fangtechnische Untersuchungen zwecks Reduzierung des Beifangs bei der stark discardbelasteten Aalschleppnetzfischerei in der Ostsee durchgeführt. Diese Arbeiten wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Fischerei der Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sowie dem Verein MARITEC e. V. durchgeführt (Gabriel und Thiele 1997; Gabriel et al. 1998). Nach Auswertung der bisher vorliegenden Ergebnisse und nach einer weiterführenden Beifanganalyse zur Schleppnetzfischerei auf Grundfischarten, insbesondere Plattfisch, in den Küstengewässern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns wurden 1998 folgende technische Untersuchungen vorgesehen: • Überprüfung einer kombinierten Fischerei mit Plattfisch-Grundschleppnetzen und passiven Aalfanggeräten (Körbe, Langleinen, Korbketten) • Erprobung einer neuen Steertkonstruktion im Plattfischfang auf verbesserte Selektionseigenschaften • Blankaalfang mit einern pelagischen Tucknetz • Versuche in der passiven Fischerei mit verbesserten bzw. neuartigen Aalfanggeräten


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With the aim to reduce bycatches and discards first investigations were carried out in longlining for cod and eel in the Baltic. In the case of eel fisheries they are compared with small mesh size trawling and in the case of cod fisheries with gillnetting, where during the winter season unwished bycatches of seabirds could be a problem. First results show that these investigations should be continued.


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The October meeting of the ACFM of ICES gave advice for a number of North-Atlantic fish stocks. The results of the most important stocks are given here from the perspective of German fishery management. The are chiefly North Sea plaice and sole, for which a reduction of 25 % of the fishing mortality (F) is recommended for 1998, North Sea saithe (minus 20 % in F), while North Sea cod is in the process of recovery and North Sea haddock is inside safe biological limits. The mackerel stock of the North Sea has not yet recovered, while the western mackerel stock as an entity has stabilised at a level of about 2.3 million t.


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Information is given on the landings of herring and sprat in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea. Based on assessment units used by the ‘Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62° N’ and the ‘Baltic Fisheries Assessment’ working group, the total landings are shown for the years 1974 to 1996. Further the quarterly landings for 1996 are listed on national basis by area/Sub-Division. In addition an actual description of the national fleets operating in the Skagerrak/Kattegat and Baltic Sea is given. At least the actual stock development and the catch options estimated by the corresponding working groups for different assessment units is presented.


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Recent reports associating aluminium with several skeletal (osteomalacia) and neurological disorders (encephalopathy and Alzheimer’s disease) in humans suggest that exposure to aluminium may pose a hazard to health. This requires the examination of aluminiumcontent in different foodstuffs. Therefore, an analytical method for the determination of aluminium in fish and fishery products, especially in fishery products packaged in aluminium cans, was developed using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Fillets of lean and fatty fish showed aluminium levels lower than 1mg/kg wet weight, muscle of crustacean, molluscan and shellfish had apparently higher aluminium levels (up to 20 mg/kg wet weight). The aluminium content in some aluminum-canned herring was much higher than the content found in herring caught in the North Sea. These results indicate that aluminium is taken up by the herring fillets in aluminium cans, presumably through the slight and slow dissolution of aluminium from the can wall, due to some defects in the protective lacquer layer. A comparison of the aluminium levels measured in canned herring with the average aluminium-intake (normally between 3 and 5 mg/day) or with the provisional tolerable daily intake of 1mg/kg body weight per day (WHO 1989) indicated, that the aluminium content of the edible part of aquatic food does not play a significant role. High consumption of fish fillets does not pose any health risk.