987 resultados para Alexander Hamilton
Indenture regarding articles of agreement between Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines and Alexander Pettigrew of Merritton for parts of building lots 17, 18 and 19 of the Clifford Tract in Merritton (2 copies), Oct. 21, 1899.
Indenture (Registrar’s printed Certified Copy) between Hamilton K. Woodruff and Margaret Julia Band. This is in regard to parcels and tracts of land in the townships of Sherbourne (no.367), registered June 14, 1926 and Stanhope (no.784) registered Jan. 28, 1926 in the Provisional County of Haliburton, Nov. 3, 1942.
Indenture between Victoria Lawn Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Hamilton K. Woodruff for 216 square feet, Lot no.2 in division 9, section G of the Victoria Lawn Cemetery. This is a handwritten copy. The deed no. is 1937, Jan. 6, 1903.
Indenture between Abraham Fuller Atkinson of St. Catharines, rector of St. George’s Church, Henry Riggs Goodman and William Hamilton Merritt, wardens of St. George’s Church, to Thomas Lees Helliwell for pew no. 15 in St. George’s Church, Mar. 21, 1857.
Indenture between Samuel D. Woodruff and Jane Caroline Woodruff and Hamilton Killaly Woodruff in which Samuel Woodruff signed over pew 15 in St. George’s Church, St. Catharines to Hamilton Killaly Woodruff for $1.00, May 12, 1900.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which Mr. Merritt asks Mr. Woodruff to make out a bill of the quality and description of the iron suitable for the road, n.d.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt requesting that Mr. Woodruff supply him with estimated quantities of the value of work and material (for cash monthly payments) of the road. Some numbers/ calculations are written on the second page, Jan. 25, 1854.
Letter in which S.D. Woodruff suggests that the proposed road be constructed upon the line as suggested and laid down upon the map. He also suggests that George Rykert be engaged to survey the land. The letter is addressed to William Hamilton Merritt, Mar. 7, 1854.
Letter which S.D. Woodruff writes to William Hamilton Merritt about the length of the railway from Port Dalhousie to the Great Western Railway. He says that the distance is 6 miles. From Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines there will 4 miles of rail required for a single track, Mar. 13, 1854.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which Mr. Merritt says that he will be going up the canal to remove the squatters. The letter is stained. This does not affect the text. May 1, 1854.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt at the Legislative Assembly in Quebec. Mr. Merritt asks who has investments in the town and he says “we will get the road through to Port Colborne in due time (3 pages, handwritten), Apr. 19, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which he says he could have carried the bill last fall but he postponed it (2 pages), May 3, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which he says that Jack Killaly says that he spoke to Mr. Woodruff to continue drudging to accommodate both the canal and the railway. Mr. Merritt says he sees no obstacle in opening the line for local traffic (2 ½ pages), Aug. 2, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which he says he feels disposed to using every effort to complete the road to the Great Western Railway as originally designed (4 pages), Aug. 29, 1855
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from William Hamilton Merritt in which he says that the line from Allenburgh down should be divided into sections and also, that he is in favour of crossing the Great Western Railway by bridge. This letter was folded into a piece of paper (used like an envelope). This is included (4 pages), Oct. 23, 1856.