307 resultados para Alecrim da chapada
Place Attachment is a positive affective bond between people and environments, and its main characteristic is the desire to maintain closeness to the place of attachment. Neighborhoods, in turn, are spaces close to the dwelling, which varies according to environmental, social and cultural characteristics. Facing the contemporary scenario of diminishment of neighborhood relations and its importance to the understanding of cities social-environmental context, the present work aimed to investigate the attachment to neighborhoods at the city of Natal-RN. This study had two stages. The first stage consisted on investigating, through an experts panel, the main characteristics of attached neighborhoods, aspects that contributes to the development of these neighborhoods, the ones that difficult, as well as look for indications of neighborhoods at the city of Natal that may be identified by these elements. In the following stage I interviewed 11 residents of two indicated neighborhoods at the district of Alecrim, to better comprehend the main characteristics of this attachment and the elements of the context that enable its development. The content of the interviews, categorized and evaluated by judges, indicated that, due to the 10 participant experts, the main characteristics of attached neighborhoods encompass elements of socialization, cooperation, physical space usage, intimacy and identity. According to them, these are characteristics enabled by temporal and rootedness aspects, by spatial contact, familiarity between neighbors, and cultural inheritance. The interviews with residents showed that attachment to the studied neighborhoods is specially grounded on support and cooperation networks between neighbors, on satisfaction with the proximity of services, and on the bond to symbolic aspects and local traditions. In addition to be enabled by spatial organization, by low displacement of residents, and by the district s history, relations at these neighborhoods are fostered by an intention to establish this kind of ties, carried by cultural values
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The family Entomobryidae is one of the most diverse families of Collembola in Northeast Brazil. Data on its diversity may be considered undervalued due to low collection efforts in the region. In this study, five areas in the Northeast region were sampled, to evaluate the species richness of this family. The study was done in the Serra da Jibóia, Santa Terezinha municipality, Bahia; Serra das Confusões, Caracol municipality, Piauí; Chapada do Araripe, Crato municipality, Ceará; Mata do Pau-Ferro, Areia municipality, Paraíba and Parque Nacional de Ubajara, Ubajara municipality, Ceará, all considered humid areas of Caatinga. Collections were made using pitfall traps and entomological aspirators. All the collected material was screened, mounted on slides, identified and, finally, the descriptions of some of the new species encountered were made. A total of 48 Entomobryidae species belonging to nine genera were recorded and 27 of these were new to science, representing a percentage of 56.25% of the total. A new record for Brazil was identified and several new records were made to the States. Seira was the genus with wider distribution and it was the only one found in all areas and the most representative with the highest number of recorded species (26). This result was expected, because individuals of the genus Seira have a good adaptability to semi-arid environments, a fact that has already been proven in previous research. Seven new species of Seira were described. A dichotomous key to genera and species of Seirini from Brazil was drafted. This work demonstrates the great potential of Entomobryidae and Seirini in the Northeast, despite having been held in very restricted areas, obtained important results for the knowledge of fauna of the group
This paper presents the master plan and geoenvironmental zoning natures as instruments of environmental planning and management. The discussion of territory environmental planning is guided by two directions: at first the environmental elements involved in planning and the another is the implementation of these instruments at the municipal territory. To analyze the planning directed of the municipal territory we consider the fragments of its, represented by country and urban. The master plan inside of the Estatuto da Cidade (City Statute) and the geoenvironmental zoning are directed to territorial environmental planning. Regarding of the master plan the first challenge has been the spacial area that the plan can cover. It is necessary to prepare master plans that could include all the territory. The environmental zoning are directed for the territory totality.In this sense, the geoenvironmental zoning of the Currais Novos was done in the totality of the municipal territory and guided by the environmental physics variables. The geoenvironmental zoning sets in a planning and ordering of the territory instrument based in the landscape analysis. Therefore grounded in the Geosystems‟s Theory this work has like a main objective to propose a geoenvironmental zoning for the Currais Novos Municipality in RN. So, was used an analysis technique suggested for Bardin (2010) and the Currais Novos‟s physical environment characterization through of the fieldwork and cartographic data vectorization, beyond the image‟s treatment SRTM. The geoenvironmental systems definitions were based in the suggestion of Cestaro, et al. (2007) support in Bertrand (1968). For both were identified five geoenvironmental systems: Borborema Plateau, Residual plateau, Chapada da Serra de Santana, semiarid river valley and lagoon valley and eleven geoenvironmental subsystems: Borborema Plateau Western Slope, Isolated Massif of the Borborema Plateau, Residual Crest, Residual Massif, Erosional Scarp of the Chapada, flat top plateau, fluvial plains, temporary river of the semiarid and ornamental water or sluice
This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.
The geo-environmental zoning is an important means to plan the management of the territory, once it is the result of integration of different elements of the physical environment. The Municipality of Crato has a diversity of geo-environmental systems due to its complex landscape, which characterization and delimitation will contribute to the most appropriate occupation and the fewer prejudicial to municipal area. This study, which was supported by geo-systemic theory, searched to reach the following objectives: to elaborate a proposal of geo-environmental zoning; to characterize identified and demarcated geo-environmental systems, including their potentiality and limitations of land use and human occupation; and to generate a database on digital maps through GIS Geographic Information System. Four geo-environmental systems were identified (Chapada do Araripe: plateau and hillside, Massif and residual crest, Sertão of peripheric southern depression and fluvial Plains) and ten geo-environmental subsystems (Eastern plateau covered by cerradão/cerrado, Western plateau covered by cerrado/carrasco, Northern-west hillside, central residual Massif, Northern Residual Massifs, Sertaneja depression dominated by sedimentary materials, Sertaneja depression dominated by embasement crystalline material; wet fluvial plains and dry fluvial plains). The identified system and subsystem are similar to those proposed by FUNCEME in spite of some changes due to the more detailed mapping
Estudos com plantas e utilização em terapias combinatórias têm sido estimulados. Verificou-se as possíveis interações entre óleos essenciais de plantas [canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume Lauraceae), capim-cidreira (Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf, Poaceae), hortelã-pimenta (Mentha piperita L. Lamiaceae), gengibre (Zingiber officinale Roscoe Zingiberaceae), cravo-da-índia (Caryophillus aromaticus L. Myrtaceae) e alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis L. Lamiaceae)] combinados a oito drogas antimicrobianas frente a doze linhagens de Staphylococcus aureus e doze de Escherichia coli isoladas de humanos. Após determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) para os óleos pelo método da diluição foram realizados ensaios para verificação de sinergismo entre os óleos essenciais e os antimicrobianos pela metodologia de Kirby & Bauer. S. aureus foi mais suscetível às interações óleos e drogas, tendo o óleo de capim cidreira apresentado sinergismo com as oito drogas testadas, seguido pelo óleo de hortelã com sete drogas. Nos ensaios com E. coli, houve sinergismo apenas para os óleos de alecrim (três drogas) e capim-cidreira (duas drogas). Não ocorreram casos de antagonismo e os resultados de sinergismo foram influenciados pelos microrganismos estudados.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lippia alba, espécie brasileira da família Verbenaceae, é plantada e usada em todo o Brasil por suas atividades farmacológicas como analgésica, antiespasmódica, calmante, sedativa e citostática. Popularmente a Lippia é denominada de alecrim, cidreira falsa ou falsa melissa. O trabalho visou testar o efeito das aplicações de GA3, ethephon e CCC sobre o crescimento de Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. - Verbenaceae, em diferentes épocas do ano. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda São Manuel, pertencente à UNESP em Botucatu, de dezembro/95 a dezembro/96. O mesmo consistiu de sete tratamentos e três repetições em blocos inteiramente casualizados, com os tratamentos aplicados nas parcelas e as colheitas nas subparcelas. Os tratamentos incluíram o controle, ácido giberélico (GA3 50 e 100 mg.L-1), ácido 2-cloroetil-fosfônico (ethephon- 100 e 200 mg.L-1) e cloreto de 2-cloroetil-trimetil amônio (CCC 1000 e 2000 mg.L-1). Os reguladores vegetais foram aplicados em duas épocas, aos quarenta e cem dias da implantação do experimento no campo e o crescimento das plantas foi avaliado em seis épocas. Após a primeira aplicação as plantas foram coletadas em intervalos de 14 dias. Os fitorreguladores GA3, e CCC tenderam a elevar os resultados das características, matéria seca de caule, folhas, flores e total, porém sempre permaneceram menores ou iguais ao controle.
Objetivou-se avaliar a composição química e produtividade dos principais componentes do óleo essencial de Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. em função de doses de composto orgânico (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 t ha-1). Foi realizada uma colheita, aos 150 dias após o transplante das mudas. O óleo essencial, da massa seca útil da parte aérea, foi extraído por hidrodestilação e analisado em cromatógrafo a gás acoplado a espectrômetro de massas (Shimadzu, QP-5000). A identificação dos constituintes químicos foi realizada através da análise comparativa dos espectros de massas das substâncias com o banco de dados do sistema CG-EM (Nist 62.lib), literatura e índice de retenção. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, às médias obtidas foram submetidas à análise de regressão e o teste Tukey para o efeito das doses de composto orgânico. Os três componentes sesquiterpênicos, E-nerolidol, espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno, perfazem 58,44% da média relativa da composição química do óleo essencial de B. dracunculifolia, composto pela presença de 28 substâncias. Na produtividade dos componentes γ-muroleno, valenceno, δ-cadineno e E-nerolidol as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 30 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Se o objetivo no cultivo de B. dracunculifolia for o componente espatulenol as dosagens 30 e 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados. Para a produtividade do componente óxido de cariofileno as dosagens estudadas influenciaram as plantas, que na dosagem 40 t ha-1 obtiveram os melhores resultados.
A new species of treefrog closely related to Bokermannohyla alvarengai is described from Chapada Diamantina centrally located in the State of Bahia, Brazil. In comparison to B. alvarengai, the new species is smaller in size, with less developed forearm and prepollexes, and smaller tympani. We describe the tadpole, advertisement call and provide information on its natural history. We propose the B. alvarengai group to accommodate this species and the new species described here.