975 resultados para Albumin and globulins
Objective: To study the activation of an inflammatory cascade through leukocyte mRNA expression of TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in individuals with childhood onset type 1 diabetes. Design and methods: Seventy-six type 1 diabetic patients and 100 normoglycemic subjects (NG) 6 to 20 years old were recruited. Type 1 diabetic patients (DM1) were considered to have good (DM1G) or poor (DM1P) glycemic control according to the values of glycated hemoglobin. TLR2, TLR4, MyD88, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) mRNA expressions were measured in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Urea, creatinine, albumin, and total protein serum levels were determined. Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) was calculated. Results: DM1 and DM1P patients showed higher glycated hemoglobin (10 and 11%, respectively) and serum glucose concentrations (208 and 226 mg/ dL, respectively) compared to NG (Glycated hemoglobin: 7% and glucose: 76 mg/ dL) (p < 0.05). PBL mRNA expressions of TLR2, MyD88, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were higher in DM1 and TLR2, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 expressions were higher in DMP1 compared to NG (p < 0.05). In DM1, serum albumin and total protein were lower, while serum urea and ACR were higher in comparison to NG (p < 0.05). However, these differences compared to NG were more pronounced in DM1P, which included nine individuals with microalbuminuria. Conclusions: Increased mRNA expression of TLR2, MyD88, and pro-inflammatory cytokines in leukocytes of patients with childhood onset type 1 diabetes indicates the development of a TLR2-mediated pro-inflammatory process, which may also be associated with an early inflammatory process in the kidney and the occurrence of microalbuminuria.
Aims: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are used in diabetic kidney disease to reduce systemic/intra-glomerular pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate whether reducing blood pressure (BP) could modulate renal glucose transporter expression, and urinary markers of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic hypertensive rats treated with ramipril or amlodipine. Main methods: Diabetes was induced in spontaneously-hypertensive rats (~210 g) by streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). Thirty days later, animals received ramipril 15 μg/kg/day (R, n =10), or amlodipine 10 mg/kg/day (A, n= 8,) or water (C, n = 10) by gavage. After 30-day treatment, body weight, glycaemia, urinary albumin and TGF-β1 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and BP (tail-cuff pressure method) were evaluated. Kidneys were removed for evaluation of renal cortex glucose transporters (Western blotting) and renal tissue ACE activity (fluorometric assay). Key findings: After treatments, body weight (p = 0.77) and glycaemia (p = 0.22) were similar among the groups. Systolic BP was similarly reduced (p < 0.001) in A and R vs. C (172.4 ± 3.2; 186.7 ± 3.7 and 202.2 ± 4.3 mm Hg; respectively). ACE activity (C: 0.903 ± 0.086; A: 0.654 ± 0.025, and R: 0.389 ± 0.057 mU/mg), albuminuria (C: 264.8 ± 15.4; A: 140.8 ± 13.5 and R: 102.8 ± 6.7 mg/24 h), and renal cortex GLUT1 content (C: 46.81 ± 4.54; A: 40.30 ± 5.39 and R: 26.89 ± 0.79 AU) decreased only in R (p < 0.001, p < 0.05 and p < 0.001; respectively). Significance:We concluded that the blockade of the renin–angiotensin systemwith ramipril reduced earlymarkers of diabetic nephropathy, a phenomenon that cannot be specifically related to decreased BP levels.
Chromatography is the most widely used technique for high-resolution separation and analysis of proteins. This technique is very useful for the purification of delicate compounds, e.g. pharmaceuticals, because it is usually performed at milder conditions than separation processes typically used by chemical industry. This thesis focuses on affinity chromatography. Chromatographic processes are traditionally performed using columns packed with porous resin. However, these supports have several limitations, including the dependence on intra-particle diffusion, a slow mass transfer mechanism, for the transport of solute molecules to the binding sites within the pores and high pressure drop through the packed bed. These limitations can be overcome by using chromatographic supports like membranes or monoliths. Dye-ligands are considered important alternatives to natural ligands. Several reactive dyes, particularly Cibacron Blue F3GA, are used as affinity ligand for protein purification. Cibacron Blue F3GA is a triazine dye that interacts specifically and reversibly with albumin. The aim of this study is to prepare dye-affinity membranes and monoliths for efficient removal of albumin and to compare the three different affinity supports: membranes and monoliths and a commercial column HiTrapTM Blue HP, produced by GE Healthcare. A comparison among the three supports was performed in terms of binding capacity at saturation (DBC100%) and dynamic binding capacity at 10% breakthrough (DBC10%) using solutions of pure BSA. The results obtained show that the CB-RC membranes and CB-Epoxy monoliths can be compared to commercial support, column HiTrapTM Blue HP, for the separation of albumin. These results encourage a further characterization of the new supports examined.
Nanopartikuläre Wirkstofftransportsysteme besitzen ein großes Potential für therapeutische Anwendungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene grundlegende Aspekte, die für das erweiterte biologische Verständnis und die Entwicklung weiterer zielgerichteter Strategien zur Pharmakotherapie mit Nanopartikeln und –kapseln notwendig sind, näher untersucht. Experimente zur zellulären Aufnahmefähigkeit (in vitro und ex vivo) wurden mit verschiedenen Nanopartikeln und –kapseln aus diversen Monomeren und biokompatiblen Makromolekülen in immortalisierten Zellkulturlinien, humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen und Leukozyten durchgeführt und durchflusszytometrisch sowie mittels konfokaler Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie analysiert. Die Einflüsse der Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen der nanopartikulären Systeme, deren toxikologische Effekte sowie der Einfluss von adsorbiertem bovinem Serumalbumin auf funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln wurden in Bezug auf die zelluläre Aufnahme untersucht.Um die multiplen Wechselwirkungen der Nanopartikel mit Bestandteilen des humanen peripheren Vollblutes zu untersuchen, wurde erfolgreich ein durchflusszytometrisches Analyseverfahren in antikoaguliertem peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) entwickelt. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass der Einfluss von Calcium-komplexierenden Antikoagulanzien zu einer Verringerung und nicht Li-Heparin zu einer Verstärkung der zellulären Aufnahme von funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln in diversen Leukozyten führt.Für Folsäure-gekoppelte Hydroxyethylstärke-Nanokapseln (Synthese Frau Dr. Grit Baier) konnte ein größenabhängiger selektiver, Folatrezeptor α vermittelter, zellulärer Aufnahmeweg in HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen werden.Hydrolysierbare, nicht zytotoxische Polyester-Nanopartikel aus Poly(5,6-Benzo-2-methylen-1,3-dioxepan) (Synthese Herr Dr. Jörg Max Siebert) mit eingebettetem Paclitaxel zeigten in HeLa-Zellen eine vergleichbare pharmakologische Wirkung wie kommerziell erhältliche Paclitaxel-Formulierungen.Die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzten Nanopartikel und Nanokapseln besitzen ein vielfältiges Potential als Wirkstofftransportsysteme. Es zeigte sich, dass Unterschiede bei der Größe, der Größenverteilung, des Polymers sowie der Oberflächenfunktionalisierung der Nanopartikel bedeutende Unterschiede der Zellaufnahme in diversen Zellkulturlinien (in vitro) und Leukozyten in peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) zur Folge haben.
Recombinant human group II phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) added to human platelets in the low microg/ml range induced platelet activation, as demonstrated by measurement of platelet aggregation, thromboxane A2 generation and influx of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration and by detection of time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins. The presence of Ca2+ at low millimolar concentrations is a prerequisite for the activation of platelets by sPLA2. Mg2+ cannot replace Ca2+. Mg2+, given in addition to the necessary Ca2+, inhibits sPLA2-induced platelet activation. Pre-exposure to sPLA2 completely blocked the aggregating effect of a second dose of sPLA2. Albumin or indomethacin inhibited sPLA2-induced aggregation, similarly to the inhibition of arachidonic acid-induced aggregation. Platelets pre-treated with heparitinase or phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C lost their ability to aggregate in response to sPLA2, although they still responded to other agonists. This suggests that a glycophosphatidylinositol-anchored platelet-membrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan is the binding site for sPLA2 on platelets. Previous reports have stated that sPLA2 is unable to activate platelets. The inhibitory effect of albumin and Mg2+, frequently used in aggregation studies, and the fact that isolated platelets lose their responsiveness to sPLA2 relatively quickly, may explain why the platelet-activating effects of sPLA2 have not been reported earlier.
Malnutrition is a common problem in oncologic diseases influencing treatment outcomes, treatment complications, quality of life and survival. The potential role of malnutrition has not yet systematically been studied in neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN), which due to growing prevalence and additional therapeutic options provide an increasing clinical challenge for diagnosis and management. The aim of this cross-sectional observational study, which included a long-term follow-up, was therefore to define the prevalence of malnutrition in 203 patients with NEN using various methodological approaches and to analyze the short- and long-term outcome of malnourished patients. A detailed subgroup analysis was also performed to define risk factors for poorer outcome. By applying malnutrition screening scores 21-25% of NEN-patients were at risk of or demonstrated manifest malnutrition. This was confirmed by anthropometric measurements, determination of serum surrogate parameters such as albumin and bioelectrical impedance analysis particularly phase angle α. Length of hospital stay (LoS) was significantly longer in malnourished NEN-patients while long-term overall survival was highly significantly reduced. Patients with high-grade (G3) neuroendocrine carcinomas, progressive disease and undergoing chemotherapy were at particular risk for malnutrition associated with a poorer outcome. Multivariate analysis confirmed the important and highly significant role of malnutrition as an independent prognostic factor for NEN besides proliferative capacity (G3-NEC). Malnutrition is therefore an underrecognized problem in NEN-patients, which should systematically be diagnosed by widely available standard methods such Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) score, serum albumin levels and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and treated to improve both short- and long-term outcomes.
Part 1: 1898-1899 On Chronic Symmetrical Enlargement of the Salivary and Lachrymal Glands, 1898 Leprosy in the United States, with the Report of a Case, 1898 An Acute Myxaedematous Condition, with Tachycardia, Glycosuria, Melaena, Mania and Death, 1898 On some of the Intestinal Features of Typhoid Fever, 1898 Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 1898 The Arthritis of Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 1898 In Memoriam, William Pepper, 1899 After Twenty-Five Years, 1899 The Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever, 1899 Interstitial Processes in the Central Nervous System, 1899 Part 2: 1900 The Home Treatment of Consumption, 1900 On Splenic Anaemia, 1900 The Chronic Intermittent Fever of Endocarditis, 1900 A Case of Multiple Gangrene in Malarial Fever, 1900 Latent Cancer of the Stomach, 1900 On the Study of Tuberculosis, 1900 Fatal Angina Pectoris without Lesions of the Coronary Arteries of a Young Man, 1900 On the Advantages of a Trace of Albumin and a Few Casts in the Urine of Certain Men above Fifty Years of Age, 1900 Part 3: 1901-1902 Congenital Absence of the Abdominal Muscles with Distended Hypertrophied Urinary Bladder, 1901 Intermittent Claudication, 1902 On the Diagnosis of Bilateral Cystic Kidney, 1902 On Amebic Abscess of the Liver, 1902 Note on the Occurrence of Ascites in Solid Abdominal Tumors, 1902 Amebic Dysentery, 1902 Notes on Aneurism, 1902 William Beaumont; a Pioneer American Physiologist, 1902 Part 4: 1903 On the Educational Value of the Medical Society, 1903 On obliteration of the Superior Vena Cava,1903 Chronic Cyanosis, with Polycythemia and Enlarged Spleen: A New Clinical Entity, 1903 The Home and its Relation to the Tuberculosis Problem, 1903 Unity, Peace, and Concord, 1903 Typhoid Fever and Tuberculosis, 1903 Part 5: 1904-1906 Ochronosis, 1904 The “Phthisiologia” of Richard Morton, M.D., 1904 On the Surgical Importance of the Visceral Crises In the Erythema Group of Skin Diseases, 1904 Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta, 1905 Back Notes
Thioredoxin, a ubiquitous 12-kDa regulatory disulfide protein, was found to reduce disulfide bonds of allergens (convert S—S to 2 SH) and thereby mitigate the allergenicity of commercial wheat preparations. Allergenic strength was determined by skin tests with a canine model for food allergy. Statistically significant mitigation was observed with 15 of 16 wheat-sensitive animals. The allergenicity of the protein fractions extracted from wheat flour with the indicated solvent was also assessed: the gliadins (ethanol) were the strongest allergens, followed by glutenins (acetic acid), albumins (water), and globulins (salt water). Of the gliadins, the α and β fractions were most potent, followed by the γ and ω types. Thioredoxin mitigated the allergenicity associated with the major protein fractions—i.e, the gliadins (including the α, β, and γ types) and the glutenins—but gave less consistent results with the minor fractions, the albumins and globulins. In all cases, mitigation was specific to thioredoxin that had been reduced either enzymically by NADPH and NADP–thioredoxin reductase or chemically by dithiothreitol; reduced glutathione was without significant effect. As in previous studies, thioredoxin was particularly effective in the reduction of intramolecular (intrachain) disulfide bonds. The present results demonstrate that the reduction of these disulfide bonds is accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in allergenicity of the active proteins. This decrease occurs alongside the changes identified previously—i.e., increased susceptibility to proteolysis and heat, and altered biochemical activity. The findings open the door to the testing of the thioredoxin system in the production of hypoallergenic, more-digestible foods.
Recent measurements of sedimentation equilibrium and sedimentation velocity have shown that the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ self-associates to form indefinitely long rod-like linear aggregates in the presence of GDP and Mg2+. In the present study, the newly developed technique of non-ideal tracer sedimentation equilibrium was used to measure the effect of high concentrations—up to 150 g/liter—of each of two inert “crowder” proteins, cyanmethemoglobin or BSA, on the thermodynamic activity and state of association of dilute FtsZ under conditions inhibiting (−Mg2+) and promoting (+Mg2+) FtsZ self-association. Analysis of equilibrium gradients of both FtsZ and crowder proteins indicates that, under the conditions of the present experiment, FtsZ interacts with each of the two crowder proteins essentially entirely via steric repulsion, which may be accounted for quantitatively by a simple model in which hemoglobin, albumin, and monomeric FtsZ are modeled as effective spherical hard particles, and each oligomeric species of FtsZ is modeled as an effective hard spherocylinder. The functional dependence of the sedimentation of FtsZ on the concentrations of FtsZ and either crowder indicates that, in the presence of high concentrations of crowder, both the weight-average degree of FtsZ self-association and the range of FtsZ oligomer sizes present in significant abundance are increased substantially.
In the evolution of eukaryotic genes, introns are believed to have played a major role in increasing the probability of favorable duplication events, chance recombinations, and exon shuffling resulting in functional hybrid proteins. As a rule, prokaryotic genes lack introns, and the examples of prokaryotic introns described do not seem to have contributed to gene evolution by exon shuffling. Still, certain protein families in modern bacteria evolve rapidly by recombination of genes, duplication of functional domains, and as shown for protein PAB of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus, by the shuffling of an albumin-binding protein module from group C and G streptococci. Characterization of a protein PAB-related gene in a P. magnus strain with less albumin-binding activity revealed that the shuffled module was missing. Based on this fact and observations made when comparing gene sequences of this family of bacterial surface proteins interacting with albumin and/or immunoglobulin, a model is presented that can explain how this rapid intronless evolution takes place. A new kind of genetic element is introduced: the recer sequence promoting interdomain, in frame recombination and acting as a structure-less flexibility-promoting spacer in the corresponding protein. The data presented also suggest that antibiotics could represent the selective pressure behind the shuffling of protein modules in P. magnus, a member of the indigenous bacterial flora.
Antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGPs), found in the blood of polar fish at concentrations as high as 35 g/liter, are known to prevent ice crystal growth and depress the freezing temperature of the blood. Previously, Rubinsky et al. [Rubinsky, B., Mattioli, M., Arav, A., Barboni, B. & Fletcher, G. L. (1992) Am. J. Physiol. 262, R542-R545] provided evidence that AFGPs block ion fluxes across membranes during cooling, an effect that they ascribed to interactions with ion channels. We investigated the effects of AFGPs on the leakage of a trapped marker from liposomes during chilling. As these liposomes are cooled through the transition temperature, they leak approximately 50% of their contents. Addition of less than 1 mg/ml of AFGP prevents up to 100% of this leakage, both during chilling and warming through the phase transition. This is a general effect that we show here applies to liposomes composed of phospholipids with transition temperatures ranging from 12 degrees C to 41 degrees C. Because these results were obtained with liposomes composed of phospholipids alone, we conclude that the stabilizing effects of AFGPs on intact cells during chilling reported by Rubinsky et al. may be due to a nonspecific effect on the lipid components of native membranes. There are other proteins that prevent leakage, but only under specialized conditions. For instance, antifreeze proteins, bovine serum albumin, and ovomucoid all either have no effect or actually induce leakage. Following precipitation with acetone, all three proteins inhibited leakage, although not to the extent seen with AFGPs. Alternatively, there are proteins such as ovotransferrin that have no effect on leakage, either before or after acetone precipitation.
A desnutrição é uma condição nutricional que pode afetar muitos aspectos da resposta imunológica, como alterações na migração celular, na fagocitose, na resposta bactericida, mudanças na produção de radicais livres e espécies de nitrogênio e na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. Logo, indivíduos desnutridos apresentam maior susceptibilidade a infecções. Visto que a glutamina é um aminoácido de extrema importância para a funcionalidade de diversas células do sistema imune e que as mesmas apresentam aumento da utilização desse aminoácido durante processos infecciosos, investigou-se, neste trabalho, quais os efeitos da glutamina sobre alguns aspectos da mobilização, migração e sinalização celular em um modelo experimental de desnutrição proteica. Para tanto, utilizou-se camundongos da linhagem BALB/c machos, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos, Controle e Desnutrido, que passaram a receber dietas isocalóricas contendo 12% (normoproteica) e 2% de caseína (hipoproteica), respectivamente, durante 5 semanas. Para as avaliações in vivo, animais de ambos os grupos receberam por via endovenosa 100µL de solução contendo 1,25µg de LPS e após 1 hora 0,75mg/Kg de L-glutamina (GLUT). Após o período de desnutrição ou de indução ao processo inflamatório, os animais foram eutanasiados e as amostras biológicas coletas. Foram avaliados nos animais estimulados in vivo hemograma, mielograma, as citocinas IL-10 e TNF-α circulantes e a expressão de CD11b/CD18 nos granulócitos do sangue periférico. Foi avaliado, in vitro, a capacidade migratória, a expressão de CD11b/CD18 de polimorfonucleados da medula óssea e do sangue periférico, bem como a síntese de citocinas IL-1α, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12 e TNF-α e a expressão de NF-κB e IκBα em células cultivadas em meio com 0; 0,6; 2 e 10 mM de GLUT. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram anemia, leucopenia, hipoplasia medular e diminuição na concentração sérica de proteínas, albumina e pré-albumina. A GLUT, in vitro, apresentou capacidade de reduzir a produção de IL-1α e IL-6, bem como a ativação da via do NF-κB. No modelo in vivo a GLUT, em animais estimulados com LPS, alterou a cinética de migração neutrofílica e reduziu a expressão de CD18, bem como diminuiu os níveis de TNFα circulantes.
This work has used novel polymer design and fabrication technology to generate bead form polymer based systems, with variable, yet controlled release properties, specifically for the delivery of macromolecules, essentially peptides of therapeutic interest. The work involved investigation of the potential interaction between matrix ultrastructural morphology, in vitro release kinetics, bioactivity and immunoreactivity of selected macromolecules with limited hydrolytic stability, delivered from controlled release vehicles. The underlying principle involved photo-polymerisation of the monomer, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, around frozen ice crystals, leading to the production of a macroporous hydrophilic matrix. Bead form matrices were fabricated in controllable size ranges in the region of 100µm - 3mm in diameter. The initial stages of the project involved the study of how variables, delivery speed of the monomer and stirring speed of the non solvent, affectedthe formation of macroporous bead form matrices. From this an optimal bench system for bead production was developed. Careful selection of monomer, solvents, crosslinking agent and polymerisation conditions led to a variable but controllable distribution of pore sizes (0.5 - 4µm). Release of surrogate macromolecules, bovine serum albumin and FITC-linked dextrans, enabled factors relating to the size and solubility of the macromolecule on the rate of release to be studied. Incorporation of bioactive macromolecules allowed retained bioactivity to be determined (glucose oxidase and interleukin-2), whilst the release of insulin enabled determination of both bioactivity (using rat epididymal fat pad) and immunoreactivity (RIA). The work carried out has led to the generation of macroporous bead form matrices, fabricated from a tissue biocompatible hydrogel, capable of the sustained, controlled release of biologically active peptides, with potential use in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.
Aim: To determine the effect of periodontitis patients' plasma on the neutrophil oxidative burst and the role of albumin, immunoglobulins (Igs) and cytokines. Materials and Methods: Plasma was collected from chronic periodontitis patients (n=11) and periodontally healthy controls (n=11) and used with/without depletion of albumin and Ig or antibody neutralization of IL-8, GM-CSF or IFN-a to prime/stimulate peripheral blood neutrophils, isolated from healthy volunteers. The respiratory burst was measured by lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence. Plasma cytokine levels were determined by ELISA. Results: Plasmas from patients were significantly more effective in both directly stimulating neutrophil superoxide production and priming for subsequent formyl-met-leu-phe (fMLP)-stimulated superoxide production than plasmas from healthy controls (p<0.05). This difference was maintained after depletion of albumin and Ig. Plasma from patients contained higher mean levels of IL-8, GM-CSF and IFN-a. Individual neutralizing antibodies against IL-8, GM-CSF or IFN-a inhibited the direct stimulatory effect of patients' plasma, whereas the ability to prime for fMLP-stimulated superoxide production was only inhibited by neutralization of IFN-a. The stimulating and priming effects of control plasma were unaffected by antibody neutralization. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that plasma cytokines may have a role in inducing the hyperactive (IL-8, GM-CSF, IFN-a) and hyper-reactive (IFN-a) neutrophil phenotype seen in periodontitis patients.
The presence and concentrations of modified proteins circulating in plasma depend on rates of protein synthesis, modification and clearance. In early studies, the proteins most frequently analysed for damage were those which were more abundant in plasma (e.g. albumin and immunoglobulins) which exist at up to 10 orders of magnitude higher concentrations than other plasma proteins e.g. cytokines. However, advances in analytical techniques using mass spectrometry and immuno-affinity purification methods, have facilitated analysis of less abundant, modified proteins and the nature of modifications at specific sites is now being characterised. The damaging reactive species that cause protein modifications in plasma principally arise from reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by NADPH oxidases (NOX), nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and oxygenase activities; reactive nitrogen species (RNS) from myeloperoxidase (MPO) and NOS activities; and hypochlorous acid from MPO. Secondary damage to proteins may be caused by oxidized lipids and glucose autooxidation.In this review, we focus on redox regulatory control of those enzymes and processes which control protein maturation during synthesis, produce reactive species, repair and remove damaged plasma proteins. We have highlighted the potential for alterations in the extracellular redox compartment to regulate intracellular redox state and, conversely, for intracellular oxidative stress to alter the cellular secretome and composition of extracellular vesicles. Through secreted, redox-active regulatory molecules, changes in redox state may be transmitted to distant sites. © 2014 The Authors.