1000 resultados para Al2O3 membrane


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We report crack formation in alumina films grown on Si(100), caused by annealing in a controlled oxidizing ambient. The films were grown in a low-pressure CVD reactor, using aluminium acetylacetonate as precursor. High purity argon and nitrous oxide were employed as carrier and oxidizing gas, respectively. The films were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM/EDAX. The proportion and chemical nature of the heteroatoms, namely C and H, incorporated into the films from the precursor, were characterized by XPS, and FTIR. As-deposited films do not exhibit any cracks, while post-deposition annealing results in cracks. Apart from the delamination of the films, annealing in nitrous oxide ambient leads to an unusual crack geometry, which we term the “railway-track”. These twin cracks are very straight and run parallel to each other for as much as several millimeters. Often, two such linear tracks meet at exactly 90°. Between some of these tracks lie bullet-like structures with very sharp tips, oriented in a specific direction. As cracks are generally activated by residual stress, both thermal and intrinsic, the origins of the stresses that generate these linear cracks are discussed. The redistribution of stress, arising from the removal of C and H during annealing, will also be discussed. An attempt has been made to correlate the formation of cracks with the crystal structure of the film.


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Nanocrystalline alpha-alumina was synthesized in an indigenously built ultrasonic flame pyrolysis (UFP) setup. This paper describes the technical aspects of the apparatus and particle formation in the flame. Ultrasonically atomized aluminium nitrate dissolved in methanol-water mixture was pyrolyzed in an oxy-propane flame for yielding nanocrystalline alpha-alumina. The formation of nanophase alumina was confirmed by powder XRD analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was carried out to study particulate morphology. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fe-Cr/Al2O3 metal-ceramic composites prepared by hydrogen reduction at different temperatures and for different periods have been investigated by a combined use of Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy in order to obtain information on the nature of the metallic species formed. Total reduction of Fe3+ does not occur by increasing the reduction time at 1320 K from 1 to 30 h, and the amount of superparamagnetic metallic species is essentially constant (about 10%). Temperatures higher than 1470 K are needed to achieve nearly total reduction of substitutional Fe3+. Interestingly, iron favors the reduction of chromium. The composition of the Fe-Cr particles is strongly dependent on their size, the Cr content being higher in particles smaller than 10 nm.


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A new class of bio-composite polymer electrolyte membranes comprising chitosan (CS) and certain biomolecules in particular, plant hormones such as 3-indole acetic acid (IAA), 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid (CAA) and 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) are explored to realize proton-conducting bio-composite membranes for application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). The sorption capability, proton conductivity and ion-exchange capacity of the membranes are characterized in conjunction with their thermal and mechanical behaviour. A novel approach to measure the permeability of the membranes to both water and methanol is also reported, employing NMR imaging and volume localized NMR spectroscopy, using a two compartment permeability cell. A DMFC using CS-IAA composite membrane, operating with 2M aqueous methanol and air at 70 degrees C delivers a peak power density of 25 mW/cm(2) at a load current density of 150 mA/cm(2). The study opens up the use of bio-compatible membranes in polymer-electrolyte-membrane fuel cells. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.030111jes] All rights reserved.


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The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 were determined in the range 700° to 1100°C, using emf measurements on the galvanic cells (1) Pt,CuO +] Cu2O/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt; (2) Pt,Cu +] CuAlO2+] Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/ Cu +] Cu2O,Pt; and (3) Pt,CuAl2O4+] CuAlO2+]Al2O3/CaO-ZrO2/O2,Pt. The results are compared with published information on the stability of these compounds. The entropy of transformation of CuO from tenorite to the rock-salt structure is evaluated from the present results and from earlier studies on the entropy of formation of spinels from oxides of the rock-salt and corundum structures. The temperatures corresponding to 3-phase equilibria in the system Cu2O-CuO-Al2O3 at specified O2 pressures calculated from the present results are discussed in reference to available phase diagrams.


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The activity of Cr20~ in Cr20~-A12Oa solid solution has been determined in the temperature range 800~176 from electromotive force measurements on the solid oxide galvanic cell Pt,Cr + Cr2OJY~O~-ThO2/Cr + Cr~A12-xO~,Pt The activities of Cr203 and A120~ in the solid solution show both positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. The heat and entropy of mixing of the solid Solution obtained from the temperature dependence of the emf can be expressed as AH = XCr203XA1203 [31,700Xcrzo3 -}- 37,470XA1203] J mole -I hS = -- 1.8R [Xcr2o3 In Xcr2o3 + XA12o3 In XAaos]The entropy of mixing is 10% lower than that predicted by the Temkin model.The large positive heat of mixing in the Cr2Os-A12Oa solid solution, however, suggests that this apparent: entropy discrepancy originates with the clustering of positive ions on the cation sublattice. The asymmetric miscibility gap exhibited in the CrzOa-A12Oa system below 900~ is consistent with the thermodynamic data trends recorded at the more elevated temperatures.


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The activities of CaO and Al2O3 in lime-alumina melts were studied by Knudsen cell-mass spectrometry at 2060 K. Emf of solid state cells, with CaF2 as the electrolyte, was measured from 923 to 1223 K to obtain the free energies of formation of the interoxide compounds. The results are critically evaluated in the light of data reported in the literature on phase equilibria, activities in melts, and stabilities of compounds. A coherent set of data is presented, including the previously unknown free energy of formation of CaO.6Al2O3 and the temperature dependence of activities in the liquid phase.


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The high temperature region of the MnO-A1203 phase diagram has been redetermined to resolve some discrepancies reported in the literature regarding the melting behaviour of MnA1,04. This spinel was found to melt congruently at 2108 (+ 15) K. Theactivity of MnOin MnO-Al,03 meltsand in the two phase regions, melt + MnAI,04 and MnAI2O4 + A1203, has been determined by measuring the manganese concentration in platinum foils in equilibrium under controlled oxygen potentials. The activity of MnO obtained in this study for M ~ O - A I ,m~el~ts is in fair agreement with the results of Sharma and Richardson.However. the alumina-rich melt is found to be in equilibrium with MnAl,04 rather than AI2O3. as suggested by ~ha rmaan d Richardson. The value for the acthity of MnO in the M~AI ,O,+ A1,03 two phaseregion permits a rigorous application of the Gibbs-Duhem equation for calculating the activity of A1203 and the integral Gibbs' energy of mixing of MnO-A1203 melts, which are significantly different from those reported in the literature.


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The oxygen concentration of liquid cobalt in equilibrium with cobalt aluminate and a-alumina has been measured by suction sampling and crucible quenching techniques at temperatures between 1770 and 1975 K. Experiments were made with cobalt of high and low initial oxygen contents, and with and without the addition of cobalt aluminate. The effect of temperature on the equilibrium oxygen content is represented by the equation, log (at.% 0) = -10,4001T(K) + 4.64 (±0.008). The composition of the spinel phase, CoO.(1+x)AI20 3, saturated with alumina, has been determined by electron probe microanalysis. The values of x are 0.22 at 1770 Kand 0.28 at 1975 K. The oxygen potential corresponding to the three-phase equilibrium between cobalt, aluminate and alumina, and the standard Gibbs' energy of formation of nonstoichiometric cobalt aluminate are evaluated by combining the results of this study with recently published data on the activity of oxygen in liquid cobalt. Implications of the present results to aluminium deoxidation of liquid cobalt are discussed.


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The limiting solubility of oxygen in liquid nickel in equilibrium withα-alumina and nickel aluminate has been measured by inert gas fusion analysis of suction samples in the temperature range 1730 to 1975 K. The corresponding oxygen potential has been monitored by a solid electrolyte cell consisting of calcia stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte and Mo + MoO2 as the reference electrode. The results can be summarized by the following equations: log(at. pct O) = \frac - 10,005T + 4.944 ( ±0.015)log(atpctO)=T−10005+4944(0015) % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn DmO2 /4.606RT = log P O2 1/2 = \frac - 13,550T + 4.411 ( ±0.009)O24606RT=logPO212=T−13550+4411(0009) From simultaneous measurements of the potential and concentration of oxygen in melts, not in thermodynamic equilibrium with alumina and aluminate phases, information on the composition dependence of the activity coefficient and the standard free energy of solution of oxygen is obtained. For the reaction, $\frac{1}{2} O_2 \to \underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$Missing close brace ΔG o = -72,930 - 7.11T (±840) J gr.at.–1 = + 0.216 at. pct OlogfO=T−500+0216atpctO where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is that which makes the value of activity equal to the concentration (in at. pct) in the limit as concentration approaches zero. The oxygen solubility in liquid nickel in equilibrium with solid NiO, evaluated from thermodynamic data, is compared with information reported in the literature. Implications of the results to the deoxidation equilibria of aluminum in nickel are discussed.


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An isothermal section of the system Al2O3-CaO-CoO at 1500 K has been established by equilibrating 22 samples of different compositions at high temperature and phase identification by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy after quenching to room temperature. Only one quaternary oxide, Ca3CoAl4O10, was identified inside the ternary triangle. Based on the phase relations, a solid-state electrochemical cell was designed to measure the Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 in the temperature range from 1150 to 1500 K. Calcia-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and a mixture of Co + CoO as the reference electrode. The cell can be represented as: ( - )\textPt,\textCaAl 2 \textO 4 + \textCa 1 2 \textAl 1 4 \textO 3 3 + \textCa 3 \textCoAl 4 \textO 10 + \textCo//(CaO)ZrO 2 \text// \textCoO + \textCo,\text Pt ( + ). (−)PtCaAl2O4+Ca12Al14O33+Ca3CoAl4O10+Co//(CaO)ZrO2//CoO+Co Pt (+) From the emf of the cell, the standard Gibbs energy change for the Ca3CoAl4O10 formation reaction, CoO + 3/5CaAl2O4 + 1/5Ca12Al14O33 → Ca3CoAl4O10, is obtained as a function of temperature: \Updelta Gr\texto Unknown control sequence '\Updelta'/J mol−1 (±50) = −2673 + 0.289 (T/K). The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 from its component binary oxides, Al2O3, CaO, and CoO is derived as a function of temperature. The standard entropy and enthalpy of formation of Ca3CoAl4O10 at 298.15 K are evaluated. Chemical potential diagrams for the system Al2O3-CaO-CoO at 1500 K are presented based on the results of this study and auxiliary information from the literature.