999 resultados para Ahl-Waris, Eva
Los hijos de desaparecidos se enfrentan a un duelo de difícil elaboración ante la ausencia material de los cuerpos de sus padres. Los libros de Ernesto Semán Soy un bravo piloto de la nueva China, Mariana Eva Pérez Diario de una princesa montonera y Angela Urondo Raboy ¿Quién te creés que sos? coinciden en la búsqueda de elementos en torno al pasado de sus padres como formas de narrar el trauma propio: las fotografías, cartas, documentos y objetos-fetiche aparecen como artefactos del pasado que permiten anclar la memoria y objetivar una identidad fracturada
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar los poemas "Eva Perón en la hoguera" (Lamborghini, 1972) y "Eva" (Walsh, 1976). Lamborghini reescribe algunos fragmentos de La razón de mi vida (1951) y, con aquellas mismas palabras de la biografía, desarma y arma un discurso poético que se acerca y distancia, fisura y rompe representaciones cristalizadas de Eva. Walsh, por su parte, revisita el escenario del sepelio que detuvo al país en el año 1952 para luego dejarlo atrás. Los versos de la primera parte ahondan en lo visible y audible que se entreteje en las largas colas y en los altares populares y, luego de explorar en la profundidad del amor y el odio presentes en todas partes, se distancia para levantar la voz y pedir el regreso de Eva. Ante la presencia de la muerte, la palabra poética plantea la posibilidad del retorno de la Primera Dama, colmada de la fuerza y el coraje necesarios para asumir el lugar de conducción de todas las mujeres mancomunadas ante la injusticia. Nos proponemos abordar en ambos poemas los siguientes aspectos: los procedimientos de escritura poética (repeticiones, aliteraciones, puntuación, enumeraciones) y el trastoque y la resignificación de distintas representaciones de Eva Perón
INTRODUCTION: The EVA (Endoscopic Video Analysis) tracking system a new tracking system for extracting motions of laparoscopic instruments based on non-obtrusive video tracking was developed. The feasibility of using EVA in laparoscopic settings has been tested in a box trainer setup. METHODS: EVA makes use of an algorithm that employs information of the laparoscopic instrument's shaft edges in the image, the instrument's insertion point, and the camera's optical centre to track the 3D position of the instrument tip. A validation study of EVA comprised a comparison of the measurements achieved with EVA and the TrEndo tracking system. To this end, 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents, and 4 experts) were asked to perform a peg transfer task in a box trainer. Ten motion-based metrics were used to assess their performance. RESULTS: Construct validation of the EVA has been obtained for seven motion-based metrics. Concurrent validation revealed that there is a strong correlation between the results obtained by EVA and the TrEndo for metrics such as path length (p=0,97), average speed (p=0,94) or economy of volume (p=0,85), proving the viability of EVA. CONCLUSIONS: EVA has been successfully used in the training setup showing potential of endoscopic video analysis to assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills. The results encourage further implementation of video tracking in training setups and in image guided surgery.
The present work covers the first validation efforts of the EVA Tracking System for the assessment of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) psychomotor skills. Instrument movements were recorded for 42 surgeons (4 expert, 22 residents, 16 novice medical students) and analyzed for a box trainer peg transfer task. Construct validation was established for 7/9 motion analysis parameters (MAPs). Concurrent validation was determined for 8/9 MAPs against the TrEndo Tracking System. Finally, automatic determination of surgical proficiency based on the MAPs was sought by 3 different approaches to supervised classification (LDA, SVM, ANFIS), with accuracy results of 61.9%, 83.3% and 80.9% respectively. Results not only reflect on the validation of EVA for skills? assessment, but also on the relevance of motion analysis of instruments in the determination of surgical competence.
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El objetivo de este artículo apunta a visualizar los homenajes efectuados en memoria de Eva Perón como instancias de participación en la Resistencia peronista (1955-1963), a partir del análisis de fuentes periodísticas, informes de inteligencia y entrevistas. La observación de este tipo de prácticas nos ha permitido analizar cómo se realizó el proceso de construcción de memoria durante esta etapa y sus anclajes materiales, el carácter religioso que impregnó a dichas prácticas, y cómo la imagen de Eva Perón se constituyó en una instancia de legitimación para la participación política femenina, aunque fueron atributos conservadores los que habilitaron dicha participación
The transitions and reactions involved in the thermal processing of binary mixtures of polyethylene and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers with different concentrations of a foaming agent (azodicarbonamide) were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The effect of ZnO as a kicker also was discussed. The temperature at the maximum rate and the heat evolved were measured for all the processes—melting, transitions, and reactions—all the mixtures prepared were measured and compared. Azodicarbonamide decomposed differently depending on the polymeric matrix. These data can be very useful for the plastic processing industry.
In this work, montmorillonite (Mt) has been organically modified with ethyl hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium (EHDDMA) in 20, 50, 80 and 100% of the nominal exchange capacity (CEC) of the Mt. A full characterization of the organo-montmorillonite (OMt) obtained has been made, including thermal analysis, X-Ray Diffraction, elemental analysis CHN and nitrogen adsorption. According to the results, 12% in mass of the surfactant added is strongly retained by the Mt. When the mass percentage of EHDDMA exchanged in the OMt is increased up to this level, the interactions OMt–EHDDMA are steeply reduced depending on the EHDDMA content. Clay polymer nanocomposites (CPN) were prepared by melt mixing of EVA and different loads of OMt. The CPN were compress molded to obtain 1 mm thick sheets, which have been characterized according to their mechanical, thermal and rheological behaviors. The major changes in the structure of the OMt are obtained for low contents of EHDDMA. Nevertheless, the CPN containing OMt exchanged at 20 and 50% of the CEC show relatively low effect of the EHDDMA while the mechanical response and rheological behavior of CPN with OMt modified at 80 and 100% of the CEC are much more pronounced.