929 resultados para Advice column
Aufbau einer kontinuierlichen, mehrdimensionalen Hochleistungs-flüssigchromatographie-Anlage für die Trennung von Proteinen und Peptiden mit integrierter größenselektiver ProbenfraktionierungEs wurde eine mehrdimensionale HPLC-Trennmethode für Proteine und Peptide mit einem Molekulargewicht von <15 kDa entwickelt.Im ersten Schritt werden die Zielanalyte von höhermolekularen sowie nicht ionischen Bestandteilen mit Hilfe von 'Restricted Access Materialien' (RAM) mit Ionenaustauscher-Funktionalität getrennt. Anschließend werden die Proteine auf einer analytischen Ionenaustauscher-Säule sowie auf Reversed-Phase-Säulen getrennt. Zur Vermeidung von Probenverlusten wurde ein kontinuierlich arbeitendes, voll automatisiertes System auf Basis unterschiedlicher Trenngeschwindigkeiten und vier parallelen RP-Säulen aufgebaut.Es werden jeweils zwei RP-Säulen gleichzeitig, jedoch mit zeitlich versetztem Beginn eluiert, um durch flache Gradienten ausreichende Trennleistungen zu erhalten. Während die dritte Säule regeneriert wird, erfolgt das Beladen der vierte Säule durch Anreicherung der Proteine und Peptide am Säulenkopf. Während der Gesamtanalysenzeit von 96 Minuten werden in Intervallen von 4 Minuten Fraktionen aus der 1. Dimension auf die RP-Säulen überführt und innerhalb von 8 Minuten getrennt, wobei 24 RP-Chromatogramme resultieren.Als Testsubstanzen wurden u.a. Standardproteine, Proteine und Peptide aus humanem Hämofiltrat sowie aus Lungenfibroblast-Zellkulturüberständen eingesetzt. Weiterhin wurden Fraktionen gesammelt und mittels MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie untersucht. Bei einer Injektion wurden in den 24 RP-Chromatogrammen mehr als 1000 Peaks aufgelöst. Der theoretische Wert der Peakkapazität liegt bei ungefähr 3000.
Five different methods were critically examined to characterize the pore structure of the silica monoliths. The mesopore characterization was performed using: a) the classical BJH method of nitrogen sorption data, which showed overestimated values in the mesopore distribution and was improved by using the NLDFT method, b) the ISEC method implementing the PPM and PNM models, which were especially developed for monolithic silicas, that contrary to the particulate supports, demonstrate the two inflection points in the ISEC curve, enabling the calculation of pore connectivity, a measure for the mass transfer kinetics in the mesopore network, c) the mercury porosimetry using a new recommended mercury contact angle values. rnThe results of the characterization of mesopores of monolithic silica columns by the three methods indicated that all methods were useful with respect to the pore size distribution by volume, but only the ISEC method with implemented PPM and PNM models gave the average pore size and distribution based on the number average and the pore connectivity values.rnThe characterization of the flow-through pore was performed by two different methods: a) the mercury porosimetry, which was used not only for average flow-through pore value estimation, but also the assessment of entrapment. It was found that the mass transfer from the flow-through pores to mesopores was not hindered in case of small sized flow-through pores with a narrow distribution, b) the liquid penetration where the average flow-through pore values were obtained via existing equations and improved by the additional methods developed according to Hagen-Poiseuille rules. The result was that not the flow-through pore size influences the column bock pressure, but the surface area to volume ratio of silica skeleton is most decisive. Thus the monolith with lowest ratio values will be the most permeable. rnThe flow-through pore characterization results obtained by mercury porosimetry and liquid permeability were compared with the ones from imaging and image analysis. All named methods enable a reliable characterization of the flow-through pore diameters for the monolithic silica columns, but special care should be taken about the chosen theoretical model.rnThe measured pore characterization parameters were then linked with the mass transfer properties of monolithic silica columns. As indicated by the ISEC results, no restrictions in mass transfer resistance were noticed in mesopores due to their high connectivity. The mercury porosimetry results also gave evidence that no restrictions occur for mass transfer from flow-through pores to mesopores in the small scaled silica monoliths with narrow distribution. rnThe prediction of the optimum regimes of the pore structural parameters for the given target parameters in HPLC separations was performed. It was found that a low mass transfer resistance in the mesopore volume is achieved when the nominal diameter of the number average size distribution of the mesopores is appr. an order of magnitude larger that the molecular radius of the analyte. The effective diffusion coefficient of an analyte molecule in the mesopore volume is strongly dependent on the value of the nominal pore diameter of the number averaged pore size distribution. The mesopore size has to be adapted to the molecular size of the analyte, in particular for peptides and proteins. rnThe study on flow-through pores of silica monoliths demonstrated that the surface to volume of the skeletons ratio and external porosity are decisive for the column efficiency. The latter is independent from the flow-through pore diameter. The flow-through pore characteristics by direct and indirect approaches were assessed and theoretical column efficiency curves were derived. The study showed that next to the surface to volume ratio, the total porosity and its distribution of the flow-through pores and mesopores have a substantial effect on the column plate number, especially as the extent of adsorption increases. The column efficiency is increasing with decreasing flow through pore diameter, decreasing with external porosity, and increasing with total porosity. Though this tendency has a limit due to heterogeneity of the studied monolithic samples. We found that the maximum efficiency of the studied monolithic research columns could be reached at a skeleton diameter of ~ 0.5 µm. Furthermore when the intention is to maximize the column efficiency, more homogeneous monoliths should be prepared.rn
Im Bereich sicherheitsrelevanter eingebetteter Systeme stellt sich der Designprozess von Anwendungen als sehr komplex dar. Entsprechend einer gegebenen Hardwarearchitektur lassen sich Steuergeräte aufrüsten, um alle bestehenden Prozesse und Signale pünktlich auszuführen. Die zeitlichen Anforderungen sind strikt und müssen in jeder periodischen Wiederkehr der Prozesse erfüllt sein, da die Sicherstellung der parallelen Ausführung von größter Bedeutung ist. Existierende Ansätze können schnell Designalternativen berechnen, aber sie gewährleisten nicht, dass die Kosten für die nötigen Hardwareänderungen minimal sind. Wir stellen einen Ansatz vor, der kostenminimale Lösungen für das Problem berechnet, die alle zeitlichen Bedingungen erfüllen. Unser Algorithmus verwendet Lineare Programmierung mit Spaltengenerierung, eingebettet in eine Baumstruktur, um untere und obere Schranken während des Optimierungsprozesses bereitzustellen. Die komplexen Randbedingungen zur Gewährleistung der periodischen Ausführung verlagern sich durch eine Zerlegung des Hauptproblems in unabhängige Unterprobleme, die als ganzzahlige lineare Programme formuliert sind. Sowohl die Analysen zur Prozessausführung als auch die Methoden zur Signalübertragung werden untersucht und linearisierte Darstellungen angegeben. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir eine neue Formulierung für die Ausführung mit fixierten Prioritäten, die zusätzlich Prozessantwortzeiten im schlimmsten anzunehmenden Fall berechnet, welche für Szenarien nötig sind, in denen zeitliche Bedingungen an Teilmengen von Prozessen und Signalen gegeben sind. Wir weisen die Anwendbarkeit unserer Methoden durch die Analyse von Instanzen nach, welche Prozessstrukturen aus realen Anwendungen enthalten. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass untere Schranken schnell berechnet werden können, um die Optimalität von heuristischen Lösungen zu beweisen. Wenn wir optimale Lösungen mit Antwortzeiten liefern, stellt sich unsere neue Formulierung in der Laufzeitanalyse vorteilhaft gegenüber anderen Ansätzen dar. Die besten Resultate werden mit einem hybriden Ansatz erzielt, der heuristische Startlösungen, eine Vorverarbeitung und eine heuristische mit einer kurzen nachfolgenden exakten Berechnungsphase verbindet.
An improved chemical strategy for processing of the generator produced 68Ga was developed based on processing of the original 68Ge/68Ga generator eluate on a micro-column. Direct pre-concentration and purification of the eluted 68Ga is performed on a cation-exchange resin in hydrochloric acid/acetone media. A supplementary step based on a second micro-column filled with a second resin allows direct re-adsorption of 68Ga eluted from the cation exchanger. 68Ga is finally striped from the second resin with a small volume of pure water. For this purpose a strong anion exchanger and a novel extraction chromatographic resin based on tetraalkyldiglycolamides are characterized. The strategy allows online pre-concentration and purification of 68Ga from the original generator eluate. The supplementary column allows transferring 68Ga with high radionuclide and chemical quality in the aqueous solution with small volume and low acidity useful for direct radiolabeling reactions.
The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) will be part of ESA's Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite platform scheduled for launch in 2015. TROPOMI will monitor methane and carbon monoxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere by measuring spectra of back-scattered sunlight in the short-wave infrared (SWIR). S5P will be the first satellite mission to rely uniquely on the spectral window at 4190–4340 cm−1 (2.3 μm) to retrieve CH4 and CO. In this study, we investigated if the absorption features of the three relevant molecules CH4, CO, and H2O are adequately known. To this end, we retrieved total columns of CH4, CO, and H2O from absorption spectra measured by two ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers that are part of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). The retrieval results from the 4190–4340 cm−1 range at the TROPOMI resolution (0.45 cm−1) were then compared to the CH4 results obtained from the 6000 cm−1 region, and the CO results obtained from the 4190–4340 cm−1 region at the higher TCCON resolution (0.02 cm−1). For TROPOMI-like settings, we were able to reproduce the CH4 columns to an accuracy of 0.3% apart from a constant bias of 1%. The CO retrieval accuracy was, through interference, systematically influenced by the shortcomings of the CH4 and H2O spectroscopy. In contrast to CH4, the CO column error also varied significantly with atmospheric H2O content. Unaddressed, this would introduce seasonal and latitudinal biases to the CO columns retrieved from TROPOMI measurements. We therefore recommend further effort from the spectroscopic community to be directed at the H2O and CH4 spectroscopy in the 4190–4340 cm−1 region.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between the 3-dimensional (3-D) motion pattern of the caudal lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the canine vertebral column and the morphology of vertebrae, facet joints, and intervertebral disks. SAMPLE POPULATION: Vertebral columns of 9 German Shepherd Dogs and 16 dogs of other breeds with similar body weights and body conditions. PROCEDURE: Different morphometric parameters of the vertebral column were assessed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging. Anatomic conformation and the 3-D motion pattern were compared, and correlation coefficients were calculated. RESULTS: Total range of motion for flexion and extension was mainly associated with the facet joint angle, the facet joint angle difference between levels of the vertebral column in the transverse plane on CT images, disk height, and lever arm length. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Motion is a complex process that is influenced by the entire 3-D conformation of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column. In vivo dynamic measurements of the 3-D motion pattern of the lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the vertebral column will be necessary to further assess biomechanics that could lead to disk degeneration in dogs.
Since the introduction of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-infected individuals are travelling more frequently and international travel has become much safer. Specific concerns include the safety of ART during travel, drug adherence and interaction considerations, and effects of immunosuppression. This review describes potentially important infections, vaccine effectiveness, safety and special approaches for their use, and HIV-related issues regarding predeparture counselling. With advanced immunosuppression (CD4+ T-cell count < 200/microl or < 14%), the immunogenicity of several vaccines is reduced, complications could occur after live attenuated vaccines and certain infections acquired during travel may be more frequent or severe. Challenges include the best options for malaria chemoprophylaxis, standby treatment and medical follow-up of the increasing number of HIV-infected long-term travellers.
Water-saturated debris flows are among some of the most destructive mass movements. Their complex nature presents a challenge for quantitative description and modeling. In order to improve understanding of the dynamics of these flows, it is important to seek a simplified dynamic system underlying their behavior. Models currently in use to describe the motion of debris flows employ depth-averaged equations of motion, typically assuming negligible effects from vertical acceleration. However, in many cases debris flows experience significant vertical acceleration as they move across irregular surfaces, and it has been proposed that friction associated with vertical forces and liquefaction merit inclusion in any comprehensive mechanical model. The intent of this work is to determine the effect of vertical acceleration through a series of laboratory experiments designed to simulate debris flows, testing a recent model for debris flows experimentally. In the experiments, a mass of water-saturated sediment is released suddenly from a holding container, and parameters including rate of collapse, pore-fluid pressure, and bed load are monitored. Experiments are simplified to axial geometry so that variables act solely in the vertical dimension. Steady state equations to infer motion of the moving sediment mass are not sufficient to model accurately the independent solid and fluid constituents in these experiments. The model developed in this work more accurately predicts the bed-normal stress of a saturated sediment mass in motion and illustrates the importance of acceleration and deceleration.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the use and appropriateness of medical advice for smoking cessation provided by registrars in a General Medicine Outpatient Department to an unselected patient population in Switzerland. METHODS: A prospective observational study in which 314 consecutive outpatients were contacted by phone within 24h after their consultation. Questions and information concerning smoking asked and/or provided by the registrar to patients were collected. RESULTS: Eleven registrars (mean age 34 years (range 29-40), 54% females, mean of 5 years (range 3.5-6 years) postgraduate medical training) worked in the Basel University Hospital Medical Outpatient Department during the study period from 01.01.2006 to 31.03.2006. In total 314 participants (mean 48 years, age range 16-71 years, 50% females) completed the study. Registrars queried 81% of the patients about smoking, but inquired about smoking duration only in 44% of the patients. Twenty-eight percent of the patients received information about the risks related to smoking, whereas cessation was discussed only with 10% and offered to 9% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Though most junior physicians in the survey asked about smoking, they failed to appropriately address tobacco-related health issues and offer cessation advice in the majority of cases. Extended regular training for physicians on smoking-related issues will be necessary in order to improve counselling of smokers and meet the global tobacco challenge.
Inflammatory alterations of the feet due to rheumatoid arthritis very often reduce the patient's quality of life. We present the pathogenetic mechanisms and discuss practicable and efficient prophylactic and therapeutic methods. A method recently developed by our occupational therapist for placing foot pads correctly in shoes is described.