947 resultados para Advertising layout and typography.


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Consumers’ choice of channel to communicate complaints, following the decision to voice to the organisation, has received very little research attention. This study contributes to filling this gap by exploring the drivers of consumers’ choice of complaint channel in the self-service technology (SST) context. Surprisingly, in this context, consumers have often chosen interpersonal complaint channels over electronic channels, resulting in some of the value of using SSTs being lost for consumers and organisations alike. Preliminary findings indicate that the perceived ease of use, the likelihood of organisational response, the desire for social interaction and the source of the SST-related complaint, might provide some clues as to the organisational strategies that can be used to encourage greater utilisation of technology-based complaint channels.


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Past research has identified differences between online and mail collected responses to the same survey, but differences in the demographics of respondents had also been noted making the cause of the variation unclear. In the research reported here, responses to the same questionnaire, delivered via mail and internet surveys, were demographically matched across a range of variables. This removed the impact of response differences caused by age, gender, type of product consumed and length of customer relationship. Across all the different question types and response scales, significant differences were still found between mail and online respondents, even when data were ipsatised. Notably, online respondents were far less likely to use the end-points of the scale, perhaps indicating issues with the online collection methodology. The conclusion is that the two methods of data collection can not be assumed to be directly inter-changeable, and that the method used can lead to different results if not managed carefully.


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Gift Wrapping is part of a valued ritual of giving that is important culturally, socially and economically. Consumer researchers have studied the process and meanings of gift giving with little consideration for the gift wrapping. The way a gift is wrapped involves a complex range of decisions and meanings. Building on existing literature we propose a model based on existing models of the gift giving process. Our model is based on value, context, relationship, and appropriateness of consumption as perceived by the donor.


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Unconditional service guarantees are a popular marketing tool in the hotel industry worldwide. They promise total satisfaction and guests are free to invoke the guarantee whenever they are dissatisfied. While many hotels offer “money-back” compensation following guarantee invocation, others vary the payout depending on the severity of the service failure and still others will only compensate the customer if the problem leading to invocation of the guarantee cannot be fixed. To the researcher’s knowledge, the influence of compensation and fix (i.e., taking action to resolve the problem) on consumers’ perceptions of distributive justice has not been examined previously in a service guarantee context. This paper begins to address this gap by presenting a conceptual model and related propositions, arguing that redress (compensation and fix) is an important predictor of consumers’ perceptions of distributive justice, and that this relationship is moderated by service failure severity.


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This study focuses on the antecedents of brand credibility and validates part of the model presented by Erdem and Swait (1998). Following the signalling literature, we argue that under asymmetrical information, the importance of brand credibility stems from the capability of brands to inform consumers who are uncertain about product attributes. Indeed, firms may use brands to notify consumers about product positions and to assure that their product claims are credible. Using information economics as theoretical background, the proposed perspective determines how credibility is shaped. Data was collected across a number of consumers in Australia via a self-report survey and a structural equation model (SEM) was estimated. The results provide empirical evidence and support the work of Erdem and Swait (1998).


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The aim of the reported study was to assess the marketing readiness of websites using a tool developed from studies in the late 1990s. The research hypotheses suggest that, in line with earlier studies, government websites are more marketing ready than commercial service organisation sites in Australia. The paper reports findings that commercial service organisation websites are not as marketing ready as might be expected. The research hypotheses are partially supported in that Victorian local government websites show evidence of more sophisticated marketing capability than those of commercial service organisations in Australia and that the service organisations sampled are less likely to employ the Web as a marketing channel than local government.


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This study uses a hierarchical approach to build a model of the relationships between Consumer Need for Uniqueness (CNFU), Consumer Novelty Seeking (CNS), and a behavioural outcome, media consumption and information exposure. The study finds that those consumers who have a need for uniqueness are high in consumer novelty seeking tendencies. Subsequently, these consumers are found to have higher information exposure by consuming more media.


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Using structural modelling, this paper investigates the relationship between non academic factors of choice of study destination and satisfaction among Asian postgraduate students studying in Australia from a social marketing perspective. The results indicate that four factors, recognition of the institution, Information, infrastructure and cultural support, are major factors of choice which influence overall satisfaction among the cohort of students. The study concludes that universities need to place a strong emphasis on non educational aspects in order to improve satisfaction levels of students.


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More than half of small businesses in Australia (57%) use a website to promote their business. Having an effective website is an important step for small business owners moving towards e-commerce. The research suggests that once a business has a clear online strategy through a website they are more likely to move to e-commerce. While many small business owners have a business strategy, it is often the case that this strategy does not include their Web presence. This paper describes the results of interviews with small business owners and assessment of their websites. We identify elements that are important for small business owners developing a business-Web strategy. The research indicates that many owners see their websites as little more than an advertising medium and few are ready for the move to e-commerce. Identifying the level of maturity of a small business owner's business-Web strategy however can help us understand how prepared a small business owner is to move to e-commerce.


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This research reported in this paper tested the composition of the brand knowledge construct across three product categories. The brand knowledge construct was tested for a fast-moving consumer good (fmcg), a service, and a durable good. A quasi-experimental method was utilised, with the order of recall manipulated. Respondents undertook a free recall exercise using category cues, and then completed multi-item measures of brand knowledge. This exercise was repeated for each product category. A usable sample of 270 responses was gained. Analysis of the data found that respondents utilised different components of the knowledge construct depending on the product category being recalled. In addition, the order of recall (fmcg or durable first) affected the recall performance for later categories. Recall performance was highest for the durable category, which indicated that respondents may have been delving into different memory stores, and accessing long-term memory for durable good recall. This paper makes a contribution to the field of branding by providing a test of the knowledge structure across three product categories, and indicating the components that contribute to knowledge for each category. These findings have implications for advertising design, and the formation of links to brands in memory by advertisers, for use in later recall episodes.


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This study examines consumer response to positively versus negatively framed advertising messages across seven Central and Western European countries. The frames elicited significantly different emotional, cognitive and attitudinal reactions. Groups of nations where consumers responded more homogeneously to the frames were different from the groups plotted according to cultural context. In addition, the results present a new perspective for international marketing. While advertising content and imagery has often been designed to account for known or assumed differences across nations, the findings of this study show that neglecting even subtle national differences can be misleading and can result in adverse consequences. The study has shown that consumers in similar countries, such as Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, respond quite differently to positively or negatively framed advertisements. This suggests that even advertising campaigns that are designed for relatively narrow international audiences may not be effective when featuring an inappropriate message frame.


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The aim of this paper is to develop a grounded understanding of the role that the MOA constructs play in influencing environmentally responsible  behaviour. Data collected is used to qualitatively confirm the MOA Model (Rothschild, 1999) in an environmental management application and provide a basis to inform the development of a comprehensive quantitative causal investigation. This study will seek to determine the specific contributions of each MOA factor in the study context. The case study chosen for this investigation is representative of other social marketing applications for the MOA framework. The case study concerns the behaviour of agrarian land managers with respect to the rabbit pest problem affecting rural Australia. The paper concludes by confirming the appropriateness of the constructs within the MOA Model.


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There is widespread belief that more positive emotional reactions to consumption situations will lead to positive business outcomes such as increased market share through the combination of increased loyalty, repeat purchase and strengthened reputation. However, most of the psychological work on emotions has not dealt directly with consumption experiences, but rather broader everyday experiences. In this study, psychological models of emotion were tested using magazine subscribers, specifically looking at their emotional responses to the magazine and the overall subscription package. The aim was to determine whether one of the major theories on emotional structure, the circumplex model, is relevant and consistent when applied specifically to a consumption experience. The results are positive, with the model being supported, and they provide insight into the structure and relations of different emotional responses (e.g., satisfaction, delight) consumers might have to a consumption experience.


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Past research has suggested that developing CSR linked brands is a complex activity that needs to consider the social issues being addressed as well as multiple facets of organisational activities. This paper proposes that organisational activities need to be considered at four different levels – corporate brand, product/line brands, location/functional activities and supply chain issues. The four activities are discussed and implications for developing CSR-leveraged brands are explored.


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Simulations of different configurations of the symmetrical tapered kaleidoscope are performed to assess their merits for measurement of BRDFs and BTFs. The relationship between optimal kaleidoscope layout, and factors such as hardware restrictions and the resolution of the required reflectance function, is derived. The effect on the measurement of the reflectance function of changing these independent variables is examined through the simulation. These experiments highlight issues affecting the measurement of BTFs using kaleidoscopes, and suggest configurations that allow sampling at regular parameter intervals. A number of other kaleidoscope architectures are explored, which offer the benefits of potentially doubling the range of directions that can be sampled, and allowing adaptive control of sample intervals.