521 resultados para Abscesso Periapical


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Mais um caso de lagochilascariose em criança procedente do Município de Xinguara PA. No Hospital das Clínicas da UFG, foi feita drenagem do abscesso localizado na região cervical direita, constatando-se a presença de ovos e vermes adultos de Lagochilascaris minor. Instituída terapia com albendazol 400mg/dia (durante 30 dias) e antibioticoterapia, houve regressão do quadro clinico.


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O quadro clínico da toxoplasmose adquirida em pacientes imunocompetentes habitualmente não inclui manifestações neurológicas focais, o que é freqüente em pacientes imunodeprimidos, como aqueles com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma paciente adulta que apresentou abscessos cerebrais por Toxoplasma gondii, sem evidência de qualquer fator causador de imunossupressão.


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Com o objetivo de conhecer fatores associados à incoagulabilidade sangüínea no envenenamento botrópico, foram obtidas informações de 2.991 prontuários médicos de pacientes atendidos no Instituto Butantan de 1981 a 1990. Associaram-se positivamente à incoagulabilidade sangüínea (p<0,05): picadas no final do ano e em extremidades dos membros inferiores; dor, edema e equimose local; hemorragia e choque; dose de antiveneno; tempo do acidente à chegada ao Instituto Butantan. Associaram-se negativamente à incoagulabilidade (p<0,05): tamanho de Bothrops jararaca; uso de torniquete; tempo entre a chegada ao Instituto Butantan e o início da administração do antiveneno. Não se associaram à incoagulabilidade (p>0,05): horário do acidente; presença de presa recém-deglutida no tubo digestivo da serpente; sexo e idade do paciente; ocorrência de bolha, necrose, abscesso e incisão local, amputação, insuficiência renal e óbito. Pode-se concluir que, embora a incoagulabilidade sangüínea apresente associação com manifestações precoces do envenenamento, não tem boa associação com a evolução clínica do paciente.


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A tuberculose mamária é uma enfermidade equivalente a menos que 0,1% das lesões deste órgão. Apresentamos a seguir um caso de nosso serviço discutindo os achados radiológicos da mamografia, ultrassonografia e ressonância magnética, incluindo curvas cinéticas. A tuberculose mamária é uma condição ímpar, sendo importante o relato pelos diagnósticos diferenciais com carcinoma mamário e o abscesso piogênico.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os achados ecocardiográficos em pacientes com suspeita diagnóstica de endocardite infecciosa. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos à investigação ecocardiográfica transtorácica e transesofágica 262 pacientes com suspeita diagnóstica de endocardite infecciosa. Analisadas imagens de vegetações, abscessos valvares e insuficiência periprotética aguda e avaliada a correlação com dados clínicos, laboratoriais, categoria diagnóstica e a evolução hospitalar. RESULTADOS: O diagnóstico de endocardite foi categorizado como definido em 127 (47,8%) episódios, possível em 81 (30,4%) e rejeitado em 58 (21,8%). Nos pacientes com o diagnóstico definido, foram identificadas 135 imagens de vegetações, 37 de abscesso e 6 de insuficiência periprotética. Vegetações foram mais freqüentes em pacientes com endocardite por estreptococos do grupo viridans e enterococos (p=0,02) e com duração dos sintomas < 10 dias (p= 0,001); abscesso mais freqüente em pacientes com duração dos sintomas < 10 dias (p= 0,001) e insuficiência periprotética associada à maior necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico (p=0,001). Nos pacientes com o diagnóstico possível de endocardite, foram identificadas 8 imagens ecocardiográficas consideradas compatíveis com vegetações e, nos pacientes com diagnóstico de endocardite rejeitado, não foram demonstradas vegetações, abscessos valvares e insuficiência periprotética. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos achados ecocardiográficos variaram de acordo com a categoria diagnóstica. A contribuição tanto para o diagnóstico quanto para a avaliação prognóstica deve levar em consideração a probabilidade pré-teste do diagnóstico de endocardite infecciosa.


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Lactococcus garvieae, patógeno zoonótico emergente, é responsável por mastite em ruminantes e septicemia em peixes. Embora seja considerado oportunista e raramente causar infecções em humanos, sua incidência deve estar subestimada devido à dificuldade do diagnóstico. Há pouquíssimos relatos de osteomielite, abscesso hepático e peritonite, e apenas nove casos descritos na literatura mundial de endocardite. Relatamos o primeiro caso de endocardite por Lactococcus garvieae da América Latina em paciente portadora de prótese valvar metálica, com quadro de febre diária, calafrios, nodos de Osler e seis hemoculturas positivas para Lactococcus garvieae, que preenchiam os critérios de Duke para o diagnóstico de "endocardite infecciosa definitiva"


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1. Cultura cromogênica de um bacilo ácido-álcool-acetona resistente isolado de mosquito Culicíno, capturado em condições naturais, sôbre um enfêrmo lepromatoso L3. 2. Retro-cultura obtida em meio de Loewenstein do pus de abscesso dum rato branco, formado em 35 dias (ponto de inoculação, axila direita). O exame microscópico revelou abundantes globias e glóbulos brancos polinucleares fagocitando massas de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes. 3. No próximo verão prosseguiremos nossos estudos, trabalhando em diferentes leprocômios do brasil, para confirmar o presente trabalho e poder chegar ás suas conclusões definitivas.


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Immigration, a political, economic, demographic, social and ethic, as well as a medical issue, continues. Among migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented immigrants are characterised by their vulnerability, particularly related to their health status. Western physicians are more and more frequently confronted to "colorful" and often vulnerable patients. They face diseases related to international migrations; and at the same time have to integrate the differences in representations and meanings given to illness by patients of diverse origins. A bio-psychosocial and spiritual approach coupled with an evaluation of pre-migration, migration and post-migration trajectories is therefore useful for the clinician; these complementary approaches have all been integrated in the learning of cultural competencies.


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This study aimed to assess the response of apical and periapical tissues of dogs¿ teeth after root canal filling with different materials. Forty roots from dogs¿ premolars were prepared biomechanically and assigned to 4 groups filled with: Group I: commercial calcium hydroxide and polyethylene glycol-based paste (Calen®) thickened with zinc oxide; Group II: paste composed of iodoform, Rifocort® and camphorated amonochlorophenol; Group III: zinc oxide-eugenol cement; Group IV: sterile saline. After 30 days, the samples were subjected to histological processing. The histopathological findings revealed that in Groups I and IV the apical and periapical regions exhibited normal appearance, with large number of fibers and cells and no resorption of mineralized tissues. In Group II, mild inflammatory infiltrate and mild edema were observed, with discrete fibrogenesis and bone resorption. Group III showed altered periapical region and thickened periodontal ligament with presence of inflammatory cells and edema. It may be concluded that the Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide yielded the best tissue response, being the most indicated material for root canal filling of primary teeth with pulp vitality.


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Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.


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Las ventajas que la incorporación del láser ha proporcionado a la Odontología abarcan todos los ámbitos. Así, los láseres de Argón, de Nd:YAP y de Ho:YAG, tienen aplicaciones muy concretas y de gran interés tanto en el campo de la terapéutica dental como en la especialida de cirugía bucal. Las aplicaciones principales del láser de Argón se centran en la polimerización de los materiales de restauración, en la endodoncia y dentro del ámbito de la cirugía bucal, en el corte de tejidos blandos, principalmente para la exéresis de lesiones vasculares y pigmentadas. El láser de Nd:YAP se utiliza principalmente en el campo de la endodoncia y la periodoncia, y el láser de Ho:YAG se emplea en cirugía periapical y en la cirugía artroscópica de la articulación temporomandibular.


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Objectives: Nasopalatine duct cysts (NPDCs) are the most common developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cysts of the maxillae. The present study describes the clinicopathological characteristics of 22 NPDCs and discusses their etiology, incidence, treatment and prognosis, with a review of the literature on the subject. Study design: A retrospective observational study was made comprising a period of 36 years (1970-2006), and yielding a series of 22 patients with histopathological confirmation of NPDC. Surgical treatment was carried out under local anesthesia and comprised the dissection and removal of the cyst adopting a usually palatine approach, with the preparation of an enveloping flap from 1.4 to 2.4. Results: No statistically significant correlation was observed between the size of the lesion and patient age, although the size of the cyst differed according to patient gender, with a mean NPDC diameter of 16 mm in males and 12 mm in females. In no case did we observe root reabsorption or loss of vitality of the upper incisors following surgery. The X-ray image was rounded in 15 cases and heart-shaped in the remaining 7 cases. In the majority of cases panoramic X-rays and periapical and occlusal X-rays sufficed to identify the lesion, though computed tomography was used in cases of doubt. Conclusions: The etiology of NPDC is unclear. Simple surgical resection is recommended, followed by clinical and radiological control to ensure correct resolution of the case.


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Introduction: The overeruption of upper molars due to the premature loss of antagonist teeth can be treated with the help of miniscrews. The aim of this study was to evaluate the movement of a typodont molar according to the biomechanical approach used with miniscrews. Study design: The study was conducted with four plaster models filled with typodont wax. In each model we used one absolute anchorage on the palatal side and another on the buccal side in different positions, thus generating four different biomechanical systems. A force of 150 g was applied to each side of the resin tooth. Periapical radiographs were taken preintrusion and immediately after completion of the intrusion. Photographs were taken in both the sagittal and occlusal planes every 3 min. The radiographic films and photographs were measured and compared. Results: A vertical movement of the molar was observed in all the models, with system 4 showing the greatest movement. Rotation in the occlusal plane only occurred in system 2, while in system 1 there was a change in the axial axis of 37 degrees. Conclusions: The anchorage site and the combination of forces applied may determine the resulting tooth movement


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Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease that is characterized by a generalized reduction of the bone mass. It is the main cause of fractures in elderly women. Bone densitometry is used in the lumbar spine and hip in order to detect osteoporosis in its early stages. Different studies have observed a correlation between the bone mineral density of the jaw (BMD) and that of the lumbar spine and/or hip. On the other hand, there are studies that evaluate the findings in the orthopantomograms and perapical X-rays, correlating them with the early diagnosis of osteoporosis and highlighting the role of the dentist in the early diagnosis of this disease. Materials and methods: A search was carried out in the Medline-Pubmed database in order to identify those articles that deal with the association between the X-ray findings observed in the orthopantomograms and the diagnosis of the osteoporosis, as well as those that deal with the bone mineral density of the jaw. Results: There were 406 articles, and with the limits established, this number was reduced to 21. Almost all of the articles indicate that when examining oral X-rays, it is possible to detect signs indicative of osteoporosis. Discussion: The radiomorphometric indices use measurements in orthopantomograms and evaluate possible loss of bone mineral density. They can be analyzed alone or along with the visual indices. In the periapical X-rays, the photodensimetric analyses and the trabecular pattern appear to be the most useful. There are seven studies that analyze the densitometry of the jaw, but only three do so independently of the photodensitometric analysis. Conclusions: The combination of mandibular indices, along with surveys on the risk of fracture, can be useful as indicators of early diagnosis of osteoporosis. Visual and morphometric indices appear to be especially important in the orthopantomograms. Photodensitometry indices and the trabecular pattern are used in periapical X-rays. Studies on mandibular dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry are inconclusive


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Introduction: Odontomas are benign odontogenic tumors composed of enamel, dentine, cement and pulp tissue. They are usually clinically asymptomatic, but often associated with tooth eruption disturbances. In exceptional cases the odontoma erupts into the mouth. The present study reports three cases of odontomas erupted into the oral cavity and reviews the literature. Clinical cases: The first case was an 11-year-old girl with impacted 4.6 associated to a radiopaque mass measuring about 2 cm in diameter. The histological diagnosis was complex odontoma. A clinical and radiological follow-up of 4.6 was carried out until its spontaneous eruption. The second case was a 26-year-old male presenting a hard, yellowish-brown mass located distal to the upper left second molar. Computed tomography confi rmed the presence of a radiopaque lesion, and the histopathological study confirmed a complex odontoma. The third patient was a 27-year-old male reporting tongue irritation due to tooth eruption in the inferior lingual region. A periapical radiograph revealed a mixed radiopaque lesion associated to impacted 3.2. The histological report in this case indicated a compound odontoma. Discussion: Odontomas erupting into the oral cavity are rare. The first case was published in 1980, and since then only 17 cases have been reported in the literature. Eight of the 17 cases were complex odontomas; the rest were compound odontomas. Pain, swelling and infection were the most common symptoms, and 13 cases presented an impacted tooth associated with the lesion